TAY: thread about yambs...

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Holiday season is definitely yamb season, *** cousins yambs always coming in town, and college yambs are back in town
damn... I admit it's hard hearing one side of my story, but on me I swear I ain't trolling :lol:

Unlike some of ya'll I ain't gotta lie on a message board to seem cool :nerd:
Unlike some of ya'll I ain't gotta lie on a message board to seem cool :nerd:




I honestly think generalizations like this aren't fair--- we not all like this. I do believe you got done wrong but now the next time a girl comes up who is different you will treat her based on how your last girl treated you.

what i got from that situation is that a woman/man will see their mates potential and it will scare the hell out of them. They know that they're not up to par... and the mate can go and find someone way prettier, way more fun, way more money... the woman/man sees this and tries to hold on to them by putting a psychological lock on the mate. talking down, telling them they're not worth much... just to hold on to them...

but lettuce keep it all the way real... chicks be monkey barrin' dudes... and use them as an emotional springboard way more than men cuz women function their daily LIVES on emotion.
damn... I admit it's hard hearing one side of my story, but on me I swear I ain't trolling :lol:
Unlike some of ya'll I ain't gotta lie on a message board to seem cool :nerd:
Been lurking NT since 01 and just recently got back into it. Back then there was only about 3 girls, So pardon my ignorance for not knowing you were a girl. But if your referring to me as "lying" I haven't told one lie. All I've done was post pictures of women I've smashed.

And to the dude bringing up your gender as if it's impossible for a woman to be a troll, you need to fallback. There's just as much women who troll as their is guys.

While a female perspective is very important in a thread based on "smashing yambs" you gotta be able to keep it 100 and acknowledge you too have flaws. Your post make it seem like your the dream woman. Since you're obviously a fan of outkast you need to hear "Roses"

by the way since this is NT can we get some pics?
I been peeping this thread for some time now from a distance. For reasons that I can not explain to you fine folk there is a reason I haven't posted here...just know that im qualified to post in this thread and dare I say give advice. Ask the homie ksteezy bout me, he knows my credentials.

Gator boots been going hard in this thread and I respect that. I haven't seen what she looks like but from her posts she sounds like a 6.5/10 probably cleans up good enough to border on a 8/10. It is not uncommon for girls like this to be cool as hell. I don't think she's trollin.

As for her situation with her dude, there's a few scenarios.

1. Dude is the type to just keep **** to himself. He's not about to open up to you about all his struggles cause its just not who he is.

2. His feelings for you might not be as strong as yours are. You there cause you cool and he could **** with you but he may not be thinking long term with you, at least not yet. You can't push him to open up. Let him know you there whenever he wants to open up to you, but then you fall back and let it ride out. Pushing him will only cause him to shut down more.

Let me know how off base you think I am.
damn... I admit it's hard hearing one side of my story, but on me I swear I ain't trolling :lol:
Unlike some of ya'll I ain't gotta lie on a message board to seem cool :nerd:
Been lurking NT since 01 and just recently got back into it. Back then there was only about 3 girls, So pardon my ignorance for not knowing you were a girl. But if your referring to me as "lying" I haven't told one lie. All I've done was post pictures of women I've smashed.

And to the dude bringing up your gender as if it's impossible for a woman to be a troll, you need to fallback. There's just as much women who troll as their is guys.

While a female perspective is very important in a thread based on "smashing yambs" you gotta be able to keep it 100 and acknowledge you too have flaws. Your post make it seem like your the dream woman. Since you're obviously a fan of outkast you need to hear "Roses"

by the way since this is NT can we get some pics?

What the ****? for one why you think she's talking to you and get defensive, and two the "she's a woman" in regards to trolling and the topic at hand was to mean they don't think they do wrong, they believe they are the things they say.
sup playas. i see yall sharing some good knowledge in here.

