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You, or someone you may know with relationship issues, should watch this.

This is a golden illustration of certain women today. Game show aside, the question at the very end is what truly bothers me- "Do you think you're a good person?", she answers yes, but the lie detector says otherwise.

Herein lies my problem with certain women today, they navigate the dichotomy of right and wrong in a very disingenuous way. The operate under the false pretense that they're able to exhibit unethical behavior justified by entitled sense of self.

She KNOWS what she's did/doing is wrong, but she tells herself, she's a good person. Consciously, she believes she's a good person, and this allows her to look at her husband with a clear conscious. But deep down in side, she's facing a constant battle of hide and seek with the strand of doubt that tells her she's wrong.

It's not the overt **** that scares me, it's her. She's cloaked in a shield of self-righteousness, which will be backed by women across the board. But deep down in side, she'll destroy another human being for any impulse of satisfaction.

Watch out for her.

You, or someone you may know with relationship issues, should watch this.

This is a golden illustration of certain women today. Game show aside, the question at the very end is what truly bothers me- "Do you think you're a good person?", she answers yes, but the lie detector says otherwise.

Herein lies my problem with certain women today, they navigate the dichotomy of right and wrong in a very disingenuous way. The operate under the false pretense that they're able to exhibit unethical behavior justified by entitled sense of self.

She KNOWS what she's did/doing is wrong, but she tells herself, she's a good person. Consciously, she believes she's a good person, and this allows her to look at her husband with a clear conscious. But deep down in side, she's facing a constant battle of hide and seek with the strand of doubt that tells her she's wrong.

It's not the overt **** that scares me, it's her. She's cloaked in a shield of self-righteousness, which will be backed by women across the board. But deep down in side, she'll destroy another human being for any impulse of satisfaction.

Watch out for her.

Wow. just....wow. These O's aint loyal

Despite everything her terry cloth soft husband has heard, He was still the first one to walk up to her during the credits. If she wouldve won, I'd demand half of that and the "papers"
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Her dude already knew these answers but didn't want to acknowledge his gut.
A lot of relationships are codependent or like drug induced highs. People become attached to certain actions/feelings but are afraid to walk away because they don't want to lose the high. People don't fall in love with the person but more of the ideal/expectations one believes a person can bring to their lives to complete them.
When you really are in love, that relationship blossomed from friendship and communication. It was in a organic way. Also I guarantee she had all types of stipulation with dude and either he didn't know the game or comprised his whole nature of being to just not be alone anymore. That's why it's imperative from jump to vet these females and be you at all times. Sure there seems to be a lot of women(people period) that don't take responsibilities for their actions. But once you set a standard and compass for your life and don't compromise your tenents of your core person for some yambs and can readily walk away from the dumb ish, this types of situations become less and less.
Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way. Also I think this dude got married again, remember reading about this a while ago[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
this had to be a set up.... my goodness I cant believe a show would do that.
but I can totally see this situation being real. I believe I saw this back then also.
females are more susceptible to doing what Mugen said... Marrying out of ideals..
My Sister is like that. got a dude she loves, but he doesn't have his stuff together so shes put homie in the background.
to find someone who does...

My boy and I were talking about this a little while ago.

Him and I can go to mcdonalds wearing suits driving Mercedes, money out the wa hoo.
see a fly chick get her number take her on a date the whole 9.

reverse the situation a female wouldn't do the same if she saw a brotha working at mcdonalds no matter how attracted she was too him.

it happens

Idk about all this, fam :lol:
I ain't trynna bust through the condom and impregnate my girl :lol:

She lettin you smash again?
Man I hate being a "good guy" sometimes

All these girls get used and played by scrubs while I'm busy grinding and going places in life. Then when it comes time I'm supposed to be a gentleman to these girls that got used and thrown away by dudes who are bums compared to me, and the chick is supposed to be my queen now.

Being a good guy + egomaniac is a bad mix for this reason.

Had a chick today tell me that I just pretend to be a good guy to play girls because as I got to know that she falls in that category, my interest started fading. I'm just thinking that's the stupidest angle to play, like I need to put in 10 times more work than the "ayo wanna spark an L" dude :lol:

I have this goodness in me that's easy to spot, but I'm not giving the full thing to just anybody. And that doesn't then make me bad because I won't give it away. I can forgive and overlook mistakes and incidents chicks had and have changed from, but I'm not forgiving entire lifestyles chicks have led for their adult lives, and when they meet me I'm supposed to be SuperJesusMan and be their savior and wife them up.

