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I feel what yall are sayin, but did you read my first post? SHE is coming on to ME. Yeah, I'm going along with it because as a man it's hard for me to say no. The fact that she's married alone makes me want to cut ties and just be friends, but as a big guy who used to be bigger, when a hot girl comes on to YOU- it's a rare and you immediately want to take advantage of it. Trust me, I've been holding back because REALLY don't wanna get wrapped up in that marriage drama bs. I probably coulda smashed by now if I really wanted to.

As of right now, she's flirting w/ me and all this ish and I'm just goin along with it. I doubt we'll be doing anything physical. Ever. If she tries for it, I'll have a very deep decision to make and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to bring myself to it.

Yall know how everyone on here tells others to treat their girl good before they go out and start lookin elsewhere? That's lightweight what she's doing. She ain't happy. She likes me but is married and doesn't really wanna leave ole dude. I'm not sure what to make of it.

All I know is, the situation I'm in is a whole of a lot different than if I was TRYING to steal a married woman. If I pressed myself on her then I'd understand why everyone is saying what they are. But I didn't. I'm a guy sitting here doing my job, being friendly, and she came on to me.
Look fam obviously you made your decision and this will be your cross to bear but all I am reading is excuses for you not to become great.
So she came on to you, are your morals and values that low that you need sloppy second *****?
I'm a big guy(by no means am I obese or ever have been) but I used what god blessed me with and never had problems getting girls because I loved me and my OG'S taught me better then to live by that lame ****" I'm a man" excuse...
FOH with that non-sense...
Like I said its your life and no amount of advice from a forum can dictate your life experience. But if you falling for this lame *** ***** that most definately will run back to her old man after you smash and run her mouth, then by all means do you and get ready for the consequences.
It's too much available ***** in the world to be running behind one simple ***** that is only( and I use this term loosely) "digging" you because you are the first ***** to give her attention..
This is why I don't **** around and drop jewels in this thread anymore because ****** heads are hard as rocks and you are going to do what you want.
I spit game and facts from experience but it's all G, after she burns your *** then you will know for next time.
"Life is your greatest teacher"...
*Done with this*
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Look fam obviously you made your decision and this will be your cross to bear but all I am reading is excuses for you not to become great.
So she came on to you, are your morals and values that low that you need sloppy second *****?
I'm a big guy(by no means am I obese or ever have been) but I used what god blessed me with and never had problems getting girls because I loved me and my OG'S taught me better then to live by that lame ****" I'm a man" excuse...
FOH with that non-sense...
Like I said its your life and no amount of advice from a forum can dictate your life experience. But if you falling for this lame *** ***** that most definately will run back to her old man after you smash and run her mouth, then by all means do you and get ready for the consequences.
It's too much available ***** in the world to be running behind one simple ***** that is only( and I use this term loosely) "digging" you because you are the first ***** to give her attention..
This is why I don't **** around and drop jewels in this thread anymore because ****** heads are hard as rocks and you are going to do what you want.
I spit game and facts from experience but it's all G, after she burns your *** then you will know for next time.
"Life is your greatest teacher"...
*Done with this*

Yo b chill, man. Why you gettin all angry like I'm sitting here kicking your dog and ****? Calm down man.

I'm actually a very open minded person. I'm takin all this in like a sponge because you're raising good points and I understand what you're saying. There's no need to be this angry over what another man is doing, regardless of the situation unless it affects you specifically.

Anyways, I'll probably end up falling back because what you've stated is a lot of stuff that I haven't completely taken into consideration. Thanks for the advice. Stick to your *mic drop* if you want, but there's no need to be all upset and sour because someone didn't bow down and thank you a million times for some advice.