How do yall go about starting convos with the random yambs??? I usually have no problem talking to the mutual yambs but like yambs in the mall, leaving the club, walking the city etc. I've noticed I have no problem getting their attention, but since my skills are lacking in that department, my shooting percentage is very low. I think the problem is I'm too forward and need a new approach. Help me out playas.
was going to say this but you already said it...
girls dont know how to properly end something unless they have another dude in the wings... its called getting "monkey barred"
they'll stick around until they secure another dude. in the mean time, they'll start arguments, be hypocritical, and just flat out not make sense.
i went thru a similar thing w/ my chick... we was high school sweethearts... started at 15... at 21, after some super trivial times... her flakyness and lack of general respect... i just had enough... stood on my own two and said "fugg dis."
for the longest, i thought it was me. she made me feel bad for wanting to smile just b/c. she would criticize me, talk down, ruin my confidence, and straight up hull me out. VERY SIMILAR to what you are/were going thru (getting flack over xbox)
the coldest part is that she was LIVING with me... i let her stay w/ me rent free. when she would complain and i'd say "bounce" she'd say "it aint no thing. i got plenty of n____ willing to pay my rent!".. it came to a point where the yambs were on some "if you do this, your reward is some poon" *****?
two years later, i've found that i'm a prize. i may not be the most handsome, most payed, longest D havin' dude... but dambit i'm cool as a fan, and bring genuine happiness to those around me. i make ANYONE feel comfortable around me, know how to deliver the D to the yambs, and dont mind doing little things.
you should feel the same way, my dude. i swear a chick will use you as an emotional tampon. eff anything you have going on in order to boost her own self up...
what i got from that situation is that a woman/man will see their mates potential and it will scare the hell out of them. They know that they're not up to par... and the mate can go and find someone way prettier, way more fun, way more money... the woman/man sees this and tries to hold on to them by putting a psychological lock on the mate. talking down, telling them they're not worth much... just to hold on to them...
that may have happened to you famb. it shouldnt be a struggle to be with someone at this age... if you havent bounced, bounce now... it'll sting for a min, i swear... she'll try all kinda stuff.. throw yambs, disrespect, make deals whatever to get you to stay... stand on your own two feet EMOTIONALLY and you'll be a better overall man for it...

Thanks famb.. Glad to hear you made it. What you said was basically what I'm expecting as far as breaking up.. it's gonna break my heart to see her break when I tell her I don't think I want us together anymore.. we had great memories and been together since Jr year in HS, but I'd rather have it this way then we crash land. I want us to be friends (maybe) and be able to look back and smile.

I'm someone who can be amazingly emotionally stable at times, then a minute later be ready to break down thinking about ish.. but I'll do my best. Over the span of the past few days, we've been on a break and I have yet to break down for the thought of her not being mine anymore. We haven't talked at all and I don't feel like anything has hit me. Idk if its cause I'm hella busy or what.. but other than seeing pictures and things that make me think of her, I'm fine..

It's time to move on I think..
THIS is you proving you value in this thread, Pattie...
good looks, famb... hopefully, yall fellas take note... dont gotta be on some super exotic timed stuff...
just let her know your interested and you want to see if she wants to learn you...
thanks for dat, Pattie Mayo..
:pimp: :pimp:

My female friends would call anyone who approached them like this a creeper and just drive off ASAP :smh: :lol: Not saying that they're right in doing so, it's just harder to approach many women like that these days (I think this was a discussion a few pages back, where normal male interest gets interpreted as thirst :rolleyes).


I just don't think I'm the type who can do the casual @#$@. I tried in college and only had success with subpar females :lol: Even when I've straight up told them what I wanted, I've had them say things like "I'm not going to have sex with you tonight...I like you and want to get to know you better first." and this was from a well-known jumpoff who tried smashing 3 different dudes on my birthday since I was passed out :x:rofl: Not sure how I always give off the boyfriend/relationship aura. I mean, I don't think that's a bad thing, but I end up getting played in the end by all the women who want to be with me or find out some dirt about them that completely turns me off, so it's a lose-lose situation since I don't get to be with them OR smash :smh:

There are girls I can hit up that would be down for just casual sex...thing is I hate them so damn much (they don't know I'm just being nice to avoid drama) that I can't physically get myself to smash if you know what I mean :lol:

And no, I don't simp at all or act too nice. Am I just not being convincing enough about what I want from a girl?

I know that feel bro
I've worked hard on developing that killer instinct. I'm a naturally laid-back person and I can get women w/o being aggressive so I used to struggle when aggressiveness was needed. I squandered some opportunities in college

I've learned that what works best for me is not talking directly about it but hinting around the subject and then putting myself in a situation to close. I've kicked it with this girl twice and we've made out a bit but haven't come close to smashing because of where we were. Haven't talked about smashing but she's coming over in a few days and I plan to make it happen. I've never had someone come over to the crib (post-college) and it not go down.

Also being laid-back and having good boyfriend qualities (intelligent, solid career, no kids, attractive) makes the casual smash difficult for me as well. I have a hard time keeping girls on the team for any extended period of time.

I smashed this chick a few times and I had explicitly told her before I didn't want a relationship. She started to catch feelings we ended it. Out of the blue a few months later she hits me up with

"I miss that feeling that you introduced me to. I had no clue how truly Addicted I would become. I want to see you and feel you but I realize you don't feel the same way, or we would still be seeing each other.
Its so out of character for me to even be admitting this stuff. And pretty embarrassing that I still think about you and miss you. My pride will have to take a seat this time.
I was with my ex for 3 years and never did I have this strong desire for him. Sucks."

This is a relatively extreme example but even when I explicitly state I don't want anything serious girls try to lock me down. I guess they think their yambs will hypnotize me
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