Student fighting a teacher.

I don’t know what’s worse, that kid acting up or everyone in the class encouraging him.

Pretty sad that teacher will get fired but that kid will get suspended for a few days and right back in school and nothing will probably happen to the little punk that threw a cheap shot in there at his teacher.

Schools are in a horrible place this generation. I know several teachers and they all HATE it. Such terrible kids out there nowadays. In all my years of schooling, I’ve never seen/heard even 10% of the disrespect I’ve seen in this video.

It has to be parenting. I don’t care what ‘hood you grow up in, a kid with good parents will make something of themselves.
Didn’t realize the student hit him with the basketball. A man his age should have known to just walk away, but… I get it. Mf’ers gotta learn somehow.

When it comes to things like this, we live in such a garbage country. Child abuse charges? Really?
Whooping that kid could have saved his life. Lotta these children have never been disciplined.

They set a go fund me for the teacher.
Riley was arrested on Friday for suspicion of child abuse and was booked into the East Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department with a $50,000 bail, according to the Los Angeles Times. He was released Saturday morning after posting bail, according to the publication. In a statement to the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles School District said they are “extremely disturbed” by the fight and are investigating the incident.

“We take this matter very seriously and do not condone violence or intolerance of any kind,” the statement read. “Los Angeles Unified is cooperating with law enforcement in investigating this incident.”

Some students have rallied around Riley to support him. One student told KTLA that Riley is “a really nice teacher” who is well respected at the school. Cecilia Diaz Jimenez, who worked in the same school district as Riley, set up GoFundMe pageon Saturday to cover legal expenses. As of Monday, the fundraiser has already raised over $25,700 of its $50,000 goal.

Jimenez wrote that this is not the first time Riley has been physically or verbally attacked, and claimed that the 64-year-old “is a great teacher.”
they fire him and there is going to be a lawsuit or settlement. might be cheaper to just keep him for a year or put him on administrative leave
:wow::rofl:at NT calling out the other students for hyping it and not stepping in

What era was it that kids stop disagreement at school that didn't involved them
Police: Teacher Violently Assaulted After School, Hit With Brick To Face

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A Pittsburgh Public School teacher was seriously injured after officials say she was followed in her car and assaulted after school, allegedly in a dispute over a child’s cellphone.

Hours after the incident, late on Wednesday night, Pittsburgh Police confirmed to KDKA that they are working on an arrest warrant or warrants for a suspect or suspects in the case, who remain unidentified.

By Maria Perez On Monday, November 5, 2018 - 09:57


A Gofundme as been created for Maston Riley, a music teacher from a high school in Maywood, California. Riley, 64, was arrested for punching a 14-year-old student on Friday after the student had thrown a basketball at him and called him racial slurs.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to cover the legal expenses of a California high school teacher who was arrested on Friday for allegedly punching a 14-year-old student who had allegedly called him a racial slur and threw a basketball at him.

Marston Riley, 64, a music teacher at Maywood Academy High School in Maywood, California, had asked the student to leave his classroom because he was not wearing the school’s uniform, KTLA reported. The student then allegedly threw a basketball at Riley and hurled racial slurs, according to KTLA. Riley, who is black, reportedly told the student to leave multiple times and when the student did not leave, the fight began, the news station reported.
I was out in LA/Long Beach this weekend and the news was talking about this story. The only thing wrong the teacher did was hit the disrespectful punk kid on camera. Other than that he’s good in my book and should be seen and recognized as a hero by everyone else. The kids parents.....rather parent most likely is so *** backwards that I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to come up there to fight the teacher instead of disciplining her own son.

Being a teacher really is a thankless job.....especially if you teach in the inner city somewhere. Some if not most of these bad kids are a lost cause and a waste of time after the age of 13 depending on how they act as others have said. The kid learned the hard way not to test an old black man....them dudes don’t play. That’s the era that they come from. The kid had to be taught a lesson that there are some people you don’t play with, black people in particular especially dropping the N word like that.
Police: Teacher Violently Assaulted After School, Hit With Brick To Face

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A Pittsburgh Public School teacher was seriously injured after officials say she was followed in her car and assaulted after school, allegedly in a dispute over a child’s cellphone.

Hours after the incident, late on Wednesday night, Pittsburgh Police confirmed to KDKA that they are working on an arrest warrant or warrants for a suspect or suspects in the case, who remain unidentified.

“But the teacher should just walk away....”

Yeah **** all that. When it’s time, it’s time
I grew up in a low income area and a public school system and students trying to turn up on teachers was a weekly occurrence. Folks that got suspended would come back with the same foolishness until the school had enough and they got kicked out. I always saw it as folks just trying to be hard but now that im older i think about how their home lives were like.

I am on the teacher’s side 100%.
I grew up in a low income area and a public school system and students trying to turn up on teachers was a weekly occurrence. Folks that got suspended would come back with the same foolishness until the school had enough and they got kicked out. I always saw it as folks just trying to be hard but now that im older i think about how their home lives were like.

I am on the teacher’s side 100%.
At my school, the kids even picked fights with security.
Kid threw a ball at the teacher? Weren't they in the music room where the hell he get a ball from? Either way that would be immediate expulsion from my school but that *** whipping he got will probably save him from it
Kid threw a ball at the teacher? Weren't they in the music room where the hell he get a ball from? Either way that would be immediate expulsion from my school but that *** whipping he got will probably save him from it
prolly one of those kids who brings a bball to school
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