TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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^Yep insecure chicks are the worst. That's why I love this new chick she is so confident and fun. Nigerian chick on the other hand is very insecure. Oh well I'm still hitting both this weekend.

Man if y'all could see the texts I'm exchanging with the new chick. I can't post them here or the pics. I'm sending her some truly savage ish and she is just feeding off of it. I got her telling me I can have her any way I'd like now and she started sending me pron gifs of some of the ways she'd specifically like it. She dared me to **** her in the kitchen while I'm cooking. I plan to grab the back of her neck and shove her face down on my marble island right next to 4 uncooked lobster tails. Gonna push her face down sideways so her cheek is pressed down and she's looking right at and smelling that raw lobster. Gonna get real nasty and just fill my apartment with the aroma of shellfish and sex :rofl: She already told me she is down to fulfill my fantasy of smashing on the terrace by the fire pit in my building after hours. Damn there is sooo much more we've discussed. This girl is gonna be a real problem for me. I believe she may have the power to bring out some celtics pride in me.
Just gonna hit the gym and chill man. But if you wanna kick it later you can hit me up. I'm not going out or anything though. Big weekend ahead.
Quick question bros

Been dating this chick for a minute but I think I gotta jump ship.
She does this thing where we'll be texting or hanging out and she'll randomly question me like

"Why do you like me. What do you like about me. Why do you wanna see me?" and I'm looking at my phone or at her with a

Is this pure insecurity on her part or is there something I'm missing? Can't lie, that **** makes me feel awkward and mad comfortable. Not sure if I can be patient with this one.
Certainly reeks of insecurity but could stem from her not getting any confirmation from you about these things. My wife did this a few times when we were dating because I was a very non affectionate person and I never told her about what I liked about her outright. Gettin' better but still a lot of ground to cover to meet what she wants.

Got a story of woe for you guys later
Shellfish and sex. Sounds disgusting :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It does. I want my roommate to walk into my apartment after being gone for the weekend and have him just know it went down everywhere. He doesn't even like seafood either :rofl: Her P taste better than any I ever had though. She stay eating mangos, pineapple, veggie juice and all kinds of healthy stuff all day. I swear she left a nice puddle on my comforter and when she left I gripped that joint and slept with it by my face. I'm telling you... The celtics pride is going to come out of me for this chick.
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I gotta come out and holla at y'all out DC. I be out there often...just usually under the influence and not on NT. Probably bit y'all next time I'm out that way.

Y'all sleep on coming down Bmore though. Yambs to be had. Fells might be lit tonight.
So last night me and the wife got into a mini argument about sex. She's been complaining that we don't have it as much we used to especially during the pregnancy. Now this pregnancy there's been so many issues and even a miscarriage scare. So I had been tellin' her that because of all those complications and plus she in pain 86% of the time I haven't tried to have sex with her and she wasn't understanding it until last night but still asked about before the issues. I told her I wasn't much of sex fiend type dude and she brought up how much we did it before all the kids and that was kinda the end of it. But soon after I sat down and spoke a few words to her she got up, grabbed a notepad and walked out the living room.

Didn't talk to me the rest of the night, barely talked to me this morning. Now all night she was writing something and when I asked her what is was she said, "Nothing" so I knew it was significant. Didn't read it last night while she was sleep and didn't want to read it this morning but I knew it was her true feelings so my curiosity was killing me. So when she left I read it.

Basically she wrote how she was feeling. Felt like I still wasn't affectionate enough, I don't take care of the house, how she feels she is financially supporting the house more, and basically is fed up. When I read it, and even now, it's too much to take in. Like the way she wrote it is like I don't do anything and she basically run everything except for special occasions whenever I do decide to chip in. But right now I'm terrified that I'm not good enough for her because even when I look back at the past few weeks I remember being more affectionate than before and these things that she wrote down are all bull.

I have decided I won't mention that I read the note to her unless she asks but I will sit down and talk to her tonight about how I am doing at being a husband and a father. I refuse to get divorced man. I hate to kill the mood of scores and biddies y'all knocking down but I just need to vent and hear some 3rd party feedback
In short:

Wife fed up

I'm scared I might lose her

Not givin' up
Do what you got to do man especially if yall already have kids together try to make it work. Sit down have a talk and try to work something out together good luck man wish all the best.
So last night me and the wife got into a mini argument about sex. She's been complaining that we don't have it as much we used to especially during the pregnancy. Now this pregnancy there's been so many issues and even a miscarriage scare. So I had been tellin' her that because of all those complications and plus she in pain 86% of the time I haven't tried to have sex with her and she wasn't understanding it until last night but still asked about before the issues. I told her I wasn't much of sex fiend type dude and she brought up how much we did it before all the kids and that was kinda the end of it. But soon after I sat down and spoke a few words to her she got up, grabbed a notepad and walked out the living room.

