TAY: thread about yambs...

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so me and my homegirl went out to Applebee's last night... the hood one
We just left the movies and I ain't feel like going home, plus I wanted to watch the game (I don't have cable) I text the BF but he wasn't responding in a timely manner so I was like lemme kick it with the homie and flex a bit

So we get there and it's like wall to wall dudes... granted not all of them were attractive but the ratio was DEF in our favor. She's single so I was like man let's kick it at the bar (more dudes there) Immediately she strikes up convo wit' one dude... I was like ok, cool, whatevs. I'm playing a good wingman and just enjoying the game
This ol' cat with a jheri curl provided me with lulz from time to time so I was good
Later on he offered me a margarita but I declined (only cuz I had already had two... if he asked earlier I woulda let ol' cuz trick his doh like no tomorrow)

Then my homegirl sees this dude she went to PV with... and he's looking over in our direction and mouths to her if the seat available next to her is open. She says it is, he comes to sit down and they immediately strike up a convo. He casually talks/ jokes with me here and there but I figured he was the one she was interested in because that's who he kept talking to. So they talk pretty much the whole first half of the game (sidenote: got DAM San Fran was gettin' in that ***
) My BF finally hits me back so I dipped to go kick it with him, but I figured my girl was in good hands anyway and I didn't wanna block so I told her to stay and that I'd get up with her later. There was no doubt in my mind she'd get his number etc. He seemed like a good dude and was engaging her in conversation.

So I text her this morning asking for details and she was like "naw he didn't ask for my number, I think he has a girl"
I asked why and she was like it was something he said but she didn't tell me specifically.

Now my thing is--- WHY EVEN DO THAT ?? I mean I guess I can understand flirting a little bit etc. but why lead somebody on with conversation the whole night, offer to buy shots, and you aren't interested? #PleaseRespond
My first thought is that men still want to stay sharp or maybe see if we still got it.  But for real, you only got one side of the story.  He could have legit just wanted to catch up and chill.  Men aren't always trying to holler.  Or your girl could just be playing with herself.  Keyword is she "thought" he had a girl because of something he said.  Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.  Find out what he said if it warrants that conclusion.
and sorry ya'll *** shots are reserved for someone else,not a message board full of strangers
Which, it ain't big in the first place... so I doubt ya'll would approve.
Let us decide if we approve lol just messing
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IMO that's lame... I mean I read all day long you guys don't like it when women play "games", but it seems it's not that the act of games , it's just the act of a WOMAN playing said games. You got a girl? Man that's what's up. But don't monopolize my time (that could've been spent talking to someone else who might've been single) and then at the end of the night when everybody is gone just peace out :lol: RUDE!
guys don't generally live by the do unto others creed when it comes to yambs.
just like a dude wouldn't want a chick wasting his time like that you'd think he'd try not to do the same.
we don't care though, actually i do but idk that's just how i'm wired, so it just be like that sometimes.
My first thought is that men still want to stay sharp or maybe see if we still got it.  But for real, you only got one side of the story.  He could have legit just wanted to catch up and chill.  Men aren't always trying to holler.  Or your girl could just be playing with herself.  Keyword is she "thought" he had a girl because of something he said.  Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.  Find out what he said if it warrants that conclusion.

all truths.... but catching up for an hour or two? >D Man I guess :lol:

I will never truly understand the way the male brain works, :smh: Ya'll are a piece of work!
IMO that's lame... I mean I read all day long you guys don't like it when women play "games", but it seems it's not that the act of games , it's just the act of a WOMAN playing said games. You got a girl? Man that's what's up. But don't monopolize my time (that could've been spent talking to someone else who might've been single) and then at the end of the night when everybody is gone just peace out
you are too old to not understand this.
you are too old to not understand this.

what does age have to do with it? Leading somebody on is rude, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, etc.

If I'm talking to somebody I get the sense that they may be feeling me out, trying to flirt, I shut it down. Not in a rude way, but in a way that let's them know I'm no longer interested and they shouldn't continue to waste their time. Women aren't very hard to read, a guy can pick up if we are feeling him romantically or not. If you getting vibes from shorty like she is feeling you but you know you have a girl and you genuinely "just want to catch up" casually bring up your girl or something (early on in the convo). That way it's established and the chick knows what's up front what's going on.

