TAY: thread about yambs...

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I'm tired of j/'s trying to make me work for it...its starting to urk me..this is I mess with older women..not for the fact they are easier bit that they dont see me as a rest haven...for ex. I met this 6 at the highest 7 last week mad ratchet white chick with a pinch of class..she wanted to go home with me but her friend blocked..so we set up for her to spend the night next week so she talking about I don't wanna have sex because were not going to.get in a relationship later...I know she is just talking ****...but still its the Principle
that's what I'm saying--- why would calling a girl you like and could see yourself being with "look like thirst" ???? Thirst is calling 5-6 times a day, and leaving voicemails 3 out of the 6 times. If you get her number friday, and call the next day why would they be "thirst"?? I mean most chicks I function with , we define thirst as 'OD' texting/calling. Not just simply calling.
Who is out here telling ya'll this info?

A girl I used to talk with used to text/call me 24/7 throughout the day while I would usually just hit her up on my own once in a while. She complained that I didn't seem interested...starting calling/texting her more on my own to let her know I did care, and then she cut me off...her cousin that I'm cool with told me it was because to the girl, it seemed like I was becoming the woman in the relationship :stoneface: It wasn't even like I hit her up OD throughout the day...just maybe a phone call at night just to talk for a few minutes :smh: You may be the exception, but most women are confusing as @#$% when it comes to this.

The girl I'm currently talking to is confusing as hell to communicate with too. Half the time she loves to talk, the other half she prefers quiet...never know when to hit her up without being annoying :smh:
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You serious? I met this girl that I see relationship potential in and we're supposed to go out Saturday, I havent talked to her on the phone yet. I didnt even consider calling cause it looks like thirst, now you got me feeling like I should. I mean its not like I'm clueless as to what I'm doing but this seems like a very valid point. Been like two weeks since the number was acquired if that makes any difference.

that's what I'm saying--- why would calling a girl you like and could see yourself being with "look like thirst" ???? Thirst is calling 5-6 times a day, and leaving voicemails 3 out of the 6 times. If you get her number friday, and call the next day why would they be "thirst"?? I mean most chicks I function with , we define thirst as 'OD' texting/calling. Not just simply calling.

Who is out here telling ya'll this info?

Cuz your cohorts running wild out here, i've seen dudes just say "hi" and keep it moving, then chick does the "uhh, stalker" response.

Man, I apologize--- but I know we ain't all crazy. But hey, if a girl is giving you mixed signals about something as significant communication then you know that's not somebody you should really consider to be "wifey" material. Dead her quick cuz trust me other weird idiosyncrasies will start to rear their ugly head.

So me and mine just had a convo about "communication" (ya'll got me thinking about it) Cuz he NEVER really hits me up, unless to go out/make plans; or random odd ****. When he's outta town I'll hear from him more, oddly enough (check in when he go there... one random from what it's like where he at.... one he about to leave) However when he in town it's ghost. I just asked him straight up and he told me he prefers to text and not call and that he understands I wanna hear from him more and he'll step it up a bit. Just be straightforward, if they give you something sensible then you know it's legit--- if they come at you with a bunch of incoherent nonsense babbling then dead it. It's just different from what I'm used to, cuz most dudes would call me a couple times a week, and text a couple times of text. I got used to it :rolleyes

Preach! I am old school and I've always told these girls that I'm that way. I pretty much suck at texting but I am sooooo smooth on the phone or conversating face to face.
Have two totally unrelated stories....well One is a story that happened today and the other is a question in regards to communication strategy (no cliffs):

So today, I get a text from this older chick I used to talk to (I'm 24, she's 29) asking am I busy. I'm at work but I tell her I'll call her since my office isn't open yet. we chat for a second then she breaks it down: She is in the process of losing weight. She's thick but not fat. No stomach just some chunk here and there, but she's looking for new ways to work out since she's over push ups and sit ups. She reads that sex helps people lose weight faster, which is true. She then proceeds to ask me to be her "workout partner". At first I'm like ":rofl: :rofl: :rofl:" but she was dead #@$ serious. She says she trusts me and wants to try to get it in every day if possible. I know this all sounds crazy but I had to share. She's legit...I've known her a long while and she stays true to her word so we'll see..could be :smokin or :smh:

Now here's the question/advice part of the post:
There's another older woman (26 to 24) and we used to talk. I kinda rushed things with her in a relationship sense... :smh: I know but we recently became cool. She invites me over to "study" as she has her own condo....she gives hints and there's the undeniable sexual tension in the air as neither one of us are dating/talking to anyone at the moment. Sadly nothing happens but she randomly texts me throughout the day every time she sees something that makes her think of me and $%^#like that. How should I approach this situation? Like is this tension/chemistry reel or fanta-see?
what are your guys thoughts on......

lets say you're at a bar/club dancing with a chick with some small talk in between and its CLEAR that there is some kind of chemistry there. At least physically at first. Then 10-15 min later, she tells you.....

