TAY: thread about yambs...

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I want some input on "church girl" yambs
have you ever got involved with a church girl?
have you ever got the yambs?
did she turn out to be someone you would not expect to be in the church?
in general did she try to force the lord, church and bible upon you? or criticize every little thing about you?
When meeting yambs at a bar/club do you guys go for the kill that night (one night stand) or do you procure her number then go from there?
When meeting yambs at a bar/club do you guys go for the kill that night (one night stand) or do you procure her number then go from there?


If you feel like she's down for it right now and you have a place to go, go for it and no need to get the number :smokin

If you're in a hurry, have other things to do, don't have a place to go ham yamb, get the digits and proceed from there :nerd:
If you feel like she's down for it right now and you have a place to go, go for it and no need to get the number :smokin
If you're in a hurry, have other things to do, don't have a place to go ham yamb, get the digits and proceed from there :nerd:

Well the reason I ask is because this past summer I met several chicks that would talk to me for a good amount of time and we'd be vibing and by their body language its evident theyre feeling me but when I'd insinuate leaving they'd say "You're too good at this, you must do this often" and another said "You're too smooth, I don't know..." And in both instances they made out with me but didn't come back to the Bawse's Mansion.

In light of this, when I started meeting girls at bars/clubs I turned my charm down a bit. This means I was getting a lot more numbers but I also still wasn't always converting after reaching out to them. I never understood this, who talks to a guy, makes out with a guy, gives him their number and doesn't respond? What part of the game is this?

Im just curious if anyone has had the same happen to them.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dream girl ? I ain't ever put that out there. Cuz I'm nice to my dude ? **** outta here y'all projecting like a muh****a. I ain't perfect but what I've said in my posts are truths... It's **** I do. It's not **** I've always done, but aren't you supposed to grow/mature as you get older? I can't be doing the sane immature **** I been doing since I was a younger chick.

Peeped the advice Gotti, I appreciate it. I think I'm just going in circles for no reason. I tend to focus too much on "what isn't " instead of "what is". All in all I got a good one and I know it and the **** scares me. Ain't used to things being this good, so I look for things that are wrong :smh:

In terms of looks you right as well :lol: growing up, I couldn't just go based off my looks, so my personality had to get boosted. Now, I wasnt "ugly" , guys would still talk to me but not in droves. However, once I graduated from college my looks department increased. My locs added to my appeal, I've always been slim but now I dress better to accentuate what works for me. I ain't fine, cuz I'm not thick at all, but I get cute/pretty ... And that's fine with me.
Well the reason I ask is because this past summer I met several chicks that would talk to me for a good amount of time and we'd be vibing and by their body language its evident theyre feeling me but when I'd insinuate leaving they'd say "You're too good at this, you must do this often" and another said "You're too smooth, I don't know..." And in both instances they made out with me but didn't come back to the Bawse's Mansion.
In light of this, when I started meeting girls at bars/clubs I turned my charm down a bit. This means I was getting a lot more numbers but I also still wasn't always converting after reaching out to them. I never understood this, who talks to a guy, makes out with a guy, gives him their number and doesn't respond? What part of the game is this?
Im just curious if anyone has had the same happen to them.

I been on a roll recently hooking up with 7.5+, ive never downgraded my self or played it desperate on some fat chick style, but I will say this:

Women who are about that sleeping around life look for something in particular when trying to find a man. They try to find a man that they think they would be like if they had a D. Its hard to put in words but they wanna live your life style. They want to to be you, had they been a man. That type of sh attracts them.

Now how to get to that stage im not sure... some mans are just blessed and can do it no problem, others try hard to portray a lifestyle that they dont even live. And females can detect that **** a mile away. If you a geniune soft dude she will know that regardless of the front you put up.

I swear to god i may have only pursued one shorty my whole life, others have just chased me down on some rape steez. No lie. I dont know why this happens, but my only explanation is that my experiences in life with woman have made me a "natural". Its like an aura you give off. And i know dudes in here who are like that, and dudes in here who have boys like that. It aint about the pursuit of tryna get yambs. Its actually the opposite, and the harder you go the the more they get pushed away. Its a fine line in reeling them in and then giving the line some slack so they come closer themselves.
I've got 3 I just started smashing within the last month...And all 3 told me, "They don't usually do this," or "I'm breaking my rules for you,".

