TAY: thread about yambs...

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My apologies for the essay. Those responses are warranted.

I graduate in August. Semester ends late April but she's gonna dip then come back in July. I'm not saying that I don't dig her, but I'm drawn to her mentally more than physically.

ricky I think you misinterpreted my **** fam :lol:
Got a theory on young chicks with dogs. Especially smalldogs...
Will post when I get home...

But for now...


Finna get the yambs... and put the dog in the cage.
That long *** essay is a reflection of your situation though. Stop over thinking, cross-examining all that yadda yadda. You got three options

1. Establish the FWB relationship, lay the guidelines out & wrap it up at all times.
2. You dig her as your woman, man up & go monogamous and don't play the fence.
3. That broad is crazy, you leave her *** alone & hit her w/ the bye-bye birdie.

Stop micro analyzing everything and just trust your instincts. If it ain't meant to be then on to the next one. You get the right vibe, go head on & cuff her. No woman is worth losing your mind & health over though bro
I hate coming across yambs that have acne on their breasts :x :x From my experiences it usually means the woman is of lower quality and or doesn't take care of her body as much as a normal female. She sent me a pic at least first so there's no shock in real life.
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I hate coming across yambs that have acne on their breasts :x :x From my experiences it usually means the woman is of lower quality and or doesn't take care of her body as much as a normal female. She sent me a pic at least first so there's no shock in real life.

Man I'm 30 years ago and I ain't never seen tittie zits in life.

Dudes smashing broads who ***** dudes in wheelchairs where y'all be finding these broads?
Had a sample of vitaliKoR I got from Netrition with a past order, had a full on rager for like 24 hrs and a throbbing headache. Don't know if that's good or bad, depends on your goals, but just throwing it out there.
So last month I met this chick at a bar in downtown LA. Seems to be feeling me and is down to hang out. We never end up hanging out as she lives like an hour from me (The Valley and I'm basically OC for my SoCal folks) and I'm busy with work plus had a few on the roster.

I forget about her until my boy asks about her today. Decide to hit her up, she responds positively and then I ask her to kick it and she says

"I don't think I told you but I have a man. But it doesn't mean I can't be attracted to you right"

Worth pursuing? She's cute but not fine or dime status. But if she was single and lived closer she would be on the team no question
Worth pursuing? She's cute but not fine or dime status. But if she was single and lived closer she would be on the team no question

I would pass bruh, I mean she's basically saying "I have a man, but we can still hook up right?" :lol: :lol:, OC to the Valley is pretty damn far too factor in traffic n gas prices :x 0] . Honestly the only way I would mess with her is if say I was conveniently driving through LA and she was too, meet up with her there, like a half way point. If not half way than if she'll drive down to you in the OC than that is best case scenario. Really if she won't cruise down to OC than dead her :lol: , not worth gettin caught up in her life/relationship.
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It sounds like you like her a lot more than you're willing to admit.


You ain't writing no dissertation on a chick that you're not feeling like that.

Give it a shot bro, what you got to lose?
Seems like she's just trying to get some sort of reaction out of you, but you might be playing it too cool. Just don't miss out on something.
Had a sample of vitaliKoR I got from Netrition with a past order, had a full on rager for like 24 hrs and a throbbing headache. Don't know if that's good or bad, depends on your goals, but just throwing it out there.
Post to avy ratio is obsurd
Gonna be a long read but I wanted to share my current experience with y'all. It's a little peculiar, perhaps some of you guys have gone through something similar.

I'm about 5 months away from finishing up my Undergrad career and I'm seeing this sophomore female at my school. Met her in early April last year and thought that we'd be engulfed in a legitimate friendship. She smokes, I smoke, I wasn't attracted to her at all and I was appreciative of our situation since I never really had a homegirl like that where I could seek out advice and just chop it up. We come from two entirely different backgrounds: she's a Jewish girl who went to a nice high school, did all the AP courses, is extra friendly, has loads of gay and lesbian friends, is culturally aware and really cares about the environment. I'm an apathetic, pessimistic, black man who struggled through high school and jumped over hurdles in order to land where I'm at. We really didn't interact much for 4 months since she went home and did traveling while I stayed in Tallahassee, wasn't a big deal though.

Come September when we see each other again, I guess she started to view me differently since my weight loss regime had sprouted at that point. We hung out here and there, but I mostly just went to her spot to
or whatever. Fast forward to late November and that's when our dynamic changed. She's really into helping others with issues, and I think trying to lessen the impact of another person's plight lowkey draws her more to a person. I had some really dark moments last year, came close to killing myself. On this night in November I went to her spot to
. After we got done, she asked for my cheek and kissed it. Didn't try to think about it much at all since overthinking is my weakness. We then had a really compassionate,open talk in her room. Talked about everything from her virginity and her attempts to lose it, to whether or not I was happy I was still on earth. It's a little mixture of corny, sympathetic, and comforting, but there was a moment when she was like "I wish I could do more to help" and I responded with, "You are helping."