And there's a part of me that understands that if I firmly maintain this position there could be a chance I wind up never being able to give that goodness and love to anyone. And I can miss out on potentially awesome partners. But **** it at this stage in life that's the way I think.
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Man I hate being a "good guy" sometimes

All these girls get used and played by scrubs while I'm busy grinding and going places in life. Then when it comes time I'm supposed to be a gentleman to these girls that got used and thrown away by dudes who are bums compared to me, and the chick is supposed to be my queen now.

Being a good guy + egomaniac is a bad mix for this reason.

Had a chick today tell me that I just pretend to be a good guy to play girls because as I got to know that she falls in that category, my interest started fading. I'm just thinking that's the stupidest angle to play, like I need to put in 10 times more work than the "ayo wanna spark an L" dude :lol:

I have this goodness in me that's easy to spot, but I'm not giving the full thing to just anybody. I can forgive and overlook mistakes and incidents chicks had and have changed from, but I'm not forgiving entire lifestyles chicks have led for their adult lives, and when they meet me I'm supposed to be SuperJesusMan and be their savior.

And there's a part of me that understands that if I firmly maintain this position there could be a chance I wind up never being able to give that goodness and love to anyone. But **** it at this stage in life that's the way I think.
Dude take my reps. We're brothers in the same struggle. I'm out here busting my behind (grinding and aiming for the military) and desiring someone to build with been single for 23 years females are ridiculous af nowadays. What really irks me is the fact these throwaway chicks have the nerve to scream I want a Good/Great Man but when the genuine ones present themselves they do **** to drive them away. And their lifestyles don't complement me as a true gentleman either.
Dude take my reps. We're brothers in the same struggle. I'm out here busting my behind (grinding and aiming for the military) and desiring someone to build with been single for 23 years females are ridiculous af nowadays. What really irks me is the fact these throwaway chicks have the nerve to scream I want a Good/Great Man but when the genuine ones present themselves they do **** to drive them away. And their lifestyles don't complement me as a true gentleman either.
Females don't know what they want. What they say they want are often times different to what they actually want. Observe their actions not words
Females don't know what they want. What they say they want are often times different to what they actually want. Observe their actions not words
Repped for the response. Look I'm a simple dude I really don't ask too much from females.....just be well mannered, educated, honest, be true to yourself among others, save the drama queen Bs and carry yourself decently. They can't even accomplish what I listed :smh:
I used to think like this but you got the game all backwards.
Once again, stop worrying about what these females think and want and just do you and enjoy life. Getting worked up on unworthy individuals will leave you mad and bitter at the world.
You have to look at it from this perspective:
"Hurt people, Hurt people"..
When you haven't healed from past trauma, have no sense of direction for yourself, people tend to outwardly project their failures and insecurities on others.
When you are straight and happy with yourself, you don't even sit and acknowledge the tomfoolery. This is the power of being at peace and just loving life.
Okay so your single..
Stop ******* crying about females and put your energy into your grind and enjoy yourself. Sitting around and complaining about females that mean you no good is just that. Take all that anger and energy and transform it to something else. As hard as it may seem, there are tons of good women out there and I guarantee you pass them everyday because they don't fit a certain mold, but they are out there.
But if you are walking around with "jaded" glasses, you will fail to see them time after time.
You can't blame or put onus on an entire population,race,ethnicity or gender.
All you can do in this life is to control your emotions and destiny. If a female is talking out the side of her neck, politely walk away. You are not going to win someone over when they have negative energy or no idea of self reflection or big pictures of the world.
That's why I always say
Self>Family>Day Ones>Passions>Career>Females.
Stop giving power away and stop putting ***** on a pedestal. If a woman is not down for the play, has crazy stipulations, believes in stereotypes, hasn't healed from past dis functions/doesnt accept responsibility, treats people with disrespect.
You owe her nothing.
If she didn't have your child, is not your mother/sister or homie, FDB and continue to grow and be positive.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
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Trust me I use to wear the Cape, and I still do with some of the gotten away ones. (I know I shouldn't, but i barely talk to them)
As Mugen always preaches. Be you and do you, don't give up on that.

I'm 29 will be 30 in October and I lost myself once and got trash in the process. and the trick had the nerve to crap on me after all i did.

but even through all that I don't stray away from my core.

