TAY: thread about yambs...

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As a part of the self proclaimed royal court of TAY ( :lol: ) I'll say that's you're probably just a naturally nice guy or you seem very empathetic. I feel like women can sense that plus you probably aren't making it very obvious what your intentions. In conversation make it known what you're looking for. Because if you're a good catch but they see you're not about that relationship life they'll be more inclined to throw the ***** on you to change your mind.

Yea...I always come off as an @#$ hole in the beginning (not because I am one, but because I'm always talking @#$% and joking around and people end up taking me seriously) but I always fall for the "You hurt my feelings :frown:" thing that so many women pull and change up my attitude. I can never tell when they're doing this for attention or actually mean it, cause I have literally made girls cry before and have had their friends attack me just cause of a few jokes :smh:

Maybe I need to be more upfront from the very beginning instead of trying to smash later on...

and of course I never have this problem with fat girls (Not my thing btw, so don't suggest getting at them). Groping me and assaulting me at parties/clubs and @#$% :smh: :rofl: No idea why they like slim dudes so much. It's something I'm well known for, my boys stay hacking my facebook and changing my profile pic to skinny dudes with 300+ pound girls :x :lol:
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I see what you mean...
I would say turn your relationship auro DOWN, and turn you pimp hand UP. Guys who I've slept with rather quickly, ( :\ ) was all because they mentioned sex early in our convo and made me think/believe it's something they'd be good at. During that time in my life, it was just was I was looking for so I was cool. There are women like that everywhere, you just gotta spot 'em. Naw you don't have to explicitly state that you wanna bone... but you just gotta allude to it in a way that makes the woman want to see what you are all about in the bedroom. All compliments to her should be about her body... not in a douche bag way, but just in a "sexual" way. Don't get caught up too much in what ya'll doing for a living, what ya'll do for fun, etc. Keep the conversation light and always bring it back to sex. If she's still around then that means she's game. If she wasn't, she woulda walked out. It's up to you to close from that point.
That's the best advice I can offer :lol:
I see what you mean...
I would say turn your relationship auro DOWN, and turn you pimp hand UP. Guys who I've slept with rather quickly, ( :\ ) was all because they mentioned sex early in our convo and made me think/believe it's something they'd be good at. During that time in my life, it was just was I was looking for so I was cool. There are women like that everywhere, you just gotta spot 'em. Naw you don't have to explicitly state that you wanna bone... but you just gotta allude to it in a way that makes the woman want to see what you are all about in the bedroom. All compliments to her should be about her body... not in a douche bag way, but just in a "sexual" way. Don't get caught up too much in what ya'll doing for a living, what ya'll do for fun, etc. Keep the conversation light and always bring it back to sex. If she's still around then that means she's game. If she wasn't, she woulda walked out. It's up to you to close from that point.
That's the best advice I can offer :lol:

Tried this approach before, got slapped and had a drink thrown in my face, so I never tried again :lol: She asked me what I was doing after the club closed, and I don't really remember what I said. Maybe I was too drunk :lol:
My female friends would call anyone who approached them like this a creeper and just drive off ASAP :smh: :lol: Not saying that they're right in doing so, it's just harder to approach many women like that these days (I think this was a discussion a few pages back, where normal male interest gets interpreted as thirst :rolleyes).
hell naw brah...

they say that to YOU (not saying you a lame... i'm just saying that your female friends are telling you this cuz they think that's what they're supposed to say and boosts their ego(

but if the dude is attractive to them... they WILL respond... eff all that other nonsense...

i hate them birds that make it seem like they turn every dude down and claims THIRST on EVERYONE...

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My female friends would call anyone who approached them like this a creeper and just drive off ASAP :smh: :lol: Not saying that they're right in doing so, it's just harder to approach many women like that these days (I think this was a discussion a few pages back, where normal male interest gets interpreted as thirst :rolleyes).
hell naw brah...

they say that to YOU (not saying you a lame... i'm just saying that your female friends are telling you this cuz they think that's what they're supposed to say and boosts their ego(

but if the dude is attractive to them... they WILL respond... eff all that other nonsense...

i hate them birds that make it seem like they turn every dude down and claims THIRST on EVERYONE...


this. it also depends whether she's alone. If she's with a group, she'll be more inclined to use that term to raise her perceived social value in front of her friends.
THIS is you proving you value in this thread, Pattie...
good looks, famb... hopefully, yall fellas take note... dont gotta be on some super exotic timed stuff...
just let her know your interested and you want to see if she wants to learn you...
thanks for dat, Pattie Mayo..
:pimp: :pimp:

My female friends would call anyone who approached them like this a creeper and just drive off ASAP :smh: :lol: Not saying that they're right in doing so, it's just harder to approach many women like that these days (I think this was a discussion a few pages back, where normal male interest gets interpreted as thirst :rolleyes).


