Student fighting a teacher.

You don’t have any experience in any of this sort of stuff do you?

Admit that

“Love is the answer” lol WRONG
Hella experience potna. With at risk adolescents.. And now with transition age youth that are homeless. Instead of classrooms I’m in their home where that **** pops off.
But the real work is @ home with my 5 kids cause u gotta take care of yo backyard before you try with the world.

Don’t lol @ love bruh. You too ganxsta? U hardbody like that? Sit yo *** down lol
Hella experience potna. With at risk adolescents.. And now with transition age youth that are homeless. Instead of classrooms I’m in their home where that **** pops off.
But the real work is @ home with my 5 kids cause u gotta take care of yo backyard before you try with the world.

Don’t lol @ love bruh. You too ganxsta? U hardbody like that? Sit yo *** down lol
Boy please. “Love” is your answer. Not structure, not repetition, not addressing possibly sensory issues, not counseling, not modifications, not addition supports, not appropriate accommodations, not parent support, not behavior modification plans, not resource assistance, not academic support, not outside resource assistance...... just LOVE.

LOL sit your *** down

You have NO idea how to do your job
Kid was OD wrong. Teacher was OD wrong. Why anyone would donate to the teacher is beyond me
Cause the teacher is about to get railroaded by the system for something he couldn't control. Pretty sure he didn't want to hit that kid but he had to...out of respect for himself and the people who endured alot from the use of that word...

Do I use the word ? Yeah, do I say it out loud in public? Nah, my vernacular is too wavy for those antics... some kids just don't have respect and need to be punched in the mouth...
Boy please. “Love” is your answer. Not structure, not repetition, not addressing possibly sensory issues, not counseling, not modifications, not addition supports, not appropriate accommodations, not parent support, not behavior modification plans, not resource assistance, not academic support, not outside resource assistance...... just LOVE.

LOL sit your *** down

You have NO idea how to do your job

Everything you mentioned sounds like showing love to me. Just sayin.
Everything you mentioned sounds like showing love to me. Just sayin.
I knew that would be the fall back, and I’m sure his idiot *** will back peddle as hard as possible, but no. “Just love then or you’re too gangster” ....... :rofl: dumbest **** I’ve heard in a while
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How do y'all feel about paddling in school?
Like hitting with a wooden paddle? I don't have any kids but this is a no no to me.
Tell the parents what happened and let the parents handle whatever disciplinary action. At least until middle to high school. Then they can hand out detention or in school suspensions depending on the issue imo.
Boy please. “Love” is your answer. Not structure, not repetition, not addressing possibly sensory issues, not counseling, not modifications, not addition supports, not appropriate accommodations, not parent support, not behavior modification plans, not resource assistance, not academic support, not outside resource assistance...... just LOVE.

LOL sit your *** down

You have NO idea how to do your job
All of that starts with love though. And a fraud like you could never stand in my shoes and do what I do. Real recognize real. All my ex clients show love at days end. Even the ones I had to **** up and put hands on.
Don’t nobody wanna listen to a robot *** square like u. You have any success with parent support or even behavior modification without showing empathy?
Cause the teacher is about to get railroaded by the system for something he couldn't control. Pretty sure he didn't want to hit that kid but he had to...out of respect for himself and the people who endured alot from the use of that word...

Do I use the word ? Yeah, do I say it out loud in public? Nah, my vernacular is too wavy for those antics... some kids just don't have respect and need to be punched in the mouth...

What are you taking about..... he had no choice? Cmon bro. He had choices and took his sweet time to decide that hes 64 and was ready to give his career up. He’s a man not a toddler
Get. In. That. Bag.

I am biased, I worked two years at a juvenile facility, guess how it ended. :D

That job definitely changed me. I would never take a job like that again.

He should have let "lil tripleXred69" swing first though.

I worked in one too. And I would never do it again, although I miss some of the kids and am thankful for the experience.

I never placed hands even after being bit and spit at.

However....say we were playing hoops with the kids and one of them went up for a layup, I would swat that m******n ball so hard it would knock ceiling tiles out.

