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I might hit up a 90s party friday night, and a caribbean pool party saturday over in pg county, but i'm old, rest might beat all that **** out.
Whats the point of a club date? Just WHY would thia be on someones mind? This little ***** been trying for this for a good 2 years.:smh:
My tinder dates in the past two months summarized.

1st chick (hung out twice) I messed up because straight up told her I had a gf. I would be smashing right now if that hadn't happened.
2nd chick (one night) I don't know what happened we made out in the street for a while she never hit me back.
3rd chick (hung out three times) I messed up because I told her I'm not looking for a relationship or anything serious. Also, she was banging another dude while topping me off. Would prolly still be getting dome now if I just played it cool.
4th chick (one night) that slept over this past Friday hasn't hit me back and prolly won't. I think she could sense I was just looking for a hookup with her and not a relationship.

It has been fun with the minimum effort I've put in. Didn't smash any but at least had some entertaining nights. Part of me glad I didn't smash since I didn't cheat on my girl but another part dissapointed in myself. Girl back in a couple weeks so I'm gonna delete the app again for now.
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I gotta be a ugly mfer or these ****** around me dont like brothas. Tinder has gotten me nowhere. I just be pervin' now.

Trust pimpin, you are one of the five cornballs on my ignore list[emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji]
mugen81 mugen81 Who u referring to lol?
The same cornball that comes into derail the thread from time to time with his ever so enlightening post and inane comments[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji]
I know this dude ain't about that life. Can see through his insecurity in whatever thread he goes in.
Oh word got it!

Been hitting the gym hard the last 2 months and the yambs are noticing.

Was facetiming with ole girl the other night and I scratched the top of my head and she was like, "Wow, ur arms!" and hasn't stopped talking about them lol.

Fri- Meeting a buddy for dinner and then a DTLA free concert.
mugen81 mugen81 Who u referring to lol?
The same cornball that comes into derail the thread from time to time with his ever so enlightening post and inane comments[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji]
I know this dude ain't about that life. Can see through his insecurity in whatever thread he goes in.

can u give us a name fam??

I hope u aint referring to me cuz i aint got nuthin but love to give
Oh word got it!

Been hitting the gym hard the last 2 months and the yambs are noticing.

Was facetiming with ole girl the other night and I scratched the top of my head and she was like, "Wow, ur arms!" and hasn't stopped talking about them lol.

Fri- Meeting a buddy for dinner and then a DTLA free concert.
How them b ball skills coming along :nerd:
can u give us a name fam??

I hope u aint referring to me cuz i aint got nuthin but love to give
he's talking about me ..... 

which came out of left field....  i don't even recall ever getting into it with this man ....ever

the people that don't **** with me don't **** with me because i dont have a pack mentality

i see things from a number of perspectives and try to see things through different eyes ..... make logical sense of things regardless of what the crowd says 

i call it being open minded .... NT tends to call it "deflecting" 

it is what it is......  we could meet in the streets and have these same conversations and it be taken a totally different way because you hear tone and things can be explained better 

just the nature of the internet 
My homegirl is having a Bday party in NoVA but she only knows couples................wait...................she does know this one baker that i've talked to before. damnit may have to roll there.. but after I have nothing... Hennessy and Bendover, yall should come out to Claredon.

I just don't want these younger dudes growing up with this tunnel vision mindset ....meaning, if a woman does this, it means that.... or if she does that, it means this

I understood what you meant by this btw.
Some _____ always gotta  ffff the groove up. 

If someone gives you advice on anything and you take it as gospel, then I feel bad for your degree and your manhood.
I took it like that as well.

I know Mugen wasn't trying to say this, but when I read it I kind of felt like he was saying she DEFINITELY had another guy lined up.

I have been on both sides of the bubble where my college ex started talking to the guy I stole her from (we broke up and kept messing around for awhile), but my last ex didn't have anyone at all.

It really all just depends. Best way to get over it is just work on YOU. Don't reach out or have any contact with the ex.

I went out and had a good time with my dudes but worked the best was hooping, lifting and planning stuff for the future.
I took it like that as well.

I know Mugen wasn't trying to say this, but when I read it I kind of felt like he was saying she DEFINITELY had another guy lined up.

I have been on both sides of the bubble where my college ex started talking to the guy I stole her from (we broke up and kept messing around for awhile), but my last ex didn't have anyone at all.

It really all just depends. Best way to get over it is just work on YOU. Don't reach out or have any contact with the ex.

I went out and had a good time with my dudes but worked the best was hooping, lifting and planning stuff for the future.

This right here. Working for self is all that matters. It's ok to date if you feel like it.

Bruh, trust me when I say even if you mention this post I have no rebuttal for you and I'm not going to read it[emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji]
You know who you are and I'm not going to feed your ego or derail the thread anymore.
I have never in the history of posting in the OG thread or this one have I said my word is gospel and that I'm the only respected advisor in here( the others no who they are and I have even learned things from them). I have countlessly agreed with positions that were different to mines. Even if I disagreed with a certain poster, I acknowledged their wisdom and repped them on it. I give advice from my heart and mind and experience. It's just like with an artist or writer. What you do with my words or stances is your own interpretation. My advice has always been for individuals to love yourself, family, day ones, career, passions and then women.
So all this negative energy you consistently bring in here is beyond my threshold for fu*kery[emoji]128512[/emoji]
You can disagree, say I'm wrong, etc..
I can take that and can even see different sides because my heart and mind are open to all walks of life and opinions but you don't do that. Instead of taking subliminal jabs at people because they agree with me or feel what I'm saying, how about you be positive and write words that uplift instead of trying to bring others down or work on your craft as a troll[emoji]128512[/emoji][emoji]128512[/emoji]
At the end of the day I want men and women to just live, have fun(responsibly) and to understand that no moment is guaranteed.
My advice doesn't work for every situation and I could be wrong or missing a part of the story/perspectivw(which I note all the time in my post) but I'm not going to stop helping people because one cdude feels a type of way because he doesn't get reps, points or whatever the hell he is looking for.
Let it go my dude and either post something that is beneficial or ****.
As you were[emoji]128526[/emoji]
Question, doesn't matter who chimes in. Are you a fool for chasing that "in love" high, that chemistry vs staying with a good girl you love, but not an intense love? is it selfish?
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