I just don't think I'm the type who can do the casual @#$@. I tried in college and only had success with subpar females :lol: Even when I've straight up told them what I wanted, I've had them say things like "I'm not going to have sex with you tonight...I like you and want to get to know you better first." and this was from a well-known jumpoff who tried smashing 3 different dudes on my birthday since I was passed out :x:rofl: Not sure how I always give off the boyfriend/relationship aura. I mean, I don't think that's a bad thing, but I end up getting played in the end by all the women who want to be with me or find out some dirt about them that completely turns me off, so it's a lose-lose situation since I don't get to be with them OR smash :smh:

There are girls I can hit up that would be down for just casual sex...thing is I hate them so damn much (they don't know I'm just being nice to avoid drama) that I can't physically get myself to smash if you know what I mean :lol:

And no, I don't simp at all or act too nice. Am I just not being convincing enough about what I want from a girl?

Yeah you smell like "white picket fences" instead of "sex and sin". There's a reddit post I gotta find that explains it well. I was there too (still am a bit). I couldn't understand how this one female would carry on with me for months saying the greatest things about me/us but lock up everytime I reach for the box. When I know for a matter of fact the last two douchebags smashed and dashed, and treated her like trash. I should've never let dudes gas me up to go save that.

Edit* found it

Part 1
Part 2


The staple of the PUA ideology is that women are attracted to men who are able to elicit strong emotions in them. Point-to-fact, the problem most men have when dealing with women romantically is that we try to appeal to the logic in them when trying to show what a great catch we are:
"I'm this. I'm that. I have this. I have that. I'll treat you like this instead of like that. Why do you waste time with guys who act like that, when you have a man who'll treat you like this sitting right in front of you?"
And even if you manage to open her eyes to how you are a great guy, guess where you end up: THE FRIENDZONE! But why? Why would she acknowledge you're a great guy, and an amazing catch, and then say something like "You're too good for me." or "Someday, you're going to make some lucky girl really happy." or even worse "I don't want to ruin our friendship."
It's because she doesn't FEEL anything for you. Sure, on paper, you're amazing, but she doesn't FEEL it.
I'm a great guy. I'm smart. I'm articulate. I have a great sense of humor. I'm very outgoing and adventurous. I'm kind and compassionate, romantic and sensitive. I'm great with kids and pets. Mothers love me. Fathers respect me. I work hard and play harder. I'm well built, attractive, a sexy beast, and I'm amazing in bed.
And how much time do you think I spend trying to convince a woman of any of these things?
I'm not a ******g checklist of qualities. I'm not trying to live up to her standards. I'm not trying to prove my worth. I know I'm awesome! I'm trying to give her the opportunity to figure it out on her own.
In the meantime... I'm trying to take off those panties with my teeth.

Id be thinking im the **** too off these compliments off all these women, then I realized wait, they not coming off the box asap unless I put work. And I mean alot of work, you'd think your future husband would get a preview early. Somehow i'm different from high school where that was the case, I had to figure out what the ****. Thing is too, she's more likely to fall in love with that ***** that barely knows her and beats off top, than the one she's never had sex with but tells everyday that she loves him. Don't listen to women, they don't know themselves. We approach things with logic and reasoning, them from emotions and intimacy. When we fall in love, we fall in love once and hard, they carry this feeling with them all time. Understand we're different, and you just gotta learn the game and play it as a man should. They'll read this and be offended, but it's irrelevant to the way it really works.
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this. it also depends whether she's alone. If she's with a group, she'll be more inclined to use that term to raise her perceived social value in front of her friends.


