TAY: thread about yambs...

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^ I'm going to operate under the assumption that you are not a troll. It will be fairly difficult to lose your virginity at this age but not impossible. First off if you are strictly looking to get yambs you have to lower your standards, probably a lot. If you wait around for the perfect girl to bag, you're going to keep putting it off cause she probably won't come around. Once you let go of the notion of finding just the right girl, go out a lot and start meeting a bunch of people. Get as many numbers as possible. Go out on some dates but don't spend a lot of money. Do not divulge that you are a virgin, these girls don't need to know and it will just make things awkward. You will likely be nervous when it's time to get down because you may be worried that your skills aren't up to par. You just have to keep in mind you don't care cause you're doing it for yourself. You just have to get it over with. The longer you put it off the more you'll stress over it and obsess with it and the more difficult it will become. Just like the majority of good advice already in this thread, don't over think it, have as many options as possible, try to exude confidence, and don't put up with games. Also might want to try some of the aforementioned websites. Godspeed my man.
Just curious----so how old is too old to never have any yambs? I will be 29 this Thursday and never had any yambs before (yes---you read that right).

I know since ive been getting older, my priorities have changed and responsibilties have increased too and I am fearful that I probably will not have the opportunities to have yambs like I would have had in my teens/20s. I also see that my standards have risen a lil bit higher when it comes to finding the right candidate, but I need to get out that winless column tho :lol:

I know I'm almost reaching "40 yr Old Virgin" status too, definitely do not want to be that guy.

Please be easy on me yall  :lol: 

I got a friend like this, and he's a lame. The only way this is acceptable is if you're deeply religious, or you're so focused on your career, that you've become the preeminent authority in your field. You should be a great individual at this point. If not and you were just afraid, yeah you're a lame too.
^ I'm going to operate under the assumption that you are not a troll. It will be fairly difficult to lose your virginity at this age but not impossible. First off if you are strictly looking to get yambs you have to lower your standards, probably a lot. If you wait around for the perfect girl to bag, you're going to keep putting it off cause she probably won't come around. Once you let go of the notion of finding just the right girl, go out a lot and start meeting a bunch of people. Get as many numbers as possible. Go out on some dates but don't spend a lot of money. Do not divulge that you are a virgin, these girls don't need to know and it will just make things awkward. You will likely be nervous when it's time to get down because you may be worried that your skills aren't up to par. You just have to keep in mind you don't care cause you're doing it for yourself. You just have to get it over with. The longer you put it off the more you'll stress over it and obsess with it and the more difficult it will become. Just like the majority of good advice already in this thread, don't over think it, have as many options as possible, try to exude confidence, and don't put up with games. Also might want to try some of the aforementioned websites. Godspeed my man.
I think that has been the problem for the past 10yrs,  thinking that it would be less stress once i get older but its been the complete opposite. I even have some sleepless nights just thinking about my situation compared to everyone else. The pressure is there. I shouldn't have took any advice from my fam (esp older brother) about yambs (waiting till you find the right one etc.).

I will admit though I have had an opportunity or two, but I thought it was going to be easier when I got older..smh

Right now I cant really focus on other aspects in life without really handling this situation. Appreciate the advice NT fam.
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I lost my virginity fairly late in life (18), so I can definitely empathize with the stress and pressure. You kind of have to relax and let go of that and look at the procurement of yambs as fun and exciting, which once it starts happening it really is. Go out with your pussgettingest homeboy, observe how he approaches women, be his wingman so you can get used to comfortably conversing with women. Even though I suggested you lower your standards doesn't mean you should bang the first ghoul that will have you, it will be better if she's at least marginally attractive. I'm not claiming to be the ultimate lady killer, I have friends whose numbers are in the triple digits while mine are much more modest. However I can say with confidence it is easy for me to get girls, essentially with the same tactics used by most of the gentlemen here. Also make sure your grooming, hygiene, and manner of dress are on point, this will help immensely.
advice for HS and college students

In HS(15 yrs ago) there was this girl that I used to always make fun of and she would do the same to me nothing serious it was all love
( like how martin and pam do)
. I'd never consider dating because i simply did not find her attractive, lol half the reason i made fun of her. She was a freshman when i graduated and i saw her 3 years later and when i realized who it was i was like :wow:
I swear "girl next door" by musiq started playing, i'm thinkin this is gonna play out like the wood with omar epps. So we make small talk, laugh, you know...we vibin. I ask if i can call her but my phones not nearby so she takes my number and we go our seperate ways. of course a week goes by no call but by now i knew that she already knew what she was going to do which was not call me to get me back....for good and it worked. I knew the last time i made fun of her she probably looked in the mirror and decided to step her game up BIG TIME and she was gonna get me.

saw her a couple months later at a carshow(someone shoved me hella hard in the back i turn around ready to throw down and its her) i'm like "ok you got me....but stop playin and hit me up." she kisses me on the cheek and leaves and i knew to take my L on the spot. Peeps in HS and even college be careful who you make fun of....

because i know she's got my number framed like a trophy.
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Just curious----so how old is too old to never have any yambs? I will be 29 this Thursday and never had any yambs before (yes---you read that right).

