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Man I got overhigh and woke up next to the chick yesterday morning. Nothing happen smh.
I can't perform when I'm high. It's weird. I can get head though. Feels amazing. I don't have to do anything but lay back. I think all the pounding and stuff gets men's headache
ex gf who I haven't heard from in 4 months texted me today about the bordeaux 7s. saying "I know your glad you already got a pair" (my 2011 pair could pass for ds). I wanted to be a real ***hole and not even respond to her text but I did just 7 hours later though. hope she feels some type of way about the long *** response time.
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Damn TAY

I'm sprung off my coworker. As I recently posted my girl called it quits. It hasn't been too bad because I've been keeping myself busy and meeting lots of chicks. I just recently posted about this TSA chick who'se been feelin me heavy and me and her chopped it up but nothing major had happened with that yet.

Now I have this coworker who I've always had a thing for. It's always been flirting on both our ends but she gets hounded on at work. I'm talking about dudes buying her lunch everyday, straight thirsting over her. I would always get lowkey jealous and she would be trying to downplay it when I came around but at the end of the day we would just flirt at work and smoke and chill outside of work. Now with my girl calling it quits I've gravitated toward my coworker more. It's like it happened outta nowhere subconsciously. I even had my girl (the one who called it quits) over the house for some make up sex and after I hit it she wanted a round 2 but I blew her off because my coworker was suppose to come through later ( my girl, the one who called it quits looked thru my phone and found out she was coming through and got pissed to the point where she won't answer calls or texts because she always thought something was goin on between us :rolleyes) Well yesterday my came up on my coworker while this cop was all in her ear asking to take her out. Dude walks away when he sees me and me and my coworker start clowning dude and then I ask her out on a date. She agrees and then we leave work and go get ready. About an hour later she pulls up to my crib asking to use the bathroom to finish her makeup and she looks AMAZING. Heels, tight leggings when her *** is already FAT, make up on point and I'm like "all this for me??" We finally head out and I take her to the Vortex. We eat and get some drinks and generally have a good time. We come back to my crib and we're smoking. I'm being extra touch feely and usually she moves my hand but off course yesterday she was letting me touch :evil: the thing is though that I've tried to smash her but she won't budge. She told me that it wouldn't be easy with her but it's because she's a little older than me by 2 years so she wants to play the "you're still a baby" game. I'm talking about yesterday I was ROCK HARD and she just keeps rubbing it through my pants and telling me to put it up. She wouldn't stay longer because she had a homeowners assoc. meeting to go to today and she's not at work today because of it but I'm just here losing my mind. I can't stop thinking about her now. And the fact that I've seen so many ****** all over her makes me want her even more because she's giving me feedback and not them. It's like I know she's feeling me on that level and she's giving me the chance to get there but she's controlling the strings now. TAY I went from cool calm and collected to having a middle school level crush/infatuation with this chick :smh: I haven't even hit it yet :smh: I just needed to vent. Any questions or suggestions would be appreciated
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My man is back

Do you son I'm just sitting back enjoying the few stories that are being posted

I wouldn't even sweat her *** with that you young ****. She seen that pipe print and that's all that matter going forward.

Just be ready to bring that work when the time comes

Cause I'm ready to read. One up dude

Excuse the extra on the gif but I'm extremely bored out here...
I was supposed to go out with this girl tonight (we already had sex) so this isn't a new thing..I sent her a text thursday about me getting a hotel on the beach and we chill on the strip and get some drinks, she didn't respond. So today she texted me if I still want to do something, I say yes and asked if she got my text from last thursday, I would like to do that, once again, she goes ghost. It's been 4 hours since we texted, I called her and she didn't answer. I obviously got my answer, but this is beyond disrespectful. Should I call her out, or just flat out be short with her BS text I'm geting to get tomorrow with her saying "Sorry I fell asleep" (I see it coming already). I know it's def time to move on, but damn I feel upset about this and want to address it to her.
I was supposed to go out with this girl tonight (we already had sex) so this isn't a new thing..I sent her a text thursday about me getting a hotel on the beach and we chill on the strip and get some drinks, she didn't respond. So today she texted me if I still want to do something, I say yes and asked if she got my text from last thursday, I would like to do that, once again, she goes ghost. It's been 4 hours since we texted, I called her and she didn't answer. I obviously got my answer, but this is beyond disrespectful. Should I call her out, or just flat out be short with her BS text I'm geting to get tomorrow with her saying "Sorry I fell asleep" (I see it coming already). I know it's def time to move on, but damn I feel upset about this and want to address it to her.
Dead her. I understand if you miss a text once, but twice. You already clapped and she doesn't sound like she is your main so I wouldn't even bother stressing it. You already got what you wanted. Chances are after she see's you've moved off of her and are dealing with someone else or think you're dealing with someone else she will be on your jock.
My man is back

Do you son I'm just sitting back enjoying the few stories that are being posted

I wouldn't even sweat her *** with that you young ****. She seen that pipe print and that's all that matter going forward.

Just be ready to bring that work when the time comes

Cause I'm ready to read. One up dude

Excuse the extra on the gif but I'm extremely bored out here...

