TAY: thread about yambs...

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^She already committed the sin of suggesting that he spend his money several times. If she said, "you wanna go get some drinks" then I say ok to everything you said but the fact she said "are you gonna go get some drinks" several times is a red flag senor. Ya'll gotta understand that a lot of females go out with the intention of getting drunk on YOUR dollar. She'll grind on you for a few songs coerce you over to the bar to get those adios's and vamanos. I've seen it happen too many times to my boys. I don't buy chicks drinks in the club unless I'm out on a date with them.

It's cool that you guys are all giving advice to each other but factor in where you guys live in the equation as well. Chicks in L.A. are not like chicks in Chicago, Atlanta, Raleigh, N.Y. and vice versa. Getting at a chick in Hollywood verse getting at a chick in Dallas isn't going to require the same skill set. In L.A. 95% of the cute chicks aren't sliding with you if you don't have your own place,car etc. some game is universal but a lot isn't.

To the chick talking about she's with a dude with self esteem issues etc. Good luck with that, nothing you say is going to help or motivate him only he can do that.
I've got 3 I just started smashing within the last month...And all 3 told me, "They don't usually do this," or "I'm breaking my rules for you,".
Wtf is that? Ur coming over to my pad, you already know what's going down...
Are they trying to be wifed up or something?
translation: i normally do this... and no, you're not special. i'm just telling you this cuz what i'm about to do is very slutty..

however, i do not want to be portrayed as a ****. even though i like doing slutty things. please dont judge me. i hope that me saying these things will somehow save face and you wont embarrass me about it"

Its always the girls that give some good top talking about "I've only done it once or twice" yeah ok. :lol:
you guys cant be serious. when a girl says "are you gonna be buy me a drink?" 99.999999% of the time she's milking him for free drinks. He didnt have her lol, she was about to use him. Good thing you said no to that. I've know girls who go to bars specifically to get free drinks from dudes.
Thanks for the input fellas...like i said, i been out of the game for nearly 6 years. Coming back from retirement, i'm a little rusty but doesnt mean ima make the same mistakes i did when i was a young buck.

I mean, if she asked once, i'll let it slide, but she asked about 3 times...that just seemed off to me *shrugs*

Anyway, ima probably go out again this weekend...see what i get up to then.
^She already committed the sin of suggesting that he spend his money several times. If she said, "you wanna go get some drinks" then I say ok to everything you said but the fact she said "are you gonna go get some drinks" several times is a red flag

that's true, women do use guys for free drinks, never happened to me fortunately. pretty much agree with everything you said
"I've never done this before"
*does it on expert level*

Best top I've ever had lol.

On the buying drinks tip...

I NEVER bought girls drinks until recently...Did it first in Vegas, smashed that night. I was always completely against it, but don't see a problem if the convo is going smooth and you are making progress.

Recently I have been out with my boys and their friends have brought friends and that's simple. In the situation you described when she kept saying, "Are YOU getting drinks?" I would have played it off like you were good for the moment but maybe in a few and try to keep the convo going and see if she only wanted drinks.

This one girl I'm talking to now insists on paying for rounds, so I know she enjoys the company and what happens after :pimp:

My game is usually get the number, make progress, ask them out for drinks...3-3 the last 2 weeks or so.
My game is usually get the number, make progress, ask them out for drinks...3-3 the last 2 weeks or so.

thanks... but i just dont have much time or motivation to sit down with some of these chicks.. ive got the forward/blunt/honest approach and like to get down to business and i feel thirsty if i try to close on the first night but thats maybe just me
"I've never done this before"
*does it on expert level*

Best top I've ever had lol.

On the buying drinks tip...

I NEVER bought girls drinks until recently...Did it first in Vegas, smashed that night. I was always completely against it, but don't see a problem if the convo is going smooth and you are making progress.

Recently I have been out with my boys and their friends have brought friends and that's simple. In the situation you described when she kept saying, "Are YOU getting drinks?" I would have played it off like you were good for the moment but maybe in a few and try to keep the convo going and see if she only wanted drinks.

This one girl I'm talking to now insists on paying for rounds, so I know she enjoys the company and what happens after :pimp:

My game is usually get the number, make progress, ask them out for drinks...3-3 the last 2 weeks or so.


Nothing wrong with buying drinks as long as you already established good rapport and making progress. Buying drinks right off jump is just foolish and expensive

Girls that ask for drinks right off top :smh:

My boy had a great response to a chick saying "I want a drink". He pointed towards the bar and said "They take cash OR credit"
^ Agree with all the above.

