TAY: thread about yambs...

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this thread made me realize i need to go hunting for new yambz this week. tired of the same ol same ol.
Women are scandalous...you Just can't let a guy pipe on the first night then hit me with I don't think we should mess around my man will care..whatt lol

Had a similar situation :lol:. ***** text me back with the....

Her: We cant talk anymore, it was nice knowing you. I'm at my boyfriend's
Me: Lmao have fun
Me: Tell him what you like doing when he's not around.
Fools must've been all in dem yambs lately.. 
Every men's dream right there.

Not true. Personally two women together does nothing for me.

ok--- and this brings up something this guy who I use dot mess around with brought up....
he told if a dude even brought up the idea of a 'threesome' it basically means that you ain't really wifey type material to him and it could never get/be serious. Any truth to this??

Depends on the dude. Some dudes feel that way, others don't.
:smh: Chicks that go cold then act like there's nothing wrong. I know you, you're not that busy. But I don't hit you up cuz i hate feeling like i'm talking to myself, and you're mad. Now that's the base of the issue, me not hitting you up cuz you seem disintered, now i'm the bad guy. Weird how that **** works.
what i do hate about these skallywags is the ones that say "i dont give brains". what kinda ish is that. i hate having to go thru that hassle of convincing em. .but then again im lazy. how do yall deal with them?

Always start wit da "just kiss it ma...just for a sec"

I'm an ******* to women, which gets me the "yambs"

Only works if you playin small ball (high schoolers, young ratchets, from 7s & down)

& if u a ugly cat forget about it.

When you a FUNNY ******* though? Pssh...custodial key to any yamb lockeroom.
:smh: Chicks that go cold then act like there's nothing wrong. I know you, you're not that busy. But I don't hit you up cuz i hate feeling like i'm talking to myself, and you're mad. Now that's the base of the issue, me not hitting you up cuz you seem disintered, now i'm the bad guy. Weird how that **** works.
maaaan ... sounds like she's just trying to get a reaction.

I've dated one chick like that for years... dealt with a few others on a serious level... here's my advice ...

Two things that will drive them up the wall and make them stop acting trippy is sarcasm, and being nonchalant.

They want to pull desperation and fear and confusion out...

Give them sarcastic and nonchalant responses and the frustration is shifted back to them...

Frustration leads to confusion. Which leads to her reevaluate herself when she steps to you.
i feel like sometimes im not trying hard enough , basically got this girl number, makeout , text her AFTER the club because she gave some reason she had to leave. She doesn't answer the text. This was Saturday. Should I text her again if im trying to just get yambs or is it a lost cause?
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i feel like sometimes im not trying hard enough , basically got this girl number, makeout , text her AFTER the club because she gave some reason she had to leave. She doesn't answer the text. This was Saturday. Should I text her again if im trying to just get yambs or is it a lost cause?

Aiight, this is how you should play it. You text her after the club she didn't respond... this is 2012... she didn't respond cuz she didn't WANT to respond. Dudes who text immediately after the club SCREAM 'what dat mouf do'. At least it does to me. Which if I'm tryna ****, then hey I'll respond .... but if I'm not, you gets nada.

I'd say wait and randomly hit her up Wednesday. It's midweek, she sober, she's had some time to think and adjust and maybe think about you once or twice. Just hit her up to say 'hey' and if you still get nothing that you are the mistake she made and she tryna forget :lol: :\
:smh: Chicks that go cold then act like there's nothing wrong. I know you, you're not that busy. But I don't hit you up cuz i hate feeling like i'm talking to myself, and you're mad. Now that's the base of the issue, me not hitting you up cuz you seem disintered, now i'm the bad guy. Weird how that **** works.
maaaan ... sounds like she's just trying to get a reaction.

I've dated one chick like that for years... dealt with a few others on a serious level... here's my advice ...

Two things that will drive them up the wall and make them stop acting trippy is sarcasm, and being nonchalant.

They want to pull desperation and fear and confusion out...

Give them sarcastic and nonchalant responses and the frustration is shifted back to them...

Frustration leads to confusion. Which leads to her reevaluate herself when she steps to you.

Naw i'm just gonna let her be. I'll never know what got her cold, when i ask she responds to the last immediate issue completely ignoring the other things that built up like all is well. Cool chick though (usually) if she'd just let things be as it is. I wouldn't mind if we keep up again at some point.
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