TAY: thread about yambs...

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it wasnt just the bipolar...it was the low self esteem...couldnt even say if they had feelings, but would hit me up with an *** kissing text after a month or two of IGNORING all types of communication....it was crazy.....it went on for about a year like that...imagine that mess.
it wasnt just the bipolar...it was the low self esteem...couldnt even say if they had feelings, but would hit me up with an *** kissing text after a month or two of IGNORING all types of communication....it was crazy.....it went on for about a year like that...imagine that mess.


Man you must have been seeing the same girl I'm seeing right now :lol:

I hit her up with a simple "what's up?" No response, acts like I don't even exist for several weeks, and then out of nowhere "I found a video of us two
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Man you must have been seeing the same girl I'm seeing right now

I hit her up with a simple "what's up?" No response, acts like I don't even exist for several weeks, and then out of nowhere "I found a video of us two <3" (a youtube video of a girl of her ethnicity and a guy of my ethnicity getting married). Or she hits me up and asks me about different scenarios "If I do _____ would you still be with me" "If I get______ would you still be with me" etc. I told her straight up "If I'm wasting my time, just let me know" and she replied "Why do you always assume something is wrong between us?"

Oh, and the @#$% that pisses me off the most...ignoring a text, but then liking/commenting on my new FB profile pic/Instagram pic/FB status from her phone a few minutes later...Really???
Like I said, red flags everywhere for crazy behavior...but somehow I'm attracted to it. I've had a few other girls hit me up in the mean time but they're too easy...I guess I like a challenge even if it might turn out bad
lol....i promise we are not talking about the same person...lol (this is hilarious).....also....i was not in it for the challenge like you are.....i was just tired of giving up on friends when they were not up to par....so i gave this person chances...lots of them...to the point where i looked a fool. 
Some of you only know me from this thread but don't get it confused I've been on NT since I was damn 17, I'm 26 now.... and guys bash females on this board ALL.DAY.LONG. If you think what I did was 'bashing' then you don't know what bashing is.

But hey, I'm a sucka and I'm not a good friend anyway so I guess Slick you should consider yourself lucky we aren't friends in real life :smile:
Were you talking to me?
it wasnt just the bipolar...it was the low self esteem...couldnt even say if they had feelings, but would hit me up with an *** kissing text after a month or two of IGNORING all types of communication....it was crazy.....it went on for about a year like that...imagine that mess.
that sounds more like it, btw bipolar is an inaccurate term, manic depressive is the correct term and even still some of what you guys is hardly evidence of being manic depressive, its a pretty clear cut diagnosis and its extreme so unless a girl has been vibrant for 3 months, and pretty much a recluse confined to her living quarters for several months afterwards, most of you havent really dated a chick with them problems, them girls just playin you like you would her
:nerd: i've noticed a correlation between forehead size and yamb quality...
My dude...

wee bay.GIF x1,000,000,000!!!!

Too much real life, famb...


.yambs refer to the vagina ... however, you can use it to reference a choosey Susie, a jump off, or something you really wanna smang.
Bi polar chicks are a no no. You get serious with that expect headaches every other day.. Not worth the trouble :smh:
I have a young one on line right now but I just can't do it. Humped several times, been knowing her for a while and she's a smart one.
But I know that mental stability will never be there, oh well. I'd rather she have bad credit :lol:
Nt I'm a bit top brainy when talking to a chick how do I go on dates or talk to chicks who don't really care for actual intellectual stimulating conversations
My dude...
wee bay.GIF x1,000,000,000!!!!
Too much real life, famb...
.yambs refer to the vagina ... however, you can use it to reference a choosey Susie, a jump off, or something you really wanna smang.
Yambs should be clearly defined in the original post in order to eliminate any confusion.

Was just going to post this :lol: :nthat:

Guys need to remember most women don't want to talk about important/serious things, they want to have laugh, have fun and have a good time with whoever. Women are creatures of emotion, remember that.
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internet has had a negative effect on my in person yamb acquiring ability... Back in high school i would just add the girl i liked on fb, comment/like a couple pics, send a message and be in the game.... If i knew the long term effects of cyber thirst I would of never gotten involved. The problem is that due to only dealing with girls online for years i've kind of forgotten how to read those little clues girls send off in real conversations. Been trying to practice around the neighborhood but these girls don't ever leave the crib :smh:
internet has had a negative effect on my in person yamb acquiring ability... Back in high school i would just add the girl i liked on fb, comment/like a couple pics, send a message and be in the game.... If i knew the long term effects of cyber thirst I would of never gotten involved. The problem is that due to only dealing with girls online for years i've kind of forgotten how to read those little clues girls send off in real conversations. Been trying to practice around the neighborhood but these girls don't ever leave the crib
REal spit..no chick ever goes out side anymore..like where they be at?. in the house all day doin what?
REal spit..no chick ever goes out side anymore..like where they be at?. in the house all day doin what?
all the easy girls are at walmart the kinda classier ones are at target...if you're feeling fancy hit up a small grocery store like whole foods, the weekend is especially full of these educated girls that work 5 days a week and are really lonely..go out there and get em! 

you lookin in all the wrong spots, you gotta get em where they wouldnt expect to get hit on..that lets em know that you like em even if they're not all made up and pretty, i like girls that are naturally lookin and fine even without warpaint. 
all the easy girls are at walmart the kinda classier ones are at target...if you're feeling fancy hit up a small grocery store like whole foods, the weekend is especially full of these educated girls that work 5 days a week and are really lonely..go out there and get em! 

you lookin in all the wrong spots, you gotta get em where they wouldnt expect to get hit on..that lets em know that you like em even if they're not all made up and pretty, i like girls that are naturally lookin and fine even without warpaint. 

TRUUUU. :smokin wise words here fellas
^ No lie the grocery store is one of the easiest spots to get at girls. They don't go in all doll up, not tryna impress. Maybe a lil makeup, a shirt and some leggings. Easy work.
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