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How to spice up text game, kinda lacking rn

finally talking to this one chick and i don't wanna fail so horribly
never felt comfortable about going to spots dolo like the bar or the clubs and thought it would be weird if i saw someone i knew and they saw me dolo.... but not going out prevents me from getting the yambs so tonight i will see what i can do...at least i have a coworker i can meetup with tonight to be wingman just in case
never felt comfortable about going to spots dolo like the bar or the clubs and thought it would be weird if i saw someone i knew and they saw me dolo.... but not going out prevents me from getting the yambs so tonight i will see what i can do...at least i have a coworker i can meetup with tonight to be wingman just in case

Come on man, solo missions > everything.

I got friends that always depend on their circle for alley oops or wingmen and can't close by themselves. You gotta go outside your comfort zone in all aspects of life especially with women to really know who you are as a man.
Going out by yourself can be a little intimidating at first because your conscious takes over with all your "insecurities", plus as a society we are taught that it's "unacceptable" or "weird" but a lot of times it can be liberating and challenging but yields the biggest rewards.
This is were being a person that observes their surroundings comes into play. Simply scoping a room out as soon as you walk in can tell you a lot about a situation before you even open your mouth. Pay attention to details, watch how certain girls are interacting with other guys, if you take note of all the little things before pouncing, this can increase your success rate.
When I was single, if it was like a lounge or a bar and say it was on a spring/summer Sunday afternoon, I would bring a book(something interesting or a NY best seller, from the library of course) and I would position myself on a patio where I could see "potential", coming through the door or walking by. Then I would go with the straight aloof act and just enjoy what I was reading. I don't know but women were drawn to this and would ask me what I was reading and light conversations would start after. The thing is you have to take yourself out of your "comfort zone" and just enjoy life. Now nightclubs, I can't give advice on because that literally is a Petri Dish of American society+Animal Kingdom and I never mastered that one by myself, lol
But all I can say is going on solo missions are fun as hell. Even if you see somebody you know, you can always just say you are " just chilling and taking in a new adventure", dap them up and either continue dolo or have them join you. I don't know but if you just go out with a clear mind and heart and just let the evening flow and are open to possibilities, being a lone wolf can garner some mad fun and quality yambs..
Solo missions are easy in nightclubs. Just be attractive and fun and you'll flourish.

Now I rarely go to clubs by myself but I often split off from the group and operate without a wingman
Clubs are the easiest, I also go solo to bars which is easiest to close right then and there.

I'll get to third base with a woman at the club but then have to at least see her again to smash but at the bar? Swimming in it that night if you're on point and live close.
I have always been a lone wolf, so that's how I always picked up chicks. Don't get me wrong I have a very small circle of guy friends( literally 5) that I chill with and trust with my life but when it comes/came to women when I was single, I liked to hunt. Going to a museum is gold by yourself.
This is how I used to do it back in The Bay.
I would look through Sfgate or Oakland Tribune, etc and looked for what was popping on the weekends at art house movie theaters or museums. I would just pick maybe one or two and go feast. When you are in those environments it's easy to have a conversation with the ladies, especially when they are looking at lets say a "abstract" piece or those "deep" hipster, contemporary pieces,lol.
All you do is kinda of slide in on the side of said girl and say something witty.
"I really don't know what I am looking at but god its so deep"..
Guaranteed laugh or witty banter will take place. A woman's guard is down in these types of places (grocery stores, doggy parks, wine tastings)because:
A) They feel safe.
B) they are actually looking for prospects as well as conversation..
I love hanging with my boys(4 back in the bay and one in houston) and I loved playing wingman but something about stepping into a place solo dolo, smelling good and looking good, knowing you are the **** and nobody can tell you nothing, attracts women like moths. It shows you are not scared to do things alone and live by your own code.

I think I've found my next challenge/new element.

Endless museums and art galleries in Oakland the yambs must be ripe for the taking.
Clubs are the easiest, I also go solo to bars which is easiest to close right then and there.

I'll get to third base with a woman at the club but then have to at least see her again to smash but at the bar? Swimming in it that night if you're on point and live close.

what spots do you go to around here?
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what spots do you go to around here?

In Brooklyn? Man there's a million, its too easy, it depends what area, Williamsburg is the easiest and most diverse.

I live in Bushwick which is pretty much all cute white chicks who are in art school or are yoga instructors with mad tats and ****. :lol:

Yambs are :nerd: though.

Also got a lot of spots in LES and East Village.
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I think I've found my next challenge/new element.

Endless museums and art galleries in Oakland the yambs must be ripe for the taking.

Got some joints I'll never forget at art galleries, that's advanced level though, ain't nothing better than a cultured women who will let you violate her throat but also discuss literature with you.
In Brooklyn? Man there's a million, its too easy, it depends what area, Williamsburg is the easiest and most diverse.

I live in Bushwick which is pretty much all cute white chicks who are in art school or are yoga instructors with mad tats and ****.

Yambs are

Also got a lot of spots in LES and East Village.
idk why i thought u stayed in DC
What time and how long do these bottomless brunches last for?

Where you at in the city g? I can give you mad spots.

I got one in Williamsburg that's amazing, had a French waitress there that I would've saved.

I live in Queens but when I'm out its all Midtown East or West 4th. Man I keep hearing about how epic Williamsburg is bro, I'm slacking.

Never been to a bottomless brunch but you guys are making it sound amazing. French waitress you say :nerd:
I live in Queens but when I'm out its all Midtown East or West 4th. Man I keep hearing about how epic Williamsburg is bro, I'm slacking.

Never been to a bottomless brunch but you guys are making it sound amazing. French waitress you say :nerd:
Williamsburg is where it's at son......bottomless I just can't say enough about how much of a win it is.
I live in Queens but when I'm out its all Midtown East or West 4th. Man I keep hearing about how epic Williamsburg is bro, I'm slacking.

Never been to a bottomless brunch but you guys are making it sound amazing. French waitress you say :nerd:

Yea I've done good work in Midtown but the lower you go the better and more diverse the females in my opinion.

Know a really good Brunch spot in Midtown west too.

Williamsburg is where it's at son......bottomless I just can't say enough about how much of a win it is.

Truth was shared in this post.
This. However, solo missions are for the more advanced players and really help fine tune your 'gaming' style. You can go after the girls you like without distractions or criticism by your circle. I gave my boy a nice CP3 opp and passed him a nice blonde Australian chick who was thirsty for some black D :evil:. Chick told me she wanted me to find her a new black guy every 5 mins :lol:. He made out with her for an hour it seemed instead of just getting up and taking her out the bar.

I don't need a wing man because I can create my own shot and am in the zone when it's a solo mission. On the other hand, when out with my peeps, I feel they're (esp. home girls) :rolleyes if I "ditch" them to chat up some females. Chatting up a group of 3+ girls by yourself and knowing they're all feeling you :smokin :evil:

Come on man, solo missions > everything.

I got friends that always depend on their circle for alley oops or wingmen and can't close by themselves. You gotta go outside your comfort zone in all aspects of life especially with women to really know who you are as a man.
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Should have the music video girl done by tonight and then out with some of the boys :pimp:

Tomorrow for the US game will be awesome. I am imploring u guys to hit a bar or a party for that.
Should have the music video girl done by tonight and then out with some of the boys :pimp:

Tomorrow for the US game will be awesome. I am imploring u guys to hit a bar or a party for that.

Being at one for the first, listen to this man. **** is live.
I need to stop switching up my game when I meet older women...I always try to cater to them more for some reason and it messes me up before I even get the chance to put in a little work
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