TAY: thread about yambs...

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My dude, Ricky. Happy Hours are impressionable for two main reasons. First is networking professionally for the career-oriented. Second is meeting young, professional women searching for relief, an oasis away from the office.

Real Talk: I can't even do Friday or Saturday nights in the city anymore. Music is loud, dance floor is sweaty. Drinks are overpriced/expensive. If and when you meet a girl you're attracted to, bonding and getting to know each other isn't conducive to the loud, wild environment unless you step away (outside). In that case, you're abandoning the group you initially came to party and spend time with.

Never did the Happy Hour scene...been on my professional grind for a few years now, and I'm sure there are plenty of single women looking for the same thing I'm looking for. 

The thing is I'm not a drinker at all though...

You're missing out b. You don't have to drink, happy hour food specials are pretty good too.
got a date tmrw. not even tryna go in for the yambs. Just tryna kick it
This, sometimes I just want a companion.
Alright, so I got this girls number off twitter. We been texting for about a week and now we supposed to chill and ****. But, I aint never talked to her on the phone or whatever, so I feel like this **** bout to be mad awkward when I roll up in there. What's my play ?

..... famb.... how you ain't ever talked to her on the phone :stoneface: CALL HER BEFORE THE DATE. If the phone convo is stale/weak then you already know what's up---

Phone conversations are your buffer to see if you really even wanna go out with the broad, if this isn't somebody you already know.

Which, why are dudes so scared to call nowadays? Seriously--- it's like an epidemic. I genuinely WANT to know. Will text all day but will seriously NOT call.



I know personally if it's somebody who never calls me I stop responding to texts... Forget all that.

Unless you the super bomb.com you can send a carrier pigeon and I'll still **** with you :lol:
yo jumpan thats cool and all but Im not about to get faded & lie to get some yambs...although I will say the one time I lied to a chick I told her my name was Chris and I go to ohio state just for the hell of it..she turned out to be a scholar from howard university lol..when I told her the truth she was still down but thats ehhh forget her now
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the Don Draper/McNulty and it is a solo approach. This is NOT for novices, light drinkers, or shy people.

you usually make solid post, but this is just ******ed. I don't understand why some dudes come up with these elaborate scenarios/conversations :lol: :smh:. I like Mad Men too but it's a damn TV show duke :lol: There's nothing wrong with just ordering a drink, walking up to a broad and introducing yourself and making a decent conversation. humor is important though, always try to get a girl to laugh as much as possible but don't try too hard.
Never did the Happy Hour scene...been on my professional grind for a few years now, and I'm sure there are plenty of single women looking for the same thing I'm looking for. 

The thing is I'm not a drinker at all though...

You don't have to drink bro. Just hit a happy hour with a few friends or coworkers. Chit chat about whatever. If some chicks are nearby, maybe ask them a random question about what yall are talking about, anything just to break the ice. It's about being in the scene moreso than being drunk. You can have the best bait in the world but you're not gonna catch any saltwater fish in a freshwater pond.

Myself and the homies will hit a popular happy hour, chill, drink, talk **** or whatever. If chicks are nearby, sometimes you can see or sense them looking your direction or hearing what you're talking about. "Hey yall catch the debate last night? Who do yall think won?" or whatever. It doesn't matter as long as you start conversation. Once yall have established rapport, see what they're doing later, the weekend, etc. Acquire mathematics, flourish and prosper.
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A happy hour related method that's worked for me a few times...I call this...the Don Draper/McNulty and it is a solo approach. This is NOT for novices, light drinkers, or shy people.
Go to a restaurant/bar still in your work clothes on a Thursday or Friday night after a long day of work. A good time to go is between 9 and 10 or whenever it's still fairly easy to find a seat at the bar, but the place isn't empty either. Sit down at the bar next to the girl of your choice, undo your top button, loosen up your tie, sigh (optional), proceed to order 2 shots and take them back to back (don't look like a *****). I guarantee if she sees you do this and you are a decent looking guy you will have gotten her attention. Don't worry about looking like a crazy person or an alcoholic. The business attire will help separate you from the rest of the crowd and give your binge drinking purpose. Now you wait a minute or two after taking those two shots but you put your hand on the bar like you're going to order another. Making eye contact with the girl at this moment is KEY. She might ask "rough day?" (best case) or she might just look at you like your crazy (worst case). If she talks to you first, you have already gotten her number when the conversation is over and depending on the girl you might be getting yambs that night if you play your cards right rest of the night. Now if she says nothing, you can ask her if she'd have a drink with you and she likely will. She might not even ask about you taking those two shots, don't bring it up yourself. If she does say something, just tell her that you got held up at work finishing a project and you're just glad the week is over; or basically something that makes sense if she asks what your job is after. You can always make up being a business man and say that you lost a big client or something if you are unemployed.

