Student fighting a teacher.

Im sure the kid could care less about being expelled. Don't seem like the type wanting to graduate and actually become something.
I don't think the kid used the N word in a racist way, but he was still out of line.
I don't think the kid used the N word in a racist way, but he was still out of line.

I agree but the teacher is old and don’t know the slang that these kids use even if everyone thinks it’s wrong...

To the 64 teacher he was being racist hella racist and pushing him to the edge

Props to the teacher he lost a bag, that’s the one thing that stops everyone from standing up for themselves, and that’s why America is in this state. He said forget all the money in the world this kid is repeating the n word to me over and over and I’ve had enough.
At 64 he was born in 1954. Can you imagine all he's seen and been through in that time as a black man in America to be called a N***** by this little twerp knowing he will always be seen as the aggressor? Getting charged with child abuse? You know how defeating that must feel?
Y'all so damn goofy on here it's disgusting

A 64 year old black man in America ain't got the time to be reeducated on the use of the N word nor should he.

The real problem is lack of respect for elders. Even worse for blacks.

The kid is a POS, no doubt. However, it's not hard to tell he uses the word freely to the point which it has no racial implication. I am in no way, shape, or form defending the kid for his actions. While I think the teacher could have dealt with the situation differently, the way he reacted was justifiable.
The kid is a POS, no doubt. However, it's not hard to tell he uses the word freely to the point which it has no racial implication. I am in no way, shape, or form defending the kid for his actions. While I think the teacher could have dealt with the situation differently, the way he reacted was justifiable.
Who and how anything is said has no control on how the other side has to take it. That’s the point
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