Or we played dodgeball I would be throwing Aroldis Chapman frozen ropes at kids faces on some "hey it's part of the game" tip.

Had to find little subtle passive ways to get back at the kids without showing malice.
I knew that would be the fall back, and I’m sure his idiot *** will back peddle as hard as possible, but no. “Just love then or you’re too gangster” ....... :rofl: dumbest **** I’ve heard in a while
Cats like you in the social services field is what’s ******* up the program. You are my colleague though and I can’t be mad @ you. All I’m saying is to do your job with pure sincerity with helping these kids out.
My boy works in a corrections center for juveniles and he tells me stories from time to time about them bad *** kids that get out of pocket

They have to break up fights between kids all the time and sometimes the kids try to jump the correction officers.

A ton of kids under 18. Some of the same kids that could be in these high schools, just haven’t been charged with a crime yet. Same mentality, same smart mouth, just a cleaner record waiting for their chance to **** up.

I live in MA so it wasn't referred to as corrections, but a "treatment facility." Essentially the same thing though. Locked everything. Cuffs/shackles. Fortunately I didn't have to wear uniform and was viewed as more of a counselor that could actually help kids and build positive relationships.

It's rewarding as hell to get a kid from a bleak background of neglect, abuse, gang involvement, prostitution, watching them learn something as simple as how to multiply.

75-80% of them get swallowed up by the adult system though
Teacher should’ve only reacted if the TEEN hit him first. That’s when you reprimand and fisticuffs.

The elder is suppose to have more maturity. Once he hit the kid, it was curtains. Long as the kid didn’t touch him first, but anything after, he failed.

He’s suppose to stand his ground UNLESS he was assaulted first. Not suppose to let the words of the kid provoke him IMO
Lil dude talk like that in the streets the same thing or worse gonna happen. Taught that lil disrespectful loser a lesson. Let me gon donate to a American hero.

Kid was humiliated. I’d be on egg shells around him. He’s going to be looking for a reason to redeem himself and he can’t do it physically.
i like that he whooped that boy's *** but i don't feel sorry for him getting fired either
teacher is weak af did he not knock out that 60lb pre-pubescent teen?
i like that he whooped that boy's *** but i don't feel sorry for him getting fired either
teacher is weak af did he not knock out that 60lb pre-pubescent teen?
Bro teacher is 64. I said the same thing at first but once I found out he was that old I was impressed
All of that starts with love though. And a fraud like you could never stand in my shoes and do what I do. Real recognize real. All my ex clients show love at days end. Even the ones I had to **** up and put hands on.
Don’t nobody wanna listen to a robot *** square like u. You have any success with parent support or even behavior modification without showing empathy?
Stop the backpeddle. Its embarrassing to watch
Stop the backpeddle. Its embarrassing to watch
You talk a hard line on NT bout racism and things that effect our social structure. What do you do for a living? Or do you do anything in life to help contribute to society besides womp womp online.
Had to find little subtle passive ways to get back at the kids without showing malice.

LMAO I did this with video games, other staff had to tell me to chill in fighting games.:lol:
When the Parents visit :sick:.

At this program kids could do extra chores to earn money. This one kid saved up enough money to get "Beats by Dre" (solo model).
So instead of waiting for a supervised trip to the mall, the young boy tries to kill two birds with one stone by seeing his Mother during a visit and asking her to buy the headphones with the money he earned.

His Mother was an addict, with missing teeth and the remaining rotted.
Mom dukes came back to the center with a happy face and gave him a pair of what I call: "Beets", purple headphones from Walmart fam.
Kids and Staff members alike felt bad for him smh, the sight of him tryin to jam to them, his face said it all.....joints weren't Beats.
Teacher my ***. Homie prolly one of these “plants” that go online and stir the pot. Prob resides in Russia
You’ve YET to contribute anything on THIS topic you claim to be an expert at. Then I throw out actually useful and proven information and you attempt to scurry your way out with some BS. It’s sad little dude.
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