Anyways, after that night, I started to have feelings for her. It was a rough semester for me in all aspects. My communication levels with others were poor, and I felt detached from people, so that talk sparked something. I still remained passive and quiet though. I didn't even speak on the kiss or mention my change in feelings. It was an odd time for this to occur too since we didn't build on it. Neither of us spoke on it. Thanksgiving break came, and even though we hung out like two or three more times in the 2 week span before Christmas break, nothing was majorly altered. I did have in mind that there was a chance she wanted me since she told me about a guy she wanted to lose her Vcard too, pretty much wasn't down for it.

We don't speak again until the day before I return to Tally. A couple of attempts to chill were rendered futile early on in the semester and I thought about just deading this girl altogether. She arranged for us to see a movie together at the end of the month and that's when the dynamic really changed.

On the way to the movie, she asked me if I liked anyone. I evaded the question, stating that I'm digging some celebrities. During the movie though I thought that this was the best opportunity to clarify things. She ended up asking me the question again after the movie and I told her that I started to like her after that night in November, but after not building on it enough it dwindled down some. She just latched on to the part that I did like her, and stated that she's currently feeling me. Our hangout sessions expanded through the roof after that.

Turns out she lost her virginity during Christmas break, and the floodgates were open. She's a horny, horny, young girl. She smashed 3 dudes in about a month, but claims that she's known all of them for years, I guess that's to lessen the negative outlook on the situation. Doesn't really bother me, I understand the sexual desires in a human. She's a tad insecure though, continuously mentioning how she's not a garden tool and all that.

Anyways, the night after we chilled, she was with it. I mean, geeking. Getting naked immediately with a young ninja, all over me. Exposing hidden feelings. Apparently she was digging me for a minute. Told me that before the movie, she masturbated to thoughts of me, and probably did that several times before. She's taking a major chance though, being so emotionally fragile and sensitive, and investing all of this energy into something that is going to end. It's strange for me though.

We embody the characteristics of a couple, and she plays a huge role in that. She's told a boatload of friends about us, and has even told family members about me, showing them pictures and all that. This isn't just some, I say waddup to you, and smash in the room type steez, she's kissing me in public in front of friends and ****.

Now why I really wanted to type this out, is to talk about the next wrinkle in our dynamic. Up until about last week, through our friendship, and whatever-ship we have now, **** was really peachy. Not a single confrontation, not a hint of a disagreement, not even a subtle grasp at conflict between us. I thought we had done a good job of not exactly highlighting anything that could cause potential emotional damage.

She was scheduled to go home last weekend. In the middle of the week, she tells me that she told one of her exes, and one of the guys she smashed during Christmas break, that they could hang out, but not do anything since she's seeing someone. I told her to live her life. I told her that "we don't belong to each other." I appreciate her honesty, or attempt at honesty, but deep down, I thought it would be unfair for me to shackle up that box, when I'm still on the market for other buns and mouths.

She found my response strange. Differences in ideologies are present. She's aware that she has more feelings for me than I do for her. She's told me of her irrationality and how she's gone through my Facebook and gotten angry at other females who write on my wall. I think she's disappointed in the fact that I didn't display uneasiness at the thought of her having sex with someone else while also having sex with me. The concept of her potentially doing something with that guy came up again, and when I told her to do her thing, she said that she doesn't think that that's what I really want. I tried to envision myself getting upset over it, and i couldn't. It's not in me. I can only be upset about her smashing someone else if she's the only yambs I'm getting.

Maybe if we had established something sexual after that November night, I'd be more attached at this point, but I felt a little strange after that night at the movies because I knew my level of feelings for her were way below hers for me. We've run into a bit of conflict though since she's displayed some flip floppy, inconsistent qualities. If anything will jar me, it's dishonesty. She asked me if I wanted her to bring back some bud from home, I said sure. The ex is the dealer. She pulls this change of heart. I dunno if she thinks she screwed up by telling me he was the dealer after I knew that they had ties or what, but when I brought up the bud over the weekend, she was weird about it. Said she didn't get it but had some in Tally. The last time we smashed, I took a break, dipped out to
and get food. She said that bothered her. I asked if that was the reasoning behind the no bud, and she said no, she doesn't think her friend sells anymore.

