Student fighting a teacher.

A non-AA calling a 64 year old man, who has probably seen some things in his life, the N word, and we're supposed to let THAT slide? Naw.

I hate...hate...HATE that there are levels to the supposed meaning behind the slur. He's lucky that dude was 64 and not 24...throw that word around the wrong folks and let's see if he has that same energy.
A non-AA calling a 64 year old man, who has probably seen some things in his life, the N word, and we're supposed to let THAT slide? Naw.

I hate...hate...HATE that there are levels to the supposed meaning behind the slur. He's lucky that dude was 64 and not 24...throw that word around the wrong folks and let's see if he has that same energy.
Right? Homie was alive to see that word get used while families were hung on trees. **** all that. If anything teacher could plead PTSD. Heard the word that ended lives and reacted
Who and how anything is said has no control on how the other side has to take it. That’s the point
I didn't disagree with that point, nor did I suggest the teacher should've interpreted the N word in any other way. The kid could've replaced the N word with "sir" and the rest of his words/actions were still disrespectful and hostile.
I don't think the kid used the N word in a racist way, but he was still out of line.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing because kids do use that **** as a slur while ignoring the implications behind it. I thought the kid was black at first myself but either way, his vocabulary and tone was completely unacceptable to a man of that age. I've never heard of any black youth who would use "*****" in regular conversation with an elder let alone someone who doesnt identify as African American, especially someone who probably was around when the word meant something entirely different in public
I didn't disagree with that point, nor did I suggest the teacher should've interpreted the N word in any other way. The kid could've replaced the N word with "sir" and the rest of his words/actions were still disrespectful and hostile.
Yes and that’s all besides the point. “How you meant it” is now grounds for what it means/is. How someone “means it” actually has the least implications to the reality of the situation
I've never heard of any black youth who would use "*****" in regular conversation with an elder let alone someone who doesnt identify as African American

Completely opposite from my experience when i grew up in NYC public schools. Where are you from?
Completely opposite from my experience when i grew up in NYC public schools. Where are you from?
Born and raised in Baltimore, speaking that word around teachers who were African American would normally get you a lecture as a child on the history of it. When Sharpton had that faux funeral for it he half the staff at my high school was jumping for joy in terms of people who were 40 and up
Holy crap. Go fund me for the teacher at 133,000
I honestly Thought that kid was black/mixed ? One of his black friends should of been handed him the fade for throwing ***** around like that regularly.
Everyone loses in that video. shows you how we in society are failing. At days end it’s about our future, the kids. Teacher failed. Been in the same position where I had to put hands on a lil fool for talking wreckless @ work except no vid and we squashed it out right then and there and even made lil homie a pb&j sandwich. Gotta control your emotions. Everything’s immediate for kids nowadays unlike when we grew up where we had to delay.

And for real for real.....
there is NO going back to the good old days.
Kid was OD wrong. Teacher was OD wrong. Why anyone would donate to the teacher is beyond me
I honestly Thought that kid was black/mixed ? One of his black friends should of been handed him the fade for throwing ***** around like that regularly.

For my black nt'ers.. how do yall feel when a black person acknowledges a non black person with the word?

Thats probably the case with this kid, having his black friends acknowledging him that way on the regular makes him feel that its a norm.
For my black nt'ers.. how do yall feel when a black person acknowledges a non black person with the word?

Thats probably the case with this kid, having his black friends acknowledging him that way on the regular makes him feel that its a norm.
Man this is a whole other topic that has been beat to death multiple times :lol:
Tell him the Magic way to fix a kid that will punch you in the face backed by parents who don’t give a ****. “All he needs is love”?
There is no magic way. And yes love is the mf answer. You should try it. Or you too tough sauce for it?
The fact that the teacher stood there and took the verbal abuse, and deliberated, and deliberated, and deliberated.... mans was looking at all the cell phones recording and knew exactly what choice he was making. It wasn’t a reaction. For me the teacher gets no pass and should never work around youth again....dude doesn’t deserve any charity in my opinion.
The fact that the teacher stood there and took the verbal abuse, and deliberated, and deliberated, and deliberated.... mans was looking at all the cell phones recording and knew exactly what choice he was making. It wasn’t a reaction. For me the teacher gets no pass and should never work around youth again....dude doesn’t deserve any charity in my opinion.
Oh yes, again, he handled it all wrong but I have no problem with him handling it.
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