Student fighting a teacher.

The teacher underestimated the student and thought a sneak attack would put her down. But the student had the power of youth on her side and took off the restraints word to Rock Lee
That teacher knew she was gonna get her asz whooped, that's why she skirted off. The student was clearly taller and bigger than her. It was the silver jacket giving putting her in restraints from moving her hands to throw punches back. But once she took off the jacket, it was on like dragon fly Jones vs Kenji....
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also forreal people on Twitter are ******ed. A student brushing you doesn’t give you the right to tear *** and attack them. First off from the backstory the teacher did a poor job of de-escalating the situation and the let it get to the point where she was angry enough to beat down a student over a slight brush. You tell the student we will talk about the grade after class and if she contintues you send her to the principals office.

like if you feel any provocation begets retaliation don’t be a teacher
Teacher snapped over very little...She must had that rage building for a min or shorty personal life ain’t going too well and it boiled over

Either way don’t need teachers that act like that, alotta self control and restraint is part of the job

Yo that student was out of line.

The teacher didn't even hit her she walked by her and the student said she hit her and started wailing on her.

Call a spade a spade man that student was troublesome and acting out and took it to the next level.

I'm not condoning what the teacher did she lost her cool but it would be hard for anyone to keep their cool in that situation after being assaulted.

Teacher got bumped da way people bump eachother on da train passing...not worth throwing your career away over.
Teacher got bumped da way people bump eachother on da train passing...not worth throwing your career away over.

she probably intentionally did that.
Teenagers are something else. What fight y’all watching? The only fight I’ve seen shows how strong that little teacher was she damn near body slammed her. And she looked like a big girl. The kid should get assault charges. But that’s my opinion. She knew what she was doing

she probably intentionally did that.
Teenagers are something else. What fight y’all watching? The only fight I’ve seen shows how strong that little teacher was she damn near body slammed her. And she looked like a big girl. The kid should get assault charges. But that’s my opinion. She knew what she was doing

Thank you. Shove me and step on my foot? Cool, here's that same energy.
The student coming back and getting her hits in not impressive, its called weight people.

In all of these videos that I have seen posted on NT, the student hits first then no matter what happens after, it's "the Teachers fault".

She wasn't playing with her. You got your grade, take it and go. When the teacher hit her, she was shocked. Because she thought she could get that footstep and shove off.

Don't assault someone if you don't want to be assaulted. Plain and simple.
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she probably intentionally did that.
Teenagers are something else. What fight y’all watching? The only fight I’ve seen shows how strong that little teacher was she damn near body slammed her. And she looked like a big girl. The kid should get assault charges. But that’s my opinion. She knew what she was doing
Thank you. Shove me and step on my foot? Cool, here's that same energy.
The student coming back and getting her hits in not impressive, its called weight people.

In all of these videos that I have seen posted on NT, the student hits first then no matter what happens after, it's "the Teachers fault".

She wasn't playing with her. You got your grade, take it and go. When the teacher hit her, she was shocked. Because she thought she could get that footstep and shove off.

Don't assault someone if you don't want to be assaulted. Plain and simple.

Yall are ******* delusional. :lol:
If the shorter female is the teacher then she is waaaayy out of line and deserves to be arrested. If the taller female is the teacher, then she got washed up.
Did you read the full story and the background info?

Supposedly the student has been plucking the nerves of the teacher. Man, a teacher is a human being just like the child is. A human being can only take SO much from anybody. It is what it is man.
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RE: Largo

Supposedly the student has been plucking the nerves of the teacher. Man, a teacher is a human being just like the child is. A human being can only take SO much from anybody. It is what it is man.
Have you ever had a student antagonize you to the point of infuriation?
Did you read the full story and the background info?

Supposedly the student has been plucking the nerves of the teacher. Man, a teacher is a human being just like the child is. A human being can only take SO much from anybody. It is what it is man.
She should’ve called security for the disturbance and escorted out of class for that. But she didn’t she let a little girl get the best of her and now she’s out of job and probably won’t teach anymore cause of the child abuse charges.
A lawyer for Noirie says the teacher has been assaulted by students three times this semester at the high school.

After investigating, police say the 17-year-old female student approached Noirie at approximately 10:25 a.m. The student was reportedly was upset with Noirie for contacting the student's parents the night before.

During that encounter, the student admits to stepping on the teacher's foot and bumping into the teacher with her shoulder. The teacher then repeatedly struck the student. School employees quickly stepped in and separated the teacher and student.

Once they were separated, the student grabbed the teacher from behind and repeatedly struck her before once again being separated.
She should’ve called security for the disturbance and escorted out of class for that. But she didn’t she let a little girl get the best of her and now she’s out of job and probably won’t teach anymore cause of the child abuse charges.

She called for backup before the situation happened.

She also called for an ADMIN to remove the child from her class because the child had been "Bullying" her for some time now.
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