TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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She sounds a bit insecure about her weight. Hence why she flipped once you told her about the trainer. It could also be your presentation of the subject ? It also sounds like she was pissed off about something else that you may have or have not did and just used this as a way to vent.
I had a white girl hit on me for the first time ever this weekend(as far as I can remember). This doesn't happen to me at all, maybe it was the alcohol in her. I don't know where this will lead to, but I'll play along. My reaction when she came up to me to spark the convo...


As far as the conversation about turn on, I can pretty much be on at anytime. I can eye **** a beautiful woman and the thoughts that go through my mind is enough to get me going. Once it starts getting physical, that's when things can get next level. :wink:

We have been talking on and off for like 2 weeks. Convo has been hit or miss honestly, and I'm not really feeling her. We met up Saturday since we were in the same vicinity and the chemistry isn't really there for me. She really hasn't given me signs either. I'm going to dead this before it becomes any more mundane.
tdogg2k tdogg2k this sounds like my last relationship. Ex was a lil chubby but real pretty and she wanted to lose weight and would tell me she was gon diet and when she would pick me up from work I'd ask her about her day and how the diet was going and everything thing seemed cool till we argued about something and she brought up that I ask about her diet like I only cared about her losing weight and not just making conversation and checking on her.

She's def insecure about it so you do have to be careful how you address these things and make sure she knows that you are following her lead in trying to lose weight. But HOW you say these things is gonna matter more than anything
I guess I never really accounted for the insecurity because of the confidence about her weight she always showed. she never really showed insecruity about, i mean I met her in the gym, she works hard in the gym we've even worked out together.
hell one of her rules of a relationship was don't get fat (which was a wild statement at the time because she's big her self, but what she meant by that was dont get comfortable and lazy)

It's also a topic we talk about a lot seeing we're both in to fitness. so I didn't think anything of it as i was spewing off about it.

she told me this morning she tried to get off the phone several times but i kept going (which i respect her for because if she would have hung up i woulda been like it's over .... call me childish but you dont hang up on me)

I think the only thing that kept me going was she would misinterpret things I said to her, or put words in my mouth and i hate that.. that's the worst thing you can do to me verbally so I got a bit fired up about that
I'd say it was probably heat of the moment that made her say it, but she's probably been feeling it for a little while now.

Question for the thread: how do you stop selling dreams to girls when you're just a genuine nice guy?

I feel like girls just be falling in love with my boys and I because we're just nice guys and they're sick of the pieces of crap they've dealt with in the past.

I swear we don't do nothing out of the ordinary, we just talk to them about life and goals.
you have no idea how many fall for me just off simple convo... i dont try to it just occurs..
@Tdogg2k  its definitely an insecurity about her weight that got her like that. You reallyyy gotta choose your words carefully when it comes to that subject. I had a similar argument with my girl because i said "sureeee" when she said she'll go to the gym tomorrow. It was dumb on my part but she says it all the time and doesnt go lol she didnt even go smh. We had an hour long fight about doubting her and saying shes lazy lol 
But i thouggt i was your best friend... and im not pregnant.

I know you have to be happy The Don is back!

Y'all need to get out here this summer for these pool parties [emoji]128527[/emoji][emoji]128527[/emoji][emoji]128527[/emoji][emoji]128527[/emoji]
Speaking of fitness. I took my girl to great falls on Sunday and we did a 6 mile hike. She's very outdoorsy but once we got to the rock hopping/climbing part she was NOT feeling it at all. Fell on her *** (which provided ample cushioning) and slightly ripped her leggings. Had to sit near some water and dip her feet in for a while after that. She told me, "my niece said to NEVER go on a hike led by white people...now I know why" :rofl:
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Girl from the 3 this weekend just hit me.

Wants to know where I'm staying when I come to Chicago for Lolla.

The game dun changed, it merely became more fierce.
 its definitely an insecurity about her weight that got her like that. You reallyyy gotta choose your words carefully when it comes to that subject. I had a similar argument with my girl because i said "sureeee" when she said she'll go to the gym tomorrow. It was dumb on my part but she says it all the time and doesnt go lol she didnt even go smh. We had an hour long fight about doubting her and saying shes lazy lol 

Yeah that was dumb of you :lol:

I had an ex with serious body image issues (she wasn't even big with me but she was a little big in the past and her arms showed it). I knew it was a major issue for her so I never touched on it. Found out after we broke up she was bulimic
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Don get ur butt back on clash of kings. H

Henny Ive been to greatfalls a lot hit me up when u go next time we may end up going sometime in near future. Might taks the bikes
I say dumb stuff all the time that i regret lol i hadnt been in a relationship for a few years before i got into this one... was used to being straight up with these chicks. Plus this is my first time being in a relationship with a white girl. Shes a little more sensitive than im used to lol still was dumb for me to say that though 
Girl from the 3 this weekend just hit me.

Wants to know where I'm staying when I come to Chicago for Lolla.

The game dun changed, it merely became more fierce.

Please don't tell me the one with the BF asked you that :lol:
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