Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

yo E650, my bad about those matches...trying to talk on the phone with shorty and playing at the same time is not a good idea
i was like "#!#@$!% BULL%%%@" out loud when i killed myself in the second match and she thought i was spazzin' on her...

anyone online right now though? i'm STILL trying to get a 2 vs. 2 poppin'...
Joe, 3-2. Beat you with Diddy, Bowser, and Ice Climbers. You then beat Jigglypuff and Diddy again.

Lag is a shame though, it's alot better with some other NT'ers. Fox was maaaad frustrating to deal with being Jiggly. And with my last Diddy, the lagwas too tough to properly hide on the edge from your two landmasters...

Next time no bomb-ombs or a majority of those items, in fact.
Yo someone add me im finna bust some heads.

081735588245 (thrtw) NY

Just PM me your FC if you add me if you think your ready for grenade sandwich from SNAKE
Yo get at me on AIM for a match.. Me playing with Marth=No Joke, nh
AIM: DLWills925
I'll get at you later tonight, p0tat0. What is your max-5-digit Brawl nickname? KCK?

theone2401, I'ma hit you up, too.
theone2401, p0tat0 5alad

You've both been added. I'm playing right now, if any NT'ers wanna bash.
GG's to CPG33, DFly Jones, and Kev.

Holy moly, Eddy. You're a sick Snake! We had an epic 1on1 battle, took 11 minutes! GG's man, that was intense. That roll to mortar is sick.

CPG's still a beast.
Yo Gabe!

Thanks for the games, man. A blast!

My most active night since release, thanks for all of the games, NT.
Whattup guys... I bought the game last week, but I haven't been able to play too much cuz of studying... How do I set this up to add people to play?
Alrite, so after reading the first page, I started adding as many as I could... Here's my info, so add if guys wanna play... I'll be studying formost of the week till next Wed, but after that I'll prolly be more often

(MANNY) - West Coast - CA - 1118-0171-7751
man...i didn't know people were on now, i should have seen this earlier

i took a break from the game yesterday...MrDFJ i got your PM...just make sure you add me and we should be good
GG's always bring out the best in me (NH) while we play 1 vs. 1...I had you the first rounds, you had me the second rounds and I won that ODlagged up last match
but some good stuff there...

ntbrawl for those who wanna hop on AIM...invite yourself to the chat

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