TAY: thread about yambs...

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a long time ago an old school player told me that if you go out with a chick, keep it respectful and at the end of the night give her a handshake you will have women beating down your door of course you have to be cool for this to work otherwise you'll be looked at as a lame but I found this to be true.
made a mental note of doing this next time.

I tend to be patient cause I enjoy seeing chicks get their thirst on, but that handshake just takes it up a notch
^^ main thing that pops into my head when i see a dime is "she's probably a ***"... after my brief encounter yesterday i'm gonna start rolling the dice and igniting conversation with these broads.

Another thing i noticed is when I'm trying my hardest to attract the yambs (fresh cut, wearing my best outfit etc.) I never really get any attention but when I'm chilling (sweats, beard grown out) a lot of women in like their mid 20s notice me.. think i found my niche :lol:
man hell yea, but its usually when im chillin and i have no facial hair, i get acknowledgement from 16+ (idk if theyre interested glances or just them being aware because people look at people without being interested)
I think this is a misconception. The problem is these "good guys" are usually plain and inoffensive, the doormat type. They haven't cultivated a personality, there's no self confidence, they haven't done their best to make sure their in the best physical shape etc. They don't know themselves so they latch on to a female which is a nono. Not having an opinion does not make you a "good guy". Guys with their **** together who aren't complete ******** is out here winning everyday. They're not clingy, didn't invest all the time into one shorty that showed no love in their direction, and they're not bitter or frustrated. "Nice guys" wanna **** just like everyone else, they objectify even more so (why won't she **** me?) the way they are going about it is completely wrong. It's not about becoming an "*******", it's about improving yourself and becoming a well rounded individual with something to offer. Once you know you're the **** because you worked on it, it's not some ******** you told yourself in the mirror, you can proceed. My advice for "good guys"? forget about yambs for a bit, improve on what you're insecure about, speak to everyone, no ulterior motive. Might take you a while to get there but confidence and yambs will come, as opposed to your 0% playing the bitter cat with a false image of himself as the "good guy" trapped in the friend zone. And being an introvert is no excuse, (it's more of a help than a hinderance) get out there, just know when you need your me time.

he beat me to the punch--- nice guys are NOT a 'no go', the problem is that sometimes guys think just cuz they are nice that replaces having a personality.... uuuuuhhhh NO.

Nice is one thing, being a push-over is another. Far too often the two terms are used synonymously though.
my dude... I am not a Caucasian yamb conniosseur by any means...
But I did have a white chick come kick it and we talked for awhile...
IN GENERAL, they just seem to have a more outgoing carefree attitude. They're not worried about a come up as much as black girls.
Black girls, especially young pretty ones, don't have to learn how to talk to people b/c they stay in the black community, so the guys they deal with may be confined to the area of their neighborhood or city.
White chicks tend to travel more, deal with more people, plus there are TONS of white girls everywhere ... so its harder for them to stand out. They have to learn to talk to people...
Even of they're air heads... they're still more outgoing and gregarious in their personalities than black girls

this is true for black men as well.... which I'm kinda confused why you singled out black women :nerd:

We as a people really need to start getting out more.
woah bro..u broke out the friendzone..how's this possible?
i have too twice...no three times actually.
i swear it's not as hard as y'all dudes make it
if you're attractive

but you might be leaving something out, do you mean friend zone just because you guys call each other friends? because almost every friend i had who were girls always lowkey wanted to talk to me so there was already that possibility, or do you mean friends like she asks you for advice about guys shes currently talking to and she does not take you serious when you flirt with her?

because if you broke out of the second one then you need to explain thy tactics good sir
:smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin
most of my homeboy are "homeboys" cuz they
a) ugly
b) I think they are gay/soft
c) fugly
d) douchers
the first time i got out of the friend zone i came at her on facebook :smile:lol) and we had mutual friends (like...in real life...not on the interwebz) but she started going out with this football player at my school. she would just talk to me about him so i didn't even try to leave the friend zone. then she moved to NC and then moved back to Houston and we started talking again (as friends) but she would always talk to me about her dude and the convos would go into the night time. NIGHT TIME IS THE KEY TO LEAVING THE FRIEND ZONE! idk man at night girls just loosen up a little, get a little more horny and emotional. so anyway, when we would talk i would always, purposely, tell her how i was dawgin chicks out and she would be like "no all girls aren't grimy blah blah blah." i really was just leading fees on and smashing them and leaving, but i was telling her so she would she that she was of no interest to me in the yamb department (even though she was bad). she ends up telling me one morning that somebody asked her if we had a thing and she didn't know what to say. this whole time i thought we were friends so that was all i needed to hear and i went in for the kill.