Didn't talk to me the rest of the night, barely talked to me this morning. Now all night she was writing something and when I asked her what is was she said, "Nothing" so I knew it was significant. Didn't read it last night while she was sleep and didn't want to read it this morning but I knew it was her true feelings so my curiosity was killing me. So when she left I read it.

Basically she wrote how she was feeling. Felt like I still wasn't affectionate enough, I don't take care of the house, how she feels she is financially supporting the house more, and basically is fed up. When I read it, and even now, it's too much to take in. Like the way she wrote it is like I don't do anything and she basically run everything except for special occasions whenever I do decide to chip in. But right now I'm terrified that I'm not good enough for her because even when I look back at the past few weeks I remember being more affectionate than before and these things that she wrote down are all bull.

I have decided I won't mention that I read the note to her unless she asks but I will sit down and talk to her tonight about how I am doing at being a husband and a father. I refuse to get divorced man. I hate to kill the mood of scores and biddies y'all knocking down but I just need to vent and hear some 3rd party feedback
In short:

Wife fed up

I'm scared I might lose her

Not givin' up
its the horomones man, get ya bread up... have that baby let her heal... then smash  like you got something to prove to all of us here at NT... 
So last night me and the wife got into a mini argument about sex. She's been complaining that we don't have it as much we used to especially during the pregnancy. Now this pregnancy there's been so many issues and even a miscarriage scare. So I had been tellin' her that because of all those complications and plus she in pain 86% of the time I haven't tried to have sex with her and she wasn't understanding it until last night but still asked about before the issues. I told her I wasn't much of sex fiend type dude and she brought up how much we did it before all the kids and that was kinda the end of it. But soon after I sat down and spoke a few words to her she got up, grabbed a notepad and walked out the living room.

Didn't talk to me the rest of the night, barely talked to me this morning. Now all night she was writing something and when I asked her what is was she said, "Nothing" so I knew it was significant. Didn't read it last night while she was sleep and didn't want to read it this morning but I knew it was her true feelings so my curiosity was killing me. So when she left I read it.

Basically she wrote how she was feeling. Felt like I still wasn't affectionate enough, I don't take care of the house, how she feels she is financially supporting the house more, and basically is fed up. When I read it, and even now, it's too much to take in. Like the way she wrote it is like I don't do anything and she basically run everything except for special occasions whenever I do decide to chip in. But right now I'm terrified that I'm not good enough for her because even when I look back at the past few weeks I remember being more affectionate than before and these things that she wrote down are all bull.

I have decided I won't mention that I read the note to her unless she asks but I will sit down and talk to her tonight about how I am doing at being a husband and a father. I refuse to get divorced man. I hate to kill the mood of scores and biddies y'all knocking down but I just need to vent and hear some 3rd party feedback
In short:

Wife fed up

I'm scared I might lose her

Not givin' up
Nah man, don't apologize. This thread can't be all about conquering yambs and sexual desires, this right here is real as it can get in relationship/marriage issues.

I'm not married so I can't give any input on that matter. But one thing I messed up on prior relationships is not having proper communication and being on the same page. Sometimes I took for granted that everything was gravy, not knowing there were internal issues with my relationship. This also led to being passive aggressive in not communication properly, which caused me & her to blow up instead of talking it out before getting to that point.

Not sure if any of this helps at all  

But I would suggest communicating her your wife more and continuing to let her know that you are trying to be the best husband/father you can be. Ask her what her expectations are of you.

And I'm naturally an affectionate guy but I know most guys aren't like that. Def suggest putting more effort into that.

I wish you the best of luck! If the love is truly there, y'all will get over this and be stronger than ever  
IamDEF... just do as she asks. You can bring up 1million examples of how you do this and do that, but it all boils down to how shes feeling. Its about making her happy even if it doesnt make sense. Ive been there many times, bringing up examples of how shes wrong and overreacting, but all it takes is a simple "ok honey, I understand and ill try my best". All she wants is a little effort. Also, you gotta be real tender hearted with her cause pregnancies aren't the easiest things in the world.
Do what you got to do man especially if yall already have kids together try to make it work. Sit down have a talk and try to work something out together good luck man wish all the best.
Yea, I'm willing to do whatever
its the horomones man, get ya bread up... have that baby let her heal... then smash  like you got something to prove to all of us here at NT... 
I was thinkin' hormones magnified what's going on but I know there's enough truth to it that I'm still concerned
Nah man, don't apologize. This thread can't be all about conquering yambs and sexual desires, this right here is real as it can get in relationship/marriage issues.

I'm not married so I can't give any input on that matter. But one thing I messed up on prior relationships is not having proper communication and being on the same page. Sometimes I took for granted that everything was gravy, not knowing there were internal issues with my relationship. This also led to being passive aggressive in not communication properly, which caused me & her to blow up instead of talking it out before getting to that point.