one of the best responses I've seen in this thread.... I could def see myself getting sucked into this web... I'm shy, so I doubt I'd speak, but I def look at him and make eye contact.

Idk about getting the yambs THAT NIGHT, but my number would be his as long as he can keep up a good convo.
one of the best responses I've seen in this thread.... I could def see myself getting sucked into this web... I'm shy, so I doubt I'd speak, but I def look at him and make eye contact.
Idk about getting the yambs THAT NIGHT, but my number would be his as long as he can keep up a good convo.
it's funny dudes were bashing him for his method but the one Yamb Carrying Member of the thread approves...so that's really all that matters, right?
riiiiiiight. :smokin
I know personally if it's somebody who never calls me I stop responding to texts... Forget all that.

Unless you the super bomb.com you can send a carrier pigeon and I'll still **** with you
You serious? I met this girl that I see relationship potential in and we're supposed to go out Saturday, I havent talked to her on the phone yet. I didnt even consider calling cause it looks like thirst, now you got me feeling like I should. I mean its not like I'm clueless as to what I'm doing but this seems like a very valid point. Been like two weeks since the number was acquired if that makes any difference.
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no girls are the same.

if you ugly it doesn't matter how many shots you take.

and all those backt o back shots did was set a platform for breaking the ice.

the ice can easily be broken in numerous ways. getting smiles and laughs from girls and getting them itnrested is not that hard, it's closing and continuing.

i see that "don draper" scenario as a chick ch ills and drinks with you to get her alcoholic fill... then dips, or goes to the bathroom to never return.

besides, how often is there one girl sitting alone at the bar by herself
You serious? I met this girl that I see relationship potential in and we're supposed to go out Saturday, I havent talked to her on the phone yet. I didnt even consider calling cause it looks like thirst, now you got me feeling like I should. I mean its not like I'm clueless as to what I'm doing but this seems like a very valid point. Been like two weeks since the number was acquired if that makes any difference.

that's what I'm saying--- why would calling a girl you like and could see yourself being with "look like thirst" ???? Thirst is calling 5-6 times a day, and leaving voicemails 3 out of the 6 times. If you get her number friday, and call the next day why would they be "thirst"?? I mean most chicks I function with , we define thirst as 'OD' texting/calling. Not just simply calling.

Who is out here telling ya'll this info?
no girls are the same.
if you ugly it doesn't matter how many shots you take.
and all those backt o back shots did was set a platform for breaking the ice.
the ice can easily be broken in numerous ways. getting smiles and laughs from girls and getting them itnrested is not that hard, it's closing and continuing.
i see that "don draper" scenario as a chick ch ills and drinks with you to get her alcoholic fill... then dips, or goes to the bathroom to never return.
besides, how often is there one girl sitting alone at the bar by herself

go to the bar get a drink (most common scenario you'll see a girl at the bar alone) .... go to the bar waiting for people to arrive... **** I've been to the bar by myself. It happens, more than you think.

Another smooth way is to go to a bar and offer a girl a drink selection. Happened to me once, and it wasn't in a sleezeball way. I've been drinking Dos Equis ever since (this was like 5 years ago)
You serious? I met this girl that I see relationship potential in and we're supposed to go out Saturday, I havent talked to her on the phone yet. I didnt even consider calling cause it looks like thirst, now you got me feeling like I should. I mean its not like I'm clueless as to what I'm doing but this seems like a very valid point. Been like two weeks since the number was acquired if that makes any difference.

that's what I'm saying--- why would calling a girl you like and could see yourself being with "look like thirst" ???? Thirst is calling 5-6 times a day, and leaving voicemails 3 out of the 6 times. If you get her number friday, and call the next day why would they be "thirst"?? I mean most chicks I function with , we define thirst as 'OD' texting/calling. Not just simply calling.

