Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

well...there's a quick tourney going on in another thread (16 people) so if anyone wants to hop on that for the time being...go ahead and do so

i'm not going to be participating because i want to be at 100% before i go into actual tournaments, but i'll help them out with organization, if theyneed it...

anyone that is just seeing this thread for the first time...or who HAVEN'T DROPPED their information yet...please do so in this format:

(Online Screen Name) - Region - State - Brawl FC #

in case y'all need help with anything else...PM me or refer to my first post (look at how the list is in order to get an understanding of what i'mtalking about)
DSK aka Illoquent, thanks for the games! Nicest Pit I've gotten beat with!

CZDA, I see you, too. Mugenx, you too, playa!

My summer vacation has officially started. I'll be Brawlin like it's my job.
^you still on right now? LMK

DSK aka Illoquent, thanks for the games! Nicest Pit I've gotten beat with!

CZDA, I see you, too. Mugenx, you too, playa!

My summer vacation has officially started. I'll be Brawlin like it's my job.

thanks're pretty nice with Diddy...i haven't faced a good Diddy online so you def. caught me by surprise during our first match...I was alittle rusty with Dedede like I told you on AIM, but we had some good matches (you know I had to go in though
NH )...nice playing and chatting with you


^i don't think it'd be fair for the other people...

but here's the thread if you really want to join's sort of like a warm up tourney, i guess...something quick (unofficial one

put down your info there and're in...16 people max, the threadstarter said

i'm putting down Rav's info in this post and when I get my other account back...i'll edit it in the official list:

RavageBX (PWNED) - NY - 1246-8657-7880
GG Ill ya Pit is real. Also ya hand skill is crazy never seen a person who can use the Down sidestep so good.
Originally Posted by joeme719

GG Ill ya Pit is real. Also ya hand skill is crazy never seen a person who can use the Down sidestep so good.

GG's to you too bro...i'll admit, i took you for granted in the've gotten way better since last time. good stuff

i was off with Dedede today, i don't know what happened
I guess Pit was the go to guy today...

i really don't have a "main"'s who i'm feeling as of that day or the situation, feel me?

nice playing with you though...
yo MPIRE GG's bro...your Snake is disgusting (PAUSE) one I've faced online. Gave me some dope matches and you had majorityof the usual, a couple of stupid deaths on my part (what else is new?
) but a lot of the games were close...I'm not feeling Dedede today so Ididn't even bother bringing him out, you would have killed him...that last game we had was hectic, I just managed to squeak out the win but it could havegone either way...

Yo ROW and CPG...I know y'all were trying to get in on the game but I've specifically wanted 1 vs. 1 with MPIRE and Nellz for a long time now...I hadnot faced them in a while. There still more games left between us MPIRE...I gotta get at Nellz sooner or later too.
Originally Posted by DaT SiCk KiD

yo MPIRE GG's bro...your Snake is disgusting (PAUSE) one I've faced online. Gave me some dope matches and you had majority of the usual, a couple of stupid deaths on my part (what else is new?
) but a lot of the games were close...I'm not feeling Dedede today so I didn't even bother bringing him out, you would have killed him...that last game we had was hectic, I just managed to squeak out the win but it could have gone either way...

Yo ROW and CPG...I know y'all were trying to get in on the game but I've specifically wanted 1 vs. 1 with MPIRE and Nellz for a long time now...I had not faced them in a while. There still more games left between us MPIRE...I gotta get at Nellz sooner or later too.

yeah ggs man. Just lemme kno when you wanna play again and Im game.

Im still trying to learn new things with snake because I think he has alot of potential. His only downside is his down + A.

Ive been learning Ike as well and this was my first time playing as Snake in a few days. Im not a person where I can switch characters because if I do, Istart trying to use the new character as I did the previous one because I get so "connected" to that character I forget how to play with theprevious.
Originally Posted by NyRapisBack

Originally Posted by DaT SiCk KiD

yo MPIRE GG's bro...your Snake is disgusting (PAUSE) one I've faced online. Gave me some dope matches and you had majority of the usual, a couple of stupid deaths on my part (what else is new?
) but a lot of the games were close...I'm not feeling Dedede today so I didn't even bother bringing him out, you would have killed him...that last game we had was hectic, I just managed to squeak out the win but it could have gone either way...

Yo ROW and CPG...I know y'all were trying to get in on the game but I've specifically wanted 1 vs. 1 with MPIRE and Nellz for a long time now...I had not faced them in a while. There still more games left between us MPIRE...I gotta get at Nellz sooner or later too.

yeah ggs man. Just lemme kno when you wanna play again and Im game.

Im still trying to learn new things with snake because I think he has alot of potential. His only downside is his down + A.

Ive been learning Ike as well and this was my first time playing as Snake in a few days. Im not a person where I can switch characters because if I do, I start trying to use the new character as I did the previous one because I get so "connected" to that character I forget how to play with the previous.
nah man if you connect his jump down A its super strong! unless you were talking about his regular down A = mines? but yeah to use snake you have touse more tactics, rather than facing someone head on.
Add me to the list please. And anybody on the east coast want to get a few rounds in?

Originally Posted by tyurshoes265

shut up

i played terrible...your ZSS is improving son but don't make me have to put you in check

i'm about to hop on now so if you know the AIM...get @ me
Add me to the list please. And anybody on the east coast want to get a few rounds in?


it's gonna be about 2 more weeks before i can add you (and everyone who's recently posted their info) to the official list fam...i got banned for amonth under my DSK name so I'm posting from my OG bad

i already have you on my list though...just waiting for the add or until we're both on at the same time
I hate Snake... lol

Add Ike to that list too..

GGs though MPIRE. Really workin on my Metaknight but it seems im powerless against the heavyweights
Originally Posted by tyurshoes265


I added you. Sorry for the delay. Do you still have me added?
yeh GG's Sole. Im tryin to steer away from Snake since Ive been gettin complains abouthow Nintendo needs to release a patch so hes "nerfed"
so i been playin wit Ike
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