Thanks, though. This life and moral advice is probably going to save me a lot of headache. You're right.
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This is my last jewel because it's very obvious some dudes don't get it. This is not at aimed at OGS in any form or fashion(you know who you are.
When you value yourself, you don't have to settle for bottom of the barrel, *****.
Just because somebody is throwing it at you doesn't mean you have to settle for it. When you settle, that's how you end up in situations that you didn't want to be in. I can't tell anybody how to live their lives and I damn sure ain't the moral police. But as men when do you stand for more then just *******? This doesn't have to include getting married, etc.. But when do you start to hold the value of your **** and say to yourself," I'm worth more then just sloppy seconds. "I'm worth more then this simple *** ***** giving me this simple *** story about her husband because 9/10 he is still smashing her cakes into smithereens but she smiled at me today."
When you know your worth your success rate goes through the roof. Everybody has had those moments of questionable self esteem but it's up to you to be great. Ever triple og in here went through that phase but they failed, adapted, grew and are GREAT because they know their worth. It's sad reading some of these stories because in all honesty all the time you are feeling self defeated and settling for a simple *****, you could be out having a great time with a young lady with a head on her shoulders or just enjoying your life with the homies or even by yourself. We are not all born with game but we went through the trials and tribulations and lessons to get to where we are today. If you are settling for second rate ***** or for some girl you know in your heart ain't ****, then real spit you need to look in the mirror and ask why you are attracting this type of foolishness.
If you don't love yourself or hold yourself to some kind of standard then you will continue to be a hamster on a wheel, never learning, never progressing.
The biggest regret I have was messing with a married woman. I knew in my heart that I wasn't **** for messing with this woman but I wanted to be Captain Save'm. Just glad I got out of there with my life.
At the end of this long *** post. In life we all have experiences that make us who we are. Some good, some bad, this thread pretty much taught me that you can drop as much information on the willing but at the end of the day, people are going to do them and all you can do is sit back and let them get that jaw softened by the jabs life throws. I just hope from both threads that one person learned something from my posts and they are out there achieving levels of greatness.
[quote name="mugen81" url="/t/578960/tay-2014/4400_20#post_20601075"
If you don't love yourself or hold yourself to some kind of standard then you will continue to be a hamster on a wheel, never learning, never progressing.
The biggest regret I have was messing with a married woman. I knew in my heart that I wasn't **** for messing with this woman but I wanted to be Captain Save'm. Just glad I got out of there with my life.
At the end of this long *** post. In life we all have experiences that make us who we are. Some good, some bad, this thread pretty much taught me that you can drop as much information on the willing but at the end of the day, people are going to do them and all you can do is sit back and let them get that jaw softened by the jabs life throws. I just hope from both threads that one person learned something from my posts and they are out there achieving levels of greatness.

A+ G.

It just shocks me that some of these dudes have NO value in themselves or ANY confidence.
Nothing wrong with stating your opinion

But what you said is like if I said "Ehh I spent summers in North Jersey when I was younger. Wasn't amused by the black chicks" as a way to dismiss black chicks in NYC :lol:
Not really. lol. I'm speaking towards my Miami dudes that haven't been to the west coast and seen Asian women left and right. All I'm saying is that I don't find then all that great like my friends here in Miami have fantasized about then again they've never been to Cali or any west coast state like that..

My main point is that San Bernardino is not representative of LA
Moving in with my main woman at the end of the month for a couple of months and will have to be monogamous for the first time in my life. :smh: :lol:

Never thought I'd see the day but I actually feel it could turn out to be a good thing. As much as I love women, dealing with multiple relationships takes up a lot of time that I always felt could be well spent elsewhere.

I had a look through my phone contacts and there's at least 125+ new females just within the last year, some I don't even remember. I've always been quality over quantity but there's just so many women out there it's too easy. .

