TAY: thread about yambs...

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Texting a white yamb... help me brethren cuz I've never had a bunny before.
*sends pic*... 8/10 face...
Me: I'm not really attracted to white women, but you're a cutie. And I don't throw that around often
Yambs : what type of women do you date???

Maybe tell her you ain't the type of dude who is dating every girl, but that you would like to hang out with her because she seems to be a very nice person to be around.


speak to their ego. the clambs will follow.
Texting a white yamb... help me brethren cuz I've never had a bunny before.

*sends pic*... 8/10 face...

Me: I'm not really attracted to white women, but you're a cutie. And I don't throw that around often
Yambs : what type of women do you date???


Ok well for starters u got the number and she texting u what more do u need? She is interested in the type of women u date thats another hint that she must be feeling u some kinda way? But if u reallywanna get those yambs appeal to a womans gullible side.
Tell her: im looking for a woman with a with a good head on her shoulders. Who has goals and knows what she wants to do in life. Of course i would like someone who is attractive but as always an excellent personality goes a long way as well. Are u that type of woman?
Reply with that and watch the yambs moisten
you're right man.. :smh:

i should got her number anyways.. she sure as hell was acting like she was interested.

kinda happened to me before--- usually what happens is we get cornered.... and you inadvertently exchange numbers because they asked and you didn't want to be rude. Or they just was extra balls out and did it in front of people and you don't wanna seem rude by saying no.

The guy you WANTED to exchange numbers with walked away and left you defenseless to the wolves :stoneface:

I said all that to say, she probably was and still is interested IN YOU. What's the setting? Club or like a house party/function where it was more intimate... were you guys talking a long time?

Texting a white yamb... help me brethren cuz I've never had a bunny before.
*sends pic*... 8/10 face...
Me: I'm not really attracted to white women, but you're a cutie. And I don't throw that around often
Yambs : what type of women do you date???

dude... why would you even say that :lol: :lol: that's kinda rude.

I mean, I know if a guy from another race said that to me I wouldn't feel "good" about it . She's white though, not a different species... just be yourself. Now you opened up a can of worms with the whole "what type of women do you date" :smh: :smh:
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Ok well for starters u got the number and she texting u what more do u need? She is interested in the type of women u date thats another hint that she must be feeling u some kinda way? But if u reallywanna get those yambs appeal to a womans gullible side.
Tell her: im looking for a woman with a with a good head on her shoulders. Who has goals and knows what she wants to do in life. Of course i would like someone who is attractive but as always an excellent personality goes a long way as well. Are u that type of woman?
Reply with that and watch the yambs moisten

**** sounds corny as ****--- I'd smell that line from a mile away.... which, if she is a dummy, she might fall for it. But if she's intelligent, she'll call you on that BS.
Yall dudes still don't get it, it's over for that game **** man.
You should never have to ask another man how to talk to a female, use your natural expression.
You really wanna recite some rehashed lines that you got off the internet when you could actually say something unique to you?
If she likes you she likes you if she don't, she don't, no use in playing games to get *****.
Just be upfront about your intentions you'll get a lot farther, seriously.
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Neighbor girl is okay looking but she is playing hard to get and that makes me want the yambs even more now.
you're right man.. 

i should got her number anyways.. she sure as hell was acting like she was interested.
kinda happened to me before--- usually what happens is we get cornered.... and you inadvertently exchange numbers because they asked and you didn't want to be rude. Or they just was extra balls out and did it in front of people and you don't wanna seem rude by saying no.

The guy you WANTED to exchange numbers with walked away and left you defenseless to the wolves

I said all that to say, she probably was and still is interested IN YOU. What's the setting? Club or like a house party/function where it was more intimate... were you guys talking a long time?
it was at the k. dot concert..

we were sitting next to each other and we talked a lot throughout the show.. she even let me get a sip of her drink.

and she was all touchy-feely with me.
Ok well for starters u got the number and she texting u what more do u need? She is interested in the type of women u date thats another hint that she must be feeling u some kinda way? But if u reallywanna get those yambs appeal to a womans gullible side.
Tell her: im looking for a woman with a with a good head on her shoulders. Who has goals and knows what she wants to do in life. Of course i would like someone who is attractive but as always an excellent personality goes a long way as well. Are u that type of woman?
Reply with that and watch the yambs moisten

**** sounds corny as ****--- I'd smell that line from a mile away.... which, if she is a dummy, she might fall for it. But if she's intelligent, she'll call you on that BS.
See but thats the thing she gotta be a young n and young snow bunnies eat that ******** up trust me
Texting a white yamb... help me brethren cuz I've never had a bunny before.

*sends pic*... 8/10 face...

Me: I'm not really attracted to white women, but you're a cutie. And I don't throw that around often
Yambs : what type of women do you date???



Your response: "The one's with vaginas."