I get the whole thing about fishing etc. But don't be out here with all the toolery like you REALLY OUT HERE TRYING TO CATCH A FISH... I guess that's what I'm saying. Yea, you can feel good about yourself that you just stroked your ego for an hour or two on an unsuspecting bystander and go home and smash your girl. That's cool. But you also just wasted somebody's time.. a good chunk of it at that. As my homie likes to put it, "time that I can't ever get back" :lol: That's that **** I don't like.
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You mean, she didn't use her keen uncanny "female intuition" to alert herself that this guy has a woman at home? Shocking!

maaaan :lol: chicks stay talmbout "female intuition" all on twitter retweets and instagram tweegrams. I hate those *****. Half these broads single and/or sharing dudes and have the nerve.
maaaan :lol: chicks stay talmbout "female intuition" all on twitter retweets and instagram tweegrams. I hate those *****. Half these broads single and/or sharing dudes and have the nerve.
hell yeah. my girl tried to tell me the other day if i was sneakin around she thinks she would be able to tell/find out. i'm like bro....no....you really wouldn't. if i'm gone sneak i'm gone creep...creep! **** some intuition
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maaaan :lol: chicks stay talmbout "female intuition" all on twitter retweets and instagram tweegrams. I hate those *****. Half these broads single and/or sharing dudes and have the nerve.

Last female I knew who was talking about "female intuition"....she thought it was something that affected her financial aid $$$ at college.

Common sense > "female intuition"
I dk if y'all remember the roommate situation a couple of days ago...

But I waited a little bit to get at the roommate on the DM, was going to wait until sunday night and evidently I waited too long cause the original girl hit me up last night asking to hang out :smh: but :smokin at the same damn time

On the other hand, If I can pull that and use as leverage to chop it up with the roommate, I would give no dambs about pullin a bait an switch an potentially blowing that thing up on the way out the door :lol:

I just gotta make sure the roster is looking right tho before I do. Cant be shedding my roster like that word to the Marlins :lol:
Last female I knew who was talking about "female intuition"....she thought it was something that affected her financial aid $$$ at college.
Common sense > "female intuition"

only thing I have a "female intuition" about... sort of... is if a man is homosexual. But most of these young chicks out here just talking out they a**. Saying some **** so they can get a retweet or "likes".

I do think that when you've been when somebody for a long time and you pick up on their habits you can "tell" when something is up. I think that goes for males and females though. That kinda "I knew in the back of mind something was up... but I just didn't want to accept it"
Now this is the type of biggun worth getting at...YOu'd have the time of yo life I tell ya. Soft sloppy wet and not afraid to "rock the mic"!!![/COLOR]
what does age have to do with it? Leading somebody on is rude, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, etc.
If I'm talking to somebody I get the sense that they may be feeling me out, trying to flirt, I shut it down. Not in a rude way, but in a way that let's them know I'm no longer interested and they shouldn't continue to waste their time. Women aren't very hard to read, a guy can pick up if we are feeling him romantically or not. If you getting vibes from shorty like she is feeling you but you know you have a girl and you genuinely "just want to catch up" casually bring up your girl or something (early on in the convo). That way it's established and the chick knows what's up front what's going on.
I get the whole thing about fishing etc. But don't be out here with all the toolery like you REALLY OUT HERE TRYING TO CATCH A FISH... I guess that's what I'm saying. Yea, you can feel good about yourself that you just stroked your ego for an hour or two on an unsuspecting bystander and go home and smash your girl. That's cool. But you also just wasted somebody's time.. a good chunk of it at that. As my homie likes to put it, "time that I can't ever get back"
That's that **** I don't like.
Thats the game sweetheart.  If I can stroke my own ego I'm gonna do it.  It makes ME feel good but it also made her feel good too.  It happens everyday and it shouldn't be that big of a deal.  You are making it seem like your friend was ready to give up the draws and confess her love for him off a convo at a bar.  Its not "wasting time" if 2 adults flatter each other and keep it moving.  Dudes with charm can't and won't turn it off just because they got a wifey.  Thats who they are.  

And yes age does matter because you are too old to not understand this part of the game.  Sounds like something a hs/college chick would complain about.  

IMO that's lame... I mean I read all day long you guys don't like it when women play "games", but it seems it's not that the act of games , it's just the act of a WOMAN playing said games. You got a girl? Man that's what's up. But don't monopolize my time (that could've been spent talking to someone else who might've been single) and then at the end of the night when everybody is gone just peace out :lol: RUDE!


what does age have to do with it? Leading somebody on is rude, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, etc.
If I'm talking to somebody I get the sense that they may be feeling me out, trying to flirt, I shut it down. Not in a rude way, but in a way that let's them know I'm no longer interested and they shouldn't continue to waste their time. Women aren't very hard to read, a guy can pick up if we are feeling him romantically or not. If you getting vibes from shorty like she is feeling you but you know you have a girl and you genuinely "just want to catch up" casually bring up your girl or something (early on in the convo). That way it's established and the chick knows what's up front what's going on.
I get the whole thing about fishing etc. But don't be out here with all the toolery like you REALLY OUT HERE TRYING TO CATCH A FISH... I guess that's what I'm saying. Yea, you can feel good about yourself that you just stroked your ego for an hour or two on an unsuspecting bystander and go home and smash your girl. That's cool. But you also just wasted somebody's time.. a good chunk of it at that. As my homie likes to put it, "time that I can't ever get back" :lol: That's that **** I don't like.

