TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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I guess I never really accounted for the insecurity because of the confidence about her weight she always showed. she never really showed insecruity about, i mean I met her in the gym, she works hard in the gym we've even worked out together.
hell one of her rules of a relationship was don't get fat (which was a wild statement at the time because she's big her self, but what she meant by that was dont get comfortable and lazy)

It's also a topic we talk about a lot seeing we're both in to fitness. so I didn't think anything of it as i was spewing off about it.

she told me this morning she tried to get off the phone several times but i kept going (which i respect her for because if she would have hung up i woulda been like it's over .... call me childish but you dont hang up on me)

I think the only thing that kept me going was she would misinterpret things I said to her, or put words in my mouth and i hate that.. that's the worst thing you can do to me verbally so I got a bit fired up about that
The fact that she's into shows that it's frequently on her mind (her weight that is). And the thing about insecurity is that no matter how bad a person can feel their lifestyle never shows the full details. I don't show a single ounce of insecurity up front but I hate my gut and my man boobs. But I'm getting used to em and accepting mostly because my wife loves my size (once again, I gained practically 60-70lbs since I've been in TX). When me and my ex got into that argument, which was in front of her parents while driving home, her moms was telling me that they always told her she was beautiful and all I could think was that that means nothing. If she don't believe she's beautiful when she looks in the mirror then she won't think she's beautiful when you tell her.

And I'm the same way, if you gon quote me get it right. But you gotta remember that tone can either help or hurt the conversation. No matter how great of a point you're making if you coming off as a self righteous d-bag the message ain't gonna get through
I say dumb stuff all the time that i regret lol i hadnt been in a relationship for a few years before i got into this one... was used to being straight up with these chicks. Plus this is my first time being in a relationship with a white girl. Shes a little more sensitive than im used to lol still was dumb for me to say that though 
I have been and the 3 that ive dated have been a bit more than the others but i dont know what that is.

The fact that she's into shows that it's frequently on her mind (her weight that is). And the thing about insecurity is that no matter how bad a person can feel their lifestyle never shows the full details

I feel you man, I didn't think that through, and was low key hyped up myself so i was just going with the flow of my hypeness

I went to go see her on my way home and we're cool now all is forgiven.
tdogg2k tdogg2k I think it's our natural cultural differences... Most of the chicks that I dated before her had a little attitude which I was used to. I think our race is just naturally hype or expressive in the way we talk or interact. Me and my current couldn't be any more opposite but it works for us
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tdogg2k tdogg2k I think it's our natural cultural differences... Most of the chicks that I dated before her had a little attitude which I was used to. I think our race is just naturally hype or expressive in the way we talk or interact. Me and my current couldn't be any more opposite but it works for us

This can be true

I can get loud and animated w/o being upset at all
I got a man ***** face sometimes, ex used to think that meant I was mad at her. Nah, just how my face goes sometimes. Another constantly asked if I was ok.
I always look a certain way. But it's far from angry :pimp: I do mean mug most of my pics though.
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Yeah I have that face too sometimes lol any of the dudes in here from the dmv frequent powerplant or fed hill in bmore? Every time I go there it's a wide variety of chicks there. I keep telling my boys they need to go up there and clean house
Emotionless Face Mafia Godfather checkin' in. I typically don't have an expression so I will frequently look "angry".

Worst thing is I'll have lil spells where I'll get completely silent and dry for a few minutes but will go right back to normal like nothing happened
Lol i have a nervous / awkward smile and laugh. Has gotten me in way too many bad spots with females. (Hell people in general)
How y'all not smilin in photos?

Show off those pearly whites. Girls always telling me I look so fun and happy.
I always look a certain way. But it's far from angry :pimp: I do mean mug most of my pics though.

Yeah I do the same and it bugs my girl a bit :lol:... So I grin slightly :lol:...

And my girl is a big girl, and well aware of it... But I'm a cheerio... We're both realistic to the situation and agree to go on a diet when she moves in...

I think she appreciates my bluntness and not sugar coating things... She's said she likes that she always know where I stand on things... Idk... I just know it's working and it's awesome...
How y'all not smilin in photos?

Show off those pearly whites. Girls always telling me I look so fun and happy.

lol smiling in pics without looking awkward don't work for everyone. I got like two pics max where my smile look godly but hands always awkwardly placed so ruin the pic.
How y'all not smilin in photos?

Show off those pearly whites. Girls always telling me I look so fun and happy.
Man look, I have one kind of smile: "I just won the lottery" and that's it. I will show all 34 when I smile. I don't mind smiling but it ain't bout to be no 24 hour smile-a-thon
How y'all not smilin in photos?

Show off those pearly whites. Girls always telling me I look so fun and happy.


I get compliments all the time, always telling me I have the cutest smile or how they never expect me to have an adorable face.

I be mean mugging them after that like....

Word fellas definitely show off the smile

Never get tired of a woman saying "why are you smiling so much" .. instant alley oop for a compliment :lol:
Yeah I have that face too sometimes lol any of the dudes in here from the dmv frequent powerplant or fed hill in bmore? Every time I go there it's a wide variety of chicks there. I keep telling my boys they need to go up there and clean house

Say more. Never heard of it, but will experiment...
gotjz gotjz powerplant is this big place near the harbor with a bunch of bars and like this concert stage in the middle of it. I see mostly white chicks when I'm there with a sprinkle of black chicks. Fed hill is like 5-10 minutes away I believe. The street is literally packed with potential lol that's where I see majority black chicks but there's a lot of variety there too... More so than powerplant. Now I could be mistaking that place with fells point but all 3 are good to go. I only know about it because my girl lives in bmore and I've been there with her. Others might know a little more than me. But there's always talent there on the weekends
Speaking of movies.... I said something referencing one of my favorite movies.

She said something that surprised me.

Then I said "It starts... You think you know a guy!"

She said :wow: I love that movie! Oh I just can't wait to be Kiiiiinnnggg...

:lol: This girl is something else man!
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