TAY: thread about yambs...

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Best time to go to pick up women at the gym is around new year.... you catch all the "resolution" chicks who probably ain't that serious anyway, so they'll be more open to talk.

What she said.

A month to a couple of weeks before Spring Break is when I've noticed a lot of female traffic in the rec center at my school.
Some people misinterpret so much on this site.

Agreed, bringing the briefcase in a gym is too much, which is why I said a duffle bag.

A lot of guys have professions which require them to wear a suit, so how is that trying too hard.

Yeah ****** take it to the extreme. You're talking jacket and tie off, with the duffel bag of equipment you're gonna change into, it turned into you hitting the gym like you're just going into work.
ive always been known as the funny/smart *** throughout school so whenever im out with people and they got a mutual girl they introduce me as some sort of "funny guy" which is great at first cause im good at making small talk or some sarcastic comment to make a girl interested but problem is once i actually get to texting/ calling a girl they just take everything i say as a bigger joke than khloe kardashian takes her diet ,the more i be myself the funnier they think i am but when i act serious or like someone im not i feel corny and awkward..

anyone got an idea for the master key fix to all of this, need to get back into a cycle of consistent yambs
ive always been known as the funny/smart *** throughout school so whenever im out with people and they got a mutual girl they introduce me as some sort of "funny guy" which is great at first cause im good at making small talk or some sarcastic comment to make a girl interested but problem is once i actually get to texting/ calling a girl they just take everything i say as a bigger joke than khloe kardashian takes her diet ,the more i be myself the funnier they think i am but when i act serious or like someone im not i feel corny and awkward..
anyone got an idea for the master key fix to all of this, need to get back into a cycle of consistent yambs

stop telling so many dam jokes
resolution for 2013 with women: stop beasting so hard, control sexual urges, stop smanging any woman that wants the D, stop being an *******, find women to build with instead of wasting time on useless nuts
resolution for 2013 with women: stop beasting so hard, control sexual urges, stop smanging any woman that wants the D, stop being an *******, find women to build with instead of wasting time on useless nuts
Yeah stop wasting that nut on useless females cause if u hold off till u get that one thats worthy enough to get that pipe laid down word to super mario bro. That nut gonna feel like the best thing on earth. Look at it like this while u ******g a female and all u could think about is "i want this to last as long as possible" or that "damn i wanna please her sexually every way possible" u got u a winner
Best time to go to pick up women at the gym is around new year.... you catch all the "resolution" chicks who probably ain't that serious anyway, so they'll be more open to talk.


kinfoe... your mind is as though you're some sort of...


thank you, patty... this little nugget will be used...

kinfoe... your mind is as though you're some sort of...
thank you, patty... this little nugget will be used...

I have friends... that are girls; some of them are serious about the gym.... vast majority are NOT. My thing is, if you going hard dammitt you don't have time to "check in" and post pics of yourself sweating, boo boo.

Anytime I check in to my lil' physical fitness spot it's a) after I'm done working out and b) to give the spot some shine (it's a small, black owned "gym" so I figure she could use the advertising help :tongue: )
Plus when I was new to Dallas I AAAALLLLMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOST stooped to the level of going to the gym for the sole purpose of picking up a dude :smh: In the end I talked myself out of it tho, given my size I didn't want unnecessary beams of hate from other women actually tryna work towards something :lol: :lol:
Hooked up with a new Hungarian chick Monday night and a Israeli last night.. Good week.

And an American friend last Wednesday.. The fact that I initially forgot is probably for the best.
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Me and my boy were having a discussion and we were trying to decide which place seems like a better date idea, open mic club or a jazz club
Been on a drought lately, got the 6's and 7's wanting to smash but I am looking for the 8's and 9's. I don't like settling for less. This sucks. :smh:
Me and my boy were having a discussion and we were trying to decide which place seems like a better date idea, open mic club or a jazz club

it depends on what are you interested in... don't front like you into jazz and go to a jazz club and sitting there looking lost half the night :lol:
Me and my boy were having a discussion and we were trying to decide which place seems like a better date idea, open mic club or a jazz club

it depends on what are you interested in... don't front like you into jazz and go to a jazz club and sitting there looking lost half the night :lol:

Very true, do you think an open mic place would be a good place to have convo and what not?
Me and my boy were having a discussion and we were trying to decide which place seems like a better date idea, open mic club or a jazz club

Couple things I learned over the years (DATE IDEA TIPS):

Neither IMO, I usually pick places or activities where you can converse and get to know the individual first. I usually pick a coffee shop, its cheap like under $10 for a date if you decide to pay for her, I usually don't (for me this is the get to know you phase, pre-date but some people consider this to be a date, w/e). Then I would proceed to do something simple on the second date like bowling or mini-golf, something simple not too extravagant where the main focus is getting to know the individual while having fun on a budget. Plus with bowling and mini-golf you can initiate some contact the natural way but just don't be awkward guys :smh:.Third date is whatever I am feeling that moment. I usually sprinkle in some activities that I do on the regular and ask her to tag along and maybe a cooking tutorial/homemade dinner approach if I want to turn it up a notch or whenever I am feeling a little saucy :smokin. The main goal is to keep it simple 30-45 minutes and there a couple reasons for this like having less time to mess up and keeping yourself mysterious or busy (even though I know most of you guys will be on NT right after asking damb relationship questions :lol:). Always remember you don't have to spend a ton to have a great time, just be yourself, scratch that don't be the thirsty guys for 30-45 minutes and let her do the talking and interject once in while to know you are paying attention (remember pay attention guys, don't picture her naked or anything like that :smh:, if you are that thirsty drink a coke before hand, nom sayin' ;)). If she is a cool chick and she is having a good time, it doesn't matter you spent $10-20 on a date. Just have that confidence to be successful fambs :D.
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