Who is out here telling ya'll this info?

because that's what society defines thirst as nowadays. Sad I know :smh:
A happy hour related method that's worked for me a few times...I call this...the Don Draper/McNulty and it is a solo approach. This is NOT for novices, light drinkers, or shy people.

Go to a restaurant/bar still in your work clothes on a Thursday or Friday night after a long day of work. A good time to go is between 9 and 10 or whenever it's still fairly easy to find a seat at the bar, but the place isn't empty either. Sit down at the bar next to the girl of your choice, undo your top button, loosen up your tie, sigh (optional), proceed to order 2 shots and take them back to back (don't look like a *****). I guarantee if she sees you do this and you are a decent looking guy you will have gotten her attention. Don't worry about looking like a crazy person or an alcoholic. The business attire will help separate you from the rest of the crowd and give your binge drinking purpose. Now you wait a minute or two after taking those two shots but you put your hand on the bar like you're going to order another. Making eye contact with the girl at this moment is KEY. She might ask "rough day?" (best case) or she might just look at you like your crazy (worst case). If she talks to you first, you have already gotten her number when the conversation is over and depending on the girl you might be getting yambs that night if you play your cards right rest of the night. Now if she says nothing, you can ask her if she'd have a drink with you and she likely will. She might not even ask about you taking those two shots, don't bring it up yourself. If she does say something, just tell her that you got held up at work finishing a project and you're just glad the week is over; or basically something that makes sense if she asks what your job is after. You can always make up being a business man and say that you lost a big client or something if you are unemployed.


Story telling is also a good skill to pick up.
You serious? I met this girl that I see relationship potential in and we're supposed to go out Saturday, I havent talked to her on the phone yet. I didnt even consider calling cause it looks like thirst, now you got me feeling like I should. I mean its not like I'm clueless as to what I'm doing but this seems like a very valid point. Been like two weeks since the number was acquired if that makes any difference.

that's what I'm saying--- why would calling a girl you like and could see yourself being with "look like thirst" ???? Thirst is calling 5-6 times a day, and leaving voicemails 3 out of the 6 times. If you get her number friday, and call the next day why would they be "thirst"?? I mean most chicks I function with , we define thirst as 'OD' texting/calling. Not just simply calling.

Who is out here telling ya'll this info?
because that's what society defines thirst as nowadays. Sad I know
Basically, seen it happen to too many people too many times. Not like I would care but its better to just avoid the possibility entirely. I'm going to call though cause I'm totally in agreement with your point and if she would interpret that as thirst then I wouldnt want to be with her anyways. If it goes bad though, its your fault GBNPM
A happy hour related method that's worked for me a few times...I call this...the Don Draper/McNulty and it is a solo approach. This is NOT for novices, light drinkers, or shy people.

Go to a restaurant/bar still in your work clothes on a Thursday or Friday night after a long day of work. A good time to go is between 9 and 10 or whenever it's still fairly easy to find a seat at the bar, but the place isn't empty either. Sit down at the bar next to the girl of your choice, undo your top button, loosen up your tie, sigh (optional), proceed to order 2 shots and take them back to back (don't look like a *****). I guarantee if she sees you do this and you are a decent looking guy you will have gotten her attention. Don't worry about looking like a crazy person or an alcoholic. The business attire will help separate you from the rest of the crowd and give your binge drinking purpose. Now you wait a minute or two after taking those two shots but you put your hand on the bar like you're going to order another. Making eye contact with the girl at this moment is KEY. She might ask "rough day?" (best case) or she might just look at you like your crazy (worst case). If she talks to you first, you have already gotten her number when the conversation is over and depending on the girl you might be getting yambs that night if you play your cards right rest of the night. Now if she says nothing, you can ask her if she'd have a drink with you and she likely will. She might not even ask about you taking those two shots, don't bring it up yourself. If she does say something, just tell her that you got held up at work finishing a project and you're just glad the week is over; or basically something that makes sense if she asks what your job is after. You can always make up being a business man and say that you lost a big client or something if you are unemployed.



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