second time, i knew the girl because we went to elementary and in high school we both ran track, but for rival (sort of) schools. so i would i always talk to her at the meets and stuff, but we were just cool. also, i had a thing for her sister and they both knew it. when i decided i wanted to get out of the friendzone i just start asking her more personal questions when we talked and saying little slick, flirty stuff. then we were at this football game and i walked her to her car and before she got in i pointed at my cheek and she kissed it, then i walked off and she said to give her one so i kissed her cheek. she said "no not there" so i kissed her forehead. :pimp: and she was like "nooo" and just kissed me on the lips. Friend Zone...Conquered

the third time. i was always there while the girl talked about her cheating, grimy boyfriend and would just listen and interject with my opinion from time to time. and i was a real a-hole. then when they broke up i started calling her my girlfriend just being stupid, joking around. and whenever someone would ask if i was serious i would just get really sarcastic like "yes. she's the love of my life" :lol: then we started talking on the phone at NIGHT and i told her straight up that she should **** w/ me. she thought i was joking and just blew me off but after like 10 minutes i convinced her i was serious, we went on two dates, started dating....and she now really is "the love of my life" (shut up...love is cool. leave me alone)
but you might be leaving something out, do you mean friend zone just because you guys call each other friends? because almost every friend i had who were girls always lowkey wanted to talk to me so there was already that possibility, or do you mean friends like she asks you for advice about guys shes currently talking to and she does not take you serious when you flirt with her?
because if you broke out of the second one then you need to explain thy tactics good sir
the latter...all my stories the girls didn't accept my advances at first
I've been getting crazy attention from broads ever since my braces came off a couple weeks ago, yet when I had them on my numbers was lookin so-so, WHYYYY. its not like I changed at all either, my confidence has been the same this whole time, lol. iainteemmadtho. :pimp:
I don't think my man lies about the nighttime thing. Got a good friend, she's in a long term, and i tell her I want her all the time but i don't really make moves, and even then she throws the block though i'm just ******g around. When we hang out at night though, suddenly she's all over like white on rice, like outta nowhere it's easy smash time. I've ****** up atleast 3 times it happened though, never smashed. 1 I was too drunk, was on some other chick, and the other I had a flight to catch in like 3 hrs, the other I just left to got smoke some with my boys and didn't catch the signal cuz we're cool, thought we were just being what we are. Saw her today (daytime) she looked bad as ****, of course I got the block again.

Oh yeah, don't be unattractive.
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I've been getting crazy attention from broads ever since my braces came off a couple weeks ago, yet when I had them on my numbers was lookin so-so, WHYYYY. its not like I changed at all either, my confidence has been the same this whole time, lol. iainteemmadtho. :pimp:
its clearly the confidence famb...
My new objective is to stay on non-birth yambs. I'm tired of banging women who have given birth, the sex isn't as good, trust. I'm now closing those doors and focusing strictly on fresh yambs.
My new objective is to stay on non-birth yambs. I'm tired of banging women who have given birth, the sex isn't as good, trust. I'm now closing those doors and focusing strictly on fresh yambs.
you trippin if you think chivks with kids dot have good yambs...

You mus have went up against some lqckluster yambs....

Cuz chicks with kids will go that extra step...

Had one that used to squirt... one with the illest ride game...
lmao @ yamb patties...snap that ***** back lmaooo
NIGHT TIME IS THE KEY TO LEAVING THE FRIEND ZONE! idk man at night girls just loosen up a little, get a little more horny and emotional

she said to give her one so i kissed her cheek. she said "no not there" so i kissed her forehead. :pimp: and she was like "nooo" and just kissed me on the lips. Friend Zone

and she now really is "the love of my life" (shut up...love is cool. leave me alone)

:smokin you're the man.

1st thing : true.

2nd thing : Really need to try this, it's so good.

3rd thing : :lol: leave me alone
:smokin you're the man.
1st thing : true.
2nd thing : Really need to try this, it's so good.
3rd thing : :lol: leave me alone
thanks man. :lol:
like that dude who said give the chick a hand shake...anti-thirst is a thirst magnet. even now, my girlfriend loves it when i just kiss her on the forehead.

i have too twice...no three times actually.
i swear it's not as hard as y'all dudes make it
if you're attractive
If you remembered that you did it three times instead of two, why did you have to to type "i have too twice" and then correct yourself??
If you remembered that you did it three times instead of two, why did you have to to type "i have too twice" and then correct yourself??
it was an edit. i just didn't delete it. before i hit submit i realized my current girlfriend friend zoned me at first and added that
going back to the mall tomorrow to return these jeans... while i'm there figure i'll approach the nordstorm's joint again.

gotta quit putting this girls on pedestals and being intimated
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