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Those southern belle accents are :smokin. Was messin with this country chick a couple years back and she was drop dead gorgeous. I was a little hesitant to approach her because she didn't seem like she was down with the swirl...I was VERY WRONG :evil:

Chick I'm messin with now is Italian. Not the sexiest language but she's a monster in the sack
^^ was just freaking on a half Belizean half Italian girl earlier in the year around valentines day.......she was bat**** crazy.

But the snatch was SO WET
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Went to one of my coworkers softball games to show support (she's in high school) and sat with her girlfriend. Her girlfriend then proceeded to try and hook me up with one of her friends. I completely down played the friend even though she is gorgeous because they're all just 18 year old seniors and I'm 24 2 years removed from college. I know that I'm not looking for a relationship, but since they're about to graduate, should I go out with her and let my intentions to strictly smash be known? Obviously if she's virgin olive oil, I'm going to pass like Nash on that one, but if she's not and I do she might get clingy. Probably should just stick with the original plan and just say no right?

If I do go out with her, I'll post pics for y'all.
Spitting with parents is easy as pie.

Also... Time to redo the roster...

Move some pieces around... Reallocate my portfolio
Bra I'm salty as **** rite now...I'm at the bar uh my college tpwn Right now wit my friends I see a new chick I get her back to my dork I smack n get the bop..wen I finish she tells me she's married...super 0-0 I broke my code
Bra I'm salty as **** rite now...I'm at the bar uh my college tpwn Right now wit my friends I see a new chick I get her back to my dork I smack n get the bop..wen I finish she tells me she's married...super 0-0 I broke my code

Don't get mad at yourself. Women usually aren't sloppy cheaters. She didn't want you to know so you had no way of knowing. It's her L unless she is proud of her bird behavior
Don't get mad at yourself. Women usually aren't sloppy cheaters. She didn't want you to know so you had no way of knowing. It's her L unless she is proud of her bird behavior

I told her u shouldn't cheat she said she seen doing it for 2 years and she's been married since 18 she's 27
Damn that's crazy, I would say I hope dude don't find out but he prolly has no clue.

Not having a phone is ******* me up right now...
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Chick from Highschool I graduated with drop her number under my pic on ig been talking for like 2 weeks she a freak she down but she's been making excuses everytime it's time for us to chill .

-new chick at my job cute petite body , been flirting mad heavy , she offer to buy me my first drink for my birthday next week .

-met this cute chick at my job today , was just staring at that mass as soon as she walk in , surprisingly she came to me to ask for help took that opportunity and I strike . We had a 5 min brief convo where I persuade her to teach me how to drive stick shift , she agree gave me her number , let's see how far I get with these yambs for my birthday .
Looks like I'm going on 3

The third joint was the flirty lunch lady lmao

Yo I smashed the lunch lady I'm Rollin right now lmao

On top of that when I was smashin the second chick my phone was underneath dialing ppl....it called my cuz he has a 4 minute voicemail of me smashin a chick smh n talkin. **** about my piece
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I told her u shouldn't cheat she said she seen doing it for 2 years and she's been married since 18 she's 27

7 year itch

I've had a chick do that, not telling me she had a man until after.

And I was just joking about Belizean chicks being tighter. Tryna make fun of myself :lol:
I know I have people I chill with around campus say yambs or they just know what I mean when I speak of it.
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