I can't even name all 17 I beat this year. :wow:

Same here :lol:

The worst is the Vegas chick with no name or number and no pic :lol:
Man I keep running into single moms. They're fun and all but nothing serious is going to happen with any of them really
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Look fam obviously you made your decision and this will be your cross to bear but all I am reading is excuses for you not to become great.
So she came on to you, are your morals and values that low that you need sloppy second *****?
I'm a big guy(by no means am I obese or ever have been) but I used what god blessed me with and never had problems getting girls because I loved me and my OG'S taught me better then to live by that lame ****" I'm a man" excuse...
FOH with that non-sense...
Like I said its your life and no amount of advice from a forum can dictate your life experience. But if you falling for this lame *** ***** that most definately will run back to her old man after you smash and run her mouth, then by all means do you and get ready for the consequences.
It's too much available ***** in the world to be running behind one simple ***** that is only( and I use this term loosely) "digging" you because you are the first ***** to give her attention..
This is why I don't **** around and drop jewels in this thread anymore because ****** heads are hard as rocks and you are going to do what you want.
I spit game and facts from experience but it's all G, after she burns your *** then you will know for next time.
"Life is your greatest teacher"...
*Done with this*

View media item 968062

damn my dude. damn.....that moved me and im not even in that situation...

but its like you said, some people just want to learn the hard way....

as for your situation (married woman one)
I've been there too. they the main ones trying to get that attention its pathetic man foreal. make smart choices is all we can say.
Look fam obviously you made your decision and this will be your cross to bear but all I am reading is excuses for you not to become great.
So she came on to you, are your morals and values that low that you need sloppy second *****?
I'm a big guy(by no means am I obese or ever have been) but I used what god blessed me with and never had problems getting girls because I loved me and my OG'S taught me better then to live by that lame ****" I'm a man" excuse...
FOH with that non-sense...
Like I said its your life and no amount of advice from a forum can dictate your life experience. But if you falling for this lame *** ***** that most definately will run back to her old man after you smash and run her mouth, then by all means do you and get ready for the consequences.
It's too much available ***** in the world to be running behind one simple ***** that is only( and I use this term loosely) "digging" you because you are the first ***** to give her attention..
This is why I don't **** around and drop jewels in this thread anymore because ****** heads are hard as rocks and you are going to do what you want.
I spit game and facts from experience but it's all G, after she burns your *** then you will know for next time.
"Life is your greatest teacher"...
*Done with this*

View media item 968062

damn my dude. damn.....that moved me and im not even in that situation...

but its like you said, some people just want to learn the hard way....

as for your situation (married woman one)
I've been there too. they the main ones trying to get that attention its pathetic man foreal. make smart choices is all we can say.

Yeah once you realize that, it's pathetic. It's not you and your game luring them in, it's their sad state.
Ehhh, spent 10 summers in San Bernadino, CA since the time I was 5, and not too amused by Asian women, kinda glad we have curvy , think Hispanics and African-American shorties down here in Miami. Asians aren't all that great IMO. Don't get me wrong, the have beautiful skin and hair.

True, just stating my opinion, been to LA a few times, ok women out there. For me the best women I've seen are in NY and then Miami second.. But hey that's just my opinion. Lol

Not really. lol. I'm speaking towards my Miami dudes that haven't been to the west coast and seen Asian women left and right. All I'm saying is that I don't find then all that great like my friends here in Miami have fantasized about then again they've never been to Cali or any west coast state like that..

View media item 967901

Get outta here with that, Asian chicks are bad. We go crazy cause they are rare down here. Tell me how many you seen on MDC's campus....exactly.
View media item 967901

Get outta here with that, Asian chicks are bad. We go crazy cause they are rare down here. Tell me how many you seen on MDC's campus....exactly.
Do you know how to read? I never stated that there are any Asians at MDC.. I stated that I've been to Cali. NUMEROUS TIMES and seen Asian women on the regular and still did not find them too amazing.. You haven't laid your eyes on an Asian woman before, so how do you know they're bad? By skimming through Asian model pics and vixen videos, tumblr? You've never been around Asian people on a constant basis.. It ain't that sweet like you see on t.v. Learn how to read before you quote me. Thanks..
Looking for advice from you yambineers. Nt does not read I wish I wrote this out in pics.

I'll try keeping this short but it's not possible. Basically been with the same girl for 3 years. I'm a one girl type of guy never could hook up with a chick and what not. Actually my biggest goal in life is to settle down with a girl, treat her proper, and make a big family. It makes total sense to me since I grew up in a single parent home, seen my mother mistreated, and grew up with no siblings so I kind of want to right all those wrongs the male figure in my life did and be the best man I can be.

So back to my girl. Been with her for a while and she's amazing. I really vibe with this girl like no other. It's too easy to get along with her. However, we've always had an issue even from the start of our relationship. Basically she's of a different religious background than my fams. I'm not religious at all and actually oppose the overall idea of religion, but she on the other hand does have religious tendencies because of her upbringing.

We've always talked about these differences and I've constantly been supportive of her views even though I don't believe the claims made by her religion. We always assumed if we were to live our future lives together we'd simply compromise which I was always cool with. You can teach our possible kids your views I can expose them to my views let them have different/all perspectives. Always was down to take part in her religious cultural ceremonies and what not

Recently she's made it clear she would not be down with her kids not being of her religion and how it would "confuse" them by teaching or exposing them to other beliefs. I thought this was ignorant as hell as well as contradictory lol. Exposing people to many ideas is the opposite of confusion. I was surprised she was so adamant about this. So we had a deep convo and I brought up all the fallacies within her religion as well as all religions and how even with all these questions even with all the doubt within yourself (just like many religious people she doesn't follow every tenant In her holy book, pick and choose as I call it) you still are stuck on believing this is the only path. I called her brainwashed she obviously took offense to it but understood my points and simply said that's how the world works/how she grew up.Total cop out.

This pisses me off case I feel like I was played for 3 years. Her religion doesn't even let her to be with a non believer so there was always that assumption/understanding that she wasn't going to strictly follow it and she'd be open to compromise. Well she isn't and it's obvious we'll be done soon. I've basically called it off. I'm just ridiculously pissed because it feels like I was willing to do a lot for her because of how much I cared about her but she can't do the same in terms of compromising. She basically played me over something she has no evidence/full faith in. Why did this chick drag me into her soul searching? I got super turned off when I was like why do you follow one religion do you think it's right and all the others are wrong and her answer was yea.

If you guys even read all this lol what would you do in this situation. I know what should be done but it's tough since I've gotten so close to her but I'm willing to hear other perspectives.

I see no way this could have possibly worked w/ all the details you gave. You did the right thing by letting go IMO. It just simply wasn't plausible.
Looking for advice from you yambineers. Nt does not read I wish I wrote this out in pics.

I'll try keeping this short but it's not possible. Basically been with the same girl for 3 years. I'm a one girl type of guy never could hook up with a chick and what not. Actually my biggest goal in life is to settle down with a girl, treat her proper, and make a big family. It makes total sense to me since I grew up in a single parent home, seen my mother mistreated, and grew up with no siblings so I kind of want to right all those wrongs the male figure in my life did and be the best man I can be.

So back to my girl. Been with her for a while and she's amazing. I really vibe with this girl like no other. It's too easy to get along with her. However, we've always had an issue even from the start of our relationship. Basically she's of a different religious background than my fams. I'm not religious at all and actually oppose the overall idea of religion, but she on the other hand does have religious tendencies because of her upbringing.

We've always talked about these differences and I've constantly been supportive of her views even though I don't believe the claims made by her religion. We always assumed if we were to live our future lives together we'd simply compromise which I was always cool with. You can teach our possible kids your views I can expose them to my views let them have different/all perspectives. Always was down to take part in her religious cultural ceremonies and what not

Recently she's made it clear she would not be down with her kids not being of her religion and how it would "confuse" them by teaching or exposing them to other beliefs. I thought this was ignorant as hell as well as contradictory lol. Exposing people to many ideas is the opposite of confusion. I was surprised she was so adamant about this. So we had a deep convo and I brought up all the fallacies within her religion as well as all religions and how even with all these questions even with all the doubt within yourself (just like many religious people she doesn't follow every tenant In her holy book, pick and choose as I call it) you still are stuck on believing this is the only path. I called her brainwashed she obviously took offense to it but understood my points and simply said that's how the world works/how she grew up.Total cop out.

This pisses me off case I feel like I was played for 3 years. Her religion doesn't even let her to be with a non believer so there was always that assumption/understanding that she wasn't going to strictly follow it and she'd be open to compromise. Well she isn't and it's obvious we'll be done soon. I've basically called it off. I'm just ridiculously pissed because it feels like I was willing to do a lot for her because of how much I cared about her but she can't do the same in terms of compromising. She basically played me over something she has no evidence/full faith in. Why did this chick drag me into her soul searching? I got super turned off when I was like why do you follow one religion do you think it's right and all the others are wrong and her answer was yea.

If you guys even read all this lol what would you do in this situation. I know what should be done but it's tough since I've gotten so close to her but I'm willing to hear other perspectives.
She's a Jehovah Witness isn't she? And you weren't played, you guys just didn't lay the basis down from the get go so now when everything is coming out and seems to be "falling apart" you feel bad cause she seems like the perfect one. 
Do you know how to read? I never stated that there are any Asians at MDC.. I stated that I've been to Cali. NUMEROUS TIMES and seen Asian women on the regular and still did not find them too amazing.. You haven't laid your eyes on an Asian woman before, so how do you know they're bad? By skimming through Asian model pics and vixen videos, tumblr? You've never been around Asian people on a constant basis.. It ain't that sweet like you see on t.v. Learn how to read before you quote me. Thanks..

Lol take your panties off fam all I did was ask you a question , a Asian chick must've hurt your feelings or something .
Honestly, I think relationships where the partners are from different religions are the most difficult ones you can have. Devout or not, if one of them has a very religious family that's going to heavily influence their opinions on things.
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Appreciate you guys reading it. And ddh1122 the basis was laid out at least in my mind. We did say compromise is necessary and she accepted initially. She says she didn't know her true feelings about this stuff till now lol, which is messed up for me but I'll take my L and move on. I'll admit it's been real tough for me. Appreciate all of ya
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Appreciate you guys reading it. And ddh1122 the basis was laid out at least in my mind. We did say compromise is necessary and she accepted initially. She says she didn't know her true feelings about this stuff till now lol, which is messed up for me but I'll take my L and move on. I'll admit it's been real tough for me. Appreciate all of ya
Not necessarily a loss yet man, don't give up that easily if you feel like she's worth it. And is she a JW? If she is I can understand her reasoning. I was raised as a JW and still have the teachings and stuff with me. What things is she saying that's stopping the relationship beside you not fully committing? Religion is a touchy subject though

And true feelings? Ehh I'm not believing that too much. Was she sheltered? Like was she the type of girl that was kept locked up inside of the house and didn't get to experience much? Was it like J. Coles first first on Louis Vuitton? 
 Pops never let her outside, N knew the type of ish she was up against. Little did he know the ish was gonna back fire cause she act quiet, got baptized, sang in the choir..
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This is my last jewel because it's very obvious some dudes don't get it. This is not at aimed at OGS in any form or fashion(you know who you are.
When you value yourself, you don't have to settle for bottom of the barrel, *****.
Just because somebody is throwing it at you doesn't mean you have to settle for it. When you settle, that's how you end up in situations that you didn't want to be in. I can't tell anybody how to live their lives and I damn sure ain't the moral police. But as men when do you stand for more then just *******? This doesn't have to include getting married, etc.. But when do you start to hold the value of your **** and say to yourself," I'm worth more then just sloppy seconds. "I'm worth more then this simple *** ***** giving me this simple *** story about her husband because 9/10 he is still smashing her cakes into smithereens but she smiled at me today."
When you know your worth your success rate goes through the roof. Everybody has had those moments of questionable self esteem but it's up to you to be great. Ever triple og in here went through that phase but they failed, adapted, grew and are GREAT because they know their worth. It's sad reading some of these stories because in all honesty all the time you are feeling self defeated and settling for a simple *****, you could be out having a great time with a young lady with a head on her shoulders or just enjoying your life with the homies or even by yourself. We are not all born with game but we went through the trials and tribulations and lessons to get to where we are today. If you are settling for second rate ***** or for some girl you know in your heart ain't ****, then real spit you need to look in the mirror and ask why you are attracting this type of foolishness.
If you don't love yourself or hold yourself to some kind of standard then you will continue to be a hamster on a wheel, never learning, never progressing.
The biggest regret I have was messing with a married woman. I knew in my heart that I wasn't **** for messing with this woman but I wanted to be Captain Save'm. Just glad I got out of there with my life.
At the end of this long *** post. In life we all have experiences that make us who we are. Some good, some bad, this thread pretty much taught me that you can drop as much information on the willing but at the end of the day, people are going to do them and all you can do is sit back and let them get that jaw softened by the jabs life throws. I just hope from both threads that one person learned something from my posts and they are out there achieving levels of greatness.
Jewel received.
This is my last jewel because it's very obvious some dudes don't get it. This is not at aimed at OGS in any form or fashion(you know who you are.
When you value yourself, you don't have to settle for bottom of the barrel, *****.
Just because somebody is throwing it at you doesn't mean you have to settle for it. When you settle, that's how you end up in situations that you didn't want to be in. I can't tell anybody how to live their lives and I damn sure ain't the moral police. But as men when do you stand for more then just *******? This doesn't have to include getting married, etc.. But when do you start to hold the value of your **** and say to yourself," I'm worth more then just sloppy seconds. "I'm worth more then this simple *** ***** giving me this simple *** story about her husband because 9/10 he is still smashing her cakes into smithereens but she smiled at me today."
When you know your worth your success rate goes through the roof. Everybody has had those moments of questionable self esteem but it's up to you to be great. Ever triple og in here went through that phase but they failed, adapted, grew and are GREAT because they know their worth. It's sad reading some of these stories because in all honesty all the time you are feeling self defeated and settling for a simple *****, you could be out having a great time with a young lady with a head on her shoulders or just enjoying your life with the homies or even by yourself. We are not all born with game but we went through the trials and tribulations and lessons to get to where we are today. If you are settling for second rate ***** or for some girl you know in your heart ain't ****, then real spit you need to look in the mirror and ask why you are attracting this type of foolishness.
If you don't love yourself or hold yourself to some kind of standard then you will continue to be a hamster on a wheel, never learning, never progressing.
The biggest regret I have was messing with a married woman. I knew in my heart that I wasn't **** for messing with this woman but I wanted to be Captain Save'm. Just glad I got out of there with my life.
At the end of this long *** post. In life we all have experiences that make us who we are. Some good, some bad, this thread pretty much taught me that you can drop as much information on the willing but at the end of the day, people are going to do them and all you can do is sit back and let them get that jaw softened by the jabs life throws. I just hope from both threads that one person learned something from my posts and they are out there achieving levels of greatness.

Peace Gawd :smokin
Not necessarily a loss yet man, don't give up that easily if you feel like she's worth it. And is she a JW? If she is I can understand her reasoning. I was raised as a JW and still have the teachings and stuff with me. What things is she saying that's stopping the relationship beside you not fully committing? Religion is a touchy subject though

And true feelings? Ehh I'm not believing that too much. Was she sheltered? Like was she the type of girl that was kept locked up inside of the house and didn't get to experience much? Was it like J. Coles first first on Louis Vuitton? 

I can understand not wanting to give up. Been on that position. But if he stays...his life raising kids with her will be nothing short of miserable unless she COMPLETELY changes her though process.
At the bar with my boys but leaving to go to another spot. See this girl I met Decemberish (but I never got her number type deal) and tell her to meet at next bar, and sorry my buddies are dragging me over there.

Get to other bar and the boys and I start doing shots. 20 minutes later guess who shows up? Girl I met in December.

When I met her in Dec. I had a 30 minute convo and was definitely feeling it.

So we start talking for 5 minutes and then she disappears. Well, I found out why... Added her on facebook last night and asked her what happened to her...

Yeah good seeing you too! And it's not my fault... I was talking to you and some girl you knew interrupted our convo by literally pushing me out of the way haha

Ended up smashing the girl who interrupted, but would have rather had other one :/
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