SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

There needs to be a legit wrestling game that isn't a fighting game.
Each match should have a lockeroom segment where your "opponent" goes through the match with you.
If you can't do the move that's needed, the crowd meter adjusts for the botch furthering you from the "Pop" reward.
If you have a top rope move, it'd be like making free throws, you mess up on the sticks, your a_ falls off like a Colon dressed as a matador.
The worse your crowd meter gets, the more botches you'd make, inevitably dropping your opponent on their head & breaking their neck. The ref will X signal the camera and you'll be in the back getting chewed out by Vince.
Mix in political obstacles during storymode such as: HHH thinks your skinny fat, Vince overhears you joking about Stephanie/Macho Man, your valet/GF coming out of Michael Hayes' office, etc.
I'd pre-order that.
this is why i like having you back.

When is Eva supposed to return to the main roster?  Need to get her away from the real talent before she injures one of them
Tell her to leave me alone. She leaves her sweaty ring gear in my fridge so when I open the fridge and am hungry I think of her. I end up smelling some roast beef and eating it.
Bruh...tears. :lol: :rofl:
Moon walk b not the moon dance :lol:
I was like what the hell is the moon dance?
before i got into da ntwt...i used to think deep sea's avi was the indian from predator
His current avy looks like a variant Kane if you don't look too closely.
Thanks Peep!

Enzo and Cass had to have gotten the biggest pop of the night, wonder why H didn't put them on the main card
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