TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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I'd give her till tomorrow. Maybe late morning early afternoon

I'll see how it goes I almost cracked and sent her a message but I said nah I can't.
Still hasn't responded to my last message but then goes and likes my facebook status [emoji]128530[/emoji]
Question TAY Fam....

What's your initial impression on girls dropping the L word first?

Is it us, is it them? How do y'all feel if either or says it prematurely?
Question TAY Fam....

What's your initial impression on girls dropping the L word first?

Is it us, is it them? How do y'all feel if either or says it prematurely?

I've only had a few chicks say it to me in general but I've always been the first one to say it (can tell they are ready before I say it though)

I think it's definitely not something to be rushed and I'm a fan of the women who wait until we say it first so there's no pressure
Just getting out a long relationship. I need to step my game back up, trying to get my mojo back. How often do yall approach women on a weekly basis? Im not trying to come off as mad desperate.
Just getting out a long relationship. I need to step my game back up, trying to get my mojo back. How often do yall approach women on a weekly basis? Im not trying to come off as mad desperate.

Just approach the bad ones you're interested in
Its almost scarier when women say it first whether we are ready or not. I think the initial L word is a dominant thing to do kinf of like proposing. So taking it away from us puts us in that panic mode. Well at least for me.
But i think if you feel ir. Say it
Question TAY Fam....

What's your initial impression on girls dropping the L word first?

Is it us, is it them? How do y'all feel if either or says it prematurely?
I got into an argument with a girl I was with once. And I Dropped the L word without really too thinking about it. That seemed to quell the arugment , but shorty felt like she had a little leverage. Tried to throw it in my face once. I ended up doneing her **** when I cut her off. She ended up hitting me some time after and trying to rekindle things blah blah blah.
Something I noticed is I only say the L word the first time we break up :lol: can't use my get out jail free card too early
Question TAY Fam....

What's your initial impression on girls dropping the L word first?

Is it us, is it them? How do y'all feel if either or says it prematurely?
I got into an argument with a girl I was with once. And I Dropped the L word without really too thinking about it. That seemed to quell the arugment , but shorty felt like she had a little leverage. Tried to throw it in my face once. I ended up doneing her **** when I cut her off. She ended up hitting me some time after and trying to rekindle things blah blah blah.

Any chick that tries to use that as leverage isn't worth the time
Only reason I brought this up is because of what happened this past weekend... I'm not gonna go into detail. But a fight/riot broke out at a event we were at.

I lost control of my temper, and for some reason she was the only one that could control me.

I mean, ofcourse not physically, I could've easily thrown her to the side like I did everybody else but I didn't want to do that.

Anyway there was one situation where I was already getting into the car, all my homies had to drag me in there.

I attempted to get out again, but she ran across the parking lot and bear hugged me to some light pole and told me to calm down.

I remembering her saying something along the lines that's she cares for me, and if I haven't noticed, she already fell in love with me.

I don't know if she said it because of the heat of the moment or whatever.
I'd say it was probably heat of the moment that made her say it, but she's probably been feeling it for a little while now.

Question for the thread: how do you stop selling dreams to girls when you're just a genuine nice guy?

I feel like girls just be falling in love with my boys and I because we're just nice guys and they're sick of the pieces of crap they've dealt with in the past.

I swear we don't do nothing out of the ordinary, we just talk to them about life and goals.
^ same thing happens to me because that's just who I am, no other way around it. I just let them know from the get go that I don't want anything serious, but if it happens, then so be it.

Question TAY Fam....

What's your initial impression on girls dropping the L word first?

Is it us, is it them? How do y'all feel if either or says it prematurely?
I've only said the L word prematurely once to some skeez I was dating my freshman year of HS. It was more lust than love honestly, I was horny as hell and wanted to beat.

Remember that women are more emotional than men, so I think they will always say it first.

The only woman I have truly ever loved is my ex, we were together for almost 2 years. And she was the one who said it first about a year into the relationship. I messed it up with my stupidity and immaturity, that girl was really genuine with everything. I think back on the way I treated her and I just cringe to myself. I won't know what to do if I run into her mom, I probably won't be able to look her in the face. I'm quite ashamed, I see her older sister sometimes at the mall too. :smh:

I would honestly go back to her.

Just getting out a long relationship. I need to step my game back up, trying to get my mojo back. How often do yall approach women on a weekly basis? Im not trying to come off as mad desperate.

Just approach the bad ones you're interested in

You're gonna have to do it to shake some rust off
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Made the rookie mistake of adding a ex on Instagram smh those feels when you see someone moving on.
Just getting out a long relationship. I need to step my game back up, trying to get my mojo back. How often do yall approach women on a weekly basis? Im not trying to come off as mad desperate.

I'm in the same boat, there's a couple chicks I want but I'm just taking it slow. I know if we started messing around it wouldn't be real.
Mainly just looking for a chick to kick it with smash here and there
I'm in the same boat, there's a couple chicks I want but I'm just taking it slow. I know if we started messing around it wouldn't be real.
Mainly just looking for a chick to kick it with smash here and there

Im about to release all my current options and just start fresh. I need to get my groove back, been so focused on these life goals I quit hunting for some new P. Just curious to know how often yall be trying to bag new chicks. Think I need to take more shots
Im about to release all my current options and just start fresh. I need to get my groove back, been so focused on these life goals I quit hunting for some new P. Just curious to know how often yall be trying to bag new chicks. Think I need to take more shots

At 1st I was tryna be chill but I've been on the hunt just peeping out seeing what I like with the chicks in my area on facebook.
But these girls here be swearing up and down they don't wanna talk to anyone.
I made a tinder and seen a good majority of them on there with different names [emoji]128530[/emoji]

Lately I've been trying to rekindle the flame with a few old chicks I used to mess with but they all got kids now except two smh.
They not with their fathers and claim to be oover them but talks about them to me smh
Bruh why black girls get upset that you mess with white girls? I had a homegirl unfollow me on snap cause i was "snapping too many white girls". 

I asked my homegirl down in Atlanta to hook me up with a thick georgia peach (aka her sister but she can't take a hint for ****) but says she can't help me cause i mess with white girls like what the hell why you gotta be so salty 
. Thing is I don't discriminate I've just been on a white girl tear like the past year. Even had a thick black girl on the squad back like September/October but she was a broke *****. 
One thing ill say about WGs. They move a lot faster relationship wise than BGs.
My chick now is already planning moving in. And setting parameters where i should move too. Which is freaking me out a bit and i told her to slow down.
But i never remember having things move so fast with mybspanish or black girl. I guess being older has something to do with it also
Bruh why black girls get upset that you mess with white girls?
My sister is always mad that I haven't been with a black girl in years. My girl now is Colombian and my sister doesn't like that. I don't know I personally think the whole "you're ___ so you HAVE to mess with ___ girls" is pretty narrow minded. :rolleyes
I mess with A LOT of black girls... one thing I've noticed is that black girls be the saltiest when it comes to what race of girls you've been with. :lol:
Yeah I don't get it. Some of that entrenched saltiness is a part of the issue sometimes. A conditioned victim mentality that I see mainly with African American women than black women of other nationalities.
Yeah I don't get it. Some of that entrenched saltiness is a part of the issue sometimes. A conditioned victim mentality that I see mainly with African American women than black women of other nationalities.
From what a lot of them have told me as well. Theyre just not as attracted to white dudes. They limit themselves. But if he isnt channing tatum justin timerlake or someone of that ilk. They dont find them as attractive. Which they feel if they cant like white men. Then we shouldnt like white women. Which is stupid ofcourse
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