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Haha! Pretty much anything goes if u good looking my dude. Thank god. That is a smooth line tho , I have to concur.

Yo I'm like the ultimate panty wetter with kissing..no lie , been told mad times.

Plus that kiss determines if u smashing or not.
It works if you're good looking


Two dudes could use the same line and it will only work for one of em.

SImply cuz girls are shallow creatures and stay choosin.
If you are good looking all it takes is that Andre Miller basic game.
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It's all about confidence. I've had the wackest girls tell me I'm corny and shoot me down. I've had the prettiest girls tell me I'm corny and they like it. Just being yourself you would be surprise at what girls like and don't like
there be some utter nonsense bein spoken in this thread

so what seems like joking be dead *** serious more often than not....
all lines are weak... thats playground **** IMO....

I feel a man should never have to resort to tactics .... be a grown *** man and be real

flirting and putting your personality out there should be enough

but don't listen to me, y'all just keep on doing your thing
I'm working on this chick that works close to my job. After I said something to her for the first time and let her know where I work, she began looking over and smiling whenever she passes my kiosk. I hit her with some d1game and slid her my card with my number on it. It took her two weeks to hit me up :lol: I was kinda confused during that little time too. Nowhere near insecure, as a girl might feel if a dude waited out to hit her up, but seriously confused. We've been texting back and forth for a few days so we'll see how it goes.
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What if your personality is playful? telling a joke or an obviously corny line to break the ice is fine. What you **** don't make me eat.
What if your personality is playful? telling a joke or an obviously corny line to break the ice is fine. What you **** don't make me eat.
you're smarter than that...

im talking about legit lines and tactics that ****** be trying to be slick with

this thread is full of it.... tips and suggestions and other lame ****
Being good looking while dealing with females is the same as being tall in basketball. It doesn't necessarily mean that you've got game, but it damn sure makes it a lot easier and people will automatically assume that you know what you're doing.

I've got a quirky game that works with smart, intellectual chicks. My general game is something that needs work. Sometimes stuff just flows naturally tho.
A "line" is all about context and delivery.

That magic trick line could be golden if used correctly.

Obviously, chick would have to be feelin you :lol:
What if your personality is playful? telling a joke or an obviously corny line to break the ice is fine. What you **** don't make me eat.

you're smarter than that...

im talking about legit lines and tactics that ****** be trying to be slick with

this thread is full of it.... tips and suggestions and other lame ****

What's an example of a legit line?
What if your personality is playful? telling a joke or an obviously corny line to break the ice is fine. What you **** don't make me eat.

you're smarter than that...

im talking about legit lines and tactics that ****** be trying to be slick with

this thread is full of it.... tips and suggestions and other lame ****

That works for the ones giving the tips. What dudes do need to understand is they don't have the same personalities, background, looks, demographic etc.
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females are some strange creatures

1. my ex called me and asked me to marry her.... she'll say she was kidding but if i was like lets do it she'd be down

2. this chick i wasn't even trying to holler at told me not to send her the wink emoji because a lot of her guy friends have been trying to get with her.... "/   

3. chick that basically told me to go **** myself because i was ignoring her over some **** i didn't like has been sending me random texts as though nothing ever happend

4. ex that i've been off and on with since i was like 14 years old won't speak to me

all this in the same week.... feel like im in the ******* Twilight Zone 
Yeah my ex emailed me said she's gonna call me tonight. Should be interesting.
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They are odd, if i've ever expressed wanting to be with a woman on a permanent basis (its been a while since), give her my all and be a good man, they back off... but they'll never just fade away and let me be. The ones I just treat normally, nothing more than having fun together, they wanna give everything and take my bull ****. Where's the balance.
They are odd, if i've ever expressed wanting to be with a woman on a permanent basis (its been a while since), give her my all and be a good man, they back off... but they'll never just fade away and let me be. The ones I just treat normally, nothing more than having fun together, they wanna give everything and take my bull ****. Where's the balance.
this is so true, I let this chick know we could never be together because we are moving to different city/states soon. She puts 100% effort to please the boy, anything I need she has my back. I don't spit any game to her at all, she just feeling me even my bad tendencies.
dog, I don't even know... **** is just strange

my experiences is why I don't generalize and make assumptions about girls....

bcz they're ALL ******* weird .... trying to rationalize insanity is a lost cause

i know they're crazy, so i just back and see how crazy they are .... #levels

if my last ex wasn't so damn socially awkward i'd probably just be with her.. her level of crazy is tolerable

another girl i'm talking to now has self-image issues which is a shame cz she's sexy as hell ... not even just a physically sexy thing, but the way she carries herself and handles business
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