Student fighting a teacher.

To elaborate on the stupid parents who
low key fuel the kids...

My nephew has been suspended 3 times for fighting this year already. It’s been 2 months.
He also got suspended twice in the last month before summer, so that’s 5 times in 3 months.

He has absolutely NO CONSEQUENCES EVERYTIME. He gets to go home and play his PS3, and his computer, and do ANYTHING he likes.

He has huge anger issues, and whenever I bring up his behavior with the mom, she ALWAYS blames the other party. ALWAYS.

He comes over to my house every weekend Friday-Sunday to enjoy the amenities. His mom isn’t financially responsible, so he comes here to eat good, play the Xbox 1, and computer, and escape from his Xan’d out mom who always yelling at him, except when he actually does something wrong...

Dude comes to my house last Friday,
(he got suspended on Thursday) and he’s asking me where the Xbox is? And why the computer isn’t working. (I disconnected both of em, and put em away) I explain to lil dude that he isn’t gonna be enjoying any activities at my crib while he is causing all this trouble at school....

He looks me dead in the eye fully enraged, and says “call my mom to pick me up I want to go home” He can’t even deal with any of the consequences to his actions. He’d rather go home and eat noodles, and be screamed at, just so he won’t have to be punished.

It’s unreal.

I'd send him home and tell his mom not to drop him off anymore. You ain't about to lamp in my crib like a king when you don't deserve it.
i mean when he was like take me home and all that
Na, he never yelled. He just got really mad, and had an attitude. He start snatching up his shoes, and his jacket, and I told him if he wants to go home, he can call his mom. And he did. And then she had the nerve to call and ask why I’m punishing him when it’s the other kids fault.
I'd send him home and tell his mom not to drop him off anymore. You ain't about to lamp in my crib like a king when you don't deserve it.
Pretty much. It’s hell at his home, so I like to have him over on the weekends to escape his home life. But if he’s acting like a fool, it comes with consequences over here.
Yes u do
But either way
I have the leeway to use a computer every moment I’m at work
U on the other hand are in the wrestling thread at all hours
Of the day
when u should be teaching the youth
In the cfa thread
when u should be molding the future
I don’t even think ur a teacher
A math teacher at that
If so
What’s the answer to this question

I've said too much already

I love this place, man. :lol:

Like, dude deadass just asked DC to solve a math problem. :rofl:
I can’t imagine caring enough about anything a child has to say, to the point where I’m putting hands on him.

Pride literally kills. Some people are so prideful that they let the things some people say about them turn a situation violent.

I know I'm in the minority with this, but there's not much anything anyone can say to me that would make me wanna line it at this stage of my life, let alone a kid saying some ****. Like I can't imagine what he could say that would even get me riled up.
To elaborate on the stupid parents who
low key fuel the kids...

My nephew has been suspended 3 times for fighting this year already. It’s been 2 months.
He also got suspended twice in the last month before summer, so that’s 5 times in 3 months.

He has absolutely NO CONSEQUENCES EVERYTIME. He gets to go home and play his PS3, and his computer, and do ANYTHING he likes.

He has huge anger issues, and whenever I bring up his behavior with the mom, she ALWAYS blames the other party. ALWAYS.

He comes over to my house every weekend Friday-Sunday to enjoy the amenities. His mom isn’t financially responsible, so he comes here to eat good, play the Xbox 1, and computer, and escape from his Xan’d out mom who always yelling at him, except when he actually does something wrong...

Dude comes to my house last Friday,
(he got suspended on Thursday) and he’s asking me where the Xbox is? And why the computer isn’t working. (I disconnected both of em, and put em away) I explain to lil dude that he isn’t gonna be enjoying any activities at my crib while he is causing all this trouble at school....

He looks me dead in the eye fully enraged, and says “call my mom to pick me up I want to go home” He can’t even deal with any of the consequences to his actions. He’d rather go home and eat noodles, and be screamed at, just so he won’t have to be punished.

It’s unreal.

where's his father at? you mention only the mother
maybe he needs a father figure?

hashus clay hashus clay
where's his father at? you mention only the mother
maybe he needs a father figure?

hashus clay hashus clay
His father is an alcoholic. No job, no life.
He literally wakes up to drink, and drinks all day till he goes to bed. Hes almost 40 and roaches off his 27 year old girlfriend.
He don’t even speak to his son, and they live in the same house. The closest thing he has to a father is me. That’s why I try to install morals, and discipline in his life regularly.
But if he ain’t trynna hear it, he runs back to his house where he will never be held accountable.
The closest thing he has to a father is me. That’s why I try to install morals, and discipline in his life regularly.

