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Someone told me a while back that girls like virgins though, so they can "teach" their partner. So yeah, this was news to me. 

Every girl I know says they could NEVER sleep with a virgin. It would be to boring, no fun, no coordination... ect.
Just to be clear, What's the age demographic, you're dealing with? I'm 22. I has interest in only the young yambs. 
 (18+ of course)
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So this is news to me. Some girls will not sleep with you if you're a virgin. [emoji]128530[/emoji]

The hell logic is that. You're acting like you have standards, but the requirement is that your partner slept around. [emoji]128514[/emoji]


Someone told me a while back that girls like virgins though, so they can "teach" their partner. So yeah, this was news to me. 

I guess there's really not a point in being honest in that situation. lol

Who wants to be with a virgin, though?

Men or women...

A virgin is like undeveloped land...

Yeah, it may blossom into a great place and you had first movers advantage...

But it takes so much time and effort...
Someone told me a while back that girls like virgins though, so they can "teach" their partner. So yeah, this was news to me. 

I guess there's really not a point in being honest in that situation. lol
Who wants to be with a virgin, though?

Men or women...

A virgin is like undeveloped land...

Yeah, it may blossom into a great place and you had first movers advantage...

But it takes so much time and effort...
Maybe, but it's kind of unfair that you never got the opportunity to practice. 
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I wanna know what happened to the girls where you tell them you're a virgin, and they laugh and say That's So Cute.... and they lead you to a empty room. Life isn't like the movies.
I smell a troll, mayne...

Either that or you're really young.
I'm not young. I'm 22. I don't see how I could be a troll either. I just hardly go out. Both of my best friends are committed so they never want to go

What was your body count at 22? I'm guessing 400 at least right
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I'm not young. I'm 22. I don't see how I could be a troll either. I just hardly go out. Both of my best friends are committed so they never want to hit up any event
OK. IG you're being sincere.

Stop wearing your sex your life on your sleeve.

"Hi I'm pepper jack, and I've slayed 40 yambs this year alone"

Is just as wack and lame as

"Hi I'm pepper jack, and I'm a virgin"

I understand its your first time and you want it to be special. But its not going to.

Its going to be awkward, uncomfortable, and you're going to be embarrassed.

Me personally, I wouldn't throw it out until the kissing starts...
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Well... most of my girl (friends) are early to mid 20s.
In your experience, do they start acting more or less bishy(sic) in their mid 20's about who can sleep with them? 

Wait, what? Bishy? Sorry never heard that term before.
You know what I wanted to write but had to censor. Nvm. pointless question

Oh alright, then no. They weren't, it didn't matter who they slept with... it was just a preference.
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Yamb season is year round

True but not like this....not like this :lol:

These chicks are in heat. Went out with a light skin amazon on tuesday and while we were just sitting there at the bar she gets up and insists that I feel up on her ***, like we are the only ones in the place. Talkin bout "wanna go back to my place and have sex" "say the word and I'll suck your **** in the car". I can't even take credit they are just horny and throwing the p underhand at ya boy
So this is news to me. Some girls will not sleep with you if you're a virgin. [emoji]128530[/emoji]

The hell logic is that. You're acting like you have standards, but the requirement is that your partner slept around. [emoji]128514[/emoji]


Someone told me a while back that girls like virgins though, so they can "teach" their partner. So yeah, this was news to me. 

I guess there's really not a point in being honest in that situation. lol

Who wants to be with a virgin, though?

Men or women...

A virgin is like undeveloped land...

Yeah, it may blossom into a great place and you had first movers advantage...

But it takes so much time and effort...
I smell a troll, mayne...

Either that or you're really young.
I'm not young. I'm 22. I don't see how I could be a troll either. I just hardly go out. Both of my best friends are committed so they never want to go

What was your body count at 22? I'm guessing 400 at least right

Did you go to college?

Did you a stay a virgin by choice?

I miss the ease of college sometimes
I smell a troll, mayne...

Either that or you're really young.
I'm not young. I'm 22. I don't see how I could be a troll either. I just hardly go out. Both of my best friends are committed so they never want to go

What was your body count at 22? I'm guessing 400 at least right

Did you go to college?
Did you a stay a virgin by choice?

I miss the ease of college sometimes

Freshman year I got dormed with some Asian gamer dudes. The nicest most dependable guys, but you can imagine how they were socially. And I just sort of stayed with them the whole time and that became my comfort zone. In hindsight I know I ****** up. :((
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Nah, I'm just a weirdo
sunshine blotters.
Damn, I just dug this up. This almost mirrors how I feel. I dress well. I look good. That's my competitive advantage. But  clothes and looks alone aren't going to get it done. My problem is I'm scared of talking. You guys might think I talk a lot. But my mouth stays shut IRL. 

I feel like the modern day Len Bias. Will be known as someone who had the tools to be successful but died before he could reach his potential.
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^ bruh sound EXACTLY like me a year ago :lol:

In the words of the great Bernie Mac:

"Boy just be yourself! If people don't like you when you're being yourself, **** EM!!!"

You can literally say anything to a girl to start a conversation. It really is that easy... Just go act normal b and SAY SOMETHING. Stop overthinking. Overthinking will lead to keeping your mouth shut :lol: if you can hold a convo with your mom, friends or family then you can pull females.

And listen to whatever Fontaine tells you. Dude helped me a LOT too
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Pepperjack you just need to talk more with people in general. Small talk the cashier, girl at bus stop, elevator, etc. Just small talk everyone, whether she's a dime or a 2.

Who cares what you say, just be more talkative. Eventually that anxiety will go away.
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