Somebody rep this man. I never even thought of this.
Yea...I always come off as an @#$ hole in the beginning (not because I am one, but because I'm always talking @#$% and joking around and people end up taking me seriously) but I always fall for the "You hurt my feelings :frown:" thing that so many women pull and change up my attitude. I can never tell when they're doing this for attention or actually mean it, cause I have literally made girls cry before and have had their friends attack me just cause of a few jokes :smh:
Maybe I need to be more upfront from the very beginning instead of trying to smash later on...
and of course I never have this problem with fat girls (Not my thing btw, so don't suggest getting at them). Groping me and assaulting me at parties/clubs and @#$% :smh: :rofl: No idea why they like slim dudes so much. It's something I'm well known for, my boys stay hacking my facebook and changing my profile pic to skinny dudes with 300+ pound girls :x :lol:
yoooo chill w/ the jokes. not like, don't be funny and joke around, but the ones that you just know may cause a female to get an attitude or get mad at you just stray away. keep the jokes funny and even sexual without them being at her expense. that's it right there, if you can make them laugh, but keep it strictly flirty and sexual....New Yambshire :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
could you expound upon this a little more?

I'm goin through college, workin two jobs, still struggling with money and everything, the usual every day person's life.

At times when I needed her to help me and give me that happiness that a relationship should give me... at times when I was depressed or felt like everything was weighing me down, my relationship simply added to the negatives. Things would simply get worse and we would argue when all I wanted to do was be happy.

She was controlling. I had to lie about playing Xbox at night w/ my friends.. I use that as a main socialization with my homies since we're always all so busy. She used to give me crap about staying up late and s*** like it was her life not mine. I was over here lyin about playing video games yall..

We would get into the biggest arguments over the little things at the times that I told her I just needed to talk and smile. The amount of good moments were just dwindling.

She began being the biggest hypocrite.. always givin me sh*t over things that I did that she didn't like, but then she'd go and do it herself. (I.e. me kickin it w/ a girl, and then she goes and kicks it w/ a dude)

We hadn't had a real personal experience in such a long time. Like we hung out all the time, but just regular ish that I could do with anyone.

Most of all, and above all else... the distance that was spanned in between us began stressing me out more than anything on my plate, and the fear of us just moving away from each other began to grow. Believe that the distance did NOT help any of the issues I listed above. I began feeling like we were just friends who texted all the time and kept tabs on each other more than I felt like we were in a relationship.

And by the way- when I told her how I felt, she simply told me how much it hurt that I felt that way then started to blame herself and shut down. Wouldn't even talk to me about it. That's what happened every single time I told her how I felt about our relationship. I had to bottle in so damn much in order to keep us from fighting and having an "end of the world" argument.

It just began to be too much negative and not positive like it used to be. I don't want my relationship to be like that. Especially not when I'm just a youngin in college.
I'm goin through college, workin two jobs, still struggling with money and everything, the usual every day person's life.
At times when I needed her to help me and give me that happiness that a relationship should give me... at times when I was depressed or felt like everything was weighing me down, my relationship simply added to the negatives. Things would simply get worse and we would argue when all I wanted to do was be happy.
She was controlling. I had to lie about playing Xbox at night w/ my friends.. I use that as a main socialization with my homies since we're always all so busy. She used to give me crap about staying up late and s*** like it was her life not mine. I was over here lyin about playing video games yall..
We would get into the biggest arguments over the little things at the times that I told her I just needed to talk and smile. The amount of good moments were just dwindling.
She began being the biggest hypocrite.. always givin me sh*t over things that I did that she didn't like, but then she'd go and do it herself. (I.e. me kickin it w/ a girl, and then she goes and kicks it w/ a dude)
We hadn't had a real personal experience in such a long time. Like we hung out all the time, but just regular ish that I could do with anyone.
Most of all, and above all else... the distance that was spanned in between us began stressing me out more than anything on my plate, and the fear of us just moving away from each other began to grow. Believe that the distance did NOT help any of the issues I listed above. I began feeling like we were just friends who texted all the time and kept tabs on each other more than I felt like we were in a relationship.
And by the way- when I told her how I felt, she simply told me how much it hurt that I felt that way then started to blame herself and shut down. Wouldn't even talk to me about it. That's what happened every single time I told her how I felt about our relationship. I had to bottle in so damn much in order to keep us from fighting and having an "end of the world" argument.
It just began to be too much negative and not positive like it used to be. I don't want my relationship to be like that. Especially not when I'm just a youngin in college.

