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aint gotta lie, just tell her you don't wanna talk about it/don't want her to judge you on your past or whatever your reasoning is
If this is just a FWB type situation, then I honestly think it shouldn't matter.
Now if you are trying to wife or commit to somebody, then your bodies(as well as hers) should be discussed. You don't have to give out the "gory" details of your past but your foundation should always be trust. Also you kinda want to know just in case STDS were present in their past. Mature, Grown Women, who are Realistic when it comes to these things, know how to have this conversation without throwing all the bs "shade" at you for living your life and enjoying it.
But it could also be a double, edge sword..
If your number is massive, girls get the precipition of you being"King Dingle Ling".
If your number is low, then they feel you could possibly be a "herb"..
I think the conversation should only be taken seriously if you are really feeling this young lady, other then that, play on playas...
- house on the beach with 7 guys
- minimum of 20 girls in and out of the spot
- everyone except 1 person smashes, E smashes 5 girls in 3 days
- pop bottles with Pierre Thomas
- keg stands with Blake Griffin

Pics of the hottest girl(s)
How ya'll let 1 dude not get any?
he better at least be married or have a girlfriend :lol:

Nope :lol:

Pics of the hottest girl(s)

Who u think got the baddest one????


The baddest ones none of us smashed. I take full responsibility for sleeping (literally) on them :lol:

How ya'll let 1 dude not get any?

I'm saying though, the nerve to be hanging out with Blake but not throw an alley oop to the homie.

Haha Blake was at a beach house a couple houses down being rented by some randoms. They were cool but the ratio there was all messed up so after some flip cup and keg stands we left to go pull
This is just from my POV.

Fri: Get out there 6ish, hit dinner with Doc and start making moves in terms of Tinder. Back to the pad, rest of the team shows up by 11 and we are out the door around 1115. The team is 7 of us (3 doctors, 1 med salesmen, 1 nurse, 1 lawyer and ur boy. 5 black guys and 2 white guys).

As soon as we get in line we already have girls ready to go at the bar. I'm playing the PG role and throwing everyone an oop that doesn't have a girl... "Have you met Mike yet!?"

This is the only night I don't smash... Making out all night with a girl who has to be back to OC for a wedding at 7 am. :/

Sat: Wake up at 9 and head over to unlimited mimosas with Doc and 3 others to watch the CL final. Half way through we start trolling a bachelorette party by saying our boy is the bachelor (don't worry, he smashes later.) Plans with them to meet up later never come to fruition, but only 2 of them were decent.

Head to the beach and some bars... Pull 3 back from the bar and are starting to get after it at the crib when one of the boys brings a girl back he meets on Tinder... She makes friends with the girls I pull back... But my boy kicks his girl out for throwing up.

Girls take off with her and I try to salvage my girl by going with them... Head to another bar but I forgot I had girls I knew from SD coming over! Girls I'm with start throwing a fit that, "My groupies are coming over.", but I make plans to see them again.

Hit Fluxx, Pierre Thomas does bottles with us since no other tables were available (and buys us 3 Ciroc's) and I smash a blonde.

Sunday: Planning just to beach for a bit...but guess who rented a house 3 doors down? Blake Griffin and Deandre Jordan. They run out of booze and see us throwing the football on the beach...

Yelling at girls all day to come in and have drinks, I pull two back up. Start drinking with them and decide we should go get food. Just so happens one of the girls matched with dude on Tinder. Game over. I smash her friend (another blonde) and they bounce maybe 8ish.

Hit the bars again that night and I pull a girl from there. Brown hair, green eyed girl. Go in the pacific nude, comes back to the pad and couldn't get rid of her for a minute lol. She leaves in am.

Monday: Supposed to leave at 2, but Doc has girls meeting us for a dayparty at some bar. I also have girl from earlier that I got blocked on coming by. Realtor just so happens to call and tells us we can have the pad again... and why not!? Doc and I go to dinner with my girl and her friend. Back to pad and everyone goes out but my girl and I. Going at it all night til 1230 ish and she has to get home due to a strict dad.

Hit the bar next door, pull a blonde that was with a guy. Bring them both back to the pad, dude bounces and I smash. Gives the best :smokin of my life!

So yeah, 5 in 3 days... 3 blondes, 1 middle eastern and 1 brown haired girl.
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In terms of dude not smashing... I put him on that first night when I was making out with girls friends but she wasn't feeling it :/

He had ZERO game. When u have 6 better looking guys, what girl would take him home lol.
In terms of dude not smashing... I put him on that first night when I was making out with girls friends but she wasn't feeling it :/

He had ZERO game. When u have 6 better looking guys, what girl would take him home lol.

He was definitely outgunned

And when it comes down to it there's only so much winging one can do
No shots, but pretty sure you said earlier in this thread you're around 50/60 approaching the quarter century mark.

These day parties and beach bars got me ready to take a trip to Cali.

Yeah, no shots at all. I think I'm in the 70ish range.

It's 24 this year now, and I think I was high 40's/ low 50's going into this year.

Plus I had a gf for 3 years :smh:
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