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Still clap them cheeks. But their tons single ladies at weddings(unless its a family wedding). Why not go with your on of your boy?
idk bout you but I wouldn't bring a chick I just started talking to to a wedding..

you can still get in dat a** but that was a bad move on you playa.
We've known each other for years. I just started taking it to that beyond friendship level though. And we all know the same people at the wedding. Should I try to nonchalantly impress the %&*^ out of her to see what her reaction is post-wedding?
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We've known each other for years. I just started taking it to that beyond friendship level though. And we all know the same people at the wedding. Should I try to nonchalantly impress the %&*^ out of her to see what her reaction is post-wedding?

if yall knew each other for years, then it's cool. You shouldn't go out your way to impress her. Just go to the wedding and have a good time. If you are getting hints from ole girl then take advantage.
I definitely would not bring a chick who is dating someone else to a wedding as my date

If she knows the people well why wasn't she invited herself?

I'm not putting any effort into a chick who is dating someone else
Long story but .....

Got chick number.
Set up date.
She say she had a good time and next time we should go bowling or laser tag.
Text her the next day because I seen she went to club with her friends later that night.
She said they hit her up while she was in bed. We text a lil more. Then she stops
Later that night she send me a drunk selfie.
Next morning I said good morning. No text back til 9 something, talking all dry bout her phone in her purse she just got home. I tried to set up another date she talmbout she got work all week and only day she free is Sunday, which is her day for God.
We text a lil more, so I thogubt she didn't text me back, but it sent at 7 in the am. I thought she just text me so I said you ain't gonna tell me gm? She dries text me later that afternoon saying she ain't have her phone how could I, n I reply someone got a attitude. Lol she says I don't tho. Then I replied like ok how was your day. No reply since then.
So y'all think I effed up? She got a baby and such and she bad as ****.
This part made her sound Black lol.

Good thing about chicks with babies is you know they *******

But yea, IDK about that "texting her every day" thing. I don't even text my girl every day so.....
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This part made her sound Black lol.

Good thing about chicks with babies is you know they *******

But yea, IDK about that "texting her every day" thing. I don't even text my girl every day so.....
I don't mean to text her everyday she usually text me good morning every morning so I don't wanna be rude and don't reply. I'm going ghost for 3-4 days and see though.
This part made her sound Black lol.

Good thing about chicks with babies is you know they *******

But yea, IDK about that "texting her every day" thing. I don't even text my girl every day so.....
I don't mean to text her everyday she usually text me good morning every morning so I don't wanna be rude and don't reply. I'm going ghost for 3-4 days and see though.
Yea, plus what everyone else said about "So you not...". It did sound needy.

Wait for her to text you. In the mean time, you need to be talking to other joints, whether it be online or off. 

Rule #1: Always have a back up.
Yea, plus what everyone else said about "So you not...". It did sound needy.

Wait for her to text you. In the mean time, you need to be talking to other joints, whether it be online or off. 

Rule #1: Always have a back up.
yeah, I only got two on the team right now. Trying to get the roster up.
Never let chick think you don't have options you become vulnerable it's not a good look for your sake. You gotta be a **** to them make them feel like your the prize winner not them. Communication should be at a minimum when starting to date girls love mysteries I always look at it like this why do you think marvel comic heros have this fascination about them it's because during the day you don't know what they up to until they gotta save the day....like you don't expect batman to be in his outfit and take the bat mobile to go get an oil change...you gotta keep them thinking like I wonder what he's doing or what he's up to trust me they'll contact you first ...it's all Mind Games either you gonna be a simp or pimp player you choose!
Yea, plus what everyone else said about "So you not...". It did sound needy.

Wait for her to text you. In the mean time, you need to be talking to other joints, whether it be online or off. 

Rule #1: Always have a back up.
yeah, I only got two on the team right now. Trying to get the roster up.
Take it in stride. If they come, they come, but don't kill yourself trying to get more, you know.

I had a nice rotation of 2-4 last summer. Anything more is too much. Just work on your summer "Dream Team".  You be ii.
I definitely would not bring a chick who is dating someone else to a wedding as my date

If she knows the people well why wasn't she invited herself?

I'm not putting any effort into a chick who is dating someone else
This. I'm sure the people there will know she's dating someone else too. This setting up yourself up for friend zone.
Never let chick think you don't have options you become vulnerable it's not a good look for your sake. You gotta be a **** to them make them feel like your the prize winner not them. Communication should be at a minimum when starting to date girls love mysteries I always look at it like this why do you think marvel comic heros have this fascination about them it's because during the day you don't know what they up to until they gotta save the day....like you don't expect batman to be in his outfit and take the bat mobile to go get an oil change...you gotta keep them thinking like I wonder what he's doing or what he's up to trust me they'll contact you first ...it's all Mind Games either you gonna be a simp or pimp player you choose!
Yea but he shouldn't be something he isn't. I'm an ahole (now) because women turned me into one, lol. Then again they turn a lot of nice dudes into them, then complain when we're aholes lol.

But, be yourself and always keep your options over. Don't focus your whole energy into one chick. She can cut you off like nothing and you'll be sitting there hurt, wondering why, when you could've cancelled that ***** like Nino and hit up another joint.

But yea, like Delta said, switch it up! Tell that ***** you're abstaining from sex one day. Next day send her a **** pic. Feel me.
I definitely would not bring a chick who is dating someone else to a wedding as my date

If she knows the people well why wasn't she invited herself?

I'm not putting any effort into a chick who is dating someone else
Problem is I invited her before she revealed that info and the wedding is near so it left me in a weird position. I hate to go back and tell the wedding couple that my date changed and/or I have no date now and then tell the girl to F off. I mean I invited her, she accepted and then weeks later revealed that she was dating some guy.