Wtf is that? Ur coming over to my pad, you already know what's going down...

Are they trying to be wifed up or something?
Well the reason I ask is because this past summer I met several chicks that would talk to me for a good amount of time and we'd be vibing and by their body language its evident theyre feeling me but when I'd insinuate leaving they'd say "You're too good at this, you must do this often" and another said "You're too smooth, I don't know..." And in both instances they made out with me but didn't come back to the Bawse's Mansion.
In light of this, when I started meeting girls at bars/clubs I turned my charm down a bit. This means I was getting a lot more numbers but I also still wasn't always converting after reaching out to them. I never understood this, who talks to a guy, makes out with a guy, gives him their number and doesn't respond? What part of the game is this?
Im just curious if anyone has had the same happen to them.

When they asked u this what was ur response?
I never understood this, who talks to a guy, makes out with a guy, gives him their number and doesn't respond? What part of the game is this?
Im just curious if anyone has had the same happen to them.

Story of my life this semester. One even said "cant talk i'm at my boyfriends house" :stoneface: . I saw her at the same bar the next weekend dancing with multiple dudes.

Thats why I'm opposed to the whole numbers thing when i go to the bar/club now. After a make out session or if she feelin you i rather just straight up say "Wanna head back to my place?" than "Put your number in, we should hang out sometime."

Unless she gives me her # without me asking I rather take the number route if i meet a girl in class/library/public/etc not the bar/club.

I'm not sure what you're getting at, champ. I'm not trying trolling nor would I go to that length to post a ducktale only to ask for advice a paragraph later. But feel free to quote this, highlight whatever portion you find comical and post .gif's while adding no constructive advice. I look forward to your response.

When they asked u this what was ur response?

Whenever it happened I would say something to the effect of "No, why do you say that? I've never done this before in my life" jokingly or "Is that how me being genuine comes off?". It's just an awkward comment to have to respond to. It's almost a Catch 22 because when you respond smoothly it just further justifies their claim :lol:

Story of my life this semester. One even said "cant talk i'm at my boyfriends house" :stoneface: . I saw her at the same bar the next weekend dancing with multiple dudes.
Thats why I'm opposed to the whole numbers thing when i go to the bar/club now. After a make out session or if she feelin you i rather just straight up say "Wanna head back to my place?" than "Put your number in, we should hang out sometime."
Unless she gives me her # without me asking I rather take the number route if i meet a girl in class/library/public/etc not the bar/club.

Agreed. This man knows.
I've got 3 I just started smashing within the last month...And all 3 told me, "They don't usually do this," or "I'm breaking my rules for you,".
Wtf is that? Ur coming over to my pad, you already know what's going down...
Are they trying to be wifed up or something?
translation: i normally do this... and no, you're not special. i'm just telling you this cuz what i'm about to do is very slutty..

however, i do not want to be portrayed as a ****. even though i like doing slutty things. please dont judge me. i hope that me saying these things will somehow save face and you wont embarrass me about it"
translation: i normally do this... and no, you're not special. i'm just telling you this cuz what i'm about to do is very slutty..
however, i do not want to be portrayed as a ****. even though i like doing slutty things. please dont judge me. i hope that me saying these things will somehow save face and you wont embarrass me about it"
Pretty much, which is wack anyway because a woman sleeping with a man that she's attracted to shouldn't make her a "****" but we all know how that double standard goes
translation: i normally do this... and no, you're not special. i'm just telling you this cuz what i'm about to do is very slutty..
however, i do not want to be portrayed as a ****. even though i like doing slutty things. please dont judge me. i hope that me saying these things will somehow save face and you wont embarrass me about it"

They all have been hitting me up super hard, so I think it's more so they wanna date aka that season.

I dont know any of their friends so they don't really need to save face...
The hell is up with the holiday season? Women been hitting me up left and right telling me they're in town and what not. It was like this last year too now that I think about it. Honestly I got my eyes on one prize but she stay acting funny man, brawd hit me up on twitter asking for my new number I slide it to her and she ask what my plans are for the weekend and says she's hitting a few malls I should come with :stoneface: ***** I ain't no shopping buddy.