1. I'll be back gotta use the bathroom
2. Im gonna go to the bar.
3. Im gonna find my friends.

Most of the time I take all 3 of these as a means of her just leaving, meaning she is not interested. So I never wait for her and just continue doing my thing with friends/other girls there. But then you make eye contact with that same girl throughout the night. So basically what i'm asking is: When do i know if they are interested or if they are just using a nice excuse to leave?
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what are your guys thoughts on......
lets say you're at a bar/club dancing with a chick with some small talk in between and its CLEAR that there is some kind of chemistry there. At least physically at first. Then 10-15 min later, she tells you.....
1. I'll be back gotta use the bathroom
2. Im gonna go to the bar.
3. Im gonna find my friends.
Most of the time I take all 3 of these as a means of her just leaving, meaning she is not interested. So I never wait for her and just continue doing my thing with friends/other girls there. But then you make eye contact with that same girl throughout the night. So basically what i'm asking is: When do i know if they are interested or if they are just using a nice excuse to leave?

Well when that happens, I usually just try to get the number before they leave to do whatever it is they're going to do. Worse they can say is they're good.
^she is trying to move things forward get her number or give her some type of directions next time that is a long time to be dancing with a chick my knees would get tired.
what are your guys thoughts on......
lets say you're at a bar/club dancing with a chick with some small talk in between and its CLEAR that there is some kind of chemistry there. At least physically at first. Then 10-15 min later, she tells you.....
1. I'll be back gotta use the bathroom
2. Im gonna go to the bar.
3. Im gonna find my friends.
Most of the time I take all 3 of these as a means of her just leaving, meaning she is not interested. So I never wait for her and just continue doing my thing with friends/other girls there. But then you make eye contact with that same girl throughout the night. So basically what i'm asking is: When do i know if they are interested or if they are just using a nice excuse to leave?

Scratch that--- 2 an 3 mean you whack and she not feeling you. :lol: (sorry :\) We go to the club to MEET dudes so we don't need to always be on our friends, wtf would we wanna find them for if we got a dude in our face??? Unless she the ugly one in the bunch.... man I done been spots and ain't met up with the homies till it was time to GO. We on a mission, and you either apart of it or not. And if you not, we moving on to the next... using lines like the aforementioned.

So you need to work on what exactly are you doing within that 10-15 min time frame that's blowing your chances... cuz obviously you are attractive, so that's not it.

1 may be she legit gotta use the bathroom.... if she tries to look for you when she comes back then you might have a chance.
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what is the social norm or concensus about douche moves...

My sitiuation is that we were dating a while and then completely deaded her - not a single hit back no text or call

is that like worse than cheating to a woman ? is it not that bad ? am I f'd ?

do I like her still because I care and am asking this ??
Got a boy who just moved into a condo downtown. Jelly at easy access of grade 8+ yambs.
So I met this virgin, she got the whole morals and blah blah speech. I don't buy it personally seeing she say she hang around alot of dudes which usual indicate a ***. Chick is an easy 9 too. :rolleyes
She looked thirsty the moment I saw her looking my way. Hearing her talk about her V card, she sounds serious doe...
bruh... eff all that virgin nonsense...

virgins are A. overrated and B. overrated...

chick that's been on the D a few times >>>>>>>> virgin...


what part of town you on, brudda?

i'm on the north... Somewhere in between Plano, Addison, and Carrollton... but never fully in either one of them... :lol:

its cool... shops at legacy seems straight... and belt line is cool... just dont really seem like my speed, nomsaying?

who am i kidding... i just dont feel it cuz i dont eem know how to come at these yambs out here. :lol:

i need a LAYUP... high percentage backdoor flex cut YAMB... bringing in these out of towners is taking up too much of my damb time...
A happy hour related method that's worked for me a few times...I call this...the Don Draper/McNulty and it is a solo approach. This is NOT for novices, light drinkers, or shy people.

Go to a restaurant/bar still in your work clothes on a Thursday or Friday night after a long day of work. A good time to go is between 9 and 10 or whenever it's still fairly easy to find a seat at the bar, but the place isn't empty either. Sit down at the bar next to the girl of your choice, undo your top button, loosen up your tie, sigh (optional), proceed to order 2 shots and take them back to back (don't look like a *****). I guarantee if she sees you do this and you are a decent looking guy you will have gotten her attention. Don't worry about looking like a crazy person or an alcoholic. The business attire will help separate you from the rest of the crowd and give your binge drinking purpose. Now you wait a minute or two after taking those two shots but you put your hand on the bar like you're going to order another. Making eye contact with the girl at this moment is KEY. She might ask "rough day?" (best case) or she might just look at you like your crazy (worst case). If she talks to you first, you have already gotten her number when the conversation is over and depending on the girl you might be getting yambs that night if you play your cards right rest of the night. Now if she says nothing, you can ask her if she'd have a drink with you and she likely will. She might not even ask about you taking those two shots, don't bring it up yourself. If she does say something, just tell her that you got held up at work finishing a project and you're just glad the week is over; or basically something that makes sense if she asks what your job is after. You can always make up being a business man and say that you lost a big client or something if you are unemployed.