Yes you may have an opportunity here.
If tough love doesn't work you may consider unconditional love or a combo of both if possible. Sounds like he needs to bond & trust an adult male before he'll listen or take guidance from anyone.

Good luck. You wrote all that stuff because you care.
Pretty much. It’s hell at his home, so I like to have him over on the weekends to escape his home life. But if he’s acting like a fool, it comes with consequences over here.

His father is an alcoholic. No job, no life.
He literally wakes up to drink, and drinks all day till he goes to bed. Hes almost 40 and roaches off his 27 year old girlfriend.
He don’t even speak to his son, and they live in the same house. The closest thing he has to a father is me. That’s why I try to install morals, and discipline in his life regularly.
But if he ain’t trynna hear it, he runs back to his house where he will never be held accountable.

Damn thats some ****. An unfortunate situation most definitely. I commend you on stepping in and playing that role

On 2nd thought, before you kick him to the curb, try putting some extra chores/responsibilities on him as punishment and ease him back into his weekly routine with you. Maybe keep him on lockdown friday night, saturday he rakes the leaves, sweeps/mops floors, and folds some clothes and he gets his gear back after its all done or something.

I hate hearing about when a father doesn't take the time to be a man and take care of their own, and since it sounds like young dude has a good figure in his life with you, maybe it would be better not to drop him so quickly. Maybe this can be a turning point for him. Because once he hits HS, it could get worse with his attitude

But if it doesn't look like its changing, send him packing back home
High School Music Teacher in Maywood Arrested After Caught-on-Video Beatdown of Student: Sheriff’s Officials
Posted 10:50 PM, November 2, 2018, by Erika Martin and Chris Wolfe, Updated at 11:08AM, November 4, 2018

A high school music teacher in Maywood was arrested Friday after a classroom fistfight between him and a student was caught on video, officials said.

Marston Riley was taken into custody on suspicion of child abuse and causing great bodily injury on a child after the brawl at Maywood Academy High School on Pine Avenue was reported to authorities around 1:30 p.m., said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Joana Warren, a public information officer with the department.

Inmate records show the suspect is 64-years-old and was arrested about 2:30 p.m.

Detectives with the agency's Special Victims Bureau are now investigating the case, Warren added.

Students who spoke with KTLA Friday night were all sympathetic to Riley, saying the classmate involved had pushed him to the brink.

The students said the confrontation began after Riley asked the young man to leave the classroom because he wasn't wearing a proper uniform.

The student allegedly refused, and cellphone video captured by another student shows him challenging the instructor, using profanity and repeatedly hurling a racial slur at Riley, who is black.

The situation escalates further after the student throws a basketball at Riley, who is then seen pulling out his cellphone to call for backup.

The student continues to insult and provoke Riley. The teacher holds his composure for a time but then punches the boy in the face, swiftly and without warning.

The ensuing brawl lasts about 30 seconds, with the pair clambering across the room as Riley repeatedly delivers blows and others in the classroom shriek. The boy is only able to deliver about one punch.

The video shows Riley continued to aggressively pursue the student even after other school officials responded to break up the fight.

The footage ends as the student is being pulled from the room by campus staff.

Several students spoke with KTLA Friday night on the condition of anonymity.

One alleged that the situation was a setup.

"Everything was planned out," he said. "There were students there who were already taking out their phones to record the incident. I don't think it's completely fair that they're just putting the blame all on (Riley), when I personally know that he's a good guy."

Another spoke up in defense of the music instructor's character.

"I had this teacher before and I had no problem with him," that student said. "He was a really nice teacher, I always respected him. He always had a really good relationship with every student."

Inmate records show Riley was arrested at about 2:30 p.m. and was being held on $50,000 bail.

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated Marston Riley's age. The post has since been updated.

teacher held his own for 64 yo :pimp:
A year away from elder abuse.

Wondering if an old *** teacher would get any sympathy?

I almost want to play the race card here. Some random grey haired fat white 64 year old dude who whiffed on the same punches may have had more sympathy from middle America. By all news reports, this man was a trained killer and animal and ready to hurt a child.
Didn’t realize the student hit him with the basketball. A man his age should have known to just walk away, but… I get it. Mf’ers gotta learn somehow.
But than again old people start to give less ****s and just do whatever they want most of the time
The retirement dough didn't even cross my mind, he doesn't look THAT old.
From that angle: "Ya done goofed".
You shouldn’t be a teacher if you have no patience. With that said, it annoys me the kid wasn’t laid out. He got away way too easy, especially since the teacher is completely done.

Kids like him never learn. He as no future and no time to “turn his life around”. It’s all ******** fake hope for kids that have zero respect or morals. If someone murked him tomorrow the world would be a better place.
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