Student fighting a teacher.

I'm curious, how many of you think that kid will step up to a Teacher as close as he did again.

I personally believe he won't pull that again. Will he talk ish to a Teacher again? Sure. But I doubt he will try to punk someone like that again.

And if it doesn't change his perspective then he hasn't had enough. I see this the same way they design interventions for drug addicts.
You're either going to quit or keep using. You keep using, things get taken (or handed to you in this kid's case) away until you reach rock bottom. And when you reach rock bottom, you'll either stay there and rot, or swallow your denial and do better. Simple.
Kid would never step up to a teacher again if the reproccusions resonate. The problem is, violence isn’t the ONLY type of reproccusions. Kid is in band, how hard can he be?
When I was in high school, band class wasn’t some elective type class you have the option of taking.

All kids had some type of music class, even the thugs.

I don’t even knock the teacher for swinging first. I think he could’ve gotten away with it after the disrespect he he endured from the kid.
Where the teacher messed up is he continued on the attack even after the kid retreated.
Other kids tried to get in the way but the teacher keeps going.

In my eyes that is the bigger offense than the first couple swings.
There is no circumstance in this situation w/ the teacher and student where he could have gotten away with it for swinging first :lol: Even with the amount of disrespect.

Also, this dummy of a kid won't learn from this. Absolutely won't be his last altercation. However, probably gonna be the type of kid to do something stupid w/ a weapon down the road.
There is no circumstance in this situation w/ the teacher and student where he could have gotten away with it for swinging first :lol: Even with the amount of disrespect.

Also, this dummy of a kid won't learn from this. Absolutely won't be his last altercation. However, probably gonna be the type of kid to do something stupid w/ a weapon down the road.
Honestly he couldn’t of gotten away even if the kid swang first.

The most I could see him getting away with is a bear hug and that’s only if the kid started teeing off on him.
Honestly he couldn’t of gotten away with it if the kids want first either.

The most I could see him getting away with is a bear hug and that’s only if the kid started teeing off on him.


Also, I'd love to see examples of teachers who have kept their jobs after squaring up with a kid :lol:
Kid is not learning anything from this **

Might be even bolder next situation he's in since teacher punches wasn't nothing crazy

Also, I'd love to see examples of teachers who have kept their jobs after squaring up with a kid :lol:
If they did keep their job it wasn’t similar to this situation.

A kid prolly got that work and everyone involved just kept their mouth shut :smh::lol:
What about the other kid that snuck in a few hits on the teacher, is he in any trouble?
I think too much is expected from The Big Wigs downtown that write-up evaluation rubrics/expectations. I think people in the buildings understand the realistic expectations. Like someone said in here, it is usually people NOT in the building that have these wild expectations for what teachers SHOULD be able to do.

But like blastercombo blastercombo keeps saying, if the parents are going to **** everything teachers do up, there is nothing more that can be done

ive said it on here numerous times

anytime i bring up the parents it's either excuses for why the parents cant.

or an accusation of blaming the parents.

one of my favorite pictures, i may have even posted it on NT before:


yeah man, teachers have it the worst out of the situation.

they get the most blame
with the least pay

meanwhile no one outside of the teachers understands how vital parents are to the equation
That kidnfornsurebeill ise a weapon for fights in the future. He’s been exposed as a weak ***** physically
if you’re not joking, i’m very impressed man. lmk if you ever want some treats/snacks from hawaii to pass out to your class and i’ll send a small box out.

I second this.
I can send an alcoholic care package to treat yourself after dealing with the kids.

Teachers don’t get enough credit.
Although nawty has exposed ya sure do get a lot of breaks.
say bruh,

it takes one that works with kids to understand this right here.

i say this **** ALL. THE. TIME. about where we’re going wrong in our culture and people get mad.

our culture is fixated on reaching the kids while ignoring the parents.

ive SEEN it first hand, how you can teach a kid for MONTHS only to have the parents knock down everything you built over a weekend

im sorry
i cant give a **** about ANY school for boys. i dont care if its Lebron or Umar. without the parents its an inefficient plan

you can tell whos worked with kids and who hasnt

parents are the key
School is for teaching math, reading, science, etc. somewhere down the line it for some reason became the place to teach morals, empathy, compassion, respect, etc.