yeah you need that time away.
i'm in college too w/ a girl, but she's supportive and when she does start to nag a little i know it's because she's trying to help...like she cares about my situation and sticks w/ me through whatever. she's a part of my motivation to become successful and prosper. that's what a male needs from a female. if you not getting that, it ain't right. if you can get it like that then push forward, but if not that's not the relationship to be in.
I'm goin through college, workin two jobs, still struggling with money and everything, the usual every day person's life.
At times when I needed her to help me and give me that happiness that a relationship should give me... at times when I was depressed or felt like everything was weighing me down, my relationship simply added to the negatives. Things would simply get worse and we would argue when all I wanted to do was be happy.
She was controlling. I had to lie about playing Xbox at night w/ my friends.. I use that as a main socialization with my homies since we're always all so busy. She used to give me crap about staying up late and s*** like it was her life not mine. I was over here lyin about playing video games yall..
We would get into the biggest arguments over the little things at the times that I told her I just needed to talk and smile. The amount of good moments were just dwindling.
She began being the biggest hypocrite.. always givin me sh*t over things that I did that she didn't like, but then she'd go and do it herself. (I.e. me kickin it w/ a girl, and then she goes and kicks it w/ a dude)
We hadn't had a real personal experience in such a long time. Like we hung out all the time, but just regular ish that I could do with anyone.
Most of all, and above all else... the distance that was spanned in between us began stressing me out more than anything on my plate, and the fear of us just moving away from each other began to grow. Believe that the distance did NOT help any of the issues I listed above. I began feeling like we were just friends who texted all the time and kept tabs on each other more than I felt like we were in a relationship.
And by the way- when I told her how I felt, she simply told me how much it hurt that I felt that way then started to blame herself and shut down. Wouldn't even talk to me about it. That's what happened every single time I told her how I felt about our relationship. I had to bottle in so damn much in order to keep us from fighting and having an "end of the world" argument.
It just began to be too much negative and not positive like it used to be. I don't want my relationship to be like that. Especially not when I'm just a youngin in college.
was going to say this but you already said it...

girls dont know how to properly end something unless they have another dude in the wings... its called getting "monkey barred"

they'll stick around until they secure another dude. in the mean time, they'll start arguments, be hypocritical, and just flat out not make sense.

i went thru a similar thing w/ my chick... we was high school sweethearts... started at 15... at 21, after some super trivial times... her flakyness and lack of general respect... i just had enough... stood on my own two and said "fugg dis."

for the longest, i thought it was me. she made me feel bad for wanting to smile just b/c. she would criticize me, talk down, ruin my confidence, and straight up hull me out. VERY SIMILAR to what you are/were going thru (getting flack over xbox)

the coldest part is that she was LIVING with me... i let her stay w/ me rent free. when she would complain and i'd say "bounce" she'd say "it aint no thing. i got plenty of n____ willing to pay my rent!".. it came to a point where the yambs were on some "if you do this, your reward is some poon" *****?

two years later, i've found that i'm a prize. i may not be the most handsome, most payed, longest D havin' dude... but dambit i'm cool as a fan, and bring genuine happiness to those around me. i make ANYONE feel comfortable around me, know how to deliver the D to the yambs, and dont mind doing little things.

you should feel the same way, my dude. i swear a chick will use you as an emotional tampon. eff anything you have going on in order to boost her own self up...

what i got from that situation is that a woman/man will see their mates potential and it will scare the hell out of them. They know that they're not up to par... and the mate can go and find someone way prettier, way more fun, way more money... the woman/man sees this and tries to hold on to them by putting a psychological lock on the mate. talking down, telling them they're not worth much... just to hold on to them...

