I'm a great listener but geez women talk about any and everything and I just sit there the way Chris rock "taught me and say the words i need to say.... MMhmmm, what.. right.... I told you that *** crazy"
but Got dang I don't want to sit there and hear about people I care nothing about and hear everything about their life. why do I know more about them than I do my own friends....
I think im now emotionally absent also. My girl is great, everything I wanted in a female emotionally/mentally/ (physically can be better but it's getting there)
and i just sit here and wonder why im happy. and if i like being happy.. which then makes me wonder if i see her more as a friend or as a girlfriend... what the heck is wrong with me. why do I even question this...
my ex still calls me too which is hard because the only reason we couldn't be together is distance. and I always wonder how a relationship would have been. Which is weird because that chick drove me insane 50% of the time. but it's that exhilaration of wanting to strangle her and kiss her at the same time.
With the current girl she doesn't make me angry at all. the only real argument we've gotten in, I was the aggressor over something stupid.
help me bros