I know since ive been getting older, my priorities have changed and responsibilties have increased too and I am fearful that I probably will not have the opportunities to have yambs like I would have had in my teens/20s. I also see that my standards have risen a lil bit higher when it comes to finding the right candidate, but I need to get out that winless column tho :lol:

I know I'm almost reaching "40 yr Old Virgin" status too, definitely do not want to be that guy.

Please be easy on me yall  :lol: 
Have you been actively pursuing women?

Or have you been 100% focused on your career?
I lost my virginity fairly late in life (18), so I can definitely empathize with the stress and pressure. You kind of have to relax and let go of that and look at the procurement of yambs as fun and exciting, which once it starts happening it really is. Go out with your pussgettingest homeboy, observe how he approaches women, be his wingman so you can get used to comfortably conversing with women. Even though I suggested you lower your standards doesn't mean you should bang the first ghoul that will have you, it will be better if she's at least marginally attractive. I'm not claiming to be the ultimate lady killer, I have friends whose numbers are in the triple digits while mine are much more modest. However I can say with confidence it is easy for me to get girls, essentially with the same tactics used by most of the gentlemen here. Also make sure your grooming, hygiene, and manner of dress are on point, this will help immensely.
Thats interesting because with all of those things, I still havnt managed to execute. I'm pretty stylish and sort of dapper in the dressing category, I do pretty well in that aspect in my book. In fact many females dig my sense of style and manner of dress. But all of that still don't get me any hits of the yambs though.

Also, I have plenty of numbers, and been on many  dates---I just never been able to seal the deal. I try to arrange a  hook up at their or my spot and most of the time women will give me the runaround, flake, or some BS excuse not to kick it or give it up. All of the funny stuff they do have me going in circles at times and I often stop pursuing the yambs----but the stress/pressure would build up again then I would start the  process all over again smh..

I do tend to overthink a lot of these types of situations and not have fun with it. I always been a serious type of guy (at times coming off as stand-off-ish). I really don't even know how to have fun to tell you the truth and keep it 100 with you. I dont even like celebrating my b-day like that.  I cant remember the last time I actually had fun and genuinely enjoyed myself (without being drunk or forcing myself to have a good time  :lol:)

I really don't want to waste any  more time, money, and energy just trying to get some yambs (esp having to trick/simp for some).

If I knew it was gonna be this challenging now  I would've made those bold moves while I was a little pre-teen and teen just to have the exp. under my belt and out the way...smh
Dhart I feel u 110% bro..I used to talk to this girl in hs..treated her like absolute ****..she asked me to.go to homecoming with her I said yea..then changed my mind and told her.I'm.not even going..still showed up lol..then I got a girl she became jealous but she was my side thing to chill with..i never smashed be 100 done everything else in actually I was bein played lol now that I think of it...but back to my story I used to act like i didn't know her in public never spoke to her in school and she was a fairly "popular" girl...she wanted me to take her virginity prom night..I was going to but i had a hatin homeboy that was blockin somethin serious..what made her awkward in hs was her acne, insecurity, and personality,fast forward today girl is doin the damn thing her body it has always been but gadamn..her face is spotless,teeth white and straight gettin ready to graduate..got a mixtape out,she opened for drake, won a beauty pageant..I don't even wanna hit her up..one time I did just to say happy holidays and she tweeted "idk why guys text me and We don't even talk ".. that's some corny ****...I told my mom the story she laughed and said that's what I get..although she did tell me happy bday I'm cool on her my pride wont let me do it...my boy always jokes n says she's gonna drop a diss track on me because she hit me up one time supposedly crying about how I played her...yea rite ho..and that was my drunk rant for the nite..
There's this cute chick in class like i said before. She started talking to me here and there before class starts now sits infront of me and whatnot. But idk how to go for the number? I thought after class, but she bolts after class that and hella people between the both of us by the time im walking out she's gone....so nt gods?tips?
If yall been on tan yall woulda seen my backstory.
Two loud as dudes talking during class
We both find common ground on them two being annoying
She smiled at me a few times and we both laughed when they would keep talking
She moved up and i moved up a few classes later(sit by her)
She saw i moved up and started talking to me here and there before class
She's cute and i need tips on how to get the #...
Last class some cockblocking *** dude took her chair and she was looking to sit behind me but thats where the two loud dudes are so she said **** it and sat infront of the guy who took her chair. (my boy said i shoulda offered my seat....hell nah got me ****** up)
Separate incident
My homegirl who i was feeling back in middle school . We linked up in college again i see her every other day and she suggested we go chill. I said sure lmk when you got the day off. That was like a month ago. Fast forward to this past week. I said when are we gnna kick it she said i never told her when . so i asked her what days she got off and we made plans for this upcoming week. Bad move or good?
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Told some girl seinfeld is the greatest show then she replied saying definitely sponge worthy :lol:

Does she wanna smash me or jerry?
I do tend to overthink a lot of these types of situations and not have fun with it. I always been a serious type of guy (at times coming off as stand-off-ish). I really don't even know how to have fun to tell you the truth and keep it 100 with you. I dont even like celebrating my b-day like that.  I cant remember the last time I actually had fun and genuinely enjoyed myself (without being drunk or forcing myself to have a good time  :lol:)
this seems like your main problem, just chill bruh. Find your scene man, work cant be the only thing on ya mind. Acquiring yambs for the experience aint gon change your demeanor man
Thats interesting because with all of those things, I still havnt managed to execute. I'm pretty stylish and sort of dapper in the dressing category, I do pretty well in that aspect in my book. In fact many females dig my sense of style and manner of dress. But all of that still don't get me any hits of the yambs though.

Also, I have plenty of numbers, and been on many  dates---I just never been able to seal the deal. I try to arrange a  hook up at their or my spot and most of the time women will give me the runaround, flake, or some BS excuse not to kick it or give it up. All of the funny stuff they do have me going in circles at times and I often stop pursuing the yambs----but the stress/pressure would build up again then I would start the  process all over again smh..

I do tend to overthink a lot of these types of situations and not have fun with it. I always been a serious type of guy (at times coming off as stand-off-ish). I really don't even know how to have fun to tell you the truth and keep it 100 with you. I dont even like celebrating my b-day like that.  I cant remember the last time I actually had fun and genuinely enjoyed myself (without being drunk or forcing myself to have a good time  :lol:)

I really don't want to waste any  more time, money, and energy just trying to get some yambs (esp having to trick/simp for some).

If I knew it was gonna be this challenging now  I would've made those bold moves while I was a little pre-teen and teen just to have the exp. under my belt and out the way...smh

I could've went this route in life, easily. Although I lost my at 18, I'm still a relative late-bloomer. I picked up on game, and surrounded myself with women since I graduated from college. It's Damn near a blessing I didn't have the game I have now, when I was back in college :smh: . Mack Lessons, and hanging around with dudes who respect the game goes a long way. Don't listen to those who say that dealing with women should come natural, because you already see that getting yambs is all but a natural occurrence (until it comes natural).

Trust me bro, getting yambs is an acquired skill that you have to find your voice, standards, and personal code of ethics on. I always been well dressed, and fairly handsome, but I went on a two year dry streak after my first taste of sex. I couldn't figure it out. Now at 27 if I go more than two weeks...its becuase I'm holding out for some new yambs....in fact I got something laying next to me right now, and as soon as she get up, she's gonna want to hop back on it. Then complain about my lack of foreplay [/humblebrag] #nopics

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I could've went this route in life, easily. Although I lost my at 18, I'm still a relative late-bloomer. I picked up on game, and surrounded myself with women since I graduated from college. It's Damn near a blessing I didn't have the game I have now, when I was back in college
. Mack Lessons, and hanging around with dudes who respect the game goes a long way. Don't listen to those who say that dealing with women should come natural, because you already see that getting yambs is all but a natural occurrence (until it comes natural).
Trust me bro, getting yambs is an acquired skill that you have to find your voice, standards, and personal code of ethics on. I always been well dressed, and fairly handsome, but I went on a two year dry streak after my first taste of sex. I couldn't figure it out. Now at 27 if I go more than two weeks...its becuase I'm holding out for some new yambs....in fact I got something laying next to me right now, and as soon as she get up, she's gonna want to hop back on it. Then complain about my lack of foreplay [/humblebrag] #nopics
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I definitely hear you on that. Its interesting that you listen to macklessons because im an avid tariq Nasheed patron. I have all his ppv's , books, and listen to his podcasts for close to four years now. All of this and I havent still managed to get any yambs. :lol:

However, by just reading up on his game and putting a few things in practice, I have REALLY come a LONG way from where I was at socially five years ago (pre-macklessons). I stepped my game up in a lot of aspects (conversation, appearance, standards, valuing yourelf , etc.)------ I just wish all of these skills I picked up would develop into racking up on my first piece of yamb :lol: :smh:

I'm trying not to get frustrated and become an old bitter hater (woman-hater) because thats not cool at all. I think maybe my environment could play a factor too----I been living in ATL for most of my 28-29 years (since 1992)-----and my standards have increased heavily in the past 5 years too, ATL is a ratchet city to me ( a lot of tricking and simping, and dusty ******* energy). Maybe I need to move to a city where the cooperation and opportunity for yambs are in my favor.

