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I have this girl that i've know for a couple of years now. I know for a fact she can be the one. She has everything I would want from a wife (comes from a good family, head on straight, career, lady in the street/freak in the sheets, good with children lol). We click on all levels and always had a thing for each other, pretty much mutually agreeing yea we're meant to be.

Her old school parents are pushing for marriage, saying the next guy better be the one. This type of **** runs in our culture.

I'm 22, she's 21, and i'm about to be gone for 3-4 years because of this program. All i want to do in those 3-4 years is focus on this program and more yambs. Ideally, I would want to get married between 26-28 years old. I really dont wanna cuff now, ESPECIALLY if its long distance.

Talk about right person wrong time :smh:
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I have this girl that i've know for a couple of years now. I know for a fact she can be the one. She has everything I would want from a wife (comes from a good family, head on straight, career, lady in the street/freak in the sheets, good with children lol). We click on all levels and always had a thing for each other, pretty much mutually agreeing yea we're meant to be.

Her old school parents are pushing for marriage, saying the next guy better be the one. This type of **** runs in our culture.

I'm 22, she's 21, and i'm about to be gone for 3-4 years because of this program. All i want to do in those 3-4 years is focus on this program and more yambs. Ideally, I would want to get married between 26-28 years old. I really dont wanna cuff now, ESPECIALLY if its long distance.

Talk about right person wrong time :smh:

I had something similar, if u recall a few months ago. Nothing u can do my man, I can actually guarantee u will meet a girl at ur next stop :pimp:
what campus you in? there's a few at wolfson and kendall. There's a bunch that attend UM, some are busted and nerdy lookin' though.
of course I know how to read. I've never seen one in real life? you can't be serious right? come fight me bro :tongue:
You gotta be trolling me. Lol. Finding an Asian girl in Miami is like finding a unicorn. The tourist in bayside don't count.

Dedicated to all you non-sense filled drama queens in here...
Please The Don or youngdoc, Tdogg, EWD, Fontaine, rrlegend, anybody return this thread back to greatness..
There's this chick I work with that im intreseted in but I dont see her anymore since I changed my schedule so I told my homie to put in a good word for ya boy she says basically she's interested and knows who I am so long story short he texts me like its weird im like what do you mean he replied He used to talk to her but months earlier he was saying they went on one date only because he doesnt have a car and wanted to see wolverine and and bruh told me out his own mouth she was borin and he used her to get rides to work and didnt hit. Is his in his feelings or should I let it go?
There's this chick I work with that im intreseted in but I dont see her anymore since I changed my schedule so I told my homie to put in a good word for ya boy she says basically she's interested and knows who I am so long story short he texts me like its weird im like what do you mean he replied He used to talk to her but months earlier he was saying they went on one date only because he doesnt have a car and wanted to see wolverine and and bruh told me out his own mouth she was borin and he used her to get rides to work and didnt hit. Is his in his feelings or should I let it go?
Sounds like he's in his feelings. Sounds like she didn't really give him no play when he tried. And sounds like he didn't use her for rides, but NEEDED her for them rides and she was being kind by giving him a helping hand in his tough situation. How much of your "boy" is he? If y'all are tight tight then just leave it alone - if not, go for it. After experience, I personally feel like it's not a good idea to have your homies or anyone put in a word for you, go out and do it yourself if you can. Only use the homies/outside people in dire cases. But what kind of job is this?

"Keep your personal affairs and business life separate"

If it's a career job you don't wanna get into no situation or have the possibility of some issues arising because of your relations with this girl - this has been mentioned a lot in this thread
Just working at walmart im leaving after the summer when schools starts back tho and ya only reason I told him was because I work mornings she works evening's.
Just working at walmart im leaving after the summer when schools starts back tho and ya only reason I told him was because I work mornings she works evening's.
Here's what I would do in that situation. You're leaving so it's perfectly fine imo. 

Cut out the middleman (your boy) and go there one evening while she's working. If you can, look at the schedule to see what time she works so you don't show up when she's not there. Go find her and talk to her the correct way this time. It'll look better on you and make it easier. Get the number, set arrangements for a date, and go from there.
Damn think my sd piece is done. She's been short with the text convo and hasn't been hitting me up. I think she's back into her guilty conscious :smh:

Never mind we're good :pimp:
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I cancelled a 2nd meetup bc I'm tired and rather watch basketball

I'm kinda over all of my new prospects except 1

More recruiting this weekend, starts with bottles tomorrow. Word to E
It is officially yam season bruhs. I'm doing all my shopping when they are still ripe. This weather is making the women very persuasive
I cancelled a 2nd meetup bc I'm tired and rather watch basketball

I'm kinda over all of my new prospects except 1

More recruiting this weekend, starts with bottles tomorrow. Word to E

OH GAWD. Tell them *&^%$#@ we have bottles!

The Point Gawd is ready!
Yamb season is year round

True but not like this....not like this :lol:

These chicks are in heat. Went out with a light skin amazon on tuesday and while we were just sitting there at the bar she gets up and insists that I feel up on her ***, like we are the only ones in the place. Talkin bout "wanna go back to my place and have sex" "say the word and I'll suck your **** in the car". I can't even take credit they are just horny and throwing the p underhand at ya boy
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So this is news to me. Some girls will not sleep with you if you're a virgin. [emoji]128530[/emoji]

The hell logic is that. You're acting like you have standards, but the requirement is that your partner slept around. [emoji]128514[/emoji]

So this is news to me. Some girls will not sleep with you if you're a virgin. [emoji]128530[/emoji]

The hell logic is that. You're acting like you have standards, but the requirement is that your partner slept around. [emoji]128514[/emoji]


Never heard that before.

I've joked around about being a virgin and girls always know I'm kidding and then say..."Oh, so I'll have to teach u everything :wink:."
Someone told me a while back that girls like virgins though, so they can "teach" their partner. So yeah, this was news to me. 

I guess there's really not a point in being honest in that situation. lol
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