I think it would be ideal to have these yambs ASAP with as little work possible, however for me personally, meeting at a bar/club + 1-2 dates to smang for the next 4+ weeks is well worth it

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[COLOR=#red]I'm going to put this out there real quick. It's kind of stupid and immature to label chicks as sluts. You see a chick that you want to smash and then she let's you smash. She gives you the most amazing head ever and rides you to sleep. BUT she's not exclusive to you and she is seeing other dudes. It kills your ego that all that goodness isn't all yours EVEN though you was never trying to make her your chick in the first place. That amazing dissonance happening in your mind, coupled with the fact that you don't really understand the game makes you call her a ****.

BUT if that same chick hadn't given you the skins in the first place and you really wanted her, your feelings would be hurt and you would feel rejected. This commentary ain't about "savin em", it's about understanding the game and the intricacies of what's involved. [/COLOR]
I'm going to put this out there real quick. It's kind of stupid and immature to label chicks as sluts. You see a chick that you want to smash and then she let's you smash. She gives you the most amazing head ever and rides you to sleep. BUT she's not exclusive to you and she is seeing other dudes. It kills your ego that all that goodness isn't all yours EVEN though you was never trying to make her your chick in the first place. That amazing dissonance happening in your mind, coupled with the fact that you don't really understand the game makes you call her a ****.
BUT if that same chick hadn't given you the skins in the first place and you really wanted her, your feelings would be hurt and you would feel rejected. This commentary ain't about "savin em", it's about understanding the game and the intricacies of what's involved.
I guess this pertains to me..
[COLOR=#red]I'm going to put this out there real quick. It's kind of stupid and immature to label chicks as sluts. You see a chick that you want to smash and then she let's you smash. She gives you the most amazing head ever and rides you to sleep. BUT she's not exclusive to you and she is seeing other dudes. It kills your ego that all that goodness isn't all yours EVEN though you was never trying to make her your chick in the first place. That amazing dissonance happening in your mind, coupled with the fact that you don't really understand the game makes you call her a ****.

BUT if that same chick hadn't given you the skins in the first place and you really wanted her, your feelings would be hurt and you would feel rejected. This commentary ain't about "savin em", it's about understanding the game and the intricacies of what's involved. [/COLOR]

I label chicks as sluts and **** but it's often tongue in cheek as I have enough self awareness to know that I can be called a man ***** considering it wouldn't take a lot for a 7+ to get me in the bed and I've had my fair share of one night stands.
It's cool that you guys are all giving advice to each other but factor in where you guys live in the equation as well. Chicks in L.A. are not like chicks in Chicago, Atlanta, Raleigh, N.Y. and vice versa. Getting at a chick in Hollywood verse getting at a chick in Dallas isn't going to require the same skill set. In L.A. 95% of the cute chicks aren't sliding with you if you don't have your own place,car etc. some game is universal but a lot isn't.

[COLOR=#red]Wise, I am going to very respectfully disagree with you brother. This coming from a dude that has smashed in multiple cities in Cali, in Chi, Atlanta, NC, FL, AL, MS, AR, TN, MD, DC, VA,SC,TX, Iraq, Afghanistan, Manila, Cayman Islands. Ethnicities/Nationalities from Turkish to Asian. Now I've had some money in my life, but would never be mistaken for rich...NEVER had a true luxury car, I don't wear jewelry, never lived in a mansion either.

I do agree with you that there a slight superficial differences with women depending on where they are located, but pretty much women are the same in that they are attracted to confidence, control, charisma, and charm...AKA the 4 C's. When a dude learns to put those things together in the right way, then instead of searching for "yambs", they'll instead be searching for "yamb" repellant to keep the numbers down. True story.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Hughey, my dude I wasn't directing it to anyone in particular. S**t I used to be the same way until I realized what was really going on bro. BUT if you can know these things earlier you'll be ahead of the game bro.[/COLOR]

You are basically saying take them for what they are worth, correct?
[COLOR=#red]Yeah basically. Enjoy it for what's it's worth, but be strapped up of course. That's the great part about being young and unattached. [/COLOR]

Definitely agree. Made the mistake of being in a relationship with a girl who I was just smashing, while I smashed others...She was committed to me, gave me "the talk", I wifed. Of course she didn't trust me from the jump, didn't work.

Ur not a bad guy if ur honest from the jump about what's going down...Found that older with age, when I was younger I lead them on. Now I'm more ruthless, but being truthful and blunt helps all parties in the end.
^ That to me is the messiest part of the game and the number one reason why I don't mess with randoms often. When its all said and done most of these chicks (especially if attractive) have a steady dude or dudes that is knocking it down and getting in the yamborghini with the roof gone(smashing raw). I'll never forget messing with a chick that told me through tears after having sex that she had just slept with a dude she is seriously dating 3 days prior to her topping me off in a club bathroom and letting me beat in the car again (I knew her and she was actually not a **** we just always had a thing for each other and this particular night I didn't care I was releasing that steam). Long story short the vicious cycle is I'm kissing her she topped another dude a few days ago she tops me I bust in her mouth she's kissing him a day or two after. Not my line of work boys and girls. I wish I could tell you that smashing randoms was nothing but that **** is disgusting when you really analyze it. You're sleeping with whomever that other person is messing with too. That's how you get that sprinkler penis. **** be pissing out of six holes and ****. Look like you watering the grass when you piss. I always tell chicks give me atleast a 3 to 4 week "grace" period between the last time she sucked and got plucked so the coochie can cleanse and rejuvenate and the red carpet can be rolled back out again. I'm a germaphobe tho and all my boys have gotten burned so I'm just extra conscious.

