Student fighting a teacher.

PRIME PRIME Should a new thread have been made??

What’s the answer to this question tho


Everything in that video made me sick. The kid's attitude and mouth, the teacher throwing hands, and the horrendous camera work. Not mad at teacher getting physical but I think if he was going to he could have just went for the bear hug and physical removed the kid from class. Probably still get in trouble but it doesn't look nearly as bad. He's lucky he missed that right haymaker he threw. If that connected he could have knocked that kid out cold.
When I was a kid I felt like all adults had permission to whoop my *** if I stepped out of line, so I wouldn't dare speak to any adult like that let alone a teach.
I died when I read camera work. Kid will get paid, die a heroin addict. The end. Somebody lemme know if theres a GoFundMe for the teachers bail. I'll donate.

I get a planning period; I get a lunch period.

During my class hours, I am not on Niketalk.

Point. Blank. Period.

Try harder; Go to hell

Aye I'm laughing at all of this, but I think you're a ******* fraud bro. :lol:

I mean, you might be a super part-time substitute teacher or something, but you fraudulent dog. Talking about a damn planning period. :rofl:

All the full-time educators on here know that the vast majority of waking (not working) hours, calendar year-round (not academic), are one giant planning period, and planning period isn't code for NT.

What time did you actually spend inside the classroom last week? You not going to answer because you know @nawghtyhare will cross-reference and g-check the **** out of you! :rofl:
Guess I’m the only one who thinks that teacher is trash?

As an adult period and damn sure as a teacher you have to have thick skin and can’t react to a kid that way . If the kid swung first whatever but for him to throw a haymaker at a kids head cause of words naw fam, just walk away and be the bigger person or get school security involved. I would of been ok with them jumping the teacher during this.

As for the kid , he definitely needs to be disciplined at home and taught some things about respect .
I can’t imagine caring enough about anything a child has to say, to the point where I’m putting hands on him.
Lots to like in this fight. My favorite movie growing up was the classic Morgan Freeman film "Lean on Me". Morgan played principal Joe Clark, a tough hard nose guy that was no afraid to KO anyone that stepped to him or beat up Kid Ray. I thought the days of the Joe Clark's of the world had past. But Comrade, I was wrong and boy am I happy that I was. The teacher used several clean left hooks to put the student down. His old man strength carried the day. Anyone that says boxing is dead needs to watch this fight. The student promoted the heck out of the fight. He got the crowd hyped with his skill on the mic. He was trying to put the teacher over and he handled everything BEAUTIFULLY. The teacher probably watched this scene from Lean on me before KOing the kid. Hats off to both fighters in this bout.
:rofl: genius lean on me tie in to your reply :lol:
bravo coal comrade
Aye I'm laughing at all of this, but I think you're a ****ing fraud bro. :lol:

I mean, you might be a super part-time substitute teacher or something, but you fraudulent dog. Talking about a damn planning period. :rofl:

All the full-time educators on here know that the vast majority of waking (not working) hours, calendar year-round (not academic), are one giant planning period, and planning period isn't code for NT.

What time did you actually spend inside the classroom last week? You not going to answer because you know @nawghtyhare will cross-reference and g-check the **** out of you! :rofl:

I can live with you feeling any type of way about me and/or what I do for a living.

I am also honored that you feel I would carry on a lie for as long as I have just for the acceptance of a group of men that I mostly have never met.

Life goes on either way
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican what grade do you teach?
8th grade Special Education (Inclusion)

I am required to plan, deliver instruction, coTeach ANY period that kids on my caseload are on math or English class. So I am in THE classroom with my kids parallel teaching WITH my teachers. When they are out, I am still expected to be there and move things along as normal.

So I am in class 5/6 periods. By law, everyone has 1 planning period.
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8th grade Special Education (Inclusion)

I am required to plan, deliver instruction, coTeach ANY period that kids on my caseload are on math or English class. So I am in THE classroom with my kids

So I am in class 5/6 periods. By law, everyone has 1 planning period.

Nice. Do you work school vacations or you just work a different job?
The teacher is a complete idiot for succumbing to a hormonal teenager with a limited vocabulary. Like you have experience and wisdom over this kid. And the worst part is just like the student, the teacher put on for the audience. How you an adult and you ain’t develop “the look” to give a kid so they know to chill out? Even still if you feel like you’re gonna lose your cool, you walk away from the situation. And if you’re going to throw hands with a kid half your age and smaller than you knowing you’re about to lose your job YOU MAKE SURE that little ***** gets put on his *** and can’t get up on his own :smh:
Man it’s not as easy as “be the better person”. You mean to tell me that day in and day out that man has to deal with that kids BS becuase “he’s the adult”? That kid is old enough to drive a car but not old enough to know to shut that **** up? He handled it wrong but He has the right to handle it becuase obviously his parents haven’t done **** with him.
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My boy works in a corrections center for juveniles and he tells me stories from time to time about them bad *** kids that get out of pocket

They have to break up fights between kids all the time and sometimes the kids try to jump the correction officers.

A ton of kids under 18. Some of the same kids that could be in these high schools, just haven’t been charged with a crime yet. Same mentality, same smart mouth, just a cleaner record waiting for their chance to **** up.

So when I see a teacher put hands on a student, it makes some sense to me. Because in some cases, those kids who get into those situations have a lot of issues that can land them in a detention center. Not all of them, but many times if you willing to throw hands with a teacher you’re orobably willing to do some more wreckless **** too
I'm heated. Saw some Google headlines for this. They're throwing dude under the bus. Arrested on allegations of child abuse.

Happened at Maywood academy high school in LA.

Not one headline mentions racial slurs and a kid who is likely 1-2 yrs away from being a full fledged adult

That little **** just ruined a man's life.

I get in one fight late 90s and get suspended for a week. Now I'm hearing of students who talk back to teachers and get in fights and there is just little discipline handed down. Atleast the court systems seem to have heavier sentences now. That 'kid' is one other altercation away from that. Schools are afraid of discipline and rarely have a teacher's back.
Also worth note, none of those students tried to diffuse the situation until it turned violent.

That bothers me
DC, u ever have to break up a fight? I have heard instances of teachers getting hurt (and subsequently fired) for breaking up a student vs student fight (think of employees chasing after shoplifter's). And in other instances, the simple act of touching a student is off limits. But then they get in trouble if one kid takes things too far and no one stops it.

A family that raises a kid to talk like that is likely the type to sue the school district. Karma not hitting them just yet.
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