I've been looking to just living overseas for good, maybe Italy, London, Brazil, or Africa----I heard the vibe/cooperation/opportunities are better. But that is later on down the road though.

My B-day is comming up Thursday so I have my fingers crossed.
I could've went this route in life, easily. Although I lost my at 18, I'm still a relative late-bloomer. I picked up on game, and surrounded myself with women since I graduated from college. It's Damn near a blessing I didn't have the game I have now, when I was back in college :smh: . Mack Lessons, and hanging around with dudes who respect the game goes a long way. Don't listen to those who say that dealing with women should come natural, because you already see that getting yambs is all but a natural occurrence (until it comes natural).
Trust me bro, getting yambs is an acquired skill that you have to find your voice, standards, and personal code of ethics on. I always been well dressed, and fairly handsome, but I went on a two year dry streak after my first taste of sex. I couldn't figure it out. Now at 27 if I go more than two weeks...its becuase I'm holding out for some new yambs....in fact I got something laying next to me right now, and as soon as she get up, she's gonna want to hop back on it. Then complain about my lack of foreplay [/humblebrag] #nopics
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I think 25-35 is the prime of getting yambs for a man.

You have all the tools (money, experience, confidence) + the numbers are on your favor.

I didn't really pick up speed till the last year of college...

Its tougher now cuz in in grad school and working. :frown:

I rarely have time to go out and pick up new prospects... Can someone point me in the"random places to scoop yambs" thread...

Or post some in here... I'm running out of "out of town" yambs and need to get more in town.

Did the POF thing already, too, so that's out.
Thats interesting because with all of those things, I still havnt managed to execute. I'm pretty stylish and sort of dapper in the dressing category, I do pretty well in that aspect in my book. In fact many females dig my sense of style and manner of dress. But all of that still don't get me any hits of the yambs though.

Also, I have plenty of numbers, and been on many  dates---I just never been able to seal the deal. I try to arrange a  hook up at their or my spot and most of the time women will give me the runaround, flake, or some BS excuse not to kick it or give it up. All of the funny stuff they do have me going in circles at times and I often stop pursuing the yambs----but the stress/pressure would build up again then I would start the  process all over again smh..

I do tend to overthink a lot of these types of situations and not have fun with it. I always been a serious type of guy (at times coming off as stand-off-ish). I really don't even know how to have fun to tell you the truth and keep it 100 with you. I dont even like celebrating my b-day like that.  I cant remember the last time I actually had fun and genuinely enjoyed myself (without being drunk or forcing myself to have a good time  :lol:)

I really don't want to waste any  more time, money, and energy just trying to get some yambs (esp having to trick/simp for some).

If I knew it was gonna be this challenging now  I would've made those bold moves while I was a little pre-teen and teen just to have the exp. under my belt and out the way...smh

I could've went this route in life, easily. Although I lost my at 18, I'm still a relative late-bloomer. I picked up on game, and surrounded myself with women since I graduated from college. It's Damn near a blessing I didn't have the game I have now, when I was back in college :smh: . Mack Lessons, and hanging around with dudes who respect the game goes a long way. Don't listen to those who say that dealing with women should come natural, because you already see that getting yambs is all but a natural occurrence (until it comes natural).

Trust me bro, getting yambs is an acquired skill that you have to find your voice, standards, and personal code of ethics on. I always been well dressed, and fairly handsome, but I went on a two year dry streak after my first taste of sex. I couldn't figure it out. Now at 27 if I go more than two weeks...its becuase I'm holding out for some new yambs....in fact I got something laying next to me right now, and as soon as she get up, she's gonna want to hop back on it. Then complain about my lack of foreplay [/humblebrag] #nopics

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Yeah it's really not natural, it's just the earlier you figure it out, the earlier it just becomes a part of you thus feeling natural. Like someone had to force me at 14 to do these things and i was terrified. But props though, you're actually putting yourself out there setting things in motion, i retract my "loser" statement. It's just frustrating my boy does none of these, and when we get him close he doesn't even put on a faux cool cover, he just straight comes off like a stoned pre-teen that just wants to get high/drunk and we give up.
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I'm 28...focus on getting money and building a career for yourself.

Bachelor life >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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