TAY: thread about yambs...

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I've always wondered this.
How do you ask for her phone number while driving on the highway?
I've done it before. I just yelled "where you going?" and she said "home". I told her I wanted to holla at her and that she should pull over. I was kinda lucky because she drove only about 55.. 

Hit her with the "I know I could have waited for a safer situation but, why wait?". She just smiled and gave me her phone to put my number in and she asked for mine. 

Just make sure you aren't a creeper with it. It isn't easy though. 
reminds me of me at officemax the other day. my boy works there and this girl from high school works there too and shes tellin me i look familiar and stuff and i tell her yeah i thinki know u too then my comes in cockblockin sayin nahh he went to a totally different school and graduated way before you :stoneface:
i just left. but prolly go back soon when hes not there and get em digits
my homeboy being a terrible wingman attributed to my fumble too. She's like 7 feet away and he's following me around say "Bro. you gotta make a move" but won't get the hell away from the scene every time i ask him too. I don't know what's wrong with ******

and, let's be real here fellas.......scale of 1 to 10 on these broads level of smashability. What variety are yall pullin?

Do yall often settle for Value Meal yambs or wait it out and get a reservation for them 5 star specials?

Do you get a dime one day........dry spell for a few months and then pound a bunch of JO's?

I'm trying to figure out yalls system here, cause I personally have really high standards (higher than I even want) and only settle on the most desperate of conditions...
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I never step into these "yamb" type discussions on the internet, but I gotta pause and give this man props. Plenty of stand-up men with integrity winning out there.

Never to be confused with "nice guys" "simps" or "doormats" who stay losing at "yambs" and more.
no need to put yambs in quotes, homey ...

And why don't you come in more often? I think some people that are opposed to the word yambs avoid this thread like the plague..

But there's actually tons of good advice thrown around in here, like what Mark spit ...

and, let's be real here fellas.......scale of 1 to 10 on these broads level of smashability. What variety are yall pullin?

Do yall often settle for Value Meal yambs or wait it out and get a reservation for them 5 star specials?
Do you get a dime one day........dry spell for a few months and then pound a bunch of JO's?

I'm trying to figure out yalls system here, cause I personally have really high standards (higher than I even want) and only settle on the most desperate of conditions...
finna be real...

I don't go after super duper top notch pretty women cuz I do what most guys do .. psych myself out... not much on my end, but hers

Think things like "she prolly got a dude" "she prolly stuck up" "she's prolly wack "

But the main reason is cuz I don't want to fall in the same category as all the guys fawning over her...

Then when I think back... I realize that MANY guys think like me...

I went to the club once with my two female friends .. one was a supppper dime... I didn't come in with them and kept my distance ...

Man.. NO DUDE approached the dime... and when I say approached, I mean walked right up to her and spoke... she wasn't too inviting, but regardless ... nobody said anything to her.

That should tell y'all something.

I normally spit at girls that got a gang of booty... or smile alot...

5s with big butts up to borderline 8s..

I still haven't quite figures that THESE CHICKS get hit on the most...

I mean... I know it... this is fact... but I don't PRACTICE and holla at 9s and 10s on the regular ... I need to change that...
^^ main thing that pops into my head when i see a dime is "she's probably a ***"... after my brief encounter yesterday i'm gonna start rolling the dice and igniting conversation with these broads.

Another thing i noticed is when I'm trying my hardest to attract the yambs (fresh cut, wearing my best outfit etc.) I never really get any attention but when I'm chilling (sweats, beard grown out) a lot of women in like their mid 20s notice me.. think i found my niche :lol:
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and, let's be real here fellas.......scale of 1 to 10 on these broads level of smashability. What variety are yall pullin?

Do yall often settle for Value Meal yambs or wait it out and get a reservation for them 5 star specials?
Do you get a dime one day........dry spell for a few months and then pound a bunch of JO's?

I'm trying to figure out yalls system here, cause I personally have really high standards (higher than I even want) and only settle on the most desperate of conditions...
they vary from 5-9, most of the ones i have "pulled" and can still talk to now are definitely pretty/cute but no crazy body, i have no problem getting on girls with nice faces, its the ones with bodies and avg/no face that are problems
^^ main thing that pops into my head when i see a dime is "she's probably a ***"... after my brief encounter yesterday i'm gonna start rolling the dice and igniting conversation with these broads.
Another thing i noticed is when I'm trying my hardest to attract the yambs (fresh cut, wearing my best outfit etc.) I never really get any attention but when I'm chilling (sweats, beard grown out) a lot of women in like their mid 20s notice me.. think i found my niche :lol:
and it be the 6s with that wagon that are the main B's.

I will STILL holla at a 6 with a body before a 10 because of what I said ...

Smh @ myself ... I need to re evaluate. :lol:
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rick , my main thing is..why are the white yambs easier to chop it up with then the colored yambs...hit me with some game on this.
and it be the 6s with that wagon that are the main B's.
I will STILL holla at a 6 with a body before a 10 because of what I said ...
Smh @ myself ... I need to re evaluate. :lol:
trying to talk to a ratchet joint with booty is hopeless for me lol... i be starting casual conversation with 8s on the regular while being completely oblivious to any signs they were throwing until i hit the crib :smh:

keep telling myself "live & learn grasshopper"
rick , my main thing is..why are the white yambs easier to chop it up with then the colored yambs...hit me with some game on this.
my dude... I am not a Caucasian yamb conniosseur by any means...