Not sure if any of this helps at all  

But I would suggest communicating her your wife more and continuing to let her know that you are trying to be the best husband/father you can be. Ask her what her expectations are of you.

And I'm naturally an affectionate guy but I know most guys aren't like that. Def suggest putting more effort into that.

I wish you the best of luck! If the love is truly there, y'all will get over this and be stronger than ever  
We don't typically have arguments. Mostly because we both avoid em. If we do or say something the other doesn't like we kinda swallow our feelings to avoid arguments. It's def something that we both have said that we'd stop doing but it's difficult. Tonight Imma ask her how I am doing as a father and then as a husband and try to talk stuff out thoroughly
IamDEF... just do as she asks. You can bring up 1million examples of how you do this and do that, but it all boils down to how shes feeling. Its about making her happy even if it doesnt make sense. Ive been there many times, bringing up examples of how shes wrong and overreacting, but all it takes is a simple "ok honey, I understand and ill try my best". All she wants is a little effort. Also, you gotta be real tender hearted with her cause pregnancies aren't the easiest things in the world.
This is one thing I'm great at, just accepting what I've done wrong. But I HATE when women only see the wrong in others but can't see their own mistakes or errors. I don't want to be in one of those movie marriages where it's "Yes dear, I'm sorry" everytime  I mess up but when she does I act like nothing happened. We've had this conversation before about her taking responsibility for where she falls short but she only sees it as deflection from when I mess up since I don't call her on it everytime but only when she's gettin' on me.

I'm not terribly concerned with divorce honestly but I don't like this unknown feeling between us. I'm feeling slightly better as time goes on in this day but until we talk tonight prob won't feel good at all
Take the high road on this one. Sometimes you gotta be the bigger person and put your feelings to the side for awhile. Do what she needs for her and because you love her. Once shes softened up, then express your feelings to her. She will be more likely to reciprocate once shes in a happy place.
Dont let it get worse, cause after a point, there's no return
Meh, they're married and there's a kid so certainly work harder and longer than if it was just a random broad you could just drop and replace, but at the same time, when do you draw the line? Now it's "well just accept it because she's pregant," then next time it's going to be "well she had a hard day," "well she's sick so just be the bigger man," "well it's her time of the month," etc etc and I'm like why am I always the one that has to compromise, that has to accept things from her she wouldn't take if I did half the same **** to her, constant attitude and flat out untrue complaints and pretend like I am in the wrong and apologize anyways when I know I am not, just to appease her all the time? **** gets old eventually, especially when you know you can find someone who will appreciate what you do and also reciprocate.

I mean, I hope yall work it out though. Sounds like you are going through a lot of what I am. I put a lot of my business out there but not everything, feel free to hit the PM if you ever want to. Good luck brother
Theres is a point in relationships where no one is willing to budge. Ive been through it and it ends up in disaster. Now im not saying give into her every whim, but if you truely love her you can put your feelings aside for a little while. This is your wife carrying your child. Is she not worth it? Dont end up like me and realize later in life that if you tried just a little harder maybe things would of worked out. Do your best, and if she doesnt see it then its her loss
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Logic is my life blood man. I can bury my concerns for a while longer. I hope my facial expressions can be contained
Meh, they're married and there's a kid so certainly work harder and longer than if it was just a random broad you could just drop and replace, but at the same time, when do you draw the line? Now it's "well just accept it because she's pregant," then next time it's going to be "well she had a hard day," "well she's sick so just be the bigger man," "well it's her time of the month," etc etc and I'm like why am I always the one that has to compromise, that has to accept things from her she wouldn't take if I did half the same **** to her, constant attitude and flat out untrue complaints and pretend like I am in the wrong and apologize anyways when I know I am not, just to appease her all the time? **** gets old eventually, especially when you know you can find someone who will appreciate what you do and also reciprocate.

I mean, I hope yall work it out though. Sounds like you are going through a lot of what I am. I put a lot of my business out there but not everything, feel free to hit the PM if you ever want to. Good luck brother
This is pretty much where I'm at. I've swallowed my issues for a very long time and it's been old for an even longer time. I think I'm going to deal with it right now and just try to ease her into open to discussion.
I like what Dropten said a lot but DatZNasty has a point too. I've experienced this issue to a smaller degree a number of times and you really just have to pick your battles. This is definitely a significant issue though so it may be beneficial to sit and have that talk instead of let it happen again. It's weird that she wrote that note, said it was about nothing, then left it out in the open for you to read. I don't know her but that definitely sounds like, "take a hint dude" to me. Hope it works out for you man.
I take it as they don't argue a lot so she was writing her true feeling down to reflect on.

But I feel def will be fine it's just the emotions of carrying a child.
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