She's not as friendly with the wedding couple as I am that's why she wasn't invited.
So me and this chick were digging on each other. Hung out once at a bar/live band. Invited her to be my date to a wedding. We text here and there. Just slowly getting to know each other yadaa yadda. Wedding is coming up. Get a text from her "sooo I'm dating this guy." I do some FB detective work and it's a dude she works with. I say so would that we weird for you being my date. She says no would it be for you? I say no do what you want don't want you to feel uncomfortable though. So she checks with the dude and says he's cool with it. What do you make of this NT? |I
Charge it to the game and find someone new. She obviously sees you as a friend. Does she have attractive friends? If so, get at them
Was with my girl from this past Thurs until this morning since she leaves to go back home today. Took Fri, Mon, and Tues off work to have a five day weekend with her. Only time spent apart was yesterday afternoon when I dropped her off at her place for a few hours so she could pack.

I don't know how I feel about things now. Everything moved so fast with this girl and I'm not sure if I did the right thing by making her my gf and committing to a long distance relationship this soon. I have always kept it casual for the first few months of seeing a girl. Really get to know them so the good and bad parts about them are exposed, make them show they are loyal, earn my trust, basically prove their worth, and then figure out how I really feel about them before talking about a relationship. Dove right in on this one. Sometimes feels like I made the right decision, other times doesn't.

It's definitely too soon to tell if it's gonna work with her though. Tried to be realistic with her last night about what I expect in this relationship. She told me I was being pessimistic. Then I guess it "just hit her" that she was leaving and she cried for a little a few times. Then kept wanting to tell me she loved me asking what I'd hypothetically say if she told me. Told her I wouldn't say anything and she has nothing to gain or lose from saying it but it's way too soon. She assured me I don't have to worry about her cheating on me when she's back in college...and she seems like a good girl. But man I don't know if I can trust this girl yet and yeah it's easy to say that stuff now but when she's actually back at college it's a different story.
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I definitely would not bring a chick who is dating someone else to a wedding as my date

If she knows the people well why wasn't she invited herself?

I'm not putting any effort into a chick who is dating someone else

All this.

Doesn't matter how long you've known her.
What is the downside specifically? If I go and have a good time and get tipsy (maybe make her drive). Don't really care if I don't get yambs, I'm just speaking on the situation in general and the awkwardness. Prob should've mentioned that in my first post.
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Ehhhh, it would just be better having somebody who's not dating anybody as a guest like that. Just would make for a better overall atmosphere.
You talking about seeing her feelings post wedding though, it sounds like you still want her in that way. You could start drinking and then let your real feelings be known and end up in a slippery situation, I just don't see any benefit here.

If I was in your position, I would have told her straight up that she couldn't be my date if she has a man and I'd go with another woman or solo and just find a woman at the wedding.

I just don't even agree with the whole concept of taking a girl out who has a man at any level, regardless of prior history. Think about if the roles were reversed, would you be ok with your woman doing that?
You talking about seeing her feelings post wedding though, it sounds like you still want her in that way. You could start drinking and then let your real feelings be known and end up in a slippery situation, I just don't see any benefit here.

If I was in your position, I would have told her straight up that she couldn't be my date if she has a man and I'd go with another woman or solo and just find a woman at the wedding.

I just don't even agree with the whole concept of taking a girl out who has a man at any level, regardless of prior history. Think about if the roles were reversed, would you be ok with your woman doing that?
Yeah I totally see your angle. I DEF wouldn't want my chick going with anyone else that's why I kinda chuckled when she said "he's cool with me going with you."

The wedding is next weekend so my arms are pretty much tied regarding changing plans. She already told me the dress she's wearing lol. I plan to go and have a good time, if she catches feelings cool, if not, on to the next one. No matter what I'm single and have been for a long time so the situation hasn't changed. Seems more awkward for them since they just started dating and she's my date.
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You talking about seeing her feelings post wedding though, it sounds like you still want her in that way. You could start drinking and then let your real feelings be known and end up in a slippery situation, I just don't see any benefit here.

If I was in your position, I would have told her straight up that she couldn't be my date if she has a man and I'd go with another woman or solo and just find a woman at the wedding.

I just don't even agree with the whole concept of taking a girl out who has a man at any level, regardless of prior history. Think about if the roles were reversed, would you be ok with your woman doing that?

Yeah I totally see your angle. I DEF wouldn't want my chick going with anyone else that's why I kinda chuckled when she said "he's cool with me going with you."

The wedding is next weekend so my arms are pretty much tied regarding changing plans. She already told me the dress she's wearing lol. I plan to go and have a good time, if she catches feelings cool, if not, on to the next one. No matter what I'm single and have been for a long time so the situation hasn't changed. Seems more awkward for them since they just started dating and she's my date.

It still sounds like you want her to catch feelings for you. May be an ego thing idk
Yeah I totally see your angle. I DEF wouldn't want my chick going with anyone else that's why I kinda chuckled when she said "he's cool with me going with you."

The wedding is next weekend so my arms are pretty much tied regarding changing plans. She already told me the dress she's wearing lol. I plan to go and have a good time, if she catches feelings cool, if not, on to the next one. No matter what I'm single and have been for a long time so the situation hasn't changed. Seems more awkward for them since they just started dating and she's my date.

No normal guy would be cool with this. She either didn't tell him about it or described you to him as just a friend, a non-threat. If she didn't tell him about it, then she's a liar, and shady. If she did tell him, it's up to you to decipher whether or not she really feels you are a non-threat and just a friendly opportunity to attend this wedding, or she was just saying that to her bf. Either way it's an L IMO.

If I were you I'd tell her you found another date and go by yourself.
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What's your take on a girl who admits she cheated before in a past relationship? She still possible to have a relationship with?
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