Elder I feel you. There isn't a right or wrong experience mine is just different than yours. Girls in LA are nothing like women anywhere else in the world and I know countless amount of dudes that LIVE here that can attest. You can have your three C's and pull that dine in the club but once that first date comes around and you pick her up in that Honda she is NOT messing with you anymore 8 times out of 10. This isn't opinion, theory but utter FACT! Sure this can happen anywhere else but its more prevalent and consistent here. It's lala land, most of these chicks don't live in reality. I agree with you about everything else tho. We also have to consider when traveling its always easier to pull chicks because you aren't fron there and your energy is different. Typically when I travel its actually a joke how easy women are.
i'm from NYC, and never been to LA in my life. But i'm 100000% sure that girls in LA are easier/less of a ***** than girls in NYC :lol:
This is a anti-yambs post kind of.. My hungarian chick has slept over for the past 5 out of 8 or so days. We can kiss for hours, wake up in the middle of the night and go at it again, but the second I grip her yamburger, she's like "No, no, stop be a gentleman.."

Shh got me feeling like an 18 year old again.. I know she's gotten it in much earlier in relationships, so why is she making a brotha wait?
^ That to me is the messiest part of the game and the number one reason why I don't mess with randoms often. When its all said and done most of these chicks (especially if attractive) have a steady dude or dudes that is knocking it down and getting in the yamborghini with the roof gone(smashing raw). I'll never forget messing with a chick that told me through tears after having sex that she had just slept with a dude she is seriously dating 3 days prior to her topping me off in a club bathroom and letting me beat in the car again (I knew her and she was actually not a **** we just always had a thing for each other and this particular night I didn't care I was releasing that steam). Long story short the vicious cycle is I'm kissing her she topped another dude a few days ago she tops me I bust in her mouth she's kissing him a day or two after. Not my line of work boys and girls. I wish I could tell you that smashing randoms was nothing but that **** is disgusting when you really analyze it. You're sleeping with whomever that other person is messing with too. That's how you get that sprinkler penis. **** be pissing out of six holes and ****. Look like you watering the grass when you piss. I always tell chicks give me atleast a 3 to 4 week "grace" period between the last time she sucked and got plucked so the coochie can cleanse and rejuvenate and the red carpet can be rolled back out again. I'm a germaphobe tho and all my boys have gotten burned so I'm just extra conscious.

Elder I feel you. There isn't a right or wrong experience mine is just different than yours. Girls in LA are nothing like women anywhere else in the world and I know countless amount of dudes that LIVE here that can attest. You can have your three C's and pull that dine in the club but once that first date comes around and you pick her up in that Honda she is NOT messing with you anymore 8 times out of 10. This isn't opinion, theory but utter FACT! Sure this can happen anywhere else but its more prevalent and consistent here. It's lala land, most of these chicks don't live in reality. I agree with you about everything else tho. We also have to consider when traveling its always easier to pull chicks because you aren't fron there and your energy is different. Typically when I travel its actually a joke how easy women are.

I'm broke - resident's salary + student loans, so I don't even approach the broads that give off that gold digging aura and I'm sure I don't attract those broads either so I never have that problem. I also go out in more low-key bars/lounges in Downtown, SM, Hermosa, OC vs the Hollywood club scene where a lot of them reise.

Hell I'm living at home for the next year - free rent + proximity to where I'm doing my intern year, and the girls I kick it with don't have a problem with it.
This is a anti-yambs post kind of.. My hungarian chick has slept over for the past 5 out of 8 or so days. We can kiss for hours, wake up in the middle of the night and go at it again, but the second I grip her yamburger, she's like "No, no, stop be a gentleman.."

Shh got me feeling like an 18 year old again.. I know she's gotten it in much earlier in relationships, so why is she making a brotha wait?

Get her warmed up in other places and WIO before going for the kill. Get her to the point where she's begging for it

Also stop letting her sleep over if she is going to play games.
This is a anti-yambs post kind of.. My hungarian chick has slept over for the past 5 out of 8 or so days. We can kiss for hours, wake up in the middle of the night and go at it again, but the second I grip her yamburger, she's like "No, no, stop be a gentleman.."

Shh got me feeling like an 18 year old again.. I know she's gotten it in much earlier in relationships, so why is she making a brotha wait?

wait she spending tha night that often and you're not smashing???
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