TAY: thread about yambs...

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There's another older woman (26 to 24) and we used to talk. I kinda rushed things with her in a relationship sense... :smh: I know but we recently became cool. She invites me over to "study" as she has her own condo....she gives hints and there's the undeniable sexual tension in the air as neither one of us are dating/talking to anyone at the moment. Sadly nothing happens but she randomly texts me throughout the day every time she sees something that makes her think of me and $%^#like that. How should I approach this situation? Like is this tension/chemistry reel or fanta-see?

Get another "study" session and be more aggressive.

If you feel the sexual tension and all this ****, go for it. Just don't be a D about it.
thanks to the yambassadors in this thread, was able to pull off 2 sets of digits last night :pimp: hopefully get outta my cold streak...

lesson of the night: dont ever sip lean/get trippy again

One of em was DTF and we were feeling each other, but i was dizzy/nauseus as **** from trying lean for the first time, scooped up the # went to the crib (down the block) puked :x refreshed, and headed back to the bar. She was gone.

Found myself another broad and hit it off with her. Got those digits too. #humblebrag #feelsgoodman #endcoldstreaksortof

Now, do i play it safe and go hard after one, or get greedy and have both on deck?
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thanks to the yambassadors in this thread, was able to pull off 2 sets of digits last night :pimp: hopefully get outta my cold streak...
lesson of the night: dont ever sip lean/get trippy again
One of em was DTF and we were feeling each other, but i was dizzy/nauseus as **** from trying lean for the first time, scooped up the # went to the crib (down the block) puked :x refreshed, and headed back to the bar. She was gone.
Found myself another broad and hit it off with her. Got those digits too. #humblebrag #feelsgoodman #endcoldstreaksortof
Now, do i play it safe and go hard after one, or get greedy and have both on deck?

If they don't know eachother at all, go for it.
You serious? I met this girl that I see relationship potential in and we're supposed to go out Saturday, I havent talked to her on the phone yet. I didnt even consider calling cause it looks like thirst, now you got me feeling like I should. I mean its not like I'm clueless as to what I'm doing but this seems like a very valid point. Been like two weeks since the number was acquired if that makes any difference.

that's what I'm saying--- why would calling a girl you like and could see yourself being with "look like thirst" ???? Thirst is calling 5-6 times a day, and leaving voicemails 3 out of the 6 times. If you get her number friday, and call the next day why would they be "thirst"?? I mean most chicks I function with , we define thirst as 'OD' texting/calling. Not just simply calling.

Who is out here telling ya'll this info?
Basically, seen it happen to too many people too many times. Not like I would care but its better to just avoid the possibility entirely. I'm going to call though cause I'm totally in agreement with your point and if she would interpret that as thirst then I wouldnt want to be with her anyways. If it goes bad though, its your fault GBNPM
Well I got stood up, and was the victim of two subtweets about thirsty dudes. For what I considered to be simply showing interest and trying to confirm date plans. 2 phone calls. 

Well I got stood up, and was the victim of two subtweets about thirsty dudes. For what I considered to be simply showing interest and trying to confirm date plans. 2 phone calls. 

Girls today are looking for any excuse to call a dude "thirsty". They are waiting for some dude to send two texts in a row to humble brag to their female friends how "this dude is stalking me. He's feeling me extra hard and wont stop sending me texts and emails".

Meanwhile they're too much of a coward to just be straight up and tell the dude that they're not interested and would rather get the attention

Absolutely despicable creatures
Girls today are looking for any excuse to call a dude "thirsty". They are waiting for some dude to send two texts in a row to humble brag to their female friends how "this dude is stalking me. He's feeling me extra hard and wont stop sending me texts and emails".

Meanwhile they're too much of a coward to just be straight up and tell the dude that they're not interested and would rather get the attention

Absolutely despicable creatures
straight up..if chicks just told dudes how they feel instead of leading them on...it wouldn't be any misunderstanding on our behalf..**** are just looking for attention nowadays.
Well I got stood up, and was the victim of two subtweets about thirsty dudes. For what I considered to be simply showing interest and trying to confirm date plans. 2 phone calls. 

smh @ pattie giving out bad advice ...