:lol: I appreciate it fam. It's just I don't think I've crushed on a girl this hard since my sophomore year if college. I feel like if she knows I'm feelin her that hard she'll put me on the back burner but at the same time I see her at work 5 days a week and we share the same off days and kick it frequently because we both indulge in the cannibus.

...but she touched my pee pee yesterday and kept rubbing it with a look of disbelief. I asked her if she thought it was big and she started smiling and said "it's alright" :evil: not even a matter of if but when now...

I was supposed to go out with this girl tonight (we already had sex) so this isn't a new thing..I sent her a text thursday about me getting a hotel on the beach and we chill on the strip and get some drinks, she didn't respond. So today she texted me if I still want to do something, I say yes and asked if she got my text from last thursday, I would like to do that, once again, she goes ghost. It's been 4 hours since we texted, I called her and she didn't answer. I obviously got my answer, but this is beyond disrespectful. Should I call her out, or just flat out be short with her BS text I'm geting to get tomorrow with her saying "Sorry I fell asleep" (I see it coming already). I know it's def time to move on, but damn I feel upset about this and want to address it to her.

Naw fam don't even pay her any mind. Just ignore her for a little while I PROMISE she'll come back and ask you why are you ignoring her than that's when you tell her what's bothering you. The thing is that girls have this stupid way of ignoring text when it's something they aren't fond of. If she just straight up told you she wasn't feelin the idea then both you guys could move on but her acting like a little girl about it is a play in get character...
If a woman blows you off, there is no reason to get mad.
Laugh it off and keep pushing.
Don't even respond if she texts you or block her number.
Now if you want to be a **** if she responds with the inevitable excuse, just hit her with the:
"Who Dis" response..
Trust that will leave her befuddled and angry[emoji]128516[/emoji]
But other then that, don't let these women control your emotions like that.
Only women you really should feel some type a way about is your mother, daughter, sisters or good friends, anybody else can get the bushes[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
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If a woman blows you off, there is no reason to get mad.
Laugh it off and keep pushing.
Don't even respond if she texts you or block her number.
Now if you want to be a **** if she responds with the inevitable excuse, just hit her with the:
"Who Dis" response..
Trust that will leave her befuddled and angry[emoji]128516[/emoji]
But other then that, don't let these women control your emotions like that.
Only women you really should feel some type a way about is your mother, daughter, sisters or good friends, anybody else can get the bushes[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
tell emmmmmmm.....fam get out your feelings :smh: :smh: :smh: charge it to the game and keep it moving. Get your nut and duck
What in the flying **** is going on in here[emoji]128557[/emoji]
Some of you guys are giving these women all your power. I mean it's like you don't understand that you are not guaranteed another second on this planet but yet and still you want to run behind women that mean you harm, frustration or want to deliberately put them into friendzones, for what[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
What does any of this profit you. While you worrying about these females, there's another dude out there hustling, gettin his paper, education, traveling and enjoying his life while you stagnating yourself behind some female that has made you an option or told you some fiction to boost your ego.
Let me guess:
"I'll always love you"
"We can be friends, just not right now"..
I don't know why it's so hard to grasp the concept of living and actually looking for women who are really trying to dig you on a personal level. A woman that actually gives a damn about you instead of these bird brains and their games. Yeah I'm a little flustered because nothing is guaranteed. Everyday you wake up can be your last, so why worry yourself with trivial things or how can I can control this certain chick to possibly get some bad or sub par yambs.
Man life is too beautiful to be consistently pondering about women. Get yourself right and everything will fall into place. The day you live for yourself is the day positive matter is attracted to you. Get out there a build your legacy and let these women come last or more naturally.
GotDamn depressing in here.
You too blessed to be going through some of these self inflicted shenanigans.
Either **** or get off the pot[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️

Post real af. Recently got out of a really depressive slump with myself and decided to just focus a little more on myself and not care too much about the females. So far it's been working with this one chick, stopped over thinking and stressing myself out for no reason. Also ***** are you like an older version of myself from the future? Swear your posts are always mad relevant to what's happening in my life at the moment lmao.

Anyone got tips for a slightly socially awkward dude? My thing from now on will just be to talk to everyone so I can be better at conversation and not so nervous but if there's some other tips out there I'd appreciate that too.
What in the flying **** is going on in here[emoji]128557[/emoji]
Some of you guys are giving these women all your power. I mean it's like you don't understand that you are not guaranteed another second on this planet but yet and still you want to run behind women that mean you harm, frustration or want to deliberately put them into friendzones, for what[emoji]128516[/emoji][emoji]128516[/emoji]
What does any of this profit you. While you worrying about these females, there's another dude out there hustling, gettin his paper, education, traveling and enjoying his life while you stagnating yourself behind some female that has made you an option or told you some fiction to boost your ego.
Let me guess:
"I'll always love you"
"We can be friends, just not right now"..
I don't know why it's so hard to grasp the concept of living and actually looking for women who are really trying to dig you on a personal level. A woman that actually gives a damn about you instead of these bird brains and their games. Yeah I'm a little flustered because nothing is guaranteed. Everyday you wake up can be your last, so why worry yourself with trivial things or how can I can control this certain chick to possibly get some bad or sub par yambs.
Man life is too beautiful to be consistently pondering about women. Get yourself right and everything will fall into place. The day you live for yourself is the day positive matter is attracted to you. Get out there a build your legacy and let these women come last or more naturally.
GotDamn depressing in here.
You too blessed to be going through some of these self inflicted shenanigans.
Either **** or get off the pot[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️

Post real af. Recently got out of a really depressive slump with myself and decided to just focus a little more on myself and not care too much about the females. So far it's been working with this one chick, stopped over thinking and stressing myself out for no reason. Also ***** are you like an older version of myself from the future? Swear your posts are always mad relevant to what's happening in my life at the moment lmao.

