TAY: thread about yambs...

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Shut yo ole cup caking *** up >D
Stop thinking about it as if it completely separate world..same chicks that are online walk around the earth just like the females you come across daily social networks just gives us access to the women outside of our territory so to speak.
She's done all the work for you at some point your instincts should have kicked in assuming you bag girls in the real world.
Get her number then do what it is you do when you get a random girls number at a school/club/bar etc.

you like the grinch of NT... why you be so dam ORNERY !? :smh: :lol:
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theres this yambsicle i been interested in at school and we talked before a lil and i our class we have some swivel seats and they tend to break after a while and wheni got to class my chair was broken so i ask if the chair next to her is broken she says no its good so im aboutta go sit next her and then the girl that sits on her other side whom she was chatiin with tells me "uhm i think we need to sit with our groups today" and im like

and the girl who i was interested in didnt say nothing.

im thinkin its cuz she also felt awkward when she said that. analyze the situation bros. i dont get it
Why do you have to dead her though?

Get the yambs and dead her after :lol:

But things aint really work out like that...I was making moves, getting it in, and next thing i know she just stops texting me. We all know what happens when a chick stops texting you, she found somebody else, so i really just want to dead her because i'm not trying to waste my time you know what i mean. Plus I just found out she got a new boyfriend, which I know won't last long...

In that case, it should be easy to dead her.

Do what you do, talk to other girls and all and once you find one that you like, you'll forget the other one easily.
In that case, it should be easy to dead her.
Do what you do, talk to other girls and all and once you find one that you like, you'll forget the other one easily.
I do that too, but she still stay on my mind fam. I guess im not trying hard enough.I"m going hard tomrrow. NO dambs given.
theres this yambsicle i been interested in at school and we talked before a lil and i our class we have some swivel seats and they tend to break after a while and wheni got to class my chair was broken so i ask if the chair next to her is broken she says no its good so im aboutta go sit next her and then the girl that sits on her other side whom she was chatiin with tells me "uhm i think we need to sit with our groups today" and im like

and the girl who i was interested in didnt say nothing.
im thinkin its cuz she also felt awkward when she said that. analyze the situation bros. i dont get it
You're over analyzing the situation. The girl probably just wanted to talk to her friend and she wanted to stay in her usual seat (based off what you're saying you wanted to take her seat since yours was broken)so she just came up with bs excuse to shoo you away. Why would the girl say something to the other one if they are friends.
When at a club..

I ask the cute chick out to dance, she says yes but then her friend stops her from going out to dance with me and tells me to keep it moving..

Why do they do that?

Happens every now and then..
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Is it possible to smash a girl with a bf ??

im 17 and shes 18

mmm she real good tooo , she has a body with a smang smang bang

i like what god gave her

but she always fapping about her bf

bf this bf that

like can i ***** plz srs

For 1 . I know I can talk to her with confidence , so scratch that.

Talk is the key , but will it work ??

Any experience on girls with bfs

how can i let myself in by letting her know i wanna cut , naked and err thang and thats it

without doing too much ?

thanks guys

I'm not usually a proponent of dirty mackin but it's possible bruh. I've hit girls with boyfriends and it's all about her liking you more than her boyfriend, or wanting to be smanged by another dude. You say you can talk to her, so the next step is just home run tactics, tell her straight up you wanna hit.

LMAO OMG sleepy
When at a club..

I ask the cute chick out to dance, she says yes but then her friend stops her from going out to dance with me and tells me to keep it moving..

Why do they do that?

Happens every now and then..
OMG, STORY OF MY LIFE, which is why i NEVER approach a girl anymore at the club if i see her friend near, even if her friend is fine they blockin, i wait until they trynna get in VIP or somethin and when the friend go to try and flirt her way in, i sneak on da target right quick
im bout to ask this girl i sit next to when she going to let me hit it. Ima just say it straight forward.

she always talking about wanting to get smashed by this counselor from school blah blah blah. I'm in high school.

she always naming girls to see which ones from the ones she names i would smash.

asked me about this one girl that is ghost white, i said nah, she said but im white.

**** it ima demand some yambs. 

wish me luck guys.
Theres this girl that went to hs with me....she so BAD. Like BAD....im just sitting here like :smh: damn. Id do some unholy **** to her....straight up . Id prob simp too..thats how bad she is.
the bf thing....exactly what someone said up there...do the exact opposite of what  she is saying her bf is like, if hes a jerk just act super interested..its all about if she likes you and if you like her alot of the girls that have the bf problems also want someone to make em feel special since their dudes treat em like dirt and take em for granted..ive smashed a girl in az that had a bf and i guess she wrote a note to her friend in class about and her man found it in the car and i guess that was the reason i hadnt heard from her so then her friend calls me and tell me what happened so later that night we are at a party and that chick that called was my cuzzins ex they had broken up like 3 days before he left and then she comes up to me telling me she wants to tell me somethin then i responded you can tell me right here cuz all my cuzzins friends were there,then she grabbed me by the hand and she tried to kiss me, then she asked you dont want to kiss me, then i said nawww but you can kiss me 

the rest is history....i came back to cali and my cuzzin called me furious and blah.

the girl with the bf is now having a baby with the guy she was seeing, i smashed the very first night i was in AZ and SHE paid for the hotel room.

another response for the dude with the girl from school..go for it.

i was in love with this girl ever since middle school, i had never talked to her until our sophmore year of high school, we somehow got alot of classes together so we would talk and she would sit next to me and i would make her laugh alot..towards the end of the year she tells me, if you were to cut your hair you would get so much action...i went home and cut my goofy parted hair, i had a line down the middle for a week..but i noticed she was more giggly and she was cheesin alot for that last week of school...and on the last day she gives me her number..

then it was the summer and i left and the story above happened at that time...turns out the whole time i was gone she was callin me..flash forward first week of school im a brand new dude..confidence is at max, then im walkin this chick im in love with but she dont know it, and we get to her class and i sent her off then she calls me back and she kissed me...i was with her for 10 months then i upgraded to a better model.
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I've got a good one for you guys...

