TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Touchy subject we're getting at right now, so i'll read from a distance...

Anyway, so I know it's cliché and typical... but Carnivals are like the ultimate date scene. :smokin

Alittle bit of everything... music, games to play and win, rides to get intimate, food... ect.
Nah she wasnt. This is GermAsian im talking about. We had a falling out etc, then she calls me to tell me shes pregnant and wants me to go the the clinic with her.
Shes kind of messed up about it cause the docs say it would be a miracle if she gets pregnant. It really explains why shes been all emotional and its part of what caused us to fall out.
Thing is I chose to be with Spanish and was slowly letting go of GermAsian anyway so when she told me she was pregnant I couldnt believe it.
I know 3 females who the doctor said can't get pregnant. All 3 of them did and one even had twins. I may have to retire my Team Raw jersey. This is a tricky situation for you because it sounds like you've already moved on too. Gotta be careful how you explain this to Spanish because it's going to be a lot to process. 
so are you totally against ever being with GermAsian again, are you completely over her or is there still a sliver of a chance you you could be with her?
so are you totally against ever being with GermAsian again, are you completely over her or is there still a sliver of a chance you you could be with her?

I never wanted to be in a relationship with German. She was just a great person to be around and hang with. I loved her company and the way we got along, but Spanish is the type of woman I need and have been looking for.

German doesnt plan on keeping it hence why she wants me to go to the clinic with her.

It's impossible to be a great father when you have 2 new borns from 2 different women at the same time...
Incorrect. Depends on the women and relationship the man has with the women. This isnt some Maury type of situation.
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Im sorry to hear all of this man. I looked at the pic you posted of the pregnancy test and I thought it looked like GermAsian for a second... But I already knew Spanish was pregnant so I automatically assumed it was her and you were just posting it in the thread for the first time. I don't even know what to say given what I just read here. I'm here if you need anything though bro. How are you feeling about all of this?

Im good and not stressed or anything. When German first told me I was shocked and couldnt believe it. Some parts of me still dont believe it. I feel really bad for her though cause she has to go through this by herself.
It's impossible to be a great father when you have 2 new borns from 2 different women at the same time...
Wildly inaccurate. But as before, don't do this here. There's so much bull this thread avoids and I'd like to continue
Im good and not stressed or anything. When German first told me I was shocked and couldnt believe it. Some parts of me still dont believe it. I feel really bad for her though cause she has to go through this by herself.
Y'all was exclusive? 
[quote name="iamDEF" url="/t/642298/tay-16-the-saga-continues/3060#post_25688353"

Y'all was exclusive? 
nope, not exclusive. I just recently had the discussion with Spanish about being exclusive with eachother.
Just keep us updated with this. Best wishes fam. Seems like you've been through a lot in a short period of time. It'll all make you a better person for real. :pimp:
It's impossible to be a great father when you have 2 new borns from 2 different women at the same time...
Not true in the slightest, jis because u see some struggle with one or choose to not be involved doesnt mean that all men is like dat. I know a few guys that fell in this predicament and are great fathers

isn't this the cat still living out of a car too? & now getting multiple women pregnant..:smh:

I dont get why folks gotta judge life happens to all of us. Im sire there are olenty of guys doin this same thing living at home as well.

Comments like this make people not wanna share as they do nothing to help the conversation. Im sure dropten posts are for advice or to give advice lets keep it positive and supportive as its a tough spot to be in from the outside looking in
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I simply find knocking up 2 separate women at the same time completely irresponsible and reckless... Absolutely nothing can be said to change my mind about that... Do the women even know each other?...
Thats fine for you to disagree. But to judge and make such a bold statement like that is wrong.
Life happens. Passion happens. Situations happens.
and ofcourse you'll never know or understand how someone can do something unless you've been in their shoes.
(yes yes you can sit here and say you've had your pick of women before also)
but again you dont know the full situation.
So being judgemental about it is a bit uncalled for.

We have all been in situations that other people can look at you and say "why would you do that" but that's not what this place is for. Even you are in a situation where people are like thats not the best move, but you kept doing you and didn't worry what others said. and others ultimately supported you and it worked out.
no need for that type of negativity on a situation you dont know much about.
A few weeks back i was talking with this milf. She was fine i wont lie and a couple days ago i post this video of me and my daughter on snapchat rappin to future, so she dms me outta nowhere telling me "thats wrong" "u shouldnt do that" "im more mature then u are-listen to me or that girls future will be bad"

LMAOOO WHAT?! i replied with "ok" and havent talked to her since. Lololol females bruh!
I don't think people outside of immediate family should advise others how to parent.

BUT, she may have a point.
A few weeks back i was talking with this milf. She was fine i wont lie and a couple days ago i post this video of me and my daughter on snapchat rappin to future, so she dms me outta nowhere telling me "thats wrong" "u shouldnt do that" "im more mature then u are-listen to me or that girls future will be bad"

LMAOOO WHAT?! i replied with "ok" and havent talked to her since. Lololol females bruh!
That's how this older chick was to me. Not sure how a little girl future can be ruined off of rap vs parenting.

As long as she know what's right and wrong.
Yeah I don't think it's a huge deal but my (future) kids won't be listening to any questionable music until they're older.

Just a personal choice though
Kids pick up stuff too easily to expose them to my ignant ****. Same time though you really have no control on which song will peak their interest, it's up to your communication to control things.
I simply find knocking up 2 separate women at the same time completely irresponsible and reckless... Absolutely nothing can be said to change my mind about that... Do the women even know each other?...

And there we have it. Now we move on

The falling out between me and German happened gradually as expected. I know she was the type to up and leave so I never took her seriously. When she felt herself getting emotionally attached she would retreat. But she always came back. Her reasonings for coming back was always different and it never had to do with her wanting to come back. At one point she kept in touch to make sure I was good and offered to pay for a place for me to stay which I declined. She said when she found out she was pregnant, she thought it was a sign to stay with me. All her reasons were never good enough for me. If she didnt want to stay because she willingly did, then I can never trust her. I told her right after I found out that Spanish was pregnant. She wasnt too upset about it, and she was still willing to work it out with me. At that point I was so far gone I couldnt see myself with her. The last time I saw German was 2 Fridays ago after not seeing her for a month. We went to where we had our 1st date. We left and I went to check out the new ML mercedes she just purchased. As we're sitting in her car she starts crying and says she didnt want to see me again. Her whole reasoning for seeing me was to find out if I was the one causing her issues with moving on or if was her. I just looked at her and said "you're still doing this ****" and left. A week later she calls to say shes pregnant
[quote name="iamDEF" url="/t/642298/tay-16-the-saga-continues/3060#post_25688353"

Y'all was exclusive? 
nope, not exclusive. I just recently had the discussion with Spanish about being exclusive with eachother.[/quote]

I'm talking exclusive with German? Like that's def yo baby?
nope, not exclusive. I just recently had the discussion with Spanish about being exclusive with eachother.

I'm talking exclusive with German? Like that's def yo baby?[/quote]
Both Spanish and German are extremely loyal. At 1st I thought German was trying to fool me but I know the type of person she is and shes a very honest str8 forward person.

Spanish baby wasn't yours?
Spanish warned me its very easy for her to get pregnant. She even got pregnant on birthcontrol. I always heard of precum getting people pregnant, but I never believed it until now
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