There is no expectation to what needs to be taught at home. There needs to be. We need a license to drive but to have kids it’s all good. Makes no sense to me and never will. Zero accountability, zero consequence and ALL the power
8th grade Special Education (Inclusion)

I am required to plan, deliver instruction, coTeach ANY period that kids on my caseload are on math or English class. So I am in THE classroom with my kids parallel teaching WITH my teachers. When they are out, I am still expected to be there and move things along as normal.

So I am in class 5/6 periods. By law, everyone has 1 planning period.
U really teach special ed????
Any supplies u need????
I’m srs
Or even snacks
:lol: Man I don't feed kids junk food. Enough adults in the building give them that. Plus all that sugar ends up coming back to give stupid rushes to the kids. I

It isn't kids with severe cognitive issues, just children that have Learning Disabilities. But I honestly work with all of the 8th graders since I am in an inclusion setting.

Inclusion means kids that receive special education services are in class with students that aren't. (Vs. Them being in a self-contained setting where they are only around other kids receiving special education services).

I still haven't used all of my Staples money. I am good on supplies, we have plenty in our building. Thanks though.
:lol: Man I don't feed kids junk food. Enough adults in the building give them that. Plus all that sugar ends up coming back to give stupid rushes to the kids. I

It isn't kids with severe cognitive issues, just children that have Learning Disabilities. But I honestly work with all of the 8th graders since I am in an inclusion setting.

Inclusion means kids that receive special education services are in class with students that aren't. (Vs. Them being in a self-contained setting where they are only around other kids receiving special education services).

I still haven't used all of my Staples money. I am good on supplies, we have plenty in our building. Thanks though.
Wasn’t talking bout junk food
Plenty of healthy snacks
Mini bags of almonds or nuts
Granola bars or whatever dried fruits even
I had also worked with adults with mental and physical disabilities for YEARS
So I know how challenging it can be
To elaborate on the stupid parents who
low key fuel the kids...

My nephew has been suspended 3 times for fighting this year already. It’s been 2 months.
He also got suspended twice in the last month before summer, so that’s 5 times in 3 months.

He has absolutely NO CONSEQUENCES EVERYTIME. He gets to go home and play his PS3, and his computer, and do ANYTHING he likes.

He has huge anger issues, and whenever I bring up his behavior with the mom, she ALWAYS blames the other party. ALWAYS.

He comes over to my house every weekend Friday-Sunday to enjoy the amenities. His mom isn’t financially responsible, so he comes here to eat good, play the Xbox 1, and computer, and escape from his Xan’d out mom who always yelling at him, except when he actually does something wrong...

Dude comes to my house last Friday,
(he got suspended on Thursday) and he’s asking me where the Xbox is? And why the computer isn’t working. (I disconnected both of em, and put em away) I explain to lil dude that he isn’t gonna be enjoying any activities at my crib while he is causing all this trouble at school....

He looks me dead in the eye fully enraged, and says “call my mom to pick me up I want to go home” He can’t even deal with any of the consequences to his actions. He’d rather go home and eat noodles, and be screamed at, just so he won’t have to be punished.

It’s unreal.
To elaborate on the stupid parents who
low key fuel the kids...

My nephew has been suspended 3 times for fighting this year already. It’s been 2 months.
He also got suspended twice in the last month before summer, so that’s 5 times in 3 months.

He has absolutely NO CONSEQUENCES EVERYTIME. He gets to go home and play his PS3, and his computer, and do ANYTHING he likes.

He has huge anger issues, and whenever I bring up his behavior with the mom, she ALWAYS blames the other party. ALWAYS.

He comes over to my house every weekend Friday-Sunday to enjoy the amenities. His mom isn’t financially responsible, so he comes here to eat good, play the Xbox 1, and computer, and escape from his Xan’d out mom who always yelling at him, except when he actually does something wrong...

Dude comes to my house last Friday,
(he got suspended on Thursday) and he’s asking me where the Xbox is? And why the computer isn’t working. (I disconnected both of em, and put em away) I explain to lil dude that he isn’t gonna be enjoying any activities at my crib while he is causing all this trouble at school....

He looks me dead in the eye fully enraged, and says “call my mom to pick me up I want to go home” He can’t even deal with any of the consequences to his actions. He’d rather go home and eat noodles, and be screamed at, just so he won’t have to be punished.

It’s unreal.
and what was ur response after he did all that yelling
how old is lil dude
and what was ur response after he did all that yelling
how old is lil dude

He just turned 12.
He was never yelling, it’s his mom who’s always yelling at him about nonsense.
But when he’s actually in trouble, it’s always someone else, and not him.
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