that may have happened to you famb. it shouldnt be a struggle to be with someone at this age... if you havent bounced, bounce now... it'll sting for a min, i swear... she'll try all kinda stuff.. throw yambs, disrespect, make deals whatever to get you to stay... stand on your own two feet EMOTIONALLY and you'll be a better overall man for it...
was going to say this but you already said it...
girls dont know how to properly end something unless they have another dude in the wings... its called getting "monkey barred"
they'll stick around until they secure another dude. in the mean time, they'll start arguments, be hypocritical, and just flat out not make sense.
i went thru a similar thing w/ my chick... we was high school sweethearts... started at 15... at 21, after some super trivial times... her flakyness and lack of general respect... i just had enough... stood on my own two and said "fugg dis."
for the longest, i thought it was me. she made me feel bad for wanting to smile just b/c. she would criticize me, talk down, ruin my confidence, and straight up hull me out. VERY SIMILAR to what you are/were going thru (getting flack over xbox)
the coldest part is that she was LIVING with me... i let her stay w/ me rent free. when she would complain and i'd say "bounce" she'd say "it aint no thing. i got plenty of n____ willing to pay my rent!".. it came to a point where the yambs were on some "if you do this, your reward is some poon" *****?
two years later, i've found that i'm a prize. i may not be the most handsome, most payed, longest D havin' dude... but dambit i'm cool as a fan, and bring genuine happiness to those around me. i make ANYONE feel comfortable around me, know how to deliver the D to the yambs, and dont mind doing little things.
you should feel the same way, my dude. i swear a chick will use you as an emotional tampon. eff anything you have going on in order to boost her own self up...
what i got from that situation is that a woman/man will see their mates potential and it will scare the hell out of them. They know that they're not up to par... and the mate can go and find someone way prettier, way more fun, way more money... the woman/man sees this and tries to hold on to them by putting a psychological lock on the mate. talking down, telling them they're not worth much... just to hold on to them...
that may have happened to you famb. it shouldnt be a struggle to be with someone at this age... if you havent bounced, bounce now... it'll sting for a min, i swear... she'll try all kinda stuff.. throw yambs, disrespect, make deals whatever to get you to stay... stand on your own two feet EMOTIONALLY and you'll be a better overall man for it...

so...you just gone drop this gem on the Yambgod's back story like that?
Ah **** her I don't care.


Ok, so this happened to me earlier:

I'm getting some gas, I see dude walking up as I get out to get my receipt etc. He spots my lebrons and says "nice tennis shoes". I smile, say thank you, get in the car. I'm chilling in my car, getting my music situation together when he walks up to my window and proceeds to put his bid in. Honestly? Had I not been in a relationship (which i told him once he got around to asking for my number) I woulda given him a shot.


-He came up to me extremely pleasant---I think he said "oh hello" or something to that nature (not some ridiculous/corny come on)
-Smiled throughout his conversation
-Got to the point (asking me for my number) ; he didn't linger trying to make small talk
-Didn't gas me up, he gave me slight, realistic compliments (gassing up= "damn shawty you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life please let me get to know you better etc. Realistic= you are a pretty; you have a nice smile; I really like your hair; you get my drift)
-Didn't give up easily, but didn't become a pester (once I said I had a man, he did the obligatory "well I just want to be friends, you can even take my number". After I declined that he left. He didn't go in trying to belittle my dude by making slight handed comments like "oh well what he got to do with me?" "and? he ain't hitting it right, I can tell" Lil' **** like that. OD rude, and will not really get the girl in your corner.
-he had on some black cement IIIs.... :lol: I like a man with a decent kick game


-mentioned that he sold kush :lol: :lol:
-lips was ashy :rofl:

So the negatives was just for comedic relief, but I posted the positives to give some guys in here some pointers, because a few were asking on how exactly do you approach women "out in the street".
I wish most girls were like you. Because if you would've given him your number if you weren't in a relationship and dude had those negatives. You a good one.

on another note, went to the club and was just not feelin it, my dude invited me and i didnt want to go at all but we havent kicked it in a minute since the semester started, and for the first time I genuinely was like "I don't want to talk to girls, totally not interested" and the yams were flowin (even bad ones) i shut them all down and they kept coming back, why girls gotta be like that? any other night when im coolin and tryin to get on, they not poppin, but the ONE night i decide i dont want to talk to ANY girls, they approach me
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i've found that i'm a prize. i may not be the most handsome, most payed, longest D havin' dude... but dambit i'm cool as a fan, and bring genuine happiness to those around me. i make ANYONE feel comfortable around me, know how to deliver the D to the yambs, and dont mind doing little things.
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brahs... i'm super duper nervous.
met a yamb and she's giving it up quick... real quick... too quick...
she was BEGGING to give me the wop...
so we smanging raw doggy (HER IDEA :x ) and a pull out and bust on her stomach...
:x :x :x :x
:smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
never calling her again, yo!