Its only one outta the 50 golden tokesn she's posted, so 98% ain't bad...

But... we tried to tell you, brah... you gotta know how to maneuver these yambs...

You should have just do like we said...

"Delete the number ... don't look back"... lesson learned...

You'll see that at our age (you're like... 24, right?) Being cynical ... assuming all.these yambs are guilty until proven innocent ... and keeping your emotions in check will get you a HECK of a lot farther.
Girls today are looking for any excuse to call a dude "thirsty". They are waiting for some dude to send two texts in a row to humble brag to their female friends how "this dude is stalking me. He's feeling me extra hard and wont stop sending me texts and emails".

Meanwhile they're too much of a coward to just be straight up and tell the dude that they're not interested and would rather get the attention

Absolutely despicable creatures :smh:
desperate for artificial gassing ...

This man for mayor... I'd vote for your reform.
Another one ~

Joining a college dance club for the yambs - yay or nay?

Same fesity Latina wants me to join her little dance club. I'm going with nay since I know a few of the other girls in the program. I also don't want to pay $40 per quarter to get yambs.
40 oh man...you might meet mad chicks in there..its always nice to have new friend

I don't want to seem like a bad friend to the other girls I know in the dance group. Last week one of them gave me a flyer and told me the group "Needed more guys." I grabbed the flyer, read it, and gave it back to her. I told her "I don't dance. I don't eem want to consider being on the team."

I already looked at the pictures from the members and most of them are sub-par. I can't stand the dudes that are on the team either.
got back a lil while ago from my cousin's wedding. got at this bad waitress throughout the night, flirting, etc. but i couldn't close the deal. ole girl told me she was kinda talking to someone when i asked for the digits. i probably could've still gotten them, but i wasn't pressing the issue.
You serious? I met this girl that I see relationship potential in and we're supposed to go out Saturday, I havent talked to her on the phone yet. I didnt even consider calling cause it looks like thirst, now you got me feeling like I should. I mean its not like I'm clueless as to what I'm doing but this seems like a very valid point. Been like two weeks since the number was acquired if that makes any difference.

that's what I'm saying--- why would calling a girl you like and could see yourself being with "look like thirst" ???? Thirst is calling 5-6 times a day, and leaving voicemails 3 out of the 6 times. If you get her number friday, and call the next day why would they be "thirst"?? I mean most chicks I function with , we define thirst as 'OD' texting/calling. Not just simply calling.

Who is out here telling ya'll this info?

Basically, seen it happen to too many people too many times. Not like I would care but its better to just avoid the possibility entirely. I'm going to call though cause I'm totally in agreement with your point and if she would interpret that as thirst then I wouldnt want to be with her anyways. If it goes bad though, its your fault GBNPM
Well I got stood up, and was the victim of two subtweets about thirsty dudes. For what I considered to be simply showing interest and trying to confirm date plans. 2 phone calls. 


Another one ~
Joining a college dance club for the yambs - yay or nay?
Same fesity Latina wants me to join her little dance club. I'm going with nay since I know a few of the other girls in the program. I also don't want to pay $40 per quarter to get yambs.

It can be great to pick up yambs. But if they feel you're only there for the yambs, you're a dead man.

And if you mess around with one girl, the others will very likely know (and those other yambs doors will be lock)
Girls today are looking for any excuse to call a dude "thirsty". They are waiting for some dude to send two texts in a row to humble brag to their female friends how "this dude is stalking me. He's feeling me extra hard and wont stop sending me texts and emails".

Meanwhile they're too much of a coward to just be straight up and tell the dude that they're not interested and would rather get the attention

Absolutely despicable creatures
you ain't never lie
You guys are all right and I knew it could play out this way. Oh well better now than later.
Do any of you guys have any birthday gift suggestions? I am seriously stumped right now. What have you guys given that lead to a good response? 
Do any of you guys have any birthday gift suggestions? I am seriously stumped right now. What have you guys given that lead to a good response? 
How long have you been dating?

You could start with a handwritten, individually created card to go with a homemade candlelight dinner or picnic (if the weather is still nice in your area). Then a small material gift to go with the ensemble, purely complimentary to the card and dinner. Original and refreshing touch for most females. Takes time and effort more than dollars.
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