Then there's this other chick, I know she's been crushing for a while and she finally decided to say something a few days ago. Hit me up with the you're so hot blah blah. She's a cool chick and I could smash but one of my old acquaintances is her ex and I pretty much know bruh wasn't putting it down right and no humblebrag but I KNOW if I smash she's liable to get crazy real quick. Not even sure if I even wanna take that dive. :smh:
Fam....last week, my girl just broke the news to me that she's ending our nearly 6 year relationship :smh: I'm devastated as hell because i still love her.

I feel like i need to get back in the game though, get some yambs just to take my mind off things...went out to the club saturday night and batted 0-2 and another one was an incomplete.

The 2 just wasnt feeling me i guess...i complimented them (i was being genuine, i found them really attractive/dressed nice) but they just said thanks and walked off. Then there was this other one, i thought things we going well...we was dancing but she dropped the "so are you gonna get some drinks?" line on me 3 times :x Now, i been out of the game for awhile, but to me, this sounded like she wanted to milk me for some free drinks and bounce. I just got sick of it and told her im just heading to the toilet and never came back....was i wrong?

Need to get some tips on how to get the rust off my game fam.......it's been a while and all my old contacts are either gone, or have moved on with their lives. Not to mention being in a small city, and being in a relationship for this long, everyone just kind of assumed we would last :x :smh:
I been on a roll recently hooking up with 7.5+, ive never downgraded my self or played it desperate on some fat chick style, but I will say this:

Women who are about that sleeping around life look for something in particular when trying to find a man. They try to find a man that they think they would be like if they had a D. Its hard to put in words but they wanna live your life style. They want to to be you, had they been a man. That type of sh attracts them.

Now how to get to that stage im not sure... some mans are just blessed and can do it no problem, others try hard to portray a lifestyle that they dont even live. And females can detect that **** a mile away. If you a geniune soft dude she will know that regardless of the front you put up.

I swear to god i may have only pursued one shorty my whole life, others have just chased me down on some rape steez. No lie. I dont know why this happens, but my only explanation is that my experiences in life with woman have made me a "natural". Its like an aura you give off. And i know dudes in here who are like that, and dudes in here who have boys like that. It aint about the pursuit of tryna get yambs. Its actually the opposite, and the harder you go the the more they get pushed away. Its a fine line in reeling them in and then giving the line some slack so they come closer themselves.

This is one thing you guys that ar trying to get yambs should understand.

It is hard to get, but once you do :smokin:x:smh::smokin
You had her, but you failed her test(s)
Keep swingin' you'll get back to it.

so how do u "pass" the test"... i simply turn this around and tell em "i thought u were gonna buy me a drink" or if we vibin on that classy tip ill tell her i got first round if she gets next.. (but those are rare cuz im not about to get milked for a drink sorry thats what the simps are for)

im on that Soon as he buy that wine, I just creep up from behind tip :smokin
she dropped the "so are you gonna get some drinks?" line on me 3 times :x Now, i been out of the game for awhile, but to me, this sounded like she wanted to milk me for some free drinks and bounce.{

it's rare that a woman will buy a dude a drink, same as how often does a woman ask a dude out on a date :lol: . You had her though, just buy her one drink, get the convo/flirting going, maybe make contact touch her shoulder when you laugh etc. nothing too overtly aggressive that would get flagged for PI :lol:. During the convo is when you ask her for her #, maybe ask what she's doing tonight, set up a date or something. it's not like you have to buy her 2-3 drinks, you can always bounce after getting her # or something. Some guys argue it's simpish, i thought the same until recently, but it's not, buying a girl a drink is an act of chivalry, it's the polite thing to do in a club/bar imo. just don't have UN-Realistic expectations to get topped off in the whip 15 mins later, getting her # or tentatively setting something up is a good first down :nthat:
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thanks for the perspective.. im willing to wait for that chick that WILL cop me a drink because thats exactly what im looking for.. a chick that isnt like the rest and can put her ego aside to show that shes interested...

until then.. my boys and i will be sippin 8) :smokin
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