Might want to get tested frequently for the next six months.
going to the club last night was like shooting fish in the barrel.
midtown NYC, these professional females realizing how homesick and busy they've been :evil:
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i swear a chick will use you as an emotional tampon. eff anything you have going on in order to boost her own self up...
what i got from that situation is that a woman/man will see their mates potential and it will scare the hell out of them. They know that they're not up to par... and the mate can go and find someone way prettier, way more fun, way more money... the woman/man sees this and tries to hold on to them by putting a psychological lock on the mate. talking down, telling them they're not worth much... just to hold on to them...
that may have happened to you famb. it shouldnt be a struggle to be with someone at this age... if you havent bounced, bounce now... it'll sting for a min, i swear... she'll try all kinda stuff.. throw yambs, disrespect, make deals whatever to get you to stay... stand on your own two feet EMOTIONALLY and you'll be a better overall man for it...

I honestly think generalizations like this aren't fair--- we not all like this. I do believe you got done wrong but now the next time a girl comes up who is different you will treat her based on how your last girl treated you.

I'm asking because I think I'm in a similar situation. I can tell he's going through stuff... I mean I can sense it. Also based on things that have happened to him recently, it's stuff that would mess anybody up. He just always says he's ok though and it's alright... he's indifferent... it doesn't bother him, etc. But then he'll spend days where he tells me it's a struggle for him to get out of bed and go to work. That's NOT alright. I genuinely want for him to talk to me about it so I can offer help but I swear it's like I'm dating Bruce Wayne :smh: :lol: I do my best to always say good things about him, lil' **** like when he looks nice, talk about how smart he is... how good whatever it is he's doing is.... just trying to be supportive but I swear it feels like it's just falling on deaf ears. He don't ever seem to be moved by it. He'll say thank you or something but then that'll be that.

I always ask him if anything I'm doing is bother him or what I can do to be "better" and he's just like "I don't have anything".... which I think is a lie :lol: Nobody is perfect. One thing he told he didn't like what I did and I gave him **** about it at first but I was like "man, you are right... I'm sorry." I think he might just be shell-shocked from a relationship, but I can't even get him to open up and talk about it . We just started this though, so I hope as time goes on he'll naturally open up to me. I'm an ally, not an enemy :lol: :\
I honestly think generalizations like this aren't fair--- we not all like this. I do believe you got done wrong but now the next time a girl comes up who is different you will treat her based on how your last girl treated you.
I'm asking because I think I'm in a similar situation. I can tell he's going through stuff... I mean I can sense it. Also based on things that have happened to him recently, it's stuff that would mess anybody up. He just always says he's ok though and it's alright... he's indifferent... it doesn't bother him, etc. But then he'll spend days where he tells me it's a struggle for him to get out of bed and go to work. That's NOT alright. I genuinely want for him to talk to me about it so I can offer help but I swear it's like I'm dating Bruce Wayne :smh: :lol: I do my best to always say good things about him, lil' **** like when he looks nice, talk about how smart he is... how good whatever it is he's doing is.... just trying to be supportive but I swear it feels like it's just falling on deaf ears. He don't ever seem to be moved by it. He'll say thank you or something but then that'll be that.
I always ask him if anything I'm doing is bother him or what I can do to be "better" and he's just like "I don't have anything".... which I think is a lie :lol: Nobody is perfect. One thing he told he didn't like what I did and I gave him **** about it at first but I was like "man, you are right... I'm sorry." I think he might just be shell-shocked from a relationship, but I can't even get him to open up and talk about it . We just started this though, so I hope as time goes on he'll naturally open up to me. I'm an ally, not an enemy :lol: :\
so basically you askin about man problems..
the tables have turned or something. :lol:
anyway...he probably ain't felt the way you're makin him feel before and that **** can be SCARY...at first.
just keep supporting him. be empathetic to his...story...or plight...or whatever.
Went over to the yambs place and while watching Salt, proceeded to get it on with groping, kissing, whipped it out, she put her mouth on it but then she wanted me to go down on her. Im not experienced in going down on women ( i avoid it) but gave it some licks after fingering it in 69 position. I didn't devour it though. Tried to stick the D in but was fumbling with it smh. D wouldn't stay hard constantly so eventually fumbled with the yambs and dipped out around midnight even though she seemed a little mad that I was leaving. We'll see what happens.
Went over to the yambs place and while watching Salt, proceeded to get it on with groping, kissing, whipped it out, she put her mouth on it but then she wanted me to go down on her. Im not experienced in going down on women ( i avoid it) but gave it some licks after fingering it in 69 position. I didn't devour it though. Tried to stick the D in but was fumbling with it smh. D wouldn't stay hard constantly so eventually fumbled with the yambs and dipped out around midnight even though she seemed a little mad that I was leaving. We'll see what happens.
Hopefully you made her feel or believe you were just teasing her. If she noticed you couldn't stay hard then you most likely will not be invited back. Happeneds to the best of us. 2 weeks ago I got whiskey D and was on white and couldn't keep it up to save my life. On to the next my dude
i swear a chick will use you as an emotional tampon. eff anything you have going on in order to boost her own self up...
what i got from that situation is that a woman/man will see their mates potential and it will scare the hell out of them. They know that they're not up to par... and the mate can go and find someone way prettier, way more fun, way more money... the woman/man sees this and tries to hold on to them by putting a psychological lock on the mate. talking down, telling them they're not worth much... just to hold on to them...
that may have happened to you famb. it shouldnt be a struggle to be with someone at this age... if you havent bounced, bounce now... it'll sting for a min, i swear... she'll try all kinda stuff.. throw yambs, disrespect, make deals whatever to get you to stay... stand on your own two feet EMOTIONALLY and you'll be a better overall man for it...

