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I know I said I may not go back to American chicks in another thread but this Cali chick is pretty cool.
When Im over there I might bounce early and say Im going to meet up with a girl.

I feel you bro and this is not directed at you.

Thing I realized is some dudes don't know the code of behavior when anybody girlfriend or wife is out with the boys. You can't act thristy and chasing everything bc that puts a terrible impression in the lady head and ruins it for future men night out. You always want your homies girlfriends to think you a chill laid back cat.you never wanna be seen as the "having conversation with any chick" dude
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When Im over there I might bounce early and say Im going to meet up with a girl.

I feel you bro and this is not directed at you.

Thing I realized is some dudes don't know the code of behavior when anybody girlfriend or wife is out with the boys. You can't act thristy and chasing everything bc that puts a terrible impression in the lady head and ruins it for future men night out. You always want your homies girlfriends to think you a chill laid back cat.you never wanna be seen as the "having conversation with any chick" dude

One of my boys can't have guys night out because of me and a couple of my other single friends :lol:
I feel you bro and this is not directed at you.

Thing I realized is some dudes don't know
the code of behavior when anybody girlfriend or wife is out with the boys. You can't act thristy and chasing everything bc that puts a terrible impression in the lady head and ruins it for future men night out. You always want your homies girlfriends to think you a chill laid back cat.you never wanna be
seen as the "having conversation with any chick" dude

Oh they love me... Have no problem with a guys night. My best friends girl made him ask me to be his best man ultra early even lol.

They (for the most part) just know ill date them for a minute and move onto something better lol.
It's funny... I don't go hard at girls. I know the right time to pounce and when to just kick it with the boys.

It's funny because I have one of the greatest/ wild personalities in SoCal.
This chick really tried to pull the "I can't do this. I only have sex in relationships" after she let me get to third

Still ended up smashing :lol:
This chick really tried to pull the "I can't do this. I only have sex in relationships" after she let me get to third

Still ended up smashing :lol:

My little ratchet that I've been messing with was doing the same 3 days ago. I've got her leggings down and I'm giving her the 2 finger jam and she's like "what are we doing, we're just friends, friends don't do this!" I start feeling bad because she's a cool girl and I know she likes me but I told her I'm not ready for a relationship and she's cool with the FWB role. So I stop because I felt like a savage....

This chick takes my fingers, still dripping wet from playing with her and puts em in her mouth. GAME OVER. I was in her guts so deep :smh:
**** sounds like a crazy turn on bruh, just liken when a chick give you top after ya joint been crushing her insides and her juices is everywhere 
Wtf I thought I replied to you guys. My bad.

I used to just rely on my social circles to meet those types

But I also target those types on online dating as well

Sometimes I get lucky when going out as well.

Online dating is good for meeting the "smart" chicks but I'm done with online dating for quite a while.

Off top, the og thread and this thread has never always been strictly about "Yambs" or even said conquest. At least (and I only speak for myself), this is/was a place for dudes to ask questions like this or to share anecdotal stories of not only victory but defeat as well.
"OG'S did that so hopefully you wouldn't have to go through that"..
With all that being said , to meet higher caliber women you need to devote yourself out of your comfort zone.
That means going to museums , finding art/ outdoor activities in your community. Take a leisure learning class of your choice, book readings at your local bookstore,poetry nights or develop a strong hobby that you can cultivate yourself into not only for the purpose of learning about yourself but also having a shared bond within finding said type of ladies you are looking for. "Good Girls,Smart Women" are all around you but you have to make yourself great and have a positive outlook to attract them.
Also like I have sprewed a thousand times, stop looking for just 8,9, and 10s' and start looking at the 6 or 7, it's too many great women out here that might not have physical beauty but they could actually have something that is tangible for your fit and personality. I have always said" never settle", but coming from a married man when I was single , I dated all over the spectrum as far as appearance and mental. Have fun with dating, don't need to put added pressure on yourself to smash (honestly no man in here or real life cares about your numbers). Life is too short for the dumb ****. Live it up , learn from the experiences, put yourself out there and do the damn thing.
Also try wine tastings or little events at your local grocery stores on the weekend, tryin to told you that is where you will meet worthy bachelorettes as well...
"This Has Been A Public Service Announcement..."

I want to go to museums and stuff like that...but it's not like I have terrible friends or anything but they're not into that kind of stuff lol. Should I just start going by myself? The goal was for me to find someone to do that kind of **** with.

And nah man I'm not looking for dimes o anything like that. I actually don't really go for those super fine chicks unless they're sort of "naturally" pretty, as in they wear little to no make up or I've seen them without the excessively deceptive Instagram filters. I've said multiple times that I'm cool with "7s"

this, and women do the same thing. some of yall cats looking for beyonce which is fine..
but you have Normal Ashley over there who you can probably vibe with greatly probably watches football like you, enjoys a beer or two like you. but you dont like her cuz her skin isn't an almond chest nut complexion with long hair. and eye make up[\B]

Those aren't the only girls I go for

This chick really tried to pull the "I can't do this. I only have sex in relationships"

Christ this is such a lie. Total BS
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KingdomFlatbush KingdomFlatbush I plan to take to this chick to a museum after summer. I do plan to take a good amount of chicks to museums in DC. Feel like it will be a easy to get to know the chick plus some yambs afterwards.(I'm also into museums, so it's a win win).
Why you done with online dating?
I've been either striking out with the ones I gain some success with, or just don't get replies in general. Not that I'll delete my OKC or POF profiles or anything, I'm just not going to use them
@KingdomFlatbush I plan to take to this chick to a museum after summer. I do plan to take a good amount of chicks to museums in DC. Feel like it will be a easy to get to know the chick plus some yambs afterwards.(I'm also into museums, so it's a win win).
I didn't know that museums guaranteed yambs
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I didn't know that museums guaranteed yambs :lol:
I'm sure those chicks havnt been to a museum since elementary school. Then it's something different for the locals and breezes visiting. Every time I play it out in my mine I getthe yambs(I'm sure I'm going the yambs!).
Brunch on the weekend and drinks during the week have and will continue to be my go to move for closing yambs

Yambs, food and drinks. 3 things I love :lol:
KingdomFlatbush KingdomFlatbush
I have always been a lone wolf, so that's how I always picked up chicks. Don't get me wrong I have a very small circle of guy friends( literally 5) that I chill with and trust with my life but when it comes/came to women when I was single, I liked to hunt. Going to a museum is gold by yourself.
This is how I used to do it back in The Bay.
I would look through Sfgate or Oakland Tribune, etc and looked for what was popping on the weekends at art house movie theaters or museums. I would just pick maybe one or two and go feast. When you are in those environments it's easy to have a conversation with the ladies, especially when they are looking at lets say a "abstract" piece or those "deep" hipster, contemporary pieces,lol.
All you do is kinda of slide in on the side of said girl and say something witty.
"I really don't know what I am looking at but god its so deep"..
Guaranteed laugh or witty banter will take place. A woman's guard is down in these types of places (grocery stores, doggy parks, wine tastings)because:
A) They feel safe.
B) they are actually looking for prospects as well as conversation..
I love hanging with my boys(4 back in the bay and one in houston) and I loved playing wingman but something about stepping into a place solo dolo, smelling good and looking good, knowing you are the **** and nobody can tell you nothing, attracts women like moths. It shows you are not scared to do things alone and live by your own code.
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