Anyone got tips for a slightly socially awkward dude? My thing from now on will just be to talk to everyone so I can be better at conversation and not so nervous but if there's some other tips out there I'd appreciate that too.
start getting out the house and go out. Also joining a toastmasters group helps with building self confidence
currensy currensy
Naw, I'm just a young OG(word to Fabolous)..
Seen a lot, put myself in precarious situations, had the heart breaks, had game ran on me, ran game on some good ones, went through depression, and I finally stepped back to see I wanted more.
That's the cycle of life and going from a young fool to a wise, old man[emoji]128516[/emoji]
Also to piggy back of the toast master, adventure for singles type of events, if your state is conducive to you being able to take mini day trips, go to different cities, where absolutely nobody knows you and just put yourself out there.
Back home(even though I was eating good in San Francisco/Berkeley), I would venture out on the weekends to San Mateo, Sac-town, Monterey, etc to see how my approach was in different areas. When I moved back to Houston, I wasn't eating at all( women are hard as hell to crack down here), so I spent most of my time in Austin, Dallas or if I really felt good went to N.O.
If you are single with no kids, there is no reason to be land locked. Some areas women are more receptive and open for communication while other areas not so much.
Get yourself out of the comfort and explore, if I hadn't met this amazing woman, I would be back on the west coast or possibly up north.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
currensy currensy
Naw, I'm just a young OG(word to Fabolous)..
Seen a lot, put myself in precarious situations, had the heart breaks, had game ran on me, ran game on some good ones, went through depression, and I finally stepped back to see I wanted more.
That's the cycle of life and going from a young fool to a wise, old man[emoji]128516[/emoji]
Also to piggy back of the toast master, adventure for singles type of events, if your state is conducive to you being able to take mini day trips, go to different cities, where absolutely nobody knows you and just put yourself out there.
Back home(even though I was eating good in San Francisco/Berkeley), I would venture out on the weekends to San Mateo, Sac-town, Monterey, etc to see how my approach was in different areas. When I moved back to Houston, I wasn't eating at all( women are hard as hell to crack down here), so I spent most of my time in Austin, Dallas or if I really felt good went to N.O.
If you are single with no kids, there is no reason to be land locked. Some areas women are more receptive and open for communication while other areas not so much.
Get yourself out of the comfort and explore, if I hadn't met this amazing woman, I would be back on the west coast or possibly up north.[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️

My ***** the young OG. To add to that, at that age, don't let money worries stop whatever you're thinking of doing. That hinderance is not real, only in your mind.

That reminds me, I remember my first love at first sight type of love. It was my sister's friend from her job, tall, beautiful, educated and we just clicked. At the time I was in school and only had a part time so I never jumped. Also didn't realize how attractive I was, apparently this was on purpose, all my sisters friends at her job wanted to meet me. After a while we became cool, and I got another job but I was so stressed and tired I still never got at her. By the time I got my **** together and built my confidence to get at her, she was pregnant by a deadbeat. My heart sank like a mug. She moved in with me and my sis to save dough and we became better friends. Some of the best times of my life were spent with her and that kid. She eventually moved to another state back with her parents to help take care of the kid and we just sort of fell out of touch. She got married to a great dude, had another kid. I loved them both so much though, but was still so immature. I remember crying like a baby when she had to move. I gotta hit her up to see how she is. Nevermind me, just reminiscent. My love life has been tragic, i'm a slow learner. It feels like i'm in complete control now. Basically though, don't be your own worst enemy.
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I gotta give my current lady props. She's so caring, loving, affectionate in a way that healed the jaded part of my soul that I have to give her a chance. I'm not in love with her, and i'm not sure I will be, but this is so... easy. So **** it, I'll do the work to see if we can build. I gotta find out what's missing. I think it's the sex. Even though we have sex often, I find myself thinking of other women, sometimes during sex. Do you dudes who settle down still go through that on such a pervasive level?
Why are the most stuck-up, pretentious, "reserved" types the biggest ******?

Was talking to a chick at a bar for practice, after 5 drinks the chick starts talking about she's taken 10 pregnancy tests in the past 2 months, let 8-10 dudes raw dog, has 20+ sexual partners, etc..but she's Catholic and her parents sheltered her.. :lol:

Chick has a PhD from USC. I got up and walked away. :lol:
Chick says, don't worry I'll cover the tab. :pimp:

Crazy *** broads
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