I honestly think generalizations like this aren't fair--- we not all like this. I do believe you got done wrong but now the next time a girl comes up who is different you will treat her based on how your last girl treated you.

I'm asking because I think I'm in a similar situation. I can tell he's going through stuff... I mean I can sense it. Also based on things that have happened to him recently, it's stuff that would mess anybody up. He just always says he's ok though and it's alright... he's indifferent... it doesn't bother him, etc. But then he'll spend days where he tells me it's a struggle for him to get out of bed and go to work. That's NOT alright. I genuinely want for him to talk to me about it so I can offer help but I swear it's like I'm dating Bruce Wayne :smh: :lol: I do my best to always say good things about him, lil' **** like when he looks nice, talk about how smart he is... how good whatever it is he's doing is.... just trying to be supportive but I swear it feels like it's just falling on deaf ears. He don't ever seem to be moved by it. He'll say thank you or something but then that'll be that.

I always ask him if anything I'm doing is bother him or what I can do to be "better" and he's just like "I don't have anything".... which I think is a lie :lol: Nobody is perfect. One thing he told he didn't like what I did and I gave him **** about it at first but I was like "man, you are right... I'm sorry." I think he might just be shell-shocked from a relationship, but I can't even get him to open up and talk about it . We just started this though, so I hope as time goes on he'll naturally open up to me. I'm an ally, not an enemy :lol: :\
gator, this is not lookin too good for you, im not going to judge or even give any advice (im not qualified)

but you soundin kinda too good to be true
Hopefully you made her feel or believe you were just teasing her. If she noticed you couldn't stay hard then you most likely will not be invited back. Happeneds to the best of us. 2 weeks ago I got whiskey D and was on white and couldn't keep it up to save my life. On to the next my dude
quite the contrary my dude...

the yambs will indeed go harder next time. My homey went thru this first hand.

think about it. A woman believes their yambs is the center of the universe... And its not far fetched that they have that notion cuz everybody trying to get it.

when they have sex with a guy, they're under the impression that they're blessing him with the privilege of bestowing upon them yambs...

now, this one guy that isn't too excited about that chance is a bruise to their ego.. And they're going to try damn hard to get him to act right...
yeah next time you get that whiskey D just slightly blame her for not getting up.  At first she might try to flip it back on you but stay strong in your stance and she will get harder in the paint next time
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