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Smashed my ex's friend last night...

Kinda worried, busted on her stomach then she wanted to go round 2 like 10 mins later...went again, no condom :/

She's on the pill, pulled out both times...made her top it off before we went again to make sure it all came out before we went again but still :smh:

Should be chill right? Done it before, need to wrap up smh at me
it was at the k. dot concert..

we were sitting next to each other and we talked a lot throughout the show.. she even let me get a sip of her drink.

and she was all touchy-feely with me.

She was feeling you, hope u got the number. We touch guys we like , even in small insignificant ways
dude... why would you even say that :lol: :lol: that's kinda rude.
I mean, I know if a guy from another race said that to me I wouldn't feel "good" about it . She's white though, not a different species... just be yourself. Now you opened up a can of worms with the whole "what type of women do you date" :smh: :smh:
:lol: :lol:

meh... eff it... i went back and read my post, then realized that white yambs.... are still just yambs..

aint like them sheets got some gold in it...

i got kinda excited about something i never had... put the yambs on a pedal stool for a minute cuz she was a white girl (and from prolly watching porn)...

took a nap, realized what i was doing, then brought that nonsense right back down to earth.
Yall dudes still don't get it, it's over for that game **** man.
You should never have to ask another man how to talk to a female, use your natural expression.
You really wanna recite some rehashed lines that you got off the internet when you could actually say something unique to you?
If she likes you she likes you if she don't, she don't, no use in playing games to get *****.
Just be upfront about your intentions you'll get a lot farther, seriously.
bruh... i dont know if you know...

but terrible advice indeed...

i'm with you about reciting lines back.... but not asking for help? not noticing other people's game and picking up cues from it? trial and error?

just being yourself is why we got 29 year old virgins in here.

also.... you let me know how many times you've walked up to a chick, said "i'm trying to hit" and hit...
^ I'm going to operate under the assumption that you are not a troll. It will be fairly difficult to lose your virginity at this age but not impossible. First off if you are strictly looking to get yambs you have to lower your standards, probably a lot. If you wait around for the perfect girl to bag, you're going to keep putting it off cause she probably won't come around. Once you let go of the notion of finding just the right girl, go out a lot and start meeting a bunch of people. Get as many numbers as possible. Go out on some dates but don't spend a lot of money. Do not divulge that you are a virgin, these girls don't need to know and it will just make things awkward. You will likely be nervous when it's time to get down because you may be worried that your skills aren't up to par. You just have to keep in mind you don't care cause you're doing it for yourself. You just have to get it over with. The longer you put it off the more you'll stress over it and obsess with it and the more difficult it will become. Just like the majority of good advice already in this thread, don't over think it, have as many options as possible, try to exude confidence, and don't put up with games. Also might want to try some of the aforementioned websites. Godspeed my man.

I think that has been the problem for the past 10yrs,  thinking that it would be less stress once i get older but its been the complete opposite. I even have some sleepless nights just thinking about my situation compared to everyone else. The pressure is there. I shouldn't have took any advice from my fam (esp older brother) about yambs (waiting till you find the right one etc.).

I will admit though I have had an opportunity or two, but I thought it was going to be easier when I got older..smh

Right now I cant really focus on other aspects in life without really handling this situation. Appreciate the advice NT fam.



:lol: :lol:
meh... eff it... i went back and read my post, then realized that white yambs.... are still just yambs..
aint like them sheets got some gold in it...
i got kinda excited about something i never had... put the yambs on a pedal stool for a minute cuz she was a white girl (and from prolly watching porn)...
took a nap, realized what i was doing, then brought that nonsense right back down to earth.
Your response should be women that like black men.

You can play it off with that but you shouldn't have said that from the jump. Just kept it to I never had a white girl.
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Gotta main ***** and I'm still feening to get a sugar mama on the squad 
. Tips to bag older females ? (Just turned 21 btw)
Your response should be women that like black men.
You can play it off with that but you shouldn't have said that from the jump. Just kept it to I never had a white girl.
:lol: @ you saying what I said ..

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terrible advice

Oh okay.

are you talkin about getting in a relationship? or just the guts? the way you play it, the chick will definitely catch feelings and want more, like "next level" more

I'm talking about if you really feel her, just let the woman know. To just play games and get her to be your friend, so you can somehow sneak in some "feels" or whatever takes alot longer to happen.. Then to just tell shorty straight up your feeling her.
Smashed my ex's friend last night...
Kinda worried, busted on her stomach then she wanted to go round 2 like 10 mins later...went again, no condom :/
She's on the pill, pulled out both times...made her top it off before we went again to make sure it all came out before we went again but still

Should be chill right? Done it before, need to wrap up smh at me
 slap yourself in the ******g face right now man

this is how diseases are spread people, if she is not willing to protect herself then at least do it for your own health and future.
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