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Striking out before or after meeting them?

Both. It's either these women are nothing like how they portray themselves online, or they just never seem interested enough for a meetup. I'm just done with online dating for a bit.

KingdomFlatbush KingdomFlatbush
I have always been a lone wolf, so that's how I always picked up chicks. Don't get me wrong I have a very small circle of guy friends( literally 5) that I chill with and trust with my life but when it comes/came to women when I was single, I liked to hunt. Going to a museum is gold by yourself.
This is how I used to do it back in The Bay.
I would look through Sfgate or Oakland Tribune, etc and looked for what was popping on the weekends at art house movie theaters or museums. I would just pick maybe one or two and go feast. When you are in those environments it's easy to have a conversation with the ladies, especially when they are looking at lets say a "abstract" piece or those "deep" hipster, contemporary pieces,lol.
All you do is kinda of slide in on the side of said girl and say something witty.
"I really don't know what I am looking at but god its so deep"..
Guaranteed laugh or witty banter will take place. A woman's guard is down in these types of places (grocery stores, doggy parks, wine tastings)because:
A) They feel safe.
B) they are actually looking for prospects as well as conversation..
I love hanging with my boys(4 back in the bay and one in houston) and I loved playing wingman but something about stepping into a place solo dolo, smelling good and looking good, knowing you are the **** and nobody can tell you nothing, attracts women like moths. It shows you are not scared to do things alone and live by your own code.

I mean I'm not in Cali. I'm in South Florda so I don't think there are too many of those artsy places except for Miami--which is sorta far from where I live.

Going out by yourself can be a little intimidating at first because your conscious takes over with all your "insecurities", plus as a society we are taught that it's "unacceptable" or "weird" but a lot of times it can be liberating and challenging but yields the biggest rewards.
This is were being a person that observes their surroundings comes into play. Simply scoping a room out as soon as you walk in can tell you a lot about a situation before you even open your mouth. Pay attention to details, watch how certain girls are interacting with other guys, if you take note of all the little things before pouncing, this can increase your success rate.
When I was single, if it was like a lounge or a bar and say it was on a spring/summer Sunday afternoon, I would bring a book(something interesting or a NY best seller, from the library of course) and I would position myself on a patio where I could see "potential", coming through the door or walking by. Then I would go with the straight aloof act and just enjoy what I was reading. I don't know but women were drawn to this and would ask me what I was reading and light conversations would start after. The thing is you have to take yourself out of your "comfort zone" and just enjoy life. Now nightclubs, I can't give advice on because that literally is a Petri Dish of American society+Animal Kingdom and I never mastered that one by myself, lol
But all I can say is going on solo missions are fun as hell. Even if you see somebody you know, you can always just say you are " just chilling and taking in a new adventure", dap them up and either continue dolo or have them join you. I don't know but if you just go out with a clear mind and heart and just let the evening flow and are open to possibilities, being a lone wolf can garner some mad fun and quality yambs..

Idk man. I'm not sure that the bars and **** down here are really set up for the "hang around and enjoy a book" kind of environments like you have.

I really don't want to sound like I'm making excuses lol. If anyone is out here in SoFlo and wants to chill or knows a cool spot PM me
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saw a chick walking on a side street as i was driving home, not really a busy street. didnt know how to pull up without coming off as a creeper :smh:
Low-key kind of addicted to online dating so I imagine that I'd only give it up if I found wifey

Half of my new smashes this year have been from online. It's been 3 months since I've gone a date with a chick that I didn't meet online :lol:
saw a chick walking on a side street as i was driving home, not really a busy street. didnt know how to pull up without coming off as a creeper :smh:

Yea, this ain't a movie or a video, so you probably did a good thing just continuing on your way :lol:
I can't do online dating because I hate taking pictures. Majority of women I've met was in person through mutual friends or just randomly
I can't do online dating because I hate taking pictures. Majority of women I've met was in person through mutual friends or just randomly

It's #VERYRARE to find pics of me on purpose. Girls ask all the damn time and I hit them with, "Can't have anymore stuff about me on Google..." They eat it up.

I did and no one answered so i took a gamble. I know the spot to attend now.

Lol ur golden now my dude. Make me proud :pimp:
I can't do online dating because I hate taking pictures. Majority of women I've met was in person through mutual friends or just randomly

You only need 1 or 2 good pics especially on Tinder

If you're trying to maximize your efficiency while smashing a lot you're missing out if you're not using online dating

If you're not about racking up the numbers then carry on
I've started making more pics realizing I need memories for the next day/ later down the road. But I don't post on social media or anything.
In NYC there's always pictures of you, I never take my own and don't have IG or any social media yet females always seem to find pictures of me doing the most.
Fixed for me :lol:

LOL so true. Ur the man at that. But it's definitely a Catch 22... as u have learned. Girls I just meet have NO idea about what I'm doing bahaha.

Have u guys heard of that Lulu app?

It does let girls, especially ones from online, know what I'm about at this time

But even then some think they're special and can change me

Ol girl I hit with the "ok" still was trying to pursue something more serious

Even though she called me a player/party boy because of my IG and found another girl's shorts at my spot
In NYC there's always pictures of you, I never take my own and don't have IG or any social media yet females always seem to find pictures of me doing the most.

You would think OC/ LA is the same, but I'm a pro. Ask Doc, I randomly bounce at the right time. No proof of me even being there :pimp:
In NYC there's always pictures of you, I never take my own and don't have IG or any social media yet females always seem to find pictures of me doing the most.

You would think OC/ LA is the same, but I'm a pro. Ask Doc, I randomly bounce at the right time. No proof of me even being there :pimp:

Also the benefit of being the one taking all the photos is that you control what's posted
LOL so true. Ur the man at that. But it's definitely a Catch 22... as u have learned. Girls I just meet have NO idea about what I'm doing bahaha.

Have u guys heard of that Lulu app?

Lulu is packed w salty *** females that got played, had to delete my name off their entirely

Great for laughs tho
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Just came home from Wrigley. I am pure savage.

Cliff notes for now:

Pain pills
Dragon Berry
Public Indecency

I can't do online dating because I hate taking pictures. Majority of women I've met was in person through mutual friends or just randomly

You only need 1 or 2 good pics especially on Tinder

If you're trying to maximize your efficiency while smashing a lot you're missing out if you're not using online dating

If you're not about racking up the numbers then carry on
I feel ya, i may have to hop on board and try it out.

I don't have a facebook, but when creating a dummy facebook account, do you use your real name? If you're using a fake name do you reveal to the female your real name?
Hell yea I don't know what those cliff mean.

Debating on if I'm heading out tonight since this new bar opening up. One of my boys going to this reggae club so my see what it's about.
Just came home from Wrigley. I am pure savage.

Cliff notes for now:

Pain pills
Dragon Berry
Public Indecency

 he end up smashing a chick in public im guessing.
DL'd lulu and as soon as I sign in I had 9 girls that searched for me.

Not sure how i feel. May delete.
Online dating has really changed the whole mating process when you really think about it.

I wish ************* that died in the 70's could see **** like Tinder and have their minds blown.
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