TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Oh Celtics you already married bruh.... she ain't ever leaving after those 10 days.

Might as well cop the Ring Pop and propose to her at Chuck E. Cheese fam! :lol:
I'm already texting my girls mom. I'm going to marry her. I know she's the one. I havent told her yet but when my lease is up in August I'm probably going to ask her to look for a new place and move in with me. She just finished writing a 250 page poetry book and will be finished editing it this week then I gotta read it for her. But she showed me some poems she wrote about me and I love them and that I'm her muse
Couldn't be any happier with life right now.
SMH Love is a crime huh lol

and a 250 page poetry book   *faints* I have tried my damndest to write a poetry book that big and I may not have cracked halfway
So my girl is spending 10 straight days with me... She brought her cat... And draino because her hair clogged my tub... I couldn't be happier...

Someone shoot me... I must be an imposter/synth and not know it...

So u got that first aide kit ready??

Always keep iso around just in case :wink:...

Oh Celtics you already married bruh.... she ain't ever leaving after those 10 days.

Might as well cop the Ring Pop and propose to her at Chuck E. Cheese fam! :lol:

I'm well aware of this... It's why I bet her $20 that she's never leaving :lol:...

And I always got an extra brass cock ring around for situations like this...
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Glad we changed the subject. Son on the last page was definitely outta bounds with that bull. :smh:

Congrats Henny. I know I'm not with the DMV team, but shoot me that wedding invite. :smokin
Speaking of bachelor parties, got mine planned for later this year.

Renting out a sick house with 7 of my boys in Miami. It's going to be :nthat:

Also I might be able to finagle a second BP in Vegas because my brother is insisting on it and he doesn't roll with my friends like that

My fiancee ain't gonna like that :lol:
Had the 3 this weekend with two Newport blondes. One tried to add the kid on Facebook... And she has a boyfriend smh.
So like I said I shot up the club all weekend. My girl was a little worried today and decided to get a Plan B. Now her hormones are all crazy we just ordered Chinese food and she had an ice cream craving so we had to run to the store. Also on the second bottle of wine. I don't know how I'm ever gonna deal with a pregnant women this is like the first time it's been a little difficult to be around her. She's not like cranky or anything just very needy and emotional with these food cravings...and horny lol.
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theres this girl at work the opposite of what I want , light complexion , young , immature . i would ravage her for a week straight if i got the chance though. she's too immature though , insulting and hitting me like we're in jr high
theres this girl at work the opposite of what I want , light complexion , young , immature . i would ravage her for a week straight if i got the chance though. she's too immature though , insulting and hitting me like we're in jr high
Meh, she probably likes you. Hit her with that serious talk and see how she changes.
just got in my first major argument with my girl (oddly it feels good) I haven't gotten in that type of heated exchange with a girlfriend in about 3/4 years now.
it was obvious a pointless argument but the topic i just couldn't let go.

Cons: i found out she's the type to get in an argument and just want to be mad about something. so she would pick a part and try to flip some things I said. and put words in my mouth. (which im literally the wrong person to do that with considering i have Eidetic Memory)
so i would have to go back at her correct her, which she hated even more because I was right.
(Example: I say "you shouldn't wear long sleeves in the summer because it will get too hot" she would say, see "you're telling me I cant wear them at all and I like to wear them even though im hot " .... No i didn't say you can't I said you shouldn't because ....... it's not a good plan)

Pros: I've been boo lovin the past 2 months with her so she's never seen or heard me be serious or mad. I stood my ground, told her how things are (with what we were arguing about) everytime she would get loud i would say. "Lower your voice, im not yelling at you, you dont yell at me"
she was mad but I talked to her in a calming but stern way which I dont think she liked since she kept trying to make stuff up to be mad about. but she didn't (more like couldn't) run over me and that was the best part of the whole thing.

so though she was pissed for the moment i think ultimately i got more respect points out of this.

it does sort of worry me though we sat and argued for almost 2 hours.
Again I typically try to avoid arguing and i haven't been in one in almost 3/4 years with a female im dating. what scares me a little is I can see this particular argument coming up again, but if we argue about something like this what else would we argue about. (again im not a confrontation guy)
This is why in my last post in here i was on the fence with her now. I could just be trippin and feeling the after shocks since this is my first argument in I dont know how long.
This could be a good thing though. I dont think I've had such open air communication with a chick either to where i felt comfortable arguing.
Last 2 chicks would have went completely nuclear on me if we argued. and the the chick before them probably would've just cried the whole time.

What do you guys think?
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What were you arguing about ? Was it something serious or just nonsense bs ?

So my girl is a bigger girl and we're making a new meal plan for her (she's already lost a lot of weight and wants to continue) so I showed her a video just to let her know like hey, this is ome foods that are good for you.
so she kinda snaps back after showing her the video about, I can't eat that much food blah blah.. I was trying to explain to her how the videos purpose wasn't to tell you how much to eat, just telling you what's good for you.

so it starts from that and getting her in to a meal plan that's going to work for her and her schedule. so i tell her ima put you on with my trainer who got me to where I am today.
but she got mad about that saying you dont even know my schedule and what my job entails. |I and why would u go behind my back and just tell someone about me like that........ To which I responded. you've told me every last detail about your job since you interviewed for it 3 months ago.
Then told her it's Ironic how you claim to be mad about me asking a Pro trainer not these little gold gym trainers to just help me with setting u up with a good meal plan. yet 3 people know more about me that I dont know , than half my friends know about me (she's told people about me, what I do, who i am what im in to, normal a girl-talk talking about her dude .) But tries to claim it's different andmore invasive that what I did, (that was argument 2)
so me not liking to text during arguments/ debates call her, and we talk about it then it starts spiraling from there.

That's when it turned in to the "you're trying to change me, you're trying to tell me what to do... I can't do this because of this... that. blah blah blah.
SO my main messege to her was.. how do you know what you can or cannot do if you haven't even been there to know? You're shutting down these ideas before you even get there to them.
(She didn't like me saying that apparently) she says "you know know more about it than i do , my friends told me this happens and that happens"
to which I replied in a smart ar*e way "so ... you knot know how it's goign to go down personally on a day to day as I said before. "

so basically she was upset that i was trying to force something on to her (which i wasn't)
but I was honest and bold about.. Look you're the one who told me you wanted to start this journey to a better lifestyle better living. what you're doing now worked but not as effectively as it could have so try this for awhile because it will be different. and will work in a different way. from what you've been doing. I told her she's going to have to suck it up and start doing things that are a little more out of her comfort zone basically.. and she didn't like that.
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