**** i work downtown. I should be doing this all the time but I dont have my own crib
what is the social norm or concensus about douche moves...

My sitiuation is that we were dating a while and then completely deaded her - not a single hit back no text or call

is that like worse than cheating to a woman ? is it not that bad ? am I f'd ?

do I like her still because I care and am asking this ??

Damn bruh you did her like that?

That's pretty much worse than a lot of bull**** that you can pull with a woman. That tells her
1.) You ain't interested anymore
2.) You got what you needed and don't need her services any further
3.) She's not worth much, she's garbage
4.) You're a douche. (Which she will tell all her homegirls and word will spread.)

Shouldn't have done that, probably best to move on and learn from it. Too much drama will occur if you try to save it.. you'll pretty much be starting from the bottom and trying to fix things for a while.

Do you still like her? Do you care about how she feels or do you care about being considered a douchebag?
Met a chick that I'm going crazy over. I've only known this chick for less than a week; yet she's all I can think about. I haven't hit up my other chicks/prospects because of this chick either :smh: . Basically gave one of my yambs up, she was getting the boot anyways. So I'm headed out tomorrow night to see if I can find a cutie to compete for this mind space this new chick has monopolized. I hate feeling so vulnerable.
Damn bruh you did her like that?

That's pretty much worse than a lot of bull**** that you can pull with a woman. That tells her
1.) You ain't interested anymore
2.) You got what you needed and don't need her services any further
3.) She's not worth much, she's garbage
4.) You're a douche. (Which she will tell all her homegirls and word will spread.)

Shouldn't have done that, probably best to move on and learn from it. Too much drama will occur if you try to save it.. you'll pretty much be starting from the bottom and trying to fix things for a while.

Do you still like her? Do you care about how she feels or do you care about being considered a douchebag?
1. yeah ish got real. my homie died in a car accident and i just stopped hittin her up for some reason.

2. when we met we were in the same city but two weeks in she moved an hour away to college n I didn't have a whip.. *feelsbadsteez*

3.i don't think shes garbage

4. I am a douche..

I know I effed up but I still got an important bracelet of hers i want to at least give back to her. we don't share many mutual friends cuz shes a few years younger than i. I think all I want to do really is apologize to her whether she's coo with me or not. If she ain't having anything to do with me then we straight at least i don't have her stuff anymore. I seen her one time and we quickly chatted and i mentioned the bracelet, she hesitated and didn't really know what to say. she finally said that its okay and that she'll get it back whenever
Met a chick that I'm going crazy over. I've only known this chick for less than a week; yet she's all I can think about. I haven't hit up my other chicks/prospects because of this chick either :smh: . Basically gave one of my yambs up, she was getting the boot anyways. So I'm headed out tomorrow night to see if I can find a cutie to compete for this mind space this new chick has monopolized. I hate feeling so vulnerable.
not cook bro.

Get your emotions in check...
what is the social norm or concensus about douche moves...

My sitiuation is that we were dating a while and then completely deaded her - not a single hit back no text or call

is that like worse than cheating to a woman ? is it not that bad ? am I f'd ?

do I like her still because I care and am asking this ??

Did anything go bad between the both of you? At any point did you lose some respect for her?
I called her. She didn't pick up, no call back either. Feelsbadman.
Met a chick that I'm going crazy over. I've only known this chick for less than a week; yet she's all I can think about. I haven't hit up my other chicks/prospects because of this chick either :smh: . Basically gave one of my yambs up, she was getting the boot anyways. So I'm headed out tomorrow night to see if I can find a cutie to compete for this mind space this new chick has monopolized. I hate feeling so vulnerable.
I know this feel.
what are your guys thoughts on......
lets say you're at a bar/club dancing with a chick with some small talk in between and its CLEAR that there is some kind of chemistry there. At least physically at first. Then 10-15 min later, she tells you.....
1. I'll be back gotta use the bathroom
2. Im gonna go to the bar.
3. Im gonna find my friends.
Most of the time I take all 3 of these as a means of her just leaving, meaning she is not interested. So I never wait for her and just continue doing my thing with friends/other girls there. But then you make eye contact with that same girl throughout the night. So basically what i'm asking is: When do i know if they are interested or if they are just using a nice excuse to leave?

I am typically the one who has to go to the bathroom so I definitely know how challenging #1 can be. Personally, and I know this may be frowned upon, but when I bring up that I have to go to the bathroom and I know we're feeling each other I say something like "It's really a shame because we both know that typically when one person goes to the bathroom, you never see them for the rest of the night". It usually gets a giggle at which point one of several things happens:

1. You get their number if you haven't already and then all is good
2. They'll promise to wait for you and all is good
3. They'll say "Oh well I have to go to bathroom too so I'll go with you :D" and all is good

It's never really backfired on me *Kanye Shrug*
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