My bday this weekend :pimp:...Hit the club with my boys and a few girls. My friend invites his co-worker who he is also interested in. She brings a friend who tells her friend I am hot, friend tells me and I go to work right away. Don't remember the conversation much but we end up making out most of the night.

Later in the night I guess she starts crying because she is "dating" a guy...Mind you we are all getting wasted.

My buddy makes out with his co-worker but they text the next day and he says it's kinda weird but they are into each other. The co-worker also tells my boy that I was all over her girl and was buying rounds all night.

I wanna make a move with the friend (girl I hooked up with) but I'm not quite sure how to play it. Didn't get her number, but she was sober when she said I was hot (or barely buzzing).

I'm not close with her friend (my boys co-worker) and I'm not sure how to play it. By the end of the night I was taking another girl home (my booty call), but my other friends that were there said it was mutual in us being all over each other and they thought she was gunna be mine for the night.


Message her on fbook (Can be a bit creepy)
Ask her friend for the number
My boy invites his co-worker out, and tells her to bring her friend...He doesnt know how he wants to play it with his girl, or else this would be perfect.

Message her on fbook (Can be a bit creepy)
Ask her friend for the number
My boy invites his co-worker out, and tells her to bring her friend...He doesnt know how he wants to play it with his girl, or else this would be perfect.


But you gonna think whether you wanna be that potential relationship wrecker guy and factor in that she'll most likely do the same to you. Then proceed to smash.
But you gonna think whether you wanna be that potential relationship wrecker guy and factor in that she'll most likely do the same to you. Then proceed to smash.

Forgot to say they have been on like 3 dates, so this is fairly recent and it's not a bf/gf type deal.
TAY fambs especially those in the white community.. When someone says they "hooked up" I've been under the impression for years that this means 2nd-3rd base, but I know it varies and it can also mean actually smanging. 

Honestly, my brothers and the like from urban backdrops don't use the term.. We say we f'd or not plain and simple.. What does this shh mean? I know plenty becky's that throw it out to.

ran across this, shh that make the yambz go crazy.. Be competent in your approach fellas..
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TAY fambs especially those in the white community.. When someone says they "hooked up" I've been under the impression for years that this means 2nd-3rd base, but I know it varies and it can also mean actually smanging. 

Honestly, my brothers and the like from urban backdrops don't use the term.. We say we f'd or not plain and simple.. What does this shh mean? I know plenty becky's that throw it out to.

ran across this, shh that make the yambz go crazy.. Be competent in your approach fellas..

Had an interesting convo on "hooked up", "dating", and "talking" to some one. My conclusion, "Hooked up" takes on a different meaning considering where its coming from, if girl says it - she probably smashed. If a guy says it, he probably kisses hee goodnight

And that chart is foolish.
Had an interesting convo on "hooked up", "dating", and "talking" to some one. My conclusion, "Hooked up" takes on a different meaning considering where its coming from, if girl says it - she probably smashed. If a guy says it, he probably kisses hee goodnight
And that chart is foolish.
Had an interesting convo on "hooked up", "dating", and "talking" to some one. My conclusion, "Hooked up" takes on a different meaning considering where its coming from, if girl says it - she probably smashed. If a guy says it, he probably kisses hee goodnight
And that chart is foolish.
*puts shirt back on and takes off running shoes*
I think I ran shirtless twice in my life.. I was feelin' my self a bit too much one summer day, way too out of shape to be doing now, but i'll get back to it. I only rock boxers in the crib already, but my ex was always turned on by black wife-beaters. 

Also, same ex hated hair, so I had to keep the midsection and pubic area bare, but I had a fling for 3 months with another chick while me and the ex was broken up and the fling thought the fact that i shaved was metro as hell, lol.. 
 Stupid ***
old yamb that's supposed to come kick it...

supposed to jump on the bus and come out to dallas from oklahoma...

i stopped a bird at mcdonalds today and asked where she got her hair twisted at (i have long hair)

her: "i left the number in my car... take my number down and i'll text it to you."

meh... she may not want the D... but getting any kind of number for any reason is a refresher...

fellas... you may not need a layup in the yambs...

maybe a good pass... smart play... anything... that will get you back in the groove...

old yamb that's supposed to come kick it...
supposed to jump on the bus and come out to dallas from oklahoma...
i stopped a bird at mcdonalds today and asked where she got her hair twisted at (i have long hair)
her: "i left the number in my car... take my number down and i'll text it to you."
meh... she may not want the D... but getting any kind of number for any reason is a refresher...
fellas... you may not need a layup in the yambs...
maybe a good pass... smart play... anything... that will get you back in the groove...
pointy elbows.
shaped like zucchini.
skin tone too tangerine-y.
easy pass.
:lol: nice body on this one, though :smokin
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