We're also in the process of getting tested, and she was being weird/inconsistent about that too. Going from "we need to get tested asap, but I'm getting tested during Spring break" to "I need to get tested asap, I'm starting to worry". She was usually pretty thorough with answers, but then started hitting me with "idk" responses. Of course a young ninja ain't too foolish, and I follow my initial instincts more than ever, so I knew something was up. She smashed the dude again, but was going to try and hide it from me assuming I would get mad. I'm not trippin' over it at all. The only thing that has me concerned is that with this slight level of flip floppiness, there's a trickle down effect that's impacting my sexual health. That's what has me concerned. If you're gonna be inconsistent in regards to trivial matters, then it makes me assume that you might have fabricated some things about your sexual past. I've been smashing raw brehs, I've been rolling dat dere dice.

Neither of us like conflict, she claims she hates it. But I told her to embrace it, since it promotes growth. She tried to ask if we grew before we even hung out again

Hung out with her Monday night, she was crying and ****
Talkin' bout she "thought it was over." Also mentioned that if it was over, she was going to skip all classes for the week. Silly stuff, but understandable in a young, sheltered girl's life.

Right now we're cool and stuff, but her emotions are a little much for me sometimes, and since there's a constant reminder that this stint between us will end soon, there's constant sorrow. I know to embrace the hurt, so I think instinctively, I'm detaching myself, making sure I don't get too close. It's a little hard when you're spending the night at a chick's spot every night, smashing, getting top and all that. My slight hint of apathy helps though.

I get tested tomorrow, supposed to get results same day. Anyone here been in a partnership in which the end is clearly in sight? Should I ride this out, or dead it early? Should I go ham if I find out I caught something from this girl? Sorry for the essay, don't read it if you don't wanna, and if you don't have the time.

-Met girl in College last April, became smoking buddies/regular friends
-She's currently a sophomore, I'm a Senior
-Spent 4 months away from each other
-Hangout sessions start back up in Fall
-Feelings grow for girl in late November
-Growth of feelings are unknown to girl
-Little to no contact/interaction between Thanksgiving Break/Christmas Break
-Girl makes major push on me in end of January
-Friends with benefits relationship arises
-Happy-go-lucky aura around us vanishes after she brings up an ex back home
-Disputes surrounding whether or not we can/should be smashing other people
-Girl mentions that she told dude back home they can hang, but can't smash, since she's seeing me
-I tell her to smash dude if she wants to, she thinks that's a bad idea initially, and assumes that the words I'm saying isn't how I really feel
-A young ninja attempts to picture himself getting overly upset about another person smashing, but cannot rationally envision that.
-She goes home and smashes dude (he's in a wheelchair and his meat smaller than mine, this is trivial, but I guess our experiences are triller)
-She displays some flip floppy, inconsistent, behavior, mentalities that nearly cause me to hate her, was unaware that I'm not a F ninja
-She cries at the prospect of "us" ending early.
-We decide to keep it 1hunna with each other, and decide, if we're using protection, we can smash others
-She's still very clingy, and the sadness in our partnership is large since the end of our hangouts are looming
-Getting tested tomorrow, if I have something, oh lawd things are about to get real.
It sounds like you like her a lot more than you're willing to admit.


You ain't writing no dissertation on a chick that you're not feeling like that.

Give it a shot bro, what you got to lose?
Seems like she's just trying to get some sort of reaction out of you, but you might be playing it too cool. Just don't miss out on something.
Same thing I was thinking. It may have started with the tree but now it's grown into something more.
Appreciate the responses y'all. I think I screwed up by giving the ENTIRE backstory, including when we first met and all that, I should have just started from when our Friends With Benefits partnership began. I also hope that I didn't write that in a way that makes it look like I was the one crying, that wasn't the case, was her.

We're not committed to each other, so I'll give her her space and let her do her. Can't put a lock on that vagina. I am drawn to her, I think it's more of an emotional,mental attachment though. And I'm not buggin about the end being in sight, I'm embracing it. Can't set myself up with lofty expectations only to fall flat on my face.

Once again, apologies for the long, long writeup.
It sounds like you like her a lot more than you're willing to admit.


You ain't writing no dissertation on a chick that you're not feeling like that.

Give it a shot bro, what you got to lose?
Seems like she's just trying to get some sort of reaction out of you, but you might be playing it too cool. Just don't miss out on something.
Same thing I was thinking. It may have started with the tree but now it's grown into something more.

Word. Keep playing cool, you're gonna lose her and when it finally hits you, she's gone and you're now a lame. The Hero worship doesn't last bruh. Stop letting your ego enjoy it and be real with yourself and what you want.

And the potential yamb lineup just got 1 smaller, hit me with the "back with babydaddy, dont text me no more". Saw it coming, but damn, wanted to smash first.
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