But I did have a white chick come kick it and we talked for awhile...

IN GENERAL, they just seem to have a more outgoing carefree attitude. They're not worried about a come up as much as black girls.

Black girls, especially young pretty ones, don't have to learn how to talk to people b/c they stay in the black community, so the guys they deal with may be confined to the area of their neighborhood or city.

White chicks tend to travel more, deal with more people, plus there are TONS of white girls everywhere ... so its harder for them to stand out. They have to learn to talk to people...

Even of they're air heads... they're still more outgoing and gregarious in their personalities than black girls
LOLWUT? I did not follow this at all...
i followed EXACTLY what my man what was saying...there are no popular black chicks at my school..just popular white girls. If theres a popular black girl, she is mostly white washed outta this world, and by no means have a preference to black dudes. JUmpman, what my boy was saying is that there are alot of white chicks around especially at my school, so in order for them to stand , or be popular, they have to learn to talk to everybody ( blacks, hispanics etc.) for them to be popular amongst everybody.
So the girl that was supposed to spend the night Saturday..I asked her what time was she coming today...she replied idk and for me to come get her...I'm.not driving an hour out the way to come get her

@curb I usually pull em from 6-8 some 9's..Chicks I usually smang are 8's 7's n below..grimey cat lol but Iusually talk to 8's I go for the cute educated sister with hella.potential to be a 9 possibly 10...my thing with pulling the chicks I truly desire is that my game isn't up. on that level yet even though I will holler and my pockets arent tight either
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Breh, if she spending the weekend go and get her.. And don't fumble the rock.

I'm working on my holy whale right now, white-american, blond-blue eyes, extremely intelligent and heading to law school. Her "ex" got her vision clouded, I may already be in the "friend zone" but I've broken out of that at least 2 times in the past. 

I'm just trying to figure out when to go in for the kill without it being awkward.
Breh, if she spending the weekend go and get her.. And don't fumble the rock.

I'm working on my holy whale right now, white-american, blond-blue eyes, extremely intelligent and heading to law school. Her "ex" got her vision clouded, I may already be in the "friend zone" but I've broken out of that at least 2 times in the past. 

I'm just trying to figure out when to go in for the kill without it being awkward.
woah bro..u broke out the friendzone..how's this possible?
I'm cool on getting her..that trip total is 4hrs..I'm cool lol..if she was my girl or potential.girl yea..but drive an hour for some **** hell no n she is average cute
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I remember hearing a quote from kimbo slice where he said "people fear me because I have no fear" and it's the same with females they are thirsty for you when you have no thirst. I was talking to my homeboy the other day he is recently married and he was telling me that all these women are starting to come out of the woodwork and he even said where were they when he was looking for them. it's kind of like supply and demand the harder you try to get the yambs all of a sudden the price starts to go up. a long time ago an old school player told me that if you go out with a chick, keep it respectful and at the end of the night give her a handshake you will have women beating down your door of course you have to be cool for this to work otherwise you'll be looked at as a lame but I found this to be true. if a chick is feeling you you don't even have to bring up sex, she will bring it up on her own I have had chicks pick me up and take me out for a night on the town when doing this but it takes a lot of patience and no expectations. and it can be kind of tricky to transition from playing that chill role to being more aggressive but it works.

also if you get good eye contact and a smile it's a wrap bros, game over. you don't need to do anything else but ask her name, how old she is, if she's single and what's her # it can be that simple if you let it be. by not saying much or trying at all you communicate a lot about yourself.

and, let's be real here fellas.......scale of 1 to 10 on these broads level of smashability. What variety are yall pullin?

Do yall often settle for Value Meal yambs or wait it out and get a reservation for them 5 star specials?
Do you get a dime one day........dry spell for a few months and then pound a bunch of JO's?

I'm trying to figure out yalls system here, cause I personally have really high standards (higher than I even want) and only settle on the most desperate of conditions...

I prob pull 7s IMO but sometimes i'm smashing 4 and 5s to just bust a nut, not the numbers i wanna hear but when im drunk all girls look good

Sometimes ill get the dime and then go on the cold streak for a few months and call up the sure things to get in batting practice. :smokin

lately if i smash a girl and then they hit me back up even though i wanted it to be a one time thing, i just wanna be like "you're not hot enough for me"

when i'm not really drunk i only try and go for dimes, i gotta stop getting so wasted but then it isn't that much fun for me for some reason :smh:
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in regards to game i learned that you need confidence and if a girl isn't interested then she's not interested, odds are you won't see her again and if you do at least you went for it. hopefully the girl is interested as a poster mentioned a good smile and eye contact = you're in.

ideally i am going out with 2 or 3 of my boys and hit up a bar (people are intimidated when you're rolling with 10 of your boys and 8 of them are just staring at girls not saying anything) next i see a girl who i think is cute approach them, ask there name, how there night is and just be observant to what there doing / wearing etc. (even a nice compliment like nice shirt or even just commenting on what they're drinking can spark a good conversation) if i keep talking for a little while and i see that there drink is done and i offer to get them a drink, this gets them away from there friend and from there it is much more personal and if things go well ask for a number say it was nice meeting them and go about the rest of my night with my friends.

make sure they have just enough information about you and you made a good impression that when you call or text them they will remember you and want to meet up for a drink or whatever, but don't give away your whole game and background bc you should leave them that night wanting more.
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