TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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I wasn't able to send videos but I sent some pic out last night, I'm at work now and won't be sending anything until I get off.
I need advice.
Story short
25 now married when I was 21
Building my career wife currently not as ambitious as I think she should.
My mentally is let's take over the world hers is you take over the world and I'll support you.
Haven't cheated don't intend to physically. ( I would emotionally ).
Has she always been like that? Surprised it's worked so long. I know my relationships ended due to the part I wasn't the ambitious one.
I need advice.
Story short
25 now married when I was 21
Building my career wife currently not as ambitious as I think she should.
My mentally is let's take over the world hers is you take over the world and I'll support you.
Haven't cheated don't intend to physically. ( I would emotionally ).

21 bro ? High school sweethearts ?
Met on MySpace at 19
I didn't notice it until I started getting on my grind I was willful in being blind
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I was into the church at the time and you know the whole sex before marriage thing. Now I don't subscribe to the religion as a whole.
Met on MySpace at 19

Got Married at 21 ?? Married is sacred , no need to cheat but you might want to sit down and talk to her or even do couple therapy . S**** even try to take a lil vacay with her out of the country to open her eyes up a bit .
Got Married at 21 ?? Married is sacred , no need to cheat but you might want to sit down and talk to her or even do couple therapy . S**** even try to take a lil vacay with her out of the country to open her eyes up a bit .
I've tried to talk when the heat is on she shuts down. I was too young but no kids so if it goes down that's nor an issue.
I think me and my girl about to move in together..... Anything I should be weary of?

You guys ever live/travel together for more than 2 weeks at a time? Like really living together and being together constantly. Not just coming over after school/work and sleeping over. How'd it go?

-Personal space/time is key. One of my exes lived with me for a month in my old home. She needed a place to stay while she found her own spot. There was my room, a family room, kitchen, backyard. We gave eachother space when we needed it and could just go to separate rooms.
Fast forward a year later, my room was in the basement of the home I was living in. It flooded. Had to go live with her for a month in her STUDIO apartment. We couldn't escape eachother. Got really irritated with eachother and this is when our relationship started declining IMO. Things just weren't the same after that time I had to live with her while my basement got fixed.

-Sit down and decided together how you will do chores around the house. You take some things she takes others. Alternate them. However you want to do it just make sure you both know how it works.

Two most important things IMO. If you've done 2+ weeks together before that will be a good indicator of how things will go. If you had any issues then, address them now before you move in together.
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