Be you continue to work and grind.
I used to think like this but you got the game all backwards.
Once again, stop worrying about what these females think and want and just do you and enjoy life. Getting worked up on unworthy individuals will leave you mad and bitter at the world.
You have to look at it from this perspective:
"Hurt people, Hurt people"..
When you haven't healed from past trauma, have no sense of direction for yourself, people tend to outwardly project their failures and insecurities on others.
When you are straight and happy with yourself, you don't even sit and acknowledge the tomfoolery. This is the power of being at peace and just loving life.
Okay so your single..
Stop ******* crying about females and put your energy into your grind and enjoy yourself. Sitting around and complaining about females that mean you no good is just that. Take all that anger and energy and transform it to something else. As hard as it may seem, there are tons of good women out there and I guarantee you pass them everyday because they don't fit a certain mold, but they are out there.
But if you are walking around with "jaded" glasses, you will fail to see them time after time.
You can't blame or put onus on an entire population,race,ethnicity or gender.
All you can do in this life is to control your emotions and destiny. If a female is talking out the side of her neck, politely walk away. You are not going to win someone over when they have negative energy or no idea of self reflection or big pictures of the world.
That's why I always say
Self>Family>Day Ones>Passions>Career>Females.
Stop giving power away and stop putting ***** on a pedestal. If a woman is not down for the play, has crazy stipulations, believes in stereotypes, hasn't healed from past dis functions/doesnt accept responsibility, treats people with disrespect.
You owe her nothing.
If she didn't have your child, is not your mother/sister or homie, FDB and continue to grow and be positive.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Thanks for slapping me back into reality bro. I know I gripe a lot in here and **** and I'm glad the vets in here show me tough love and don't let up when I complain because **** ain't sweet out here. My OG tell me the same thing over and over again "you can't be soft in this game girls will take it and stomp and abuse it. Some chicks wanna **** n that's it and some are somewhat interested in you. Finding love will always be trial and error. I feel at times I'm on the outside looking in and just want to experience what everyone else is enjoying. You and my pastor use the same quote "Hurt People, Hurt People" it's time I start opening my eyes more because I'm an amateur for real to this ish.
I've only been in love three times.
There were two other girls I really enjoyed their time but I knew we wouldn't go any further(due to racial issues, etc).
I'm not going to lie but Real Love is hard brethren[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
I mean my wife is the homie and like I've always said, no matter what happens in our future, we truly have a deep bond and I just want to see her happy.
That's the hard part because nothing truly last forever but you just have to keep going and living. "Love" is like your second job and Marriage is like a third job[emoji]128518[/emoji]
From the outside looking in is were people distort things. It's a battle everyday because you are not just looking out for your own well being but you are also looking out for her and possibly your lil one.
Compromise, sacrifice, hard conversations, the little annoying things, money, etc all all wrapped up in the thing we call love.
But the problem with both men and women is that we say we want love, then we get it, ish gets hard and we don't try to stay and fight or remember why we fell in love in the first place.
My wife and I don't even use that word because for us personally it's a very hollow word. Many people use it but place conditions on it or use it at their convience to get what they want. To truly be in love with someone is to see their demons, their negative qualities and be like:
I can deal with this.
It's more then just holding hands and *******.
When you love somebody, it's hard to explain but it's a certain peace I can't describe. It's like"I'm okay with whatever the future holds and I won't regret it."
Take your time homie, no need to rush into a battle field without strategizing and understanding your weaknesses and strengths.
If you go out there with your heart on your sleeve and notions and impressions from others, you will get crushed.
To quote the new age Millie Vinilli
"Know Yourself, Know Your Worth"
Quick story. So yesterday this beautiful *** Indian chick (that I've been scoping for a minute) lives where I work came to sunbathe in the pool area as I was finishing cleaning the pool out. We small talk here and there when we see each other and yesterday we chatted again. I asked her what she likes to do for fun. She told she likes to relax at the local breweries in our city enjoy brews and the chill scene. She hates going to clubs (I asked Why Do A Lot Of Guys Hit On You When You Go?) her reply not the ones I want to :lol:. Anyways I had to handle some business somewhere on the property so maybe we could chill over some brews sometime an said I had to dip for a bit ill holla at you when I come back. So I planned to get her number before I was heading out for the day. I came back gave myself a quick hoorah and popped the ? She was surprised lol and told me I'm a stranger and she is kinda of seeing someone (but it's not official yet) and it wouldn't be fair to the first guy if she is giving her number out to every guy. I told her I was cool with no problems so she shouldn't worry about nothing. She told me she will think about it and we'll see the next time we see each other. Need constructive criticism....what could I have done better in the approach? Was my timing too soon to ask for the #
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