[COLOR=#red]Has that happened to you a lot? Meaning have you been caught and released so to speak more than a few times? Just asking.

Also let's not act like women don't play games either. It is what it is.[/COLOR]
Just found out my ex is pregnant with twins; not by me though. We just broke up in January 
 Sounds like my ex. She already had a kid when I started dealing with her. She started acting up and we wound up separating (not even sure how). Now she's about to drop a set of twins, her current boyfriend is a DBoy and the police kicked in the door. She took the charge for a gun (her boyfriend already has a jacket). Now she and he can't get a job and has 3 kids. She was a tow truck driver before the kickdoe (not while I was talking to her though). 


Dodged that bullet. 
 Sounds like my ex. She already had a kid when I started dealing with her. She started acting up and we wound up separating (not even sure how). Now she's about to drop a set of twins, her current boyfriend is a DBoy and the police kicked in the door. She took the charge for a gun (her boyfriend already has a jacket). Now she and he can't get a job and has 3 kids. She was a tow truck driver before the kickdoe (not while I was talking to her though). 


Dodged that bullet.
Yeah we play games, but the end of the day we're only skilled participants that do enough to get by. Women are Kobe.
[COLOR=#red]Has that happened to you a lot? Meaning have you been caught and released so to speak more than a few times? Just asking.
Also let's not act like women don't play games either. It is what it is.[/COLOR]

Being approached by dudes with GFs? happened more than I cared for it to happen last year... like 2-3 times. I'll be minding my own business, they'll approach me etc. Prior to that though, didn't happen very often. Those situations were different because they were trying to really get me to do something with them, i.e they were trying to cheat. It wasn't let me flirt with you all night then dip out. Once I found out they were in relationships I peaced out though. Ain't nobody got time for that :lol:

I didn't say women don't play games, I said it seems as if lots of people think it's unfair when women play games but this whole idea of "catching fish" is one big game in itself that no one seems willing to admit to.

**edit, some admit to, other seem in denial about
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Being approached by dudes with GFs? happened more than I cared for it to happen last year... like 2-3 times. I'll be minding my own business, they'll approach me etc. Prior to that though, didn't happen very often. Those situations were different because they were trying to really get me to do something with them, i.e they were trying to cheat. It wasn't let me flirt with you all night then dip out. Once I found out they were in relationships I peaced out though. Ain't nobody got time for that :lol:
I didn't say women don't play games, I said it seems as if lots of people think it's unfair when women play games but this whole idea of "catching fish" is one big game in itself that no one seems willing to admit to.
**edit, some admit to, other seem in denial about

[COLOR=#red]I appreciate your honesty. But yeah it's definitely a game, and it can be quite dangerous because some you really don't want to throw back lol. Like ole girl I met on the plane...it was kind of easy because though she was bangin, she wasn't quite my type (mentally)...BUT had she been bangin like that AND have had a real solid head on her shoulders she might of had me leaning. [/COLOR]
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how do you find out they got girls, i mean i do dirt just by nature on my (chicks) and i never even bring up my girl or yo dude. Im real personal.
[COLOR=#red]I appreciate your honesty. But yeah it's definitely a game, and it can be quite dangerous because some you really don't want to throw back lol. Like ole girl I met on the plane...it was kind of easy because though she was bangin, she wasn't quite my type (mentally)...BUT had she been bangin like that AND have had a real solid head on her shoulders she might of had me leaning. [/COLOR]

yea. It was one dude .... man... if he had REALLY laid it on thick for us to kick it I might've gave in. A couple times I told myself "maaaaan **** ol' girl!" On some "if that's ya boyfriend he wasn't last night type steeze" :lol: :lol: :lol: He was my type and everything :smh: (mentally, physically, etc.) We text'd /flirt back n forth but after a while I just told him to stop cuz he wasn't going to leave his girl and I wasn't tryna be a side piece.

Anyways back to some yamb talk, it's getting too heavy in here :nerd:
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