TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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So last night me and the wife got into a mini argument about sex. She's been complaining that we don't have it as much we used to especially during the pregnancy. Now this pregnancy there's been so many issues and even a miscarriage scare. So I had been tellin' her that because of all those complications and plus she in pain 86% of the time I haven't tried to have sex with her and she wasn't understanding it until last night but still asked about before the issues. I told her I wasn't much of sex fiend type dude and she brought up how much we did it before all the kids and that was kinda the end of it. But soon after I sat down and spoke a few words to her she got up, grabbed a notepad and walked out the living room.

Didn't talk to me the rest of the night, barely talked to me this morning. Now all night she was writing something and when I asked her what is was she said, "Nothing" so I knew it was significant. Didn't read it last night while she was sleep and didn't want to read it this morning but I knew it was her true feelings so my curiosity was killing me. So when she left I read it.

Basically she wrote how she was feeling. Felt like I still wasn't affectionate enough, I don't take care of the house, how she feels she is financially supporting the house more, and basically is fed up. When I read it, and even now, it's too much to take in. Like the way she wrote it is like I don't do anything and she basically run everything except for special occasions whenever I do decide to chip in. But right now I'm terrified that I'm not good enough for her because even when I look back at the past few weeks I remember being more affectionate than before and these things that she wrote down are all bull.

I have decided I won't mention that I read the note to her unless she asks but I will sit down and talk to her tonight about how I am doing at being a husband and a father. I refuse to get divorced man. I hate to kill the mood of scores and biddies y'all knocking down but I just need to vent and hear some 3rd party feedback
In short:

Wife fed up
I'm scared I might lose her
Not givin' up
Sometimes people need to write their thoughts out.
It's cathartic and helps put light to an issue(s) before saying something they can't take back.
Not going to condemn you on reading her note but if you go looking for something...
I think at this junction you both are at a crossroads, this is were the real work comes into play. You guys are just in a rough patch.
Never think you are not good enough.
I doubt myself as a husband everyday because that's what having a family entails. You always want to be making the right moves, making sure everything is straight and secure and vice versa for your wife/seed.
She wants to feel she is doing her motherly duties, etc..
Yeah it sounds archaic but most relationships revert back to gender roles in times of crisis and little, unsusceptible things become ant hills.
I think it would be good to get counseling or find a mediator to air out your grievances.
No finger pointing, no defensiveness, just listening.
Explain to her how much you love her and try finding why you both fell in love in the first place.
I wish you the best my dude because I never want to see a family break up over something that can be fixed if both parties are willing to get their hands dirty.
Had a rough patch myself the last 3 months but now we are acting like teenagers again and as cliche as it sounds:
Adversity makes relationships hella strong[emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127999[/emoji]️
Bless up
He's backkkkkkkkkk [emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]
Came home and just spent time with her. Gonna try to just give her what she wants without making it into a discussion. I know what she wants me to do and Imma just do it. Gotta keep it up, thats gonna be the tough part

'preciate the help bros
God this chick literally sent me a prono on snapchat before and during her shower. I told her I was going to the gym and leaving my phone and she said make sure I check it AFTER I'm done. I got in trouble for screenshotting one and I don't want to mess up my probationary period or I'd share. She said she's just getting started with me. Now we are eachother's best friend on snapchat too with the yellow heart and ****. I don't even care about seeing Nigerian chick tonight any more smh. All I care about is Saturday. Those tig ole bitties with the small nipples, her fat butt, omg. My roommate is gone and we decided we are just gonna be roaming around my apartment naked together trying out all these positions she was sending me gifs of how she wants it.
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God this chick literally sent me a prono on snapchat before and during her shower. I told her I was going to the gym and leaving my phone and she said make sure I check it AFTER I'm done. I got in trouble for screenshotting one and I don't want to mess up my probationary period or I'd share. She said she's just getting started with me. Now we are eachother's best friend on snapchat too with the yellow heart and ****. I don't even care about seeing Nigerian chick tonight any more smh. All I care about is Saturday. Those tig ole bitties with the small nipples, her fat butt, omg. My roommate is gone and we decided we are just gonna be roaming around my apartment naked together trying out all these positions she was sending me gifs of how she wants it.

Throw Nigerian chick to one of us lol
Ayo all, im a longtime lurking in this thread and i just want to thank everyone for providing me with this constant, thrilling entertainment and stories. :pimp:

As a 30yo, blk man w/ only 3 total partners ever, now miserabaly engaged to the 3rd, I am pleased to think that I am living the ultimate bachelor's life vicariously through you.

And @hennessy, @hawaii50 (in my best KD voice) "Y'all tha real MVP."
Ayo all, im a longtime lurking in this thread and i just want to thank everyone for providing me with this constant, thrilling entertainment and stories. :pimp:

As a 30yo, blk man w/ only 3 total partners ever, now miserabaly engaged to the 3rd, I am pleased to think that I am living the ultimate bachelor's life vicariously through you.

And @hennessy, @hawaii50 (in my best KD voice) "Y'all tha real MVP."
God this chick literally sent me a prono on snapchat before and during her shower. I got in trouble for screenshotting one and I don't want to mess up my probationary period or I'd share.

Take a picture of the picture with another phone...My inbox is waiting :smokin

BTW check ya inbox
lol not everyone is a certified playa.

I almost married my hs sweet heart and she would've been my only 1.. wasn't til i tasted that sweet nectar other women had to offer when I became one who needed to taste the rainbow.

honestly ive only been in long relationships. never had anything less than 6 months. and any one of them could've been wifey.
lol not everyone is a certified playa.

I almost married my hs sweet heart and she would've been my only 1.. wasn't til i tasted that sweet nectar other women had to offer when I became one who needed to taste the rainbow.

honestly ive only been in long relationships. never had anything less than 6 months. and any one of them could've been wifey.

did you go to college? chicks don't be knowing how to act in college man
damn famb 3 total in life. man when i graduated hs i had 25+. different strokes for diff folks tho.

call off the engagement of you're not happy.
Married with a 3 body count right here. Of course I wanted to be playa playa but self confidence didn't get delivered until I left college. Picked up a lot of game by watching but never felt I could pull it off. If I knew half of what I knew now in high school it'd be a completely different story

My wife don't believe my body